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@Abizern arrays will also disappear but is it true with setting them to nil as well? memory management issue
@Abizern i dont have any idea how to create multiple tab for view controller
Hello @zing
@Harish You don't create tabs - you add view controllers to the tab bar controller.
@mann ARC?
@Abizern so how to add dynamic view controller to tabcontroller
@sreecharan hi, what is the standard height for navigation ,toolbar,tabbar to set background image ?
I m having image larger than 100 pixel in height .. so can I set it as background for those ??
@Abizern i am doing like this for(int i = 0; i<[tabview count];i++)
@Harish Again - I don't understand what the problem is. You create an array of view controllers and add them to the tab bar controller.
@zing Tab bar - 49 Navigation and tool bars - 44
@anonymous tx :)
@0x8badf00d Bhayya, 15 rojulu off maaku. India ki veltunna :)
@sreecharan ok ,,, Then I hv to make an image of height 44 & 49 or Can I set the image of height 100 ?? means is there any way to fit the image for both of these ?
@sreecharan Nice.. Have fun :)
@Abizern ok thanks
I got it@Abizern thanks to give ur suggestion
@Abizern earlier today you told me something was wrong with my drawRect function
but I searched the documentation of the UIView
and I'm still convinced I should use the drawRect function
to 'make up my view'
what's wrong in that 'idea'
@Spyral Are you getting a compiler error in Xcode? Are you using Xcode 4.4?
I'm using the latest xcode
and not getting a compiler error
@Spyral what does the header file for your view look like
nor a warning
@zing Images cant be scaled in Tab bar items and in the case of the background images for Navigation bar and tool bar, you can even use retina images
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface RadarView : UIView
@Leena, hi waht up?
hi @iHungry
doin time pass
wow grt8
hw are ishita
Okay. The trouble is that you've implemented a drawRect method. Which is not the same as a drawRect:(CGRect)dirtyRect method
@Leena, u open new chat room ???
owh oO
Your implementing a method of UIView - so you need to implement the exact method - not something that sounds like it.
dnt casually chat here @iHungry
no @iHungry
ok. And what does the 'dirtyRect' stand for?
@Spyral It's a parameter that is passed to the method to show what rectangle needs to be updated. If your drawing is complicated - you can use this to decide what needs to be redrawn.
I mean in the code I'm currently using, I wouldn' tuse that
@Spyral No. But it's still part of the message signature.
JEEEEEJ :D I got a circle!
Thanks :p
It has become dirty, so it needs to be redrawn.
Just wondering, using this way of drawing a view, will it be 'easy' to make something like a 'clock' where I will be putting dynamicly created buttons on which when tapped open something like an annotation on the mapkit?
and since I still want the viewcontroller where I put this view over to be able to control it
Is this the right way to implement it? (I made the view in storyboard, positioned it and put the class as RadarView)
but because I really want my RadarViewController (so the controller of the bigger view) toe be able to easily communicate with it
isn't it better practice to make an instance of the class in the ViewIsLoaded of the radarviewcontroller?
(or maybe somewhere else, I'm still pretty foggy about where to best do stuff like that
In btween in Android room:
in Android, 1 min ago, by Graeme
Fact: "Apple has been told to issue a public announcement in various mediums refuting their previous claim that Samsung copied their designs"
News: "Apple are being forced to advertise Samsung products"
@Terminator I have 1 question
Can we have full screen view for first screen then splitview for iPad?
@Terminator I have one tableview class with 3 tab bar button that connecte to navigation class ,I added all these 3 buttons via interface builder from storybord xcode, my question is how can I connect my tab bar items to another views? since my table view has navigation controller?
@sreecharan They're not forced to advertise samsung products btw, but to advertise that samsung didn't copy the ipad design
Snacks break. Brb after 30 minutes
Anyway :p anyone wanting to answer my question ^^= D
@Spyral Cold war between Samsung and Apple
btw I like the new Samsung Refrigerator, not the phone
I like microsoft = D (most people will probably hate me now ^^please don't stop helping me :p )
Does stackoverflow chat work on IE ? Strange.
@0x8badf00d why not?
By microsoft I mainly mean Windows btw : ).. I'm working on an apple mini for a project right now, my first OSX experience ever..
Not saying I see what all the appleuser's buzz is about, I really don't feel that 'comfy' using osx =/
having split view :p
good afternoon @skytz :p
@skytz Its almost 4:00 PM , is it Morning for you ?
for me is always morning when i wake up
@Spyral This is the only way to draw a view
@Spyral The view controller owns the view. When you are sticking your custom view on the storyboard you are adding it as a subview of the view controller's view. Have a look at the connections.
@Spyral All you need to do is to add a reference to your custom view to your view controller.
K. So what I said.. Let's say I have an array fo 'events' (which have properties title and ID) I'd use a for loop to loop through the events and just 'generate' a UIButton and add that to the subview? and give the button an identifier corresponding to the ID of the event (or something like that?) to be able to tell which event is linked to it?
and for the function that handles button presses to know what it has to do?
do i have to implement NSCoding to use NSArchiver ?
@Spyral Not really.
i have a lil security problem that apple's reviewer pointed out:)
Meuh -.- (feels such a noob)
Mind to help me? =/
Create your array of events, create your buttons and add them to the subview. When you create the buttons - you give it a target and an action. The easiest thing to do is to use a single action that uses the value of the sender parameter to decide what to do.
@iApple @NinjaTurtle @Abizern hello dou know about AdMob it is payed or free ??
How to detect contact number from html file loaded in webview in ipad?
@Nikki it's free
@Nikki : free
@skytz have u used it ??
in all my games
its super easy
@skytz but i am using it in phonegap aaplication
@Abizern 'create your buttons' also programaticly I presume? (can't do it staticly in the storyboard ofcourse) I already have a global variable that corresponds to the events. 'the value of the sender parameter', that would be the target? which could be the event id?
@skytz pls tell me how to get pblisher id
@Spyral It depends - you can still use a xib for your UI, but overkill for something like a UIButton.
@sreecharan How to detect contact number from html file loaded in webview in ipad?
@skytz you don't know about phonegap ??
it's in your admob account >your game>manage settings
@iApple Just go to IB detections and check mark numbers there
if you don't use mediation...if you use ..account> your game> mediation
The 'big picture' will be a 'circle' with buttons in that correspond to the events. And when clock display an 'annotation' with a button in to go the the detailview of that event (which is already made)
and under the circle, so in the parentview, some controls to control the circle, for example how many 'eventbuttons' are shown
@sreecharan : I checked phone numbers and even links in webview,but when i tap on link,i get popover giving options,"Add to contact" and "Copy"
@skytz how to register my app on admob.com
new app...
@skytz yes admob.com
@skytz when i am register then it is asking payement detail
sites & apps> add app/site
how is this hard?
@iApple Check mark only phone numbers
well add them
@Nikki It needs your bank account to know where to put the money you earn.
you can use your paypal account
@sreecharan : I even tried with only phone number,but webview delegate method not called for ipad
@iApple Have you set the delegate?
@skytz can i use any dummy paypal account ??
@iApple Is userinteraction enabled? Multiple touch enabled?
In an application, can we have an upload button to upload files?
@Nikki well it's better to use yours..but yes..you can use any
I think there is a glitch in coco iphone framework. Lets say I have multiple uiviews for a uiview controller. I assign a button with tag 1 on one uiview and i assign a button with tag 1 on another uiview. When I try to target the second button by the tag 1, it doesnt respond. It only responds with the button with tag 1 on the first uiview.
@skytz ok
@cnu I think for uploading files, normally people use upload button only
@JohnMerlino That isn't a glitch - that's using tags incorrectly.
hahaha.... how to upload files...we can't access filesystem kada... any solutions?
which type of files do you want to upload?
@skytz thanks
@Abizern incorrectly?
doc,docx,jpg etc
well, let me find a way for you, hold on
pdf too
@JohnMerlino Using tags to identify view elements is mostly a mistake. You use tags when you can't have references to objects, but in your case you have a view controller and views. You don't need tags, you just need references.
help please :: I have one tableview class with 3 tab bar button that connecte to navigation class ,I added all these 3 buttons via interface builder from storybord xcode, my question is how can I connect my tab bar items to another views? since my table view has navigation controller?
I am back.
@Abizern so then how would I target a particular button on a particular uiview? Lets say I have 3 buttons. How would I target first one, if not by tag?
@sreecharan : Yeah everything is perfect,just its not working on ipad but works on iphone
I think your iPad dont have a provision to call
@JohnMerlino with a property.
tags are for pussies
@Terminator buffalo have you eating chips ?:P
@skytz hello
@sreecharan : Yeah thats true,but i am not even getting the link that i can have on tap.
@Nikki yes?
@Abizern you mean to create a custom property for the uiview and set the button as a value to it?
About a month ago I was thinking there is a glitch in NSNotificationCenter with blocks, removeObserver didn't work. I spent so many hours figuring out why it wouldn't work. @Terminator Helped me figure out why.
@dark It should be "buffalo are you eating chips?"
i agree that tags looked shady
@0x8badf00d how r u....
@skytz have use it for phonegap ??
but I see tutorials using it, so i thought it was proper
@Nikki no
long time we see @0x8badf00d
@RKK Good. Thanks. How are you ?
@skytz ok
@justin Check this
@0x8badf00d yeah i'm good.
@JohnMerlino Let me guess - Ray Wenderlich?
what happend you. u r mostly not come here... @0x8badf00d
@Abizern Excellent guess
@0x8badf00d Now you owe her a pizza
@sreecharan lolz :) you got it :D
@RKK I was busy with office work and other work permit issues.
@Abizern lolz i think you are a big fan of Ray Wenderlich lolz
@skytz now i am implement it if i have any question then ask to you thanks :)
@JohnMerlino Nope, the view controller which creates the buttons just needs to hold a reference.
@all hello..
@0x8badf00d Yes, i remember that too. You owe me chocolates :D
@Terminator Or Pizza ?
@sreecharan I know this,but my problem is: I have navigation controller that connected to the table view in table view I added tabar items but when I want to connect my tab bar items to the other view it doesn't work
Both !
I've decided that -[NSNotificationCenter addObserver...usingBlock:] is not my friend.
@sreecharan got any solution?
@0x8badf00d ok ok. now i'm in .net platform for 1 project issue. so i came to .net. again i come iphone after few days.
@sreecharan @dark I had mango juice.
Now I need to have Turkish Coffee
Anybody know " How to add events to the icloud's calendar ? " like we add events in iPhone's calendar.
OR it will automatically sync with iCloud ?
@Maulik If you have added event to calendar and if the user has already switched ON calenders in iCloud menu in settings, then that event will be automatically synced
@sreecharan: ya that I know
@Maulik Add it to the calendar. If the user is using iCloud for syncing you don't need to do anything else.
You cant control the iCloud accounts of people
@Maulik Then why weren't you clearer in your question. What do you want to know?
Has anyone here downloaded WWDC 2004 session videos
2004 ?
@skytz hello i have implement it but no any add banner will come
Modern Networking using CFNetwork, yeah..
@Abizern: I just need to know that is it possible to add events to iCloud's cal by the code
@0x8badf00d NO bhayya, i have videos from 2008
as we can store core data or file
@Maulik Nope.
WWDC sessions from 2004–2008 are available on iTunes U. http://img.ly/knDB https://developer.apple.com/itunes
@Abizern @sreecharan : thanks for answers....
@Maulik When you store Core Data or files they are stored under your application's identifier. You can't control the iCloud storage of calendar. EventKit lets you talk to calendar, but the calendar app manages itself. Along with the iCloud storage and sharing and other stuff.
@skytz hello
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@Abizern: ok got it
@Abizern I added a couple of reference properties:
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *fenceButtton;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *dynamicFence;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *immobilizerFence;
But I am not sure how to call them on the uiview?
it makes sense that i cannot access, afrer all those properties were not added to the uiview class itself
so I am not sure what you mean when you said the references are already added
@JohnMerlino You don't set them up and IBOutlets unless you hook them up with IB, if you are creating them objects and adding them from the view controller, you can add them as they are created.
Hello . is any one know about prompt location service setting screen from the application.
i am using this code [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"prefs:root=LOCATION_SERVICES"]]; and its working fine in simulator but not working in device.
@Abizern @Leena do you know about this?
@Terminator :(
@iProgrammer kya hua
@iProgrammer @Terminator can u please look at my que.?
@Kartik Is that a hack or ... ?
@Kartik: what is the OS in your device and simulator you are trying?
@Kartik: as per this link stackoverflow.com/questions/7843317/… it is not working anymore for 5.0+
@Terminator headache
@Terminator nope its original .
@Armaan i am using 5.1.1 in device and in simulator 5.0
@Kartik Sorry, Dunno. Never done that.
@Terminator tumhari problem solve hui?
@Terminator Hello :)
@Kartik no idea
and they still feel all so wasted on myself, promises!
@iProgrammer Yes. It was a bug in Open Flow API.
@VidyaMurthy aaeen wassa
@Terminator @Leena @Armaan ok Thanx.
@Terminator Just came back from snacks break.
Hi guys
I'm not an iOS developer but currently looking into a couple of things for work
@Terminator ok
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to explicitly scan for available wireless networks?
can you plz tell me how to lock statusbar orientation?
I am going home. See you after 2 hours.
Not sure it's particularly polite to start tagging people in the room to ask them questions, when you've never spoken to them before...
@breadbin ok
@breadbin - You want to stay your iPhone orientation ?
oh sorry @breadbin
this was for @HelpMeToHelpYou
helpppp please I have one tableview class with 3 tab bar button that connecte to navigation class ,I added all these 3 buttons via interface builder from storybord xcode, my question is how can I connect my tab bar items to another views? since my table view has navigation controller?
@justin Your question doesn't make a lot of sense, possibly because your code doesn't make a lot of sense. You might have a tab bar controller that manages several view controllers, one of which could be a nav controller that contains a view controller that manages a table. But having a "tableview class with 3 tab bar button that connects to navigation class" seems quite backward.
@justin If you set your project up correctly, there will be no need to connect the tab bar buttons to anything -- the tab bar controller will manage the buttons for you.
NSKeyedArchiver is a huge pain in the ass
posted on July 19, 2012 by Johann

Previously I mentioned the open source OCCalendar calendar component that provides a UIPopover style calendar with selectable dates. Today I came across a new open source component  inspired by OCCalendar that adds in a number of new features including the ability to select dates from multiple months. Here’s an image from the Readme showing PMCalendar in [...]

Hey! Can I ask a quick question?
you just did
lol here it is. What's wrong with this line of code: [arr removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[context deleteObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPath]];
[tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
arr is an array and context is an NSManagedContext. I'm trying to delete a row out of a table view using core data
never worked with table views:)
haha, it's alright. They're the BIGGEST Pain in the a**
I think you can find bigger pains if you try ^^
what do you expect to happen and what is actually happening?
True, true
@borrrden are you talking with me?
I expect the data to be gone from Core Data, but it still stays there when I reload the table view and sometimes I get this error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'An NSManagedObjectContext cannot delete objects in other contexts.'
Do you have more than one context?
NSConcreteMutableData....wth is that?
It is one of the private subclasses of NSData
NSMutableData, rather
Not that I know of
Wait, I have one in my app delegate
That answer makes me nervous lol
is that the one you are using everywhere?
....let me check on that
You only need one context per thread
@skytz Do you know the term "class cluster"?
i have a stupid problem
it reads from archive 1st time..2nd time its stuck in a loop
Yes! I fixed it. Changed this line of code: [context deleteObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexpath] to [context deleteObject:[arr objectAtIndex:0]]; and more details please?

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