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Yes, need details to be of any help
i don't need help..i'll figure it out..
Man, I can't even express my hatred on Table Views
I've been spending the past week trying to implement a editable table view with Core Data
How about using NSFetchedResultsController?
It makes Core Data and table views play nicely
That's what I've been trying to use, but I get some error or the other, so now I'm trying to implement as carefully as possible. First time using Core Data
I've been using it since the beginning of the year
I do remember it being tough at first
Yeah...I'm hoping that spending time on this will make other projects with Core Data easier. What else would you use Core Data for other then Table View's?
well, I use it to serialize the state of the application
In my app the user can add various notes and highlights (like iBook)
Forgot about that
those need to be saved to disk
did you see this tutorial? raywenderlich.com/999/…
Yeah, and then went to the next part about editing/adding items. Didn't really help toooo much, but did help me get an understanding. What's the real difference between a UITableViewController and a UITableView? Aren't they pretty much the same thing, except one's in an UIViewController?
I dislike UITableViewController
I never use it...
It's a UIViewController that only contains a UITableView
It also acts as the delegate and data source
So it's not flexible and you can do everything it does in 5 minutes on a normal UIViewController
Thanks, I really don't know why people have a UITableViewController unless they have a lot of data
UITableView is the actual thing that displays the table
I never need a table and nothing else....it's always a table and some buttons above it, etc....but I guess now that you can have child controllers and what not, perhaps I should learn how to use them properly
Maybe...Right now the purpose of My Table View is to add Custom Locations to a weather app
that's a fine use of a table view
keep trying with the results controller
all you need to do is make changes to the context and save it
then the table view will update automatically
(if you implemented the delegate methods)
Dont worry, I'll keep trying :P Slowly getting the hang of it
yep, learn new stuff every day
So, what are you working on?
I'm making a dozen similar projects....and when I make the latest one I always think "Why didn't I do the last one like this?!"
I'm in charge of a long term project for my company involving iPad textbooks
all yesterday I was working on just one thing....
making an interactive ruler for the math textbook
scale it rotate it position it, then trace along the edge to draw a line
ok..problem ..[[NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc]initForReadingWithData:data] doesn't work -.-
haha, everyone has the same thoughts. Interesting, and the ruler sounds pretty damn awesome! If only I had stuff like that when I was in school
no idea
it even has accurate centimeters
I learned one centimeter is 52 pts
Did you do Guess and Check to figure that out?
haha nah
that stuff is documented
iPad specs :)
lol good thing it is
but not a hard calculation
wow I'm an idiot
even if it wasnt
@Abizern you still here? ^^
brb making sure that code is working
number of pixels over inches of screen
over 2.54
@skytz sure it does!! :)
it's null
there is data.. but the unarchiver is null
Well where is the data coming from?
i make it
How did you make it?
Would anyone know how to create an UINavigationBar Programatically?
well i have 4 arrays filled with 0
firsth time i run the app
then i modify those
NSArray ?
And you call NSKeyedArchiver on that?
if that matters
The objects inside all conform to NSCoding?
they're all NSNumbers
they should
this is how i init 1st time
looks good to me
i know
what about unarchiving?
w8 a sec
i read from file twice because i wanted to check if the problem was when i copied the data
ignore that
You say it is nil?
The actual NSKeyedUnarchiver?
It should throw an exception if it is unable to read it
when i use unarchiveobjectwithfile ..its null
in this form it doesn.t reach "dffd log"
it just gets stuck
You can't use that function
because you have no root object
anyway..it gets stuck like this
Still here.
stuck....you mean the whole app hangs?
it just doesn't reach the log
the other selectors work
Does it reach the data log?
so it's not frozen
Well it can't just skip lines of code lol ><
it doesn't skip
everything after unarchiver doesn't get called
Yeah, but that's the same function
it's like unarchiver called return
yeah...which is odd....
Try stepping through that part to see what's going on
i have absolutely no idea what to do..every tutorial says it's right
i could do one thing.. add the arrays into a dictionary
and use unarchiveobjectwithfile
Yes, that's an option
By any chance...is this code inside a block?
or on another thread?
method..main thread
I suggest putting a breakpoint there and messing around with stepping
yea..i don't know how to do that
oh, it's simple :D
Hi guys, does anyone have any experience using the Reachability sample app?
just push to the left of any line of code in xcode
@breadbin i do
and a little blue arrow comes out
i know how to add breakpoints
that's a breakpoint
i dont know how to step
i mean..debugging using..
steps to the next line
F7 steps inside the function
hi @skytz, I was wondering if you could clear something up for me: does reachability actively perform a scan of available wireless networks, or just use data from the most recent scan?
F8 goes out to the calling function
@breadbin as far as i know it scans the wireless network that device is connected to
and/or cellular network( if you set it)
hi guys ,can anybody help me finding the solution
but only once..when you call it..not at an interval
right, so you believe that if you were to call it at an interval, you'd be scanning at an interval that you can specify?
gotta get outta here....it's late ><
@breadbin yes
ok, thanks @skytz :)
good luck @all
when i make my application minimized and then maximized status bar comes in front of my navigation bar
Try putting: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationFade];
in your app delegate when Application comes into Foreground
Did it work?
it workss!!!! sort of...
@Terminator Hi Aaeen Good Evening
do updates get reviewed faster?
Nope, Same time for the first launch and also the updates
well this sux
I have Sent update to my app on July 2nd, till now its status is review
i send on 10th
and yday was approved
4 of them
you are lucky
not so much
hii @all
i had a problem with one of them..and the reviewer pointed it out..now i have to resubmit all of them :\
and can't release the apps already approved cuz if i do the "patch won't work"
you need a clean install
@sreecharan @iProgrammer i need your suggestion/help - is it posible to give grayscale effect in video..any thirdparty library or any other stuff?
Nope, i donno
@sreecharan oh.k thanks.!
@ruyamonis346 no idea
@iProgrammer ok man.!
@iProgrammer Hi
@Terminator hi
I wrote a fictional drama on @iProgrammer
@Terminator oye
I would like to share it here.
I don't
Yes, please share it
I love fictional drama's, share it
how does this code work? pastebin.com/NwTVGW6V . How or when would lastTimeTargetAdded ever not be 0
Just throwing this in here: Is ther any way to create applications for the Apple TV? Which actually run on the atv, not on an iPad or iPhone which ports the content on the screen?
@owengerig i have no idea..what is that supposed to do?
@LukasKnuth Airplay mirroring should work on Apple TV
@sreecharan but no "real" SDK support?
alot of examples have this. it is called via the scheduler with this call:[self schedule:@selector(gameLogic:) interval:0.2];
it adds the wave of bad guys
@LukasKnuth I can give you a sample Apple TV App, check it
To develops 'apps' for Apple TV2, you will need to build them in a frappliance. It can be done with a Xcode template.
that seems a bit redundant
see how it checks to make sure its not producing the creeps faster then the spawn rate? but like i said i dont see how it works
and ya, thats what I thought redundant and pointless
but there is something we are missing
no it's not
@sreecharan what about atv 3?
@LukasKnuth I haven't tried for it, But let me search for you, hold on
well i mean whenever its not 0 (now - lastTimeTargetAdded >= delegate.curLevel.spawnRate)
ok..so..have your tried doing this w/o the timer thinghy?
nothing is wrong with it. just trying to understand the code
i'd do the same thing another way..
i'd check how many mobs are on the screen..and then use a switch to spawn more..or something
@LukasKnuth But a real SDK is not available yet, i am still waiting for it
also you can vary the interval of the selector
kay. thanks for checking.
As you know, writting apps for the Apple TV is not currently allowed by Apple. But, the iPad and current iPhones/iPods have a TV output so you can develop special app and use them instead.

With the iPad 3 (and may beiPhone 5) you will also have the TV output for every app (in screen copy) so you can also use that. And this will be easier and more documented than trying to develop on a jaibroken non suported device.
@owengerig i think i get what it's trying to do
so you get the time..you get the spawn rate
actually i think the if is always true
because of static double lastTimeTargetAdded =0;
actually..nvm..i have no idea..
something seems wrong tho
because its OR so both options wont be evaluated if the first is true
yea..and lasttime thing is 0
and why even do lastTimeTargetAdded = now; if it will be assigned 0 next time it is called
so what's the point of the if?
i get what it's trying to do..but you can have the same effect with a lot less code and memory usage
seems to me like it wouldnt do what its suppose to do. Meaning it would spawn a creep regardless of its spawn rate and regardless of amount of time past
[self schedule:@selector(gameLogic:) interval:0.2];
also this is wrong
you don't need the ccTime thing
cuz you already set the interval
@skytz hello
@skytz need your help
@NikhilBansal hi
well say
@skytz can u tell me how to update any entity attribute in core data?
i don't know
@skytz oh oh
@skytz its ok i have one more question
@skytz can u tell me about auto sleep feature of iPhone?
ok bye
1 hour later…
Does any body has seen this memory error? GuardMalloc[Lightstreamer StockList-5123]: Failed to VM allocate 2097152 bytes
GuardMalloc[Lightstreamer StockList-5123]: Explicitly trapping into debugger!!!
hi guys can some one help me about this issue.. stackoverflow.com/questions/11566177/…
guys is it hard to implement in app purchases ?
2 hours later…
Have a question on setting background image on navigation bars using the appearance method. This changes any navigation bars in mail composer view controller as well, but I was thinking that was not allowed. any thoughts on if using that method is allowed?

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