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03:00 - 21:0022:00 - 23:00

is anyone on?
2 hours later…
Good morning all
@Abizern Hello, if you are online can you please tell me a little about how to generate hash keys from the class you suggested. i mean from this
Good morning all
Hi ilis.
@ilis. Hello
hello @user1304842
@ilis. i'm very glad to meet you.
@ilis. I need your help now.
ok, tell the issue
i hope i can help
@ilis, i saved image in clipboard.
@ilis [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].image = aimage;
When i open the email, and paste it, there are some problem
@user1304842 i have never used&read aboud that topic
really sorry
but i may search for you
@ilis, thank you very much.
what kind of problem
you can share the issue, so that if there is someone knowing that tells you here
How can i share the issue?
@sreecharan GM, i need help in saving data to core data
can you help for a minute
For example, what is the problem, what is happening
or just share error log
@ilis thanks again.
I used that following code
[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].image = myimage;
After it happen, i tried to paste it in email.
Without anycode
And later?
what happened later?
In the email window, i can only see the black space.
After paste.
"black" --> "blank"
I don't know what happened.
Please help me
OK.now, Thanks again.
I fixed it.
Sorry, i was in the kitchen
how did you solve it?
Morning folks
Hello @ilis
@sreecharan I'm recieving data as dictionary from url, if the dictionary is null i want to skip else call a method but i couldnt controll nsdictionary
is there a way like string isEqualToString:""... for dictionaries?
And does "" mean null for dictionaries?
@ilis I hope you have key values assigned for the dictionary
Yes i have
@ilis ok, then loop that dictionary and compare the string in that key
@sreecharan this is my dictionary
Dictionary: {
button = 66;
message = "<null>";
and message is also a dictionary
my bad, thats for array
1 sec
I am still in hangover :(
Thats For array of dictionaries
hello friends )
lol my keyboard shift button is not working (
It start working )
again failed.
Right hand side shift working.
but left side buttons are not working
can anyone help
Right hand side shift working.
hi Guys.. i am using this code to post on wall FbGraphResponse *fb_graph_response = [fbGraph doGraphPost:@"117795728310/photos" withPostVars:variables]; but for friends how we can fix it..can any one help me .thanx
@NinjaTurtle interesting problem
@Albert thank you for understanding my problem.
Auto layout is awesome. Hints of new screen size in the new iPhone :-)
@Terminator hey moti
plz... online in gmail i am giving you the address
start * str = [start alloc];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] cancelLocalNotification:str.prescription_notification];
is this right way to cancel local notification
@Terminator aaeen
@Terminator have u seen my email ?
@Abizern hello, are u there?
I'v got a question for you =) got a minute?
@iWheelBuy Just ask. If I don't answer it, someone else will see it and might be able to answer it.
I'v got a leak and I can't get rid of it... The leak happens when I scroll the table view during testing on the device. As far as I understand the problem is in NSNotification, but I have checked all my NSNotifications and they are fine. There is no notification on tableview dragging. But it used to be. Is it possible that this notification remains somehow after I removed it? Is there ane chance to find the leak in code?
@iWheelBuy Debugging memory problems at a distance isn't easy. Have you tried the static analyser - have you tried to find the offending lines of code. When you say you've checked your notifications and they "are fine" what does that mean?
Still people are not using ARC o_O
ARC is on
@iWheelBuy Is your app crashing anywhere?
I guess that you are calling the notifications in cellForRowAtIndexpath and this method will be called several times while scrolling through the table view
@iWheelBuy Actually - what makes you think that it is a leak?
Leaks instrument shows this
there are no notifications in cellForRowAtIndexpath or in cells
@iWheelBuy Are you waiting for us to tell you what to do, or are you doing something?
i'm testing testing testing)
@iWheelBuy Okay. Come back when you are ready to start again.
start? start discussion?
@iWheelBuy Start trying to find your problems again. I asked a couple of questions which you haven't answered. So either you're trying to find the answers to them, or you are doing something else.
static analyser - what is it? =)
my notifications are fine, it means they are fully controller by me. I'v just checked one cell, which plays a nsurlconnection_delegate role and has a notification. Leaks remain without this cell.
is there a special method to find offending lines?
@Abizern can you give me some questinos for interview?
okay thx
@iWheelBuy Yes - by using the Leaks Instrument.
@cnu Why?
@cnu But if you just want to memorise some answers have a look at @owengerig's document docs.google.com/document/d/…
@Abizern leaks instrument says that leaks are only in system libs. should I care about system lib leaks?
@iWheelBuy Where does it say that they are only in system libs? Because if they really are leaks you should report them as bugs.
in leaks instrument there is check box "hide system libs"
if I hide them I can't see the full link path
and if I click on the leaks it goes to part of code: int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
@iWheelBuy Can you show me a screenshot of your Instruments view?
i am conducting an interview
@iWheelBuy Don't look at the call tree - look at the leaked blocks
@Abizern where are they?
I see adresses only there
@iWheelBuy You're going to have to show me.
@sreecharan there?
@Abizern..Hi...for push notification we need to maintain our own server?..asking for apps..
not for games
@Puneeth Yes, in the sense that you have to have a server that tells the apple notification servers to send the notification to the device. You don't need to write it yourself, depending on what it is that you want to do. There are services such as parse.com that let you use a generic back end without having to write or maintain a server yourself
@Puneeth But if your service becomes successful, there will be a cost involved.
This also provides you the service
Yes @cnu
@Abizern...yeah we are owning our own one yahoo server...now can we do it manually?...is it difficult thing to do?
with ramrao for interview
give me some questions
@cnu Questions? I don't know any questions, I am sorry
@Puneeth Yes, there is no FREE service. I guess
@Puneeth No idea - never done it. It would be difficult for me because I don't do web server applications.
@cnu Just get him to write a simple application and watch how he goes about it.
is that good idea?
@cnu Of course it is. You can learn a lot about someone by seeing what code they produce and how.
@cnu I've shared a questionare here a few days back, you can check the questions in it
Ask him to write a simple table view application that shows ten cells of random text.
Then get him to use custom cells for the table
Then get him to allow editing of cells with a master-detail view.
@cnu Yes, you can check his coding style also, Naming conventions- His Cocoa coding conventions, commenting etc
@Abizern..ok thanks alot..:-)

@sreecharan..ok thank u :)
And depending on how much time you have for the interview you can make it more and more complex - persistence, animation, custom flow, etc.
@cnu If you see him googling for really simple things, or just looking for tutorials - you've got a duffer.
@Abizern yea you got point
can you give some ideas for sample task
@cnu NSS!
i have given one task but its stupid task.... tableview with search bar
i told him if he can't implement that then he is not worth
@cnu yes, you can test with some complex things like Accordian view, cover flow, drawing Beizer path
@cnu That's good enough.
@Abizern What is this NSS ??
he may use custom controls for them na and i dont think they are easy things for a sample test
"No Shit, SherlocK'
@cnu Tell him to implement divisions in searching
No Surpise Sherlock...thats what i knew
division enti bhai?
shall i give him some free space or shall i sit with him? :P
Let him be free, but keep an eye on him
whether he is using google vigorously or not
problem with him is he don't know technical terms...i asked what is xib acronym... no answer :(
The people who don't know technical terms also can be strong at coding, let him work
@sreecharan can you come for a private chat?
bhayya, nenu phone lo unna. Long drive, going to KOC on work
but they should know minimum terms...i asked what is kvo.... he looked like never heared that word
Kuwait Oil Corporation
hahaha ok
mana ramarao ki english raadu kaani, coding bane chestadu, chudu ela chestado
English mari bebbe
search lo divisions ante, for example, manam cars kosam search chestunte, danilo malli divisions untay like SUV, HashBack ala, ardham ayindha
@sreecharan s/HashBack/hatchback
but how to tell him...i mean technically
do u mean http://answers.oreilly.com/uploads/monthly_08_2010/post-1510-128319292657.jpg
@Abizern iwheelbuy.com/777.png I'm using ARC
i mean.... adding scopebar? or how can we add divisions?
seems all are gone
yes@cnu Thats the one i was telling you
iOS sucks
Yes, I like the new Samsung
Refrigerator, Not the phone
hmm no bhayya... he didn't implement basic search bar perfectly
its searching for first letter only after that no result
lol, then why are you thinking
deni gurinchi thinking? NO cheppadanika
ok bhai... i just sent him.... i am also leaving...have a nice (remaining) sunday :)
1 hour later…
@iWheelBuy Click on one of the disclosure indicators.
hi guys, having a little trouble with UITableViewCell and hooking one up to prepareForSegue, its just not firing - any tips?
I'm having a little trouble with UITableViewCell and hooking one up to prepareForSegue, its just not firing - any tips?
ok - doing a clean and rebuild sorted it out. for some reason, the storyboard file wasn't being updated in the simulator but everything else was
guys i have a problem for you...how do i differentiate between multiple touches ? I need to check some stuff when the touches don't move..and i have no idea how to do that
@Abizern nothing useful appears on click
Hey Guys, Another day another query. Do you guys have any ideas
@user1432813 why don't you use admob mediation? its sooooo easy to implement
3 lines of code and you're done
@skytz Really, I have not used admob, how do I do it!
@skytz What is the revenue like when compared to iAD?
bannerView_=[[[GADBannerView alloc]initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner origin:CGPointMake(0, 0)]autorelease];
[bannerView_ setRootViewController:viewController];

[viewController.view addSubview:bannerView_];
[viewController.view bringSubviewToFront:bannerView_];

[bannerView_ loadRequest:[GADRequest request]];
@user1432813 if you use admob mediation..you can set up the ad to receive iad too
in your accout
and the revenue is the same..only that admob receives 100% of the requests
@skytz, thank you soooooo much, if you wanna put that in the question I'll give you a answered button or a smiley face sticker!
iad...not so much
put what exactly?
Just what you just said
The code and the link
if you have any questions..ask
@skytz and for your question, You should set multipleTouchEnabled property to YES on the view to let it send you multiple number of UITouch objects.
it's not that
you should query UIEvent object for all active touches in the view and this will work for you --> NSSet *touch = [event allTouches];
i need to detect if something gets under the touch when the touch doesn't move
and if you keep your finger on the screen..and don't move it..no method gets called
the touches methods are began, moved, cancelled and ended.. if you don't move..nothing gets called
Nope, a default method of gesture recognizers will be called, hold on let me give you that method
@skytz I just ran with adMob and it is set up right but I got loads of errors. Do you know how to make something a subview like a banner view
bannerView_=[[[GADBannerView alloc]initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner origin:CGPointMake(0, 0)]autorelease];
makes a uiview
and then you add it to your view
This method is called before touchesBegan:withEvent: is called on the gesture recognizer for a new touch.
ok..you didn't uderstand
the touch is on the screen
began has been called
the problem is that it doesn't move
so no method gets called if it doesn't move
what i was thinking of is to add the touches on the screen to a nsarray
but..i have no way of knowing which touch didn't move
because i receive a nsset
You cant do this --> add the touches on the screen to a nsarray
i just said why this didn't work
Because there is not user interaction after that CGPoint where the user has stopped his finger
if i do that..it works..but i need to update the touch everytime it moves
Yeah, you are right, you have no way of knowing which touch didn't move :(
Well but your problem is interesting, i need to do some R&D in Apple Docs, hold on
i just thought of something..what if i update the array everytime it moved
but then i have to check if the touch ended
so i remove it from array
it's quite an interesting problem
yep, but updating the array everytime doesn't make sense
but then how can i see if the touch stopped?
unless i get the last value from touch moved
for no cause you are exhausting users battery, I bet updating for every moved touch will consume some battery
well this is what they need to add in the new os
touches stoped
Other wise you have to do in touch ended
oh! cool
that doesn't help me
I know, i am helpless but exploring some apple docs for you
you won't find anything..i researched the problem for 2 days..nothing
well, i need your help, do you have iPhone, can you download this --> itunes.apple.com/kw/app/powercam/id453180850?mt=8
Its better to ask your question in Stack over flow and wait for some interesting answers
i will
And let me know when it is downloaded :)
Ok, open it
and touch on Home button
w8 a sec
funny comment for my country: "its worth every penny"
...and it's free
yes...i cannot believe i'm a member of this country
ok..now what?
Ok touch on home button there
in app?
the camera/ record thingy?
Press home button at top left, can you see an elliptical menu ?
now what?
Yep, i want to know how can i do that, i have tried it to do with beizer path , but no use. Just 4 objects are roaming on an elliptical path
love the carousel
Do you have any idea?
make an ellipse..and then check at what angle the icon is..then scale it for that angle
hmm, not clear, can you elaborate ?
ok..so you have an ellipse path...
get the middle point...and the check if the angle for a certain icon
if the angle is -90..then scale is 1
if it's 180..then scale is .8
i'm taking in degrees
Well, i think i can do this with CATransform3D
if angle is 90..then scale is .6
it's too complicated for something simple
and when you rotate it..then just check angle and update scale
well, fully mathematical, but the icons should be dynamic, if any new item is added in the backend server then i should add an object on this path in app
yes..just make an array for this
for the icons*
and then just pass the array
cool, will try it, but i need to make the angles also dynamically according to the count of the objects on the elliptical path
to position the icons..just set like this 360/i (for object at index i)
oh w8..its not 360/i
it's 360/[array count]*i
I think i can have even simple way to solve this, i think i should post a question on SO for this as well
Thanks anyway
to use 3d is overkill
if you look carefully at it
when you rotate it
the back icon is on top on the front icon
and small size
well..that was my idea..
Q: detect if touch stopped on the screen

skytzthe question is simple but extremely complicated: in UIResponder there are 4 methods for handling touches: - touchesEnded:withEvent:event – touchesBegan:withEvent: – touchesMoved:withEvent: – touchesCancelled:withEvent: How do i detect if a touch stopped on the screen? the problem is that i...

looky look
also..can anyone look at paulbourke.net/geometry/insidepoly and tell me how would i declare a vertex with a hole in it?:\
Hello all
@skytz I have been working on the adds and adMob did not work but I have made the adView a subview of the view controller and its view. The only problem I have now is thatI dont know ho to link it. In interface builder i would CTRL + CLICK but I can not. Can you do it programatically?
have you made an account?
in admob i mean
Yes but this method is working it is just the linking it to the acctual interface
The actual issue was at a coding level, not addmob. The code is big now and will take a lot of editing so I am sticking with iAD
well i told you..after you make the banner...just add it to the viewcontroller like this: [viewcontroller.view addSubview:bannerView]; ...and if you need:[ viewcontroller.view bringSubviewtofront:bannerView];
Would the @ interface work
I have made it a subView I just need it to display
use addsubview
it should work
It does not,
maybe post some code?
Do you prefer using storyboard or xib and why?
I use a storyboard for small apps and xibs for big apps
Ill get the code now
storyboard is easier ..but i don't prefer anything...i like doing all in code
for the .h I have

#import <iAd/iAd.h>

@interface RootViewController : UIViewController <ADBannerViewDelegate> {

ADBannerView *adView;
BOOL bannerIsVisible;


@property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet ADBannerView *adView;
@property BOOL bannerIsVisable;
well..you didn't import gadbannerview
also..add gadbannerviewdelegate to delegates
For the .m

@synthesize bannerIsVisable, adView;

-(void)bannerViewDidLoadAd:(ADBannerView *)banner {
if (!self.bannerIsVisable) {
[UIView beginAnimations:@"animationOn" context:(NULL)];
adView.frame = CGRectOffset(adView.frame, 0, 50);
[UIView commitAnimations];
self.bannerIsVisable= YES;

-(void)bannerView:(ADBannerView *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error {
if (self.bannerIsVisable) {
[UIView beginAnimations:@"animationOff" context:(NULL)];
adView.frame = CGRectOffset(adView.frame, 0, -50);
Have you noticed that storyboard seems to be laggy if it grows too big?
why didn't you follow the tutorial from that link?
then what is iad doing there?
Because I want to use iAD not adMob in any level
I just get bugs with adMob
you can set priority in admob mediation
you didn't implement it corectlly
I understand the fact that adMob is not set up properly but I would rather not use mediation because I am knew to ad based development and I understand iAD, the thought of getting something new in there is worrying, I must say.
well admob is the easiest to implement
you don't need to set frames and all that
OK I will try again.
i implemented it..first time...in 30 min
and i read the documentation
what you need to do is this:
add #import "GADBannerView.h" to your controller
any ios professional here?
add GADBannerViewDelegate to your delegates list
GADBannerView *bannerView_; in interface variables
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIWindow *window;
synthesize it
Sorry, do I need to add a framework yet? (dumb question(I am Really thick))
bannerView_=[[[GADBannerView alloc]initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner origin:CGPointMake(135, 295)]autorelease];
[bannerView_ setRootViewController:viewController];

[viewController.view addSubview:bannerView_];
[viewController.view bringSubviewToFront:bannerView_];

[bannerView_ loadRequest:[GADRequest request]];
and for admodid (lolz i spelled it wrong =) ) put your mediation id
and yes
you need to download the sdk
oh google AdMob =)
you have the download page link there
with tutorial and stuff
@skytz have you ever dealt with app leaks? I'm stuck with one issue
well..what's the problem?
I have got the page and the dowbnload but I dont know how to use it as a framework
i'm using ARC and I still have leaks in system libs
Do you put the archive in as a target
How do you load the sdk in then :]
Sorry, ive got it
@skytz With adMob it seems the app has to be live before it can register an app
it works even if it's not live
I have registered on admob.com I have filled out the forms but I dont get the code that is required inside the app
oh ffs
look up
i wrote it step by step
2 hours later…
Q: XIB Control click programmatically referencing outlets iAD

user1432813I have an app that I would like to run with iAD. Sadly there is no view controller in interface builder format so I will have to do it programmatically. Can you make referencing outlets through code within the view controller. Thank you in advanced, everything is greatly appreciated!

03:00 - 21:0022:00 - 23:00

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