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Q: How to update exif of ALAsset without changing the image?

nickchengI use setImageData:metadata:completionBlock: of ALAsset to update the exif(metadata) of an asset. I just want to update the metadata, but this method require an imageData as the first parameter. I use the code below to generate imageData, but it modified my image(I checked the file size and fil...

@sreecharan can you please guide me ?
@iPhoneDeveloper above mentioned please find
@dark bhai mail abi ???
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah working,but not too busy...chalta hain :P
@jordan yes
@iHungry another mac
@srinivas: ok can you show me your code??
@sreecharan i want to do asynchronous xml parsing and reload the tableview as and when data came
@Leena how any idea about UIBezierPath
@iPhoneDeveloper no its impossible for me now
Anyone was familiar with ALAssetLibrary?
@Terminator Did you use both Kal and EventKit for your calendar app?
@VidyaMurthy Yes
@All Any one have idea about UIBezierPath
@iApple: ok... :)
@SJS Whats difficult in it, just reload your table in foundCharacters
@iPhoneDeveloper one button is there, if we press that it has to move to another view but it is getting crashed
@srinivas: then it is tough for me to help..
@dark mail id de?
@iProgrammer I think @DimplePanchal has done that.
@srinivas: you are moving button to another view??what does that mean??
@srinivas, check all element inside the nib is appropriate or not ... or also check all images those are used in nib and code
@iHungry everything i written programaticlly
@srinivas, may be issue coming through it
@srinivas: have you taken your nib afterwards??or when you created that file??
@sreecharan I am parsing from the class object
@iPhoneDeveloper : I am actually checking coz i hvent got any issue yet :P , so can't believe it is going good :D
@iPhoneDeveloper after words i added
@SJS ok
then use delegation
@srinivas, again check ur all images properly is in ur application folder or not
@iPhoneDeveloper it is working fine in simulator 4.0............5.1
@dark ?? id de
@jordan see this in facebook chat :)
@dark wo block ho gaya :D
@jordan copy kar jaldi sy :)
hehheheheh ok
side m dekh
@sreecharan can you help me by giving example ?
@jordan copy kar lya tha :)
@dark aree side m dekh star mssg m aa raha hai hahahahhaha
@jordan nai a rha maray ko nazar :P
@Terminator Can you please send me your code
@iApple: same here..no extraordinary issues today..
@srinivas: so on which simulator are you facing the problem??
@simulator 5.1 only but in another MAC
@VidyaMurthy Now? The mails are blocked here. Let me see if dropbox is working.
@Terminator hi
@Terminator No, you can mail it to me tonight, not a problem..
@iPhoneDeveloper simulator 5.1 only but in another MAC
@srinivas: have you cleaned the code and resetted the simulator settings in 5.1??
@iPhoneDeveloper hi
@SJS DO you want asynchronous XML parser example or Delegation example ?
@VidyaMurthy Great. Please keep some chocolates ready for me in return :D
@iPhoneDeveloper and i have another problem toooo in that simulator....eventhough i didn't give color to the screen background, it displays black color
@Terminator Heeee :D Ya sure.
@VidyaMurthy Okay. I will send the entire code tonight :-)
@rahulraj: hi
@Terminator Cool, thanks :)
@srinivas @iPhoneDeveloper @iHungry Hi.
@srinivas: quit simulator and xcode..then try again...may be something n your program is taking too long to reload..is there any loop??
@iPhoneDeveloper hav u wrked on static library?
@srinu: hi
@rahulraj: sorry..
@all HI
@srinu hi
@iPhoneDeveloper no
@Terminator hi
@srinu, hi
@srinivas: ok try the resetting thing..without knowing your code..i cannot help anymore..
@Vaibhavi, what happen ..... sorry if i talk wrong anything about u
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah ,but soon will be back on VNC... :(
@iPhoneDeveloper, he doesn't listen anything..... leave it
I have one problem in my program.can u give any advices. - (IBAction) buttonPressed:(id)sender
NSLog(@"it works");

DestinationViewController *destinationViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"Destination"];

destinationViewController.title = @"image property";

[self.navigationController pushViewController:destinationViewController animated:YES];

[destinationViewController release];
@iHungry: yes you are right...he did the same thing last time also i guess..
the error is:2012-07-18 12:35:58.648 jsonimage2[521:f803] 5 - fifth activity -http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z328/iElmoTutorials/CrazyEye.png
2012-07-18 12:36:00.729 jsonimage2[521:f803] The button's image is <UIImage: 0x6a72c40>.
2012-07-18 12:36:03.197 jsonimage2[521:f803] it works
2012-07-18 12:36:03.809 jsonimage2[521:f803] 5 - fifth activity -http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z328/iElmoTutorials/CrazyEye.png
2012-07-18 12:36:04.758 jsonimage2[521:f803] The button's image is <UIImage: 0x6a7cb60>.
@iApple: oh...:( dun worry jyada time le k kam work karna..n tell your sups that it is taking a long time..lol
@dark aree hoga chk kr .. m ne hi to star kra tha hehehehehheheh
@srinu sorry no idea ... i haven't knowledge on UIStoryboard
i want to display Image corresponding ID to to next view.
@iHungry Ok.
@hayden, hi .... u r Daina Hyden yeah Matthu Hyaden?
@iPhoneDeveloper : Wo to vaise bhi lag hi raha hain,kuch samaj mein hi nahi aata
@srinivas can you any idea on my problem.
@iApple hi
hav u wrked on static library>?
@NiravLimbasiya : Su kare bhai?
@rahulraj : No i don't know about it .,sorry
is there any who hav wrked on static library?
@rahulraj : But what is it,can you give some idea
@iApple ye
the same one
i just want to know whether it is possible nstime inside static library
@iPhone can you have any idea on my problem?
@sreecharan @Terminator : I got serious problem.. My iPhone was 40% charged and all of a sudden it does not start not even charging.. Legally unlocked in Jan 2011
@anonymous hi
@anonymous do a hardreset
@brush51 Sorry?
@anonymous you are telling that your phone is not charging..right?
@rahulraj : Ohkk
@brush51 Yeah.. No charging not turning on..Its DEAD all of a sudden
@anonymous Press Home and Lock button simultaneously for 5 sec's
your phone will reset it self
@sreecharan Ohh sure?
@Terminator ok
@anonymous try to charge with other cable
@brush51 Ooops do not have other cable.. I have to go to Cousine's home
@jordan main nay delete kar dya tha :)
@anonymous maybe that is your problem, broken cable. can you check with other device ipod or ipad if this cable is working?
@brush51 Actually it had 40% juice
Ok..after 5minutes charging it has turned on... and its showing 33% battery
@brush51 @sreecharan
@srinu: what is the problem?
@iApple: lol..ye to hai..
@anonymous oh ok, then let it charge until 100 percent. after that do a backup and restore your device
@anonymous Is it iPhone 4?
@brush51 Yeah i am planning the same
@sreecharan yeah iPhone 4
i like orange juice ..
i-hungry nw
@iPhone please refer our chat.
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah lets see what happens.... :P..cya after break... :)
Is there a way to upload online files using standard webform file input box
@iHungry and highly possible i need to change it back 'cause boss changed his idea
@jordan email main kuch likh kar to send kar :)
@dark Hi
@iPhoneDeveloper Hi
@BertieLiu Hi
@ToughGuy hello
@dark hope you are doing great. I'm stuck in a problem and can't figure out where to head on
@ToughGuy yes tell
@ToughGuy Don't ask if you can ask a question - just ask the question. You don't need to direct your question at a particular person.
Its regarding NSTimer, I want to fire a method with multiple intervals
@sreecharan you are welcome to join the conversation, actually I sent you the greeting which unfortunately timed out
@ToughGuy at what intervals ? discuss your scenerio
Q: UIButton : CATransition unpredictable behaviour

NiKKiI am developing a game using cocos2D and I am shifting from my home view which is a viewController class to gameScene. I am using UIButtons in home screen and I am using CATransition animation to reveal the buttons when the view appears. I am not releasing the home view when the game scene is loa...

I have a method named xyz and I want to fire it after 0.3s, 0.7s, 1.5s, and so on.
@ToughGuy then make defination of your funciton like that -(void)setTimer:(float)fireTime; and in your method set nstimer time accordingly
@ToughGuy you need to fire the same function at specfic intervals
@dark, hmmmm. Let me give it a try
@ToughGuy I have better solution for this don't use nstimer for doing such thing
@dark Thanks in advance for sharing it :)
@ all hi
@ToughGuy just use [self performSelector:@selector(yourMethod) withObject:yourObject afterTime:yourInterval];
@sreecharan hi
@dark that seems even more interesting.
let me give it a try
@ToughGuy afterTime may be not the specific keyword :) see proper in apple docs:)..
Hello @bugfinder
@dark I'll check that and revert back to you once done. Thanks a lot
can u help me with in this stackoverflow.com/questions/11536587/…
@ToughGuy ok
@ToughGuy NSTimer will help
Hmm, SSL problem
@sreecharan that pem file is showing failed to connect
openssl pkcs12 -in CertificateName.p12 -out CertificateName.pem -nodes
@bugfinder How are you creating that pem file ?
@sreecharan from that that certificate pem and key pem (concatinating)
@iApple:ok have fun..
good morning all
@brush51 günaydın hocam
@ilis günaydin
@sreecharan: do you know about NSOperationQueue
@dark It worked like a charm :) Thanks once again. Regards
@Armaan Yep
@brush51 i will disturb you for a last thing, when i clicked on a message on list i want to share its index to get selected message's components in second view. in message details
@sreecharan:If i am creating two nsoperationqueue then both will share the same thread or both will create new thread.
i can do it over delegate but this time it isn't deleted via fetchedresultscontroller delegate @brush51
@Armaan Eh?
@ilis do an NSIndexPath in your secondview and access it in first views didSelectRow. if you want to delete it from coredata and from the second view, then you have to do a new fetch.
@sreecharan good morning
@Armaan First you should know the difference , read this
Q: What is the difference between NSOperationQueue and NSAutoReleasePool

sree charanCan anyone give me the description of the perfect difference between NSOperationQueue and NSAutoReleasePool I have searched for this, but i have not got the perfect meaning between these two

@sreecharan: Yes I know this very well. I think you are getting me wrong. Let me explain
@sreecharan thanks let me check it out
@brush51 you mean i will need to use nsfetchedresults controller delegates on the second (details) class too or?
@brush51 Morning
@ToughGuy any time :)
@ilis if you know the item to delete, then you just need a delete operation. fetch your entity, search with predicate the row you want to delete and delete it. thats it.
@brush51 ok, thanks. this may be my last day on this job :v so i dont want to let any detail to later
@sreecharan thanks alot its working fine
@sreecharan: I have created two nsoperationqueue.
one for: Image downloading.
other: handling this startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue.

when it goes to downloading image it block to update the motion
@sreecharan answer that question with this i will accept
@sreecharan:That's why I am asking each nsopertionqueue spawn new thread or not?
@bugfinder No need, i am not after this crappy reputation, but I will answer it for other people when i find time today
@Armaan First delete the name "Thread" from your mind when you are using nsoperationqueue
@sreecharan:any special reason?
@sreecharan as ur wish
@Armaan Do you know the concept of queue?
@ilis baska neler yaptin projende. varmi aciklarin felan?
@sreecharan: Yes. I have read documentation but confusion about thread spawning.
@brush51 açık yok hocam-şu anda tıklanan mesajı yan sayfada göstermeyi başarırsam testflight a yükleyip müşteriye gideceğim
@ilis sen sadece ikinci sayfaya mi aktarmak istiyorsun tikladigin row'daki contenti?
well @Armaan I will write the detailed description in a day or two in my blog, for now i can give you solution for your scenario, just use dispath-queue's , read Concurrency Programming Guide
@sreecharan:I am aware about this thing(GCD) too but I want count of pending operations or task so how can i get this in GCD?
evet. mesela ikinci sıradaki mesaja tıkladığımda ikinci sayfada o mesajın detaylarını göstereceğim. textfield'da date, textview'da ise messageContent i göstereceğim @brush51 ama o sıradaki rowu sildiğimde crash olmamalı
tıklanan row'un indexini detay sayfasından okumam lazım yani
@ilis ozaman sen ikinci view da bir array yap. birinci viewdan ikinciye aktar. sonra o arrayi ikinci view da oku. okadarcik.
@ilis okumana gerek yok, sen array olarak aktar yeter
@ilis sonra textfield felan array ile doldurursun
ama atarımı ne üzeri yapayım appdelegate ile mi yoksa?
brush :_
ben de öyle bir mantık kurguluyorum, hatta core data yerine dictionary ile yapmıştım da öyle ama orda AppDelegate üzerinden veri aktardığım için silmeye kalkıştığımda çöküyordu @brush51
@ilis sende orda silme, sadece listede sildir.
@DimplePanchal yes please
@DimplePanchal sorry man, did i break down your conversation with @brush51 ?
@ilis no he just wants to tell me that he has brushed his theets ;)
@brush51 if i just delete on first array(fetched results) the details side array will still contain deleted key. and let's say if i deleted message indexed 4, after deletion, in the details table view there will be a one row slip
but not 51 times
@Terminator lol
@Terminator 42 times ;)
Hello Every ony
@brush51 did you understand what i said?
@ilis yes
@brush51 is there any sample with you? i tried on this-as you know- but couldnt succeed yet
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@Terminator Aaeen :)
hello @brush51 i have a problem
@Terminator can u help with this stackoverflow.com/questions/11537664/…
Q: Best Way to read config file for iOS App

Bobj-CIn my iPhone app I have a plist file contains the app configuration (URLs, emails, IDs,...) and for some reason the values in the plist might changes so I Will wait 7 days for Apple review. So I am thinking if I can put the plist on a server but I need to know what is the best approach to achiev...

please tell me how to play merged video in MPmovieplayer
which is in mp4 format
@Armaan check this
@Bobj-C Sorry, I didn't understand.
Q: MPMoviePlayerController .mp4 format not supported in iPhone device

mayank sahaihii, I am playing a video on iPhone in MPMoviePlayerController but it is not supporting .mp4 format it is showing "This video format is not supported" while when playing video of format .mov it is playing easily,can u help me out of this.......

@dheeru See ^
@bugfinder Hi.
@Terminator i have a plist config inside the app
@Terminator so if i want to modifie it
@Terminator i will wait 7 days review
@Terminator so i need a solution to make the plist outside the app
@Bobj-C Its better to put it on server if it needs update frequently. If you put it in the app bundle then you will need to send it to app store every time for updates.
@Terminator 100% what is the best approach to do this
@Terminator let say the connection interrupted while downloading
@Bobj-C In case of that app should continue to use local copy.
@Bobj-C Probably you should think of using iCloud. plist is nothing but key value pairs, which you can store in iCloud as well.
@Terminator ok
And iCloud will manage it in a better way.
@Terminator great
@ilis sorry no sample. but deletion is not heavy. if you getting crashes, try to understand the crash and also try to point out the line of crash, as i said
No need for your server as well. No server cost.
@dark kya ???hua
@Terminator ok
@jordan I have send him an email he will add you don't worry :)
@Terminator i am having problem in my program. stackoverflow.com/questions/11535909/…
ok, i'm trying out. btw, in which profile shall i archive my app to test on testflight?
@dark aree usme kuch likha hai ya tune b meri tarah blank send kr diya hai :D D:
@srinu You mean - (IBAction) buttonPressed:(id)sender sometime works and sometime doesn't?
@jordan I have send him your email id he will added you in a team , then your profile is used afterwards :D
@Terminator now i am saving it in the .mov format but also same problem playing the first video not second one
please help me
accha @dark
@Terminator Yes,The output of program is when i pressed on image button then display corresponding ID in next view.
@dheeru Both videos are in .mov ?
@Terminator yes
@Leena i did pie chart become user interaction
@brush51ok, i'm trying out. btw, in which profile shall i archive my app to test on testflight?
@Terminator i am converting it in the .mov format
@srinu But NSLog(@"it works"); is not seen in the debug console the second time. It means button is not getting pressed.
@srinu There must be something transparent above the button which is blocking the button interaction !?
@Terminator but it plays only first video
@dheeru What error it gives second time?
@Leena I Did Pie Chart Become User Interaction For Each Sector Using UIBezierPath Drawing
@ilis in profile where all your device id's are implemented
@Terminator no this is not i m asking about i have two video and i merged both videos in single .mov file and save it in NSDocumentDirectory and after it i fetch it and play on MPmovieplayer but it will play only the first part of merged video not second part
@brush51 From provising profiles or from Xcode -> Product ->Archive menu?
@ilis ?
@dheeru Oh I see. Sorry for misunderstanding. Looks like it isn't merged properly. May be you should see the merged file size. It should be approximately equal to the size of both files. I haven't merged video files programmatically, so can't help in it really.
@brush51 hocam nerdeki profili kastettiğini anlamadım
@brush51 Provising Profiles daki profil mi?
@terminator i want to replace the text in UIAlertView while AlertView is running. is this possible?
@ilis hocam archivleyince provisiong profil seciyorsun
@ilis denemen lazim hangisi calisiyorsa
sen son gün olarak calisiyorsan testflighta gerek yok ne ugrasiyorsunki
@dark Hello, Bro
@brush51 ya bugün orda 20 cihaz üzerinde denemem gerekiyor
@Terminator @Abizern hi
@ilis gittinde zaten her device i kayita gecirmen lazim eposta ile, sonra profilleri indireceksin teker teker. uzun vadeli olarak mantikli
@Bobj-C hello bro h r u ?
@dark fine n u ?
serveri kurduk-voip filan desteği var, dairelere bırakılacak bu ipadler demo için @brush51
@dark hi
@Sunny biliyorum ama genede isine yaramaz, sen o cihazlari testflighta kayit ettinmiki
hocam bişwy meak ediyorum, push notificasyon sertificası orda tüm cihazlar için geçerli olacaktır değil mi
@brush51 what happen
@Bobj-C am to fine , I have integrated iAds in my appliaction and it has more then 2500 users and it will generating about 4$ a day in iAds , for addWhirl is this ratio is good ?
@brush51 hocam bişwy meak ediyorum, push notificasyon sertificası orda tüm cihazlar için geçerli olacaktır değil mi
@dark yes great my app made a 10$/day for 20K downloads
birşey merak ediyorum olacaktı * @brush51
@dark what is ur app let me install it
@Bobj-C thats good
@ilis herhalde, olmasi lazimdir senin provisioningde ekliylerse
@Bobj-C your numbers of user are more
@Bobj-C its iKioska
let me send you the link
@brush51 Never tried. I don't think it will give compile time error as those properties aren't readonly. But it will confuse the user, no?
@dark yep
@brush51 şu anda mevcut cihaz üzerinde kullanabiliyorum push geliyor yani.
demekki vardır
@brush51 hocam kafanı şişirdim ama cidden sitede bulamadım, cihazları nerden kayıt yapıyoruz?
@brush51 Why cant you make a custom alertview?
@Terminator yes it will confuse, i think so too. but the customer....i will search for another way to solve that
@dark downloading
@sreecharan i can but the customer is doesnt paying for it.
@Terminator i need suggestion from u can u help me
@Bobj-C good also give review then :P
@dark haha
@Terminator Ok.But i am new to iOS.How can i find that problem in my program.can u give me any advice.
@Bobj-C :)
@sreecharan the work is done, the app is ready and the customer wishs more information in alertview but dont want to pay for it
@srinu That was just a guess from me. Do you see the NSLog when you press the button second time?
@Sunny You need suggestion only from me?
@ anyone who know about animation i want to create app that throw dice or by shaking it create animation plz help me how can i do it.
@Terminator ok so sorry to disturb you..
@brush51 tamam buldum hocam
@srinu Related to your question - why are you trying to trigger the segue manually rather than from the Storyboard? And what is the point of the prepareForSegue implementation that you wrote? It just creates an instance of your Destination view controller and does nothing with it.
@Terminator yes i saw NSLog after pressing button, it works and display information.But it will not show in view.
@Abizern Ok,can u explain clearly once again plz.
@srinu Okay. What is the point of your prepareForSegue method?
@Abizern if you want to send some data to the new viewcontroller that's the place to prepare it
@srinu Do like this
@f3r3nc Thanks for the enlightenment - but have a look at his implementation here and explain to me what the point of it is.

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