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@iHungry i used this as my tutorial
@ilis, server scriptor mean .... the man who written script for push notification services
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken
@iHungry can you share some code of your server side?
in this method u have to send device token to server ....
@iHungry: how can we convert .rtfd file into nsdata??
@ilis, nope i have not authority to access server on PC
@Abizern:how can we convert .rtfd file into nsdata??
but how to send notification when i added a record to database table?
@iPhoneDeveloper, .rtf yeah rtfd?
@iHungry: .rtfd
@ilis, the sending notification responsibility on server script
@iPhoneDeveloper, no idea for rtfd
@iPhoneDeveloper NSData has a method - dataWithContentsOfURL
@iHungry and that is what i'm having trouble with
@iHungry: i am able to separate it into its components..but i wanted to save it as it is..
@Abizern: that works for .rtf not .rtfd :(
i have tried that
@iPhoneDeveloper Pass it the NSURL of the .rtfd file and you'll get the data representation of the file.
@iPhoneDeveloper What was the error?
@Abizern: ok i'll try it once again..
@iPhoneDeveloper No
I was getting a 4kb file..means empty file... @Abizern
@ilis, ray wenderlich tutorials for push notification coding implementation headache for me.... there for i m going on my way...
then please help me in your way
@ilis, wait
@Terminator: how can we convert .rtfd file into nsdata??
@iPhoneDeveloper use dataWithContentsOfURL:options:error: and see what the error is.
@Abizern: ok
@iHungry ok, i'm waiting
@ilis, <?php

// Put your device token here (without spaces):
$deviceToken = '0f744707bebcf74f9b7c25d48e3358945f6aa01da5ddb387462c7eaf61bbad78';

// Put your private key's passphrase here:
$passphrase = 'pushchat';

// Put your alert message here:
$message = 'My first push notification!';


$ctx = stream_context_create();
stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'local_cert', 'ck.pem');
stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'passphrase', $passphrase);
@Abizern have you multiple sound files simultaneously in iPhone.
@iPhoneDev Nope, Only by accident.
@Abizern ok.
@ilis, the scriptor modified script from this code
this simple APNS server script
@Abizern: Okay i have taken a look. But I will check it in detail in meantime
@iPhoneDeveloper Same as @Abizern says
For one user
Hello :-)
@ilis, can you install .pem file on server?
@Abizern: what do i have to write for <#(NSDataReadingOptions)#> ??
can anyone help me to share video on twitter?I am success to share image on twitter through twitpic.But i have no idea about video share on twitter
i want video share through my iphone app.
@iHungry? installing .pem on server? I followed the steps on that link. i'm not sure if i have installed the pem file to server
@iPhoneDeveloper pick a suitable one. NSDataReadingUncached is a good bet while you are just trying to get something to work.
@Abizern: thanks..
@iHungry thanks for server side script. it really worked exactly as how i had wanted
@iHungry they are easiest ones.
@ilis, sorry not installing .pem file but u need to keep .pem file in folder of push notification folder where all script file store on server
thank you very much
@Abizern: i am getting this : Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=257 "The operation couldn\u2019t be completed. (Cocoa error 257.)" UserInfo=0x6a2a0e0 {NSFilePath=/var/root/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/E1CC5E1D-585E-4B32-92B2-51A04AD8B26C/ConversionViewController.app/ReadMe.rtfd, NSUnderlyingError=0x6a29c90 "The operation couldn\u2019t be completed. Permission denied"}
@NinjaTurtle, yup very easy
and quick understanding
@iHungry yes i'm doing it, there is no problem with that
@iHungry i mean i'm keeping the files in same folder
@ilis, see this process
in image
@Abizern how to get the text in images?
@iHungry Thanks in advance, from this point i will add device tokens from database,
@ilis, ur welcome always...
@iHungry i have already done that
Thaks again and again ;)
@iPhoneDeveloper It looks like you are trying to access a file outside of the Sandbox. How are you getting the URL of the file?
@MedetiNaveenKumar OCR
@Abizern have u worked on Augmented reality ??
it is stored in resource bundle of my app...all i want to do is to save it in the directory document folder.. @abizern
@Abizern i use tesseract framework but it is not support all images
@iPhoneDeveloper How are you getting the URL of the file?
@MedetiNaveenKumar Okay.
@Abizern: NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"ReadMe" ofType:@"rtfd"];
NSURL *url=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
NSError *error=nil;
NSData *data=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url options:NSDataReadingUncached error:&error];
@Coder Nope
@Abizern ohk . nop
@sharon hi bro
@Abizern is any other frameworks available for get the text?
@Coder hi
@iPhoneDeveloper rather than mess about with fllePaths use URLForResource:withExtension: You shouldn't be using file paths anymore - always use an NSURL.
@sharon have u worked on Augmented Reality ?
@Abizern: how can i make nsurl without file paths??
pls anybody help me.
to share video on twitter
@Abizern: i am getting the same error still
@iHungry i saved your script as push.php and i'm running it like this
[root@sftw ipad]# php push.php --enter--
`NSURL *fileURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"ReadMe" withExtension:@"rtfd"];`

You can get the URL directly without having to go through the filepaths
@Abizern: i am getting the same error still..
@iHungry how to run it programatically when i added a record to database?
@iPhoneDeveloper Have you checked that the bundle contains the file, have you checked that your returns are not nil?
@iPhone Can you print the error.
@iPhoneDev: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=257 "The operation couldn\u2019t be completed. (Cocoa error 257.)" UserInfo=0x6a2a0e0 {NSFilePath=/var/root/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/E1CC5E1D-585E-4B32-92B2-51A04AD8B26C/ConversionViewController.app/ReadMe.rtfd, NSUnderlyingError=0x6a29c90 "The operation couldn\u2019t be completed. Permission denied"}
@Abizern: yes i have already done that..
@ilis, my advice you first check it for one device using your hard coded device token in the script.... and fire the script URL (for running) on browser
infact i have checked the contents of the rtfd file also.. it has three objects ".typeAttributes.dict",
"TXT.rtf" @abizern
@iHungry how to fire it via url? can you give a small sample?
@iPhoneDeveloper Are you sure your file is not read/write protected?
@iPhoneDev: yes i am sure of that...
i have tried other files too
Anyone has an knowledge of SocketConnection in iOS?
@Coder wts dat :p
like that
@ilis, its very simple to run script take script location path and run it on browser
@iPhoneDeveloper Argh. Sorry - I forgot that rtfd is a directory structure, not a file. Step back a bit - why do you need to turn it into NSData?
@Abizern: i want to save it to some other folder in directory
I have a question. How to play a 150mb+ mp3 file stored on the device? AVAudioPlayer crashes...
@iPhoneDeveloper So why are you turning it into NSData - when all you need to do is move the directory?
@abizern: how can i do that?? i have even tried copying it...but got nothing..
@iHungry yes it has really been easy
@iPhoneDeveloper @Abizern @ilis @iWheelBuy @iHungry hello do u know about live streaming in iphone ??
and orks without any additional parameter
works* @iHungry
@iPhoneDeveloper NSFileManager has a moveItemAtURL:toURL method. You could recurse into your folder and copy files that way.
@ilis, grt8... u r so intelligent ;)
@Abhishek sorry.
@Abhishek, nope i havn't work on livestreaming
;) @iHungry sorry man:)
does any one know how can i fetch IMAP emails on key words in mailcore library?
@Armaan Have you played with socket connections?
@iHungry to be frank, i still did'n exactly understand how to run this script from inside mysql codes
OR can i search email with specific keywords in mailcore?
@Coder are bhai u tube band h
anyone help me out to share video on twitter
using iphone app
@Abizern: ok i'll try it...
thanks for the help so far..
hello iphone
hello sharon
@ilis, i want to give you one suggestion .... please google something for how run php script on local machine or server
hello @iHungry
@Birju, r u Govinda?
sir i want help
@iPhoneDeveloper It's fiddly, but it is doable.
becoz Govida has Birju name in one of the movie ... ithink jis desh mai ganga rahata hai movie name
@Abizern: i did not get you?
no its name is Aag
@Birju, u directly ask ur question... and no one here ur sir
How to play a 150mb+ mp3 file stored on the device? any suggestions
OR can i fetch CTCoreMessage with specific keywords in mailcore?
@iPhoneDeveloper I meant it takes a few more calls, but it's easy to do.
i m asking many times but no reply from anyone @iHungry
@Abizern: ohk...
@iWheelBuy, directly give url path of ur sound file to AudioPlayer.... it will run with put buffering alll song
@iHungry what do you mean directly?
@iPhoneDeveloper There are lots of examples on the net, but it's good practice to write it yourself and use the modern NSURL methods. You'll learn a lot more and understand file operations better.
@Birju, oh !!! sorry that Aag movie ... like actress from that movie
@ihungry you know anything about video share on twitter using iphohe app
@Abizern: yes you are absolutely right
@iWheelBuy, NSURL *soundPathUrl = [NSURL urlWithString : [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathFromResource :@"SoundFileName" of Type:@"mp3"]];
@Birju, nope
i m doing only tweet to twitter?
@iHungry I have the file stored on the device. when I init AVAudioPlayer with this file the whole file goes to buffer and app crashes
@Abizern: how can i use move url to url method?? as after writing [NSFileManager..] i am not getting the option of moveurltourl..
ok thnx @ihungry
i mean move itemfromurltourl
@iWheelBuy, share ur code
ExtendedAudioInfo *info = [[AudioDatabase database] getAudioInfoRandom:playerShuffle AccordingToAudioInfo:nil];
playerVK = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:info.address] error:nil];
@iPhoneDeveloper You can move an entire directiory that way.
@iWheelBuy, yes ur code first cache all data from sound file in NSData and after that it trying to run in audio player ... but b4 playing audio player the app Ram has been full and app will crash ... with memory warning
@Abizern: ok thnkx
its wrong way u implemented ... @iWheelBuy
Anyone here who had played with socket connection in iOS?
@Abizern: still nothing :(
@iHungry I understand that the way i'v done is wrong for lagre files. what should i do? =)
@iWheelBuy, i already gave u solution
is it possible to install xcode in iPad ?
take sound file path
@iPhoneDeveloper What exactly are you doing?
and run it - (id)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)outError this method of AVAudioplaer
or is it possible to develop apps in iPad ? @Abizern
@iHungry oh Now I understand what are u talking about!
this method does not cache ur sound file data
i'll try
@Abizern: i got this Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=516 "The operation couldn\u2019t be completed. (Cocoa error 516.)" UserInfo=0x682ed00 {NSUserStringVariant=(
), NSFilePath=/var/root/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/E1CC5E1D-585E-4B32-92B2-51A04AD8B26C/Documents/TestFiles, NSDestinationFilePath=/var/root/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/E1CC5E1D-585E-4B32-92B2-51A04AD8B26C/ConversionViewController.app/ReadMe.rtfd, NSUnderlyingError=0x682ec70 "The operation couldn\u2019t be completed. File exists"}
and i did this : NSURL *newurl=[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"ReadMe" withExtension:@"rtfd"];
NSURL *oldurl=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:stringPath];
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSError *error = nil;
[fileManager moveItemAtURL:newurl toURL:oldurl error:&error];
@Abizern:hey I want to know about class cluster concept. I have checked few links but not still clear why we should use class cluster. if you have short and sweet answer then please tell me.

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