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@iHungry my file is mp3 but it doesn't have .mp3 type. should I write ...of Type:@"mp3"] ?
@Armaan It is group of private concrete subclasses under a public abstract superclass.
@iWheelBuy, yes u r right man :) sorry for misspell me
okay) I'll try this right now)
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
like, NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary etc.
@NinjaTurtle:Thanks for reply. Any reason to create such a class or any real time example where I need that.
@Terminator aaeen
42 secs ago, by NinjaTurtle
like, NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary etc.
@Terminator wassup?
@NinjaTurtle: Sorry but not clear :)
@Armaan Class cluster are extensively used in our daily coding life.
@Armaan Lets take an example of Number class.
@Abizern: i have a small doubt about memory management while using ARC... are you free now? just 2 minutes :)
@Armaan Number is the abstract and Char, int, double, float etc are subclasses of Number class.
@NinjaTurtle: Yes
@VidyaMurthy I am done integrating Event Kit in my calendar. Heee :D
@BobjC aaeen
@Terminator Cool :) My project hasn't even started yet!
@Armaan So as per definition, Number class is abstract superclass and long, char, int, float, signed unsigned etc are concrete classes
@VidyaMurthy Ohh. Okay lets reverse the deal. I will give you the code and you give me chocolates :D
@Terminator good job :P
@Terminator Ya sure :D
Any one know about live streaming in iphone
@Armaan I know that much only, you can ask any other person who is more intelligent then me and I think you wont find anyone :D
@Armaan Do you have an idea of Socket connection in iPhone?
@NinjaTurtle:Yes. Once I copied the code of socket from one project. But you can I ask me i will help you if I can.
@iHungry everything works) Thanks)
@NinjaTurtle:BTW. Nice explanation.
@Armaan I found socket connection tutorial but failed to run it. Can you help me in running it with Mac OS terminal in my device.
@iWheelBuy, ur good
But now there is a biiig delay when I go to current time of track =(
@NinjaTurtle do u know how can i fetch IMAP email(Messeges) on specific keywords in mailcore library
@VidyaMurthy See the screenshot above
@NinjaTurtle:Okay let me check
@parthvasavada dunno.
@iWheelBuy, i has to be.... becoz it take time to loading data with seek tim
@Terminator Looks awesome! :)
@NinjaTurtle:if you don't mind then can I know the purpose of taking the socket in your project. might be i can suggest any more simple code
does any1 know how can i fetch IMAP email(Messeges) on specific keywords in mailcore library?
@Armaan that might be for chat or for gaming.
@iHungry this is no good for a player =((
@parthvasavada ask it on Stack Overflow. I assure you, you will get answer.
@Terminator:Looks gorgeous. Share with me :)
@Terminator Are you using EventKit?
@iWheelBuy, we can not do anything in it... becoz its in build functionality from apple
hey... could anybody give me advice on how to change my UINavigationBar's backgroundImage when a prompt is displayed (the way apple do)? as from what I can see the navigation bar uses two different resources
(for the different states)
@iHungry the only thing I can think of is to prevent user from downloading large files...
Hey Liam, how are you?
@VidyaMurthy Thanks
@Armaan Okay. But tomorrow.
hey @NinjaTurtle, im good thanks.. you?
@L14M333 cool, have you played with socket connection in iOS?
@NinjaTurtle Yes. Upon the action button tap at right of the navigation bar, Events are displayed that were added to the current selected date.
@NinjaTurtle yeah I have a little bit.. whats it you're trying to achieve?
@L14M333 I am trying to make a game, but started with chat app given by Ray.
@iWheelBuy, u can download also large file in ur app
but it takes time
@iHungry i'm testing on 150mb file atm
@NinjaTurtle I once made an app what sends url's of images i uploaded on my phone to a client app on my mac using bonjour services and a socket connection
and even the playback isn't smooth
lemme find out what class i used
@L14M333 sure, if possible then share link.
@Terminator you there ??
@iWheelBuy, actually u have write directly binary data on your file path in document directory ... this my guess if this will happen then we can download unlimited data in our app
yep, im writing directly to my app directory. and very soon I'm going to check how much space is avalable)
@iHungry: @Bala: @NinjaTurtle: @Victor: @iWheelBuy: @L14M333: @Terminator: @Armaan: @parthvasavada: @VidyaMurthy: @Lucas: @Abhishek: @BobjC: @Abizern: With ARC, is my public NSData variable will release if i set to nil after my usage ?
@Ramshad I think it will be released
@NinjaTurtle my hdd with the source code on it is playing up atm but check out the answers to my question about bonjour as I wrote an example of what I was using for that
Q: Checking private network for local devices with a certain port open (iPhone/Objective C)

L14M333I've spent the whole day creating a system between my Mac and iPhone where i have used cocoaasyncsocket to create a listen server on my mac and a client on my iPhone. The basic idea is to leave the app on the mac running while the computer is on and then when I wish to transfer data from the iPho...

@iWheelBuy: how can we move rtfd file to document directory??
@Ramshad, u need have to read all rules of ARC ...
@iWheelBuy, yes . There is issue how much memory space available for storing file... but i also think over on it.... there may be all remaining space from device hard-disk ..
@iHungry: i think setting nil is ok.. just asked ur valuable openion.. if u can , tell me is it ok.
@Ramshad no is can' t release. but only its value become nil
@ihungry: please help me in anyway..ths is very important
@iHungry: i have read it.. however little confusion :)
@L14M333 Have you seen Ray tut?
@all : how can we move rtfd file to document directory??
@iPhoneDeveloper, yes tell
@NinjaTurtle who o.O?
how can we move rtfd file to document directory?? same question @iHungry
@Abizern: please help me a bit more..
@Ramshad: ARC itself decided whether object is need or not. So,whenever object goes out of use it will be release. To indicate that now this variable is not needed you can set it to nil. So,when system get time it will be released. It is working fine for my some apps.
@NinjaTurtle ahh, nope not seen that before
@iPhoneDeveloper, NSFileManager *filemgr;
NSArray *dirPaths;
NSString *docsDir;

filemgr =[NSFileManager defaultManager];

dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);

docsDir = [dirPaths objectAtIndex:0];

if ([filemgr changeCurrentDirectoryPath: docsDir] == NO)
// Directory does not exist – take appropriate action

[filemgr release];
change ur directory path
and write ur file on that file path
@L14M333 try it I started but failed to get messages in terminal.
@Armaan: thanks for the quick reply
@iHungry: .rtfd file is a file wrapper so it cannot be moved in this way :(
that is the main issue
can u tried that code b4?
yes i have tried alot of many codes..and still noithing
i guess u have to read all data from .rftd file and that data have to write in .rtf file (which is in your document directory)
@iPhoneDeveloper what is RTFD?
this may be ur last way reaming if u not getting anywhere
that code
@iHungry: yes i have read it ..is it possible to write it on rtf file??
@iWheelBuy: it is a file extension .. .rtfd
@ihungry:' how can i do that??:)
only this way is remaining
can i change it back too??
@iPhoneDeveloper what do you mean by "move"? Where is this rtfd file?
oh!!! those all writing code u will get on some googling..... actually my one of the friend did ... writing data in rtf file 2 years b4
@NinjaTurtle:Hey I am sorry I can't help you as cyber roam is not allowing me to listen to port
@Armaan ok.
@ihungry: so can you help me in rewriting it??
@iPhoneDeveloper, see this it may help u stackoverflow.com/questions/8235532/…
@ihungry: i have checked this one out... they have given tools to convert it..
@iApple: i am again stuck..please help me..
posted on July 13, 2012 by marie

Once again the week is coming to an end and that means it’s time for a roundup of the past weeks news! Retina MacBook Pro Shipping Estimates Improving for the First Time - For the first time since its launch just over one month ago, Apple’s Retina MacBook Pro has begun to see improvements in shipping estimates [...]

my suggestion u ... please u have to be google on that task.... becoz now i leaving from office
my office time end now
@iHungry: ok i have been doing that since morning..but no clue...anyways thanks for your help:)
@all any one have idea in Augmented Reality ?
@iPhoneDeveloper If you want to save file from the intertnet to you app directory - i can show you how
@iPhoneDeveloper @NiravLimbasiya
NEED HELP can't get this to work, i think it's a simple problem but i cant see any error TT.TT
@iWheelBuy: nops i know that...i needed it this way..thanks...
@coder: hi
@iPhone hi
@iPhoneDeveloper okay then
cya later
bb all
@NinjaTurtle just saying. i'm not expert on java. and my java expert in not here. but it's cool you're trying to do in both ways
@iWheelBuy: yes cya too..
@iHungry p.s. 461mb already)
@brush51 missed your last message... have you ever looked into ray wenderlich's "How To Debug Memory Leaks with XCode and Instruments Tutorial"? since even instrument won't always help you shoot the leak precisely...
@BertieLiu: how can we move rtfd file to document directory??
@BertieLiu i have read some docs about leaks and so on. i have tried a much of things. solved for now, but my knowledge is horrible about that. i will work next week with memorymanagement, thanks for your advice.
@BertieLiu Oh my god! Ray wenderlich ?? I hope @brush51 haven't seen that, should not see that in future also
Ray Wenderlich rocks.
@sreecharan: have you worked with .rtfd files??
@sreecharan LOL..let me say what i thought even before
@sreecharan i knew you would say that haha. can't think up a more possible way.
@iPhoneDeveloper Nope
@Terminator Is that you?
@sreecharan i want to mention you at first, so you hate ray wanderlich tuts, i thought you are sleeping, because of that i have NOT mention you. but that was what i thought :)
@iPhoneDeveloper you mean simply move a file or something more?
yes simply moveItematURL:toURL
but of .rtfd file extensions
@brush51 my experience, however, told me that memory leak through instrument won't always directly lead you to the point
@Terminator I'm disappointed in you :(
Ha ha @brush51 I am just watching the conversations here, When I have seen the name called "Ray wenderlich" , I am unable to control myself
@sreecharan ahhhhhhh i'm frightened
@BertieLiu i figured that out. thats why i say i want to start rocking MM next week. i will try to solve it my way to better understanding.
@Terminator and his ios tutorial team writers ;)
@BertieLiu thank you sweet heart :)
@Abizern I hope somebody else is using @Terminator's SO account
@iPhoneDeveloper i guess it's replaceItemAtURL:withItemAtURL:backupItemName:options:resultingItemURL:error:
@BertieLiu: nops its not about the methods..its about that particualr file extension as it is not a file..ut a filewrapper..that is the main issue.. :(
@Armaan @Ramshad No. This describes Garbage collection. ARC is implemented at the Compiler level when the retain, release, and autorelease calls are added for you. The zeroing weak objects support is implemented by the runtime.
disappointed in you?
@brush51 and sadly i never find out a way to fix memory in my own magazine
@BobjC LOL
@sreecharan aaeen
Oh! Its you
NSString *ext = [fileName extractFileExtension];
if((![ext isEqualToString:@"jpg"]) && (![ext isEqualToString:@"jped"]) && (![ext isEqualToString:@"gif"]) && (! [ext isEqualToString:@"png"])){

AppException *e = [[AppException alloc]initWithName:name reason:@"The Request parameters are invalid. Only file with extensions jpg, jpeg, gif and png are supported" userInfo:nil];
@throw e;

@sreecharan aaeen
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yes
Wiill ^above^ works for invalidImageExtension?
@Terminator aaeen confirms me that your account is not hacked
Oh, he can't see my messages :P
@iApple:how can we move rtfd file to document directory??
er what's aaeen?
@sreecharan Whatever new names she comes up with, we can verify its her only through "aaeen"!
@BertieLiu Ask @Terminator
@BertieLiu It means Oi.
@BertieLiu maybe i can help you in the future
@VidyaMurthy Yeah! but i am confused by this statement from Terminator
8 mins ago, by Terminator
Ray Wenderlich rocks.
@brush51 i do hope so
@VidyaMurthy And her constant eating messages and 2 hour breaks.
@Abizern Lol! Yeah, that too :)
@sreecharan Must have been her stab at sarcasm :D
@iPhoneDeveloper : How does rtfd look like,i mean just like rtf ??
writetofile method doesn't work?
@VidyaMurthy May be, Like @Abizern says "I am immune to sarcasm"
@iPhoneDeveloper Show me how you are doing it?
@iApple: nops it doesnt work as it is an rtf with other attachments..
@abizern: i did not progress since the time you left..
@sreecharan I'm immune to sarcasm when it's applied at me
@iPhoneDeveloper why i start to think about convert it and move and convert back... i'm mad... ignore me...
@sreecharan ^_^
@Abizern NSURL *newurl=[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"ReadMe" withExtension:@"rtfd"];
NSURL *oldurl=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:stringPath];
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSError *error = nil;
[fileManager moveItemAtURL:newurl toURL:oldurl error:&error];
@iPhoneDeveloper : but wat is rtfd ,i don't know ...
@BertieLiu: may be you are right...as this is the only option left..
Me too immune to sarcasm :)
@BertieLiu I am not going to ignore you, till now i have ignored many people
@iApple: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............
no one is able to help me..

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