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@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah,just added image tag to html code
how to change color of selected cell of table viewcell by default it is blue i want to show nothing
something like that :P
@iPhoneDeveloper : Do you know,how to redirect link to appstore on device
@ilis no idea
@iApple i got soution thank you
@virendra : :)
@ios ,OK thanks
@iApple Just load that itunes link in browser it will take care
it will redirect to appstore from there
@sreecharan : Actually i m checking it in simulator,but it is showing alert,address is invalid.
Try it on device
@sreecharan : Okay :)
And check whether it is opening in your browser or not
@iApple: yes i was also going to say the same thing that sreecharan said...as i too had some problems on simulator..but it worked fine on device
@iPhoneDeveloper : yeah checking on device,let you know soon...
@sreecharan @iPhoneDeveloper : hurray,worked ..thanks for suggestion..
@iApple: you r welcome..:)
k bye tc..c you tomorrow..
special character allowed only for std code [e.g (079)]
Should alow + , - and () brakets as special characters in phone
UK phone format eg:
+44 98250 98250
US phone format eg:
+1 248 123 4567
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah bye..tc cya
can u give me regular expression for that?
@Blackberry : do you need to call i mean redirect?
@Blackberry Check this, This sample supports format's of about 5 countries
@iApple: Thanks for the help. I am modifying it accordingly, will test and tell you the results.
morning all
probably late afternoon for you @sreecharan
@owengerig good evening
its time to drive back to home for me, Long drive
@sreecharan drive thru
@iApple no i want to validate contact number
Don't look at me. I just come here to answer the easy questions.
I have a problem with UIDatePicker
@sreecharan solve the world's hunger
@sreecharan can i ask a question about nsurlconnection crash(on time out)
here is my code, there is no problem on simulator but on ipad it crashes after timeout
@Byte might want to ask google about that one first
i changes timeoutInterval to 60 but still same result
@Byte solving world hunger that is
@ilis probably your connectiondidFinish method is called on timeout..
and you use that empty data to do some calculation
and it crashes..
@Shubhank but how can it be?
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
XLog(@"Succeeded! Received %d bytes of data",[responseData

what can be?
just that much is the code in ConnectionDidFinish?
@Shubhank this " your connectiondidFinish method is called on timeout.."
@owengerig wait wait... isnt this place where we ask question so that we can avoid using Google?
sure, something like that
seems like it to many people here o.O!
i pasted my connectiondidFinish method above, take a look please @Shubhank
@Byte read the Faq?
i know
@Shubhank such hash language!
UIDatePicker help please
lol @BlackFlam3 i have a problem with my code, fix it.
I need to bring up the DatePicker when I "touch down" a TextField.
I did that.
But there happens to be a second Text Field which doesn't bring up the date picker no matter what
tried to NSLog to confirm it is getting touch down?
text1.inputView = datePickerView;
and text2.inputView = datePickerView;
put your code in pastebin, and I will look at it
from viewDidLoad
@Shubhank Yes I put a breakpoint and it is getting in there.
viewDidLoad code : [super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.

UIDatePicker *pickerView = [[UIDatePicker alloc] init];
[pickerView sizeToFit];
pickerView.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight);

self.datePickerView = pickerView;

fromDate.inputView = datePickerView;
toDate.inputView = datePickerView;
and your toDate reference is correct?
did you NSlog it ?
it should log something like TextField <Some letters
I will log it.
@ilis What is the problem
When i run on simulator the application comes normailly but when i run on device it crashes, the explanation on XLog sayas that because of a timeout it crashed
but i want it to just stay on that view if a timeout happens, or pop up an alert view to inform user about the connection
I have now added the controls
and tried
@sreecharan i didnt understand whay it crashes
instead of programmatically.
Q: UIButton : CATransition unpredictable behaviour

NiKKiI am developing a game using cocos2D and I am shifting from my home view which is a viewController class to gameScene. I am using UIButtons in home screen and I am using CATransition animation to reveal the buttons when the view appears. I am not releasing the home view when the game scene is loa...

what happens now?
still it shows up only for fromDate TextField, not for toDate TextField.
did you NSlog the toDate field reference?
@BlackFlam3 what do you mean it doesnt show up? when you switch from fromDate to toDate, what exactly happened? the picker went down?
It shows null
@Byte when i click the uitextfield that is fromDate it shows the datePicker
null means what?
need more help or log saying null is enough for you to understand?
@Byte but when i click the uitextfield that is toDate it doesn't show the date picker.
null means nada
so... uhm...
some outlet connection issue?
don't know what you have done..
well @Shubhank already hit the nail on the head so I am not needed
but you should sort it out
yeah okay
null means the reference isn't there..
so if you know debugging..
do it..
or just make new textfield from start
hey guys
does anyone know what kobold2d is
cocos2d extension developed by Steffen
thats all i know about it :P
i just saw an internet site that said its a lot better or at least easier to use than cocos
but idk
me too. :)
it should be easier
but help won't be available as easily as for cocos2d
its just that i have 0 experience, and was wondering which one i should try to make a game
definitely cocos2d
kobold2d is developed on cocos2d
so you should definitely master cocos2d
awwww, ok will do
right now I'm going to try and learn pixelmator
because i think thats what your supposed to use to make animation
@sreecharan any idea?
connection did receive response is called?
in lldb how do you print out enum
and constants
"po" doesnt do that?
po (BOOL)(direction & (UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionUp | UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionDown))
error: use of undeclared identifier 'UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionUp'
error: use of undeclared identifier 'UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionDown'
error: 2 errors parsing expression
yes it is called
@Judioo not sure but i would just make a quick log
guess I'll have to
until I learn how to do it
come on it is not THAT bad
it is if your debuging
nslog this nslog that
it seems like not sending to a uiview instance to me
why? i think log is better just so that you have a trail
and which a large object tree it sucks
@ilis what is crash log../
with 'po' you can walk the object tree
XLog(@"Succeeded! Received %d bytes of data",[responseData
oh? hmm hmm
is this logged when crashed?
@Shubhank -[MyTableViewDeneme connection:didFailWithError:] Line:449 failed to download data from server!
2012-07-17 17:59:19.800 MackaWithCoreData[1315:707] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'textFieldIndex (0) is outside of the bounds of the array of text fields'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x372a888f 0x3131d259 0x372a8789 0x372a87ab 0x3072c3e1 0xf0c25 0x3053b247 0x372023fd 0x303f7e07 0x303f7dc3 0x303f7da1 0x303f7b11 0x303f8449 0x303f692b 0x303f6319 0x303dc695 0x303dbf3b 0x373f822b 0x3727c523 0x3727c4c5 0x3727b313 0x371fe4a5 0x371fe36d 0
failed to download data from server! is a text i write by XLog
when i press ok on alertview it crashes
i have no clue why it is null
@Shubhank i will go to home and go on there, will you please help abou this topic?
i have done all the connections
Q: How to write iOS app purely in C

001I read here Learn C Before Objective-C? Usually I then replace some Obj-C code with pure C code (after all you can mix them as much as you like, the content of an Obj-C method can be entirely, pure C code) Is this true? Could I build an iPhone app purely in the C programming language?

lol good times ^
i am here now..
well i just renamed it
@Shubhank can you help now than?
is toDate some kind of keyword?
i changed it to tillDate and it works fine
i can help
(probably the clean build worked, not sure of that either)
toDate isn't keyword
something worked and you just didn't know what yet..
yes i don't know
renaming helps...maybe
well you will learn how to debug such issues slowly as you gain experience
remember to NSLog to check if something is not null or nil
sending message to nil won't do anything..
and is quite confusing
yeah that i will, i had always tried it, but i had never tried it for controls
@ilis where exactly you start downloading
i will remember this one
@Shubhank i have i login method on the first view. i create connetcion to server on that and use delegete methods under that
and did you run analyze on your code?
Xcode might point out some leak issue
i'm trying now
Yes it gives leaks but not from my login class
it is difficult to debug..
Hi !
you have some text views on the view?
@Zapan hi
@teminator Hi!
@terminator are you free some minutes?
@terminator did you remember me?
@terminator i have published my project
@terminator do you mind if you check it
Is it free?
@terminator could you?
@terminator yeah just let me send the url
Give the URL. It has to be present in Indian app store. And i need 30 minutes. I am having dinner. Since i bought Galaxy S3, i don't use my iPod. Its in my cupboard. I will get it after dinner.
@Vanjo What is that? The source code?
@terminator yeah it is the source code
@Vanjo I was under impression you published your app to apple store and want me to download it and see. Okay I understood you published your app's source code to dropbox and want me to see it. I will do it after dinner.
@terminator it is just an example don't be worried
@terminator i am trying to understand a little part of the code
@Vanjo Okay. Let me finish the dinner.
@terminator thanks buddy!
@Vanjo nice work..
center table view is too small.
@shubhank is just an example... i need to understand something in that code
@shubank did you see it?
checked the app
center table view is just a cell
with labels
an i just need one row
k..i have to go
if i had time..
i would have helped..
ok thanks
@Vanjo Yes say
@terminator excuse me!
@terminator i got it
@terminator i tell you the problem
@terminator right?
@Vanjo If you got it, it's fine.
@terminator sorry but i don't understood when you wrote the first line
@Vanjo What?
let me tell you the problem
are you seeing the app?
do you note the app, when it begin, it is in blank
but when you scroll it, it fills it
ok, i guess my problem is in the viewDidLoad in the viewController "AgrupaElementosViewController"
I still don't know what is your problem
basically are 2 problems, when it is in blank and to be scrolling
table view must not be in blank
when you scroll the table it has some methods which make updates to some columns, it should doing alone, by itself
The programmer is keeping a variable that keeps track if the cell items are updated. So initially they are not updated. So he shows blank lines. Once they show up, they get updated and always show the values.
I think that's how it's done.
it is a little bit more complicated
have you ever listened about light streamer?
could you check their main web page? lightstreamer.com
you could see an example almost like mine...
You want the table not to be blank, right?
i am using their public iOS class for the view, Stock List Viewcontroller, i just have adapted to my app
i need to fix the blanks first
Go to line #164 in StockListViewController
At line #179 you can see an if condition.
got it
the if condition is blocking
but "item" must to be changing
item is always null
Initially it will be null. Once user touches/scrolls the table, somewhere it gets updated.
And that is taking place at line #531
the updated makes on line #533
Yes. So you do something so that it is initially updated.
anyone work with texturepacker?
my apps are "in review"
nice, just keep those fingers crossed
anyway..what was that about texturepacker?
possibly a sacrifice or 2. chickens are best
so im trying a basic tutorial but keep getting this error when trying to publish "Sprite sheet size is too small"
i prefer virgins:D
what tutorial?
@terminator when you init the stockViewController its subscribe to a server, because in loadview, it has this line "[self performSelector:@selector(connectToLightstreamer) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.0];"
when i used texture packer i saved all into a big png and then got the texture by coord
you're using pvr.ccz?
i couldn't make that work
hmmmmmmm. Google doesnt know either :(
or if it does its hiding it on page 20
i was searching for the link to the texturepacker i used..but i can't seem to find it
do you have free or paid version?
@Terminator I'm back. More or less. And it works fine, thanks for your help again :)
@Blade Welcome :-)
@Terminator Only thing is that I have to figure out now, why it doesn't populate the tableView with the other XML I gave it. sigh Always the small things that drive you crazy I guess ^^
@owengerig it was zwoptex ^^ zwopple.com/zwoptex
what was?
texture packer i used
you get a png image and a dictionary
and you call it like ...spritesheet <your image>
i cant remember :D
but it works..and had no problems with it
anyone know how to pass a core data generated class/object to another class/object? When I try to pass it it is nil
@Blade How do you populate it?
when i try to alloc init it xcode says it will just loose its value after assignment
@Terminator With a XML. Just parse it in there. It kinda works, but it shows me all the data. It is supposed to only show me the data from the cell I clicked, but it doesn't do it yet. But don't worry about it, I already have taken up enough of your time :)
@owengerig and it's good because you know the limitations of the image (cocos2d has limitations for texture size ) . I don't know how .czz works
PVR images are an image container specific to the PowerVR graphics chip on iOS devices. They are good to use when possible on iOS because images can be loaded directly onto the graphics card, rather than needing to go through a conversion first.
thats a quote from the site i posted earlier
well ...it may be so..but cocos2d uses open gl..so it's faster to transform the image
@Terminator Aaeen
@Terminator : New iPad Mini coming? Any signs of it in new iOS 6?
@anonymous Yes, if it is coming, it will have iOS 6.0
can you put a opengl view as desktop background on mac?
duke nukem reads 50 shades of gray...a complete win
I asked a question
Q: iphone - notification not being fired

JohnMerlinoGoal: I want to use the Observer Pattern so that when one uiimageview receives a different background image, then 2 other uiimageviews will listen for that change, and then change themselves. Strategy: Based on what I read about observer pattern in objective-c, I decided to implement the nsnot...

and the guy is telling me that the code could cause problems
I dont see how
The readson why i used the notification center is because I wanted to better understand its use.
you solved it? @JohnMerlino
question is solved
you see that guy leave a comment saying that code can harm?
but he never said how
ok cory said you are using the notification inside the same class?
well, it is not meant for that
since you can easily use methods and such to handle it
easier to implement
and less prone to errors
One of the error you can run into is when you forget to remove the observer
it gets really messy say you have 2 objects of this class
you post a notification from one object
both object will get the notification
Then you will be very sad :)
(if that is not what you want)
@JohnMerlino get it?
i just read this:
Q: Finding image name loaded into UIImage instance

4thSpaceHow can I find out what the image name (usually file name?) loaded into a UIImage instance is? In this case, they were all initWithContentsOfFile:.

there is no way to get the name of the image associated with UIImage?
for example 'background.png'
i try really hard to keep my methods small, no more than 5 lines with not a lot of if and else, but if i cannot get the name of image, it becomes hindrance
lol 5 lines? try 200
it is either you have 500 5-liners or 5 methods of 100-liners.
dont you think 500 5-liners will be easier to read?
not 500 of em
well if they are giving meaningful names
it reads like a sentence
besides, all my methods have enough comment that they can make a book
i see
well my focus right now is java, ruby, and objective-c, and I see how programmers hold by different beliefs for each of them
These are what my objective-c methods look like:
- (void)setImageChange:(NSString *)status forButton:button
    [button setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@.png", status, [code objectForKey:status]]] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

- (void)registerButtonObserver:(UIView *)currentView
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateButtons:) name:@"ImageSwap" object:nil];

- (void)updateButtons:(NSNotification*)notification
    if([[notification object] imageForState:UIControlStateNormal]){
i try keep them only a couple of lines
well what you are doing is trivial enough to keep them short. But definitely lose that notification for inclass call
posted on July 17, 2012 by Johann

It’s obvious that having your app ranked highly under relevant searched terms in the app store can have a dramatic effect on the number of downloads. The question with “app store SEO” is what keywords should you choose, and how do you get your app listed at the top of those keyword searches? Invantory, developers [...]

seems like i can't localize my images.
i set a background image from .m, then i add the first 2 files that needs localization into Xcode, then clicking on it ad adding a new localization, and.. black background.
lool solved. had to put .png at the end of the file
@Terminator Hey, would be awesome if you have time tomorrow. I need some input from an experienced developer like you :)
Hi. Is it possible to install Xcode 4.5 Beta 3 and iOS 6 SDK Beta 3 side-by-side with Xcode 4.3.3 and iOS 5? Or will the installer replace the old stuff?
@MartinHN it's possible..just select another location on the drive
@skytz Cool. Thanks
windows 8 client and technical coverage >> first 3 subjects: Workaround for Windows 8 freezing issues , More info about the Windows 8 Release Preview freezing issue , No-cost desktop software development is dead on Windows 8
if that's not funny i dont know what is
@anonymous can i ask about core data

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