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anyone know how to get the twitter link inside the text ??
@KenHui, ???
"We all like guitar.\nMore info : t.co/aUeQJhPa "<--- i wanna extract the "http link"
@KenHui, NSDataDetector *linkDetector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:NSTextCheckingTypeLink error:nil];
NSArray *matches = [linkDetector matchesInString:arrayString options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [arrayString length])];

for (NSTextCheckingResult *match in matches) {
if ([match resultType] == NSTextCheckingTypeLink) {
NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] init];
//Actual paresed NSURL
url = [match URL];
} }
this code may help u finding any url from the string
I have an iPhone 3gS. The problem i am facing is I have to save two numbers for each person, as one with country code and other without. for example i live in india, so one like +913341234567 and one like 03341234567.. If I dont do this I cant receive the name of that person.. Can anyone help me?
@iHungry could you give me an example how you implement the datasource for Kal Calendar?
@iHungry thx, let me try...
for iOS 's uiwebview, when i load a site that has https, it returns an error saying the cert is invalid. The uiwebview becomes blank, how to i by pass this error?
@iHungry it works great !
@all gm
Any one have idea how to create XML file from dictionary
@MSB hi
@iHungry hi
@JohnMerlino hi
@KenHui, :)
@iHungry very useful tips, haha ~~
@BertieLiu, what do u want exactly?
@MohitGupta : You want to generate xml from data stored in dictionary?
@stackBlue, hi
@iHungry well, someone named my boss would like me to fully customize the calendar...
@iHungry my app run good in simulator. but when i test it on device it crashes?
@iHungry. how i identify the reason of crashes.
@stackBlue, its due to memory leaks
@iHungry i just figured out how to write a datasource, and then the UIs... he wants the grids to be round rather than rectangle...
try to debug ur code in instrument finding memory leaks
@iHungry it show the crashes in SBJson parser class
@stackBlue, try to trace why crashed ur app using instrument ...
@iHungry ok
what is the stack back trace report @stackBlue
@BertieLiu, yes u can customize all Kal calender images and data u want to add in each day as per ur requirement
i added number of events upcoming in a day and it showing below table if u selected any date from calender in my current application @BertieLiu
@iHungry when you make a swap gesture upon the calendar, you could see grids turning blue, right?
@iHungry i wanna make a string like a link , blue with underline. any hints for me?
@iHungry thanks for help but i am new in ios
@BertieLiu, also i was customize kal calender .... changing image if u selected any date from the calender and also changing color of whole tile if there is holiday... also changing uper bar image
@iHungry i found NSAttributedString, but no ideas of how to change the attributed
@iHungry it shows memory leak on _delegate=delegate;
@iHungry you're so cool!
@BertieLiu, nope i not cool... i m hot :P
what i need to do, is to disable that "turning blue" by swap, and make the month change, in a word, swap and change month, rather than the arrow button above.
@iHungry @BertieLiu what a gag @@
@stackBlue, try to figure out other issue if any where not coming leaks or ur memory overflowing due to extra allocatio of objects
@iHungry and its shows message on it-->instance variable is used when self is not set to the result of (super of self)init
@BertieLiu, yes u can do it... read first all kal code then u will get
@iHungry ok. i am checking leaks
@stakBlue : hi
@stackBlue, also check memory allocation ...
@KenHui, the link turn to blue color in only in text view
if u want to turn color of link then u have to do manually all functionality
@iApple: hey good morning
@iHungry um, it just a cell label, good enough if the color is changed
@iHungry i resolve many leaks
@iHungry onle one leak remaing on this
@iHungry -(id)initWithURLString:(NSString*)url andDelegate:(id<httpDataLoaderDelegate>)delegate

if(![super init])
return nil;

return self;
@KenHui, yup so u need to do custom functionality
@stackBlue, grt8 u finding other issues as well
@iHungry message is --> Missing "self =[(super or self)init.....
@iHungry NSAttributedString not work? i can't find any samples of it
@iHungry maybe i'd try this afternoon. i wonder, have you tried that or similar changes before? i'd like to know the possiblity... if swapgesture won't work, then my trying will be worthlesss.
@iHungry nvm ~~ let me see see
@KenHui :p
out for lunch, be back later
@stackBlue, that implementation is wrong
@iPhoneDeveloper : Very good morning :)
also bad practice @stackBlue
@iHungry please modify my initWithurl..if possible
@stackBlue, google "how to create init method in ojective-c"
@iHungry ok. i search on google.
@iApple: so how are you???
@iPhoneDeveloper : Ekdum fine.you say !!! What you working on today?
@Sunny hi bhai :)
@jordan so again u chnage ur name ?
heheh ys
@jordan cool name.... rockstar ka jordan ban gaya kya J.J in short
hahahahaha :)
@jordan bhai sambhal ke ....
hey guys try helping me out here
A: handling appDelegate in my app

iphoneDeveloper39Use the given code snippet to stop the sound & access the soundId which you have passed in AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(soundID). You can create the soundId variable in appDelegate & save the soundId when you play the system sound. - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)a...

hi @jordan @mountainlionmoorthy gud mrng
Morning Folks
hello? can someone help me with the question I posted above?
@all hell gm @sreecharan hello gm
@Leena @dark hi
@dark sry bzy :p byee
@jordan :)
@jordan aby too:P
@dark heheh abey ek kaam tha tere se
@sreecharan : good morning
@jordan yes tell
@dark fb m reply kr
wahn p mil
Hello everyone!
@iApple: i am also fine...and working on images....
@Leena how to reset the data ?
@iApple : hi
how to reset which data @mountainlionmoorthy
@iApple: How to change section Header background color and text color both in table veiw
@jordan hey bro
A: handling appDelegate in my app

iphoneDeveloper39Use the given code snippet to stop the sound & access the soundId which you have passed in AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(soundID). You can create the soundId variable in appDelegate & save the soundId when you play the system sound. - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)a...

@jordan soap envelope ke liye pata hain kuch
@Sunny bolo bhai
How to change section Header background color and text color both in table view? can any body help me
@Sunny phle kra tha bhai ... soap request kya?
@Leena i get data from nsurlrequest and add that data my request da like this
[receivedData appendData:data];
@mountainlionmoorthy make it nil
and re initialize that variable
@all Hi
anyone has experience using CAShapeLayer ?
Good morning people :)
Good Morning Vidya
Morning Bidhya madam
@dark kahan gaya bhai?
@Sree, I'll start adding other letters to your name! :)
Teeke bidhya madam
@MSB hi
@BertieLiu, actually kal library very time consuming to debug...
and check every line of data flow
@iHungry you lost me. "very time consuming to debug"?
what kind of nerd are you? -_- you should be answering my question
A: handling appDelegate in my app

iphoneDeveloper39Use the given code snippet to stop the sound & access the soundId which you have passed in AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(soundID). You can create the soundId variable in appDelegate & save the soundId when you play the system sound. - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)a...

@BertieLiu, where r u lost ??? :P :P
@SahilChaudhary Already you have 3 answers for it, are you still expecting anything ?
@iHungry data seems right now for my test. but the UI... i mean, have you tried swap gesture? :)
@all Hello everyone
i mean it take a lot of time to check the how to data flow inside the code ...
swap gesture??
@iHungry definitely
@sreecharan swap gesture on Kal Calendar
@BertieLiu, what do exactly want in swipe gesture.. already ther is elegant swipe gesture
@BertieLiu oh! i donno, you guys carry on, i am looking at Sahil's question and Don't look at me. I just come here to answer the easy questions.
@sreecharan, :D
@iHungry swap gesture on Kal Calendar, and nothing happens excepts the grids you swap over turn blue
@sreecharan at your command
@jordan relpy kar dya hai check kar
@BertieLiu, its not swap gesture my dear ... ther just changing image on selection of tile.... it stupid functionality
@iHungry oh my, then it's like although i do swap over, but the calendar thinks it as a short touch?
@sreecharan those answers didn't solve my problem.
@BertieLiu, yes its functionality very simple to understand but critical implemented by library coder..... when ever u step debugging in it u will get know what exactly doing by library coder ...
@iHungry i'll try and see what i can do... that's no easy work... :(
@MSB kahna hai?
kaam kr diyo :P jaldi urgent hai :p
@BertieLiu, the easy work is depending on ur understanding dear
@jordan ok sure :)
@iHungry ok, i find the swapMonthsAndSlide and see if i can alter it into left and right slide
@Terminator Hello... :)
@Terminator meri tshirts :((
@jordan This saturday, sure.
Who is this jordan?
@Terminator do you have idea of Push Notification ?
@jordan Are you vijay? yeah! gotcha, you are asking tshirts
@SahilChaudhary If you want to dispose that sound in any other methods, you have to synthesize it and use it
@Terminator thnx q :)
@sreecharan haan bhai :) tere ko chaiye to bol bhai moti bot saari laai hai :p
@SJS I have only read documentation. Not worked on it.
Hi anyone know why I can't use an if/else condition in - (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ?
@Terminator aaeen.. okay... I am trying make the demo application for that
Can I use a if/else condition in - (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ?
hi guys
@iProgrammer Hi. busy
@sreecharan @iPhoneDeveloper @Leena Good Morning :)
gud mrng @zing
@Alby How have you used and what is the error that is stopping you from using it?
@Alby that is possible
why not? @Alby
@Leena @sreecharan I m developing an app , in which I hv to display 4 buttons instead of tabbar , So Do I need to follow Apple's HIG for Tabbar ??
@Alby Is there anything stopping you from doing it?
- (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
resumeBtn = (UIButton *)cell.accessoryView;

AppDelegate_iPhone *appDelegate = (AppDelegate_iPhone *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
//Get the object from the array.
coffeeObj = [appDelegate.dfArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
NSLog(@"%@", coffeeObj.theStatus);
// [coffeeObj.theStatus release];
if (coffeeObj.theStatus = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"YES"]) {
theStatus changes from YES to NO but the if condition is always called ..
@zing while developing apps i have never cared for Apple's HIG and i guess there won't be any problem
guys please have a look at these:
@Leena Ok, thanks :)
Q: UIImagePicker Front Camera strange behavior on orientation in iPad

geekay_gkThis was the first time that I searched for a problem and was returned nothing by google or SO. I am facing a very strange issue with UIImagepicker Scenario An app that captures an image from Front camera automatically after 3 sec countdown. Everything is working as expected. Code //in viewWi...

@Alby Ugly ugly, it should be if([coffeeObj.theStatus isEqualToString: @"YES"])
@Alby Do you know the difference between = and == operators?
sorry I'm new :D
I don't seem to find a clue why is it happening. it has eaten a lot of my time and still I am not sure whether it is fixed.
@Alby Do as @sreecharan said.
@Terminator hi
@iProgrammer Hi
thanks guys .. sorry for that nub error
@jordan kaha pe bhai
@Terminator @iProgrammer Hello :)
@VidyaMurthy hi
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@zing If you are not using Tab Bar, then what is the need of checking its HIG
@iProgrammer @Terminator hi GM
@Terminator Now a days, Is michael coming here?
@sreecharan Yes. He was seen here couple of days ago at night IST. Since he now works full time for a company, he may not be getting time.
@Abhishek Hi
@Terminator Oh! Yeah, you and Michael made fun of me, he came here. I remember...
@sreecharan hi
@Abhishek hi
@sreecharan in my app i implemented push notification.it is working fine.Now the problem is when i deleted my app from device it is still receiving push notificaitons
I want to generate Xml form Dictionary
@sreecharan so how can i unregister my app from push notification when deleted?
@iProgrammer hi
@Terminator hi
@user923370 Then that is not the fault of your app, its a fault with your device
@user923370 Just after deleting your app from the device, just go to the Notifications in settings and check whether can you see your app there or not, It should not be there.
Q: UIButton : CATransition unpredictable behaviour

NiKKiI am developing a game using cocos2D and I am shifting from my home view which is a viewController class to gameScene. I am using UIButtons in home screen and I am using CATransition animation to reveal the buttons when the view appears. I am not releasing the home view when the game scene is loa...

@Sunny kya hua bhai?
@jordan maine bahot search kiya soap envelope ke liye... par solution nahi ho raha
@jordan maine stub generate kiya aur maine wo class ko call kiya muje response main pura soap envelope mila par use seperate nahi kar pa raha kuch idea jain tuje kaise seperate karna hain
@geekay_gk Does your iPad have front camera?
@iHungry now i make it slide from left to right or reversely
@geekay_gk and you are already checking if ([UIImagePickerController isSourceTypeAvailable:UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera]){
then what is the need of self.imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
@Terminator you know how to create video from images?
@jordan kaha gaya
@Sunny bhai response mil raha hai na tere ko ?
fr prbl kya hai
@iProgrammer tumne asynchornous xml parsing ki hai kabhi ?
@jordan response pura 1 envelope hain to usme se main xml muje responsebody main mila raha hain to use kaise main lu... muje xml milne baj muje phir se parse karunga data ke liye sahi hain na
posted on July 18, 2012 by Johann

ZenPlayer is an HTML5/CSS example showing how to create a stylized music player that has become popular because of its simple design and beautiful animated buttons. Today I came across an implementation of ZenPlayer in Objective-C for the iOS platform.  This implementation is a customized UIControl and clones the look of the button in the [...]

@iProgrammer Have you tried ffmpeg
@iApple Got it working .. Thanks
@BertieLiu, it highly critical to change month sliding direction...
u will have to run all loops in reverse order @BertieLiu
@Sunny bhai use nsxmlparser
@jordan woh pata hain ... par envelope se xml nikal nahi pa raha hu
@Vaibhavi : :) fine
@iHungry Missed :(
@Vaibhavi, its my sis daughter name
@sreecharan, sorry i wrongly tag u...
leave it
@sreecharan do you know how to do asynchronous xml parsing ?
@Vaibhavi, u r from Maharashtra?
@jordan send me email i need to forward him
@SJS Of course
@iHungry hi @alll
hi sri
@iHungry i placed buttonimages in one viewcontroller when i click that it has to move in to another view
@iHungry i am using simulator 5.1
@zing: good morning
@iApple: where are you so busy today??
i mean you aer working on what?
@iHungry it is working fine in my 5.1 simulator but in anothernes simulator it shows 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle </Users/deepthi/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/1060C801-3B0D-424C-8595-35D6913AB45A/AppRages.app> (loaded)' with name 'SharedViewController''
* First throw call stack:
(0x13d8022 0x1569cd6 0x1380a48 0x13809b9 0x243638 0xe91fc 0xe9779 0xe999b 0x9c16 0x5d93 0x13d9e99 0x2514e 0x250e6 0xcbade 0xcbfa7 0xcb266 0x4a3c0 0x4a5e6 0x30dc4 0x24634 0x12c2ef5 0x13ac195 0x1310ff2 0x130f8da 0x130ed84 0x130e
@iPhoneDeveloper can u help me?
@iPhoneDeveloper @iApple @iProgrammer.............hi all
@srinivas: yes what is your problem??
@srinivas, another simulator is in ur mac yeah u testes other mac?

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