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@Abizern Atlast i've learned YQL and achieved my clients requirement
whoa! @Matrix you are here, well that Yahoo's console helped me
good work
so you have learned YQL, i have one question in my mind, what is the advantage of using YQL over yahoo rest webservices ??
i mean whatever i do using YQL , i can do same thing using yahoo rest services, then why and in which case i should prefer YQL ?
@sreecharan food for you.
Not much, YQL has more flexibility and we can get more infomation like the forecast of 7 days at a time, but rest is not more flexible like YQL
@Abizern food or good ??
i can get forcast info using yahoo rest web services too
Anyone know about java? I wrote if(fileName.indexOf('.') == -1) in java.
Now I want to write it in Objective-C.
and more flexibility means ?
fileName is String type.
IndexOf(String) Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in this instance.
@Matrix Yeah! you can get it but not huge data, right. Like 2 months forecast. But personally i like rest webservices, YQL is a kind of a crap
What will be in Objective-C in place of indexOf?
But the main reason i opted YQL is because of my lucifer client, He is telling me that unnecessarily you are exhausting users battery for no cause, you can get the same thing with one hit by using one query in YQL instead of hitting the server repeatedly
@sreecharan, i feel main two advantages , 1) YQL combines result from several other services too, apart from yahoo 2) YQL syntax matched to sql syntax
@Matrix Flexibility in my sence means your 1st point
also look at yahoo sample code on net: social sample
@sreecharan, r u professional ios developer ? how months exp ? and where u working ?
I am just a noob here
i am working as an ios dev since 2.5 years
Cool, Great
and apart from job during free time , i help other ios developers to solve problems
@Matrix then help me.
by solving their problems i also learn something new
Do you have any idea of invalid extension exception?
mean ?
can u give example ?
I want throw exception when there is invalid extension.
in objective C right ?
and r u talking about file extension ?
Like it would be anything with @"." file.
I wrote it in Android.
ok, in general you can try-catch-throw exceptions
in objC
if(fileName.indexOf('.') == -1)
^above^ I wrote in Android and working.
I want to write it in Objective-C/
ok, what does your fun do in android ?
Throw custom exception if this true.
does it mean that, if file name doesn't contain "." then throw exception ?
@sreecharan hi
if(fileName.indexOf('.') == -1)
throw new custom(" does not contain valid extension. ");
look for NSString methods
for implementing exception handling in objC
i hope it helps u
if([fileName isEqualToString:@"."] == -1){
Will it work?
But how would get index @"."
What is for above link?
open link
u will get it
I know how to throw exception.
I want to put condition for exception.
@NinjaTurtle hi
if([fileName rangeofstring:@"."] == -1){
Will it work?
@NinjaTurtle hello
@NinjaTurtle do you want to check for a dot in a string?
@NinjaTurtle Rather than throwing code at your compiler have you looked at the NSString documentation?
@NinjaTurtle NSString * str=@"[{
"CategoryID":1,"ItemCount":1,"level":1,"Name":"Boots","Description":"Boots descrition","childs"[{"CategoryID":2,"ItemCount":1,"level":2,"Name":"Cold Water","Description":"Cold Water Description","childs":[]}]},
{"CategoryID":2,"ItemCount"1,"level"1,"Name":"DiveSkin","Description":"DiveSkins description","childs":[{"CategoryID":2,"ItemCount":1,"level":2,"Name":"Full Dive Skins","Description":"Full Dive Skins Description", "childs":[]}]},";
if([fileName rangeofstring:@"."].location != NSNotFound)try this
NSRange range = [string rangeOfString:searchKeyword];
NSLog (@"match found at index:%u", range.location);
@brush51 What will be a location in it.
@NinjaTurtle Just translating Java code to Objective-C isn't effective in all cases.
@Abizern yes, reading.
for some reason my MFMessageViewController, sets a space after my body? anyone know why
@Abizern I know Java better and always try to code in Java first and then I try for Objective-C.
@NinjaTurtle i tried to assign the json string above.but it is not working
@MaxHasADHD, ?
NSRange range;
range = [yourstring rangeOfString:@"."];
NSLog(@"Position:%d", range.location);
@brush51 Will it work?
@NinjaTurtle But the Cocoa Frameworks are not the same as the Java frameworks. Straight translations of code aren't always going to work. For example; why are you searching for the location of the '.' character? If it's to find out if the extension is valid - you don't need to search the string you can just use pathExtension which returns an empty string if the path doesn't contain a valid extension.
But when I am writing`[str rangeOfString:@"."]`.
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@Terminator Hello
@VidyaMurthy wassa
@NinjaTurtle And 'pathExtension' is a method on NSString.
@Terminator Hows your project coming along?
@matrix so my top paid app, SMS Signature+ basically sets the text as \n%@, %@ is the signature from NSUserDefaults, but now, it sets a whole line space under the text as well?
@keepsmiling : there?
really ?
uhm... ya... 0_0 idk why its doing it
if i don't add the text its 1 line, adding the sig adds 3 lines. not 2
idk why
if([fileName pathExtension:@"."] == -1){
sms.body = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n%@",[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"signatureText"]];
thats the code, but sets 3 lines:/
pathExtension not found return type id.
ok, let me check
@NinjaTurtle: if you are trying to use pathExtension method of NSStrng then you are wrong please check libarary
oh, and removing \n will make it 1 line-_- i think apples doing this to make sure people don't make signature apps anymore
@Abizern hello
@Armaan I want to check for valid extension with @"."
NSString *extension = [fileName pathExtension];
if ([extension isEqualToString:@""]) {
    // filename does not have an extension
} else {
    // fileName has a valid extension
@NinjaTurtle:NSString *ext=[filename pathExtension];
@NinjaTurtle No pathExtension returns the extension, you don't search for the '.'
But I want to compare it with "-1"
@NinjaTurtle Why? The point of the -1 is that it is not a valid index - hence it doesn't exist, so the file has no path extension
-(void)throwExceptionIfNotValidExtension:(NSString*)fileName name:(NSString*)name{
@matrix i guess i can add spaces, which is like 30 of them to get to line 2:/
@NinjaTurtle Cocoa avoids using Exceptions for runtime error conditions.
may be, if your app is for iphone
number of spaces increased for ipad
if (fileName == null) {
throw new AppException(name + " parameter can not be null ");
if(fileName.indexOf('.') == -1)
throw new AppException(name + " does not contain valid extension. ");
I wrote ^above^ code for java invalid extension.
gahh-_- does \n work for you? is there a way to make the nsstring and then remove the last line?
Now, I am trying to convert it for Objective-C.
@NinjaTurtle:So use code given by @Abizern and in if condition throw exception.
@NinjaTurtle:because if it doesnt have valid extension then it will go into if portion
@Armaan Don't throw an exception - it's not how error handling works in Cocoa.
@Abizern:Yes I know.
All that stuff I said about not doing a direct translation of Java to Cocoa doesn't seem to have made any impact.
I'd made custom AppException class.
Okay. I tried to be helpful, and wasted my time again. Back in the box.
objC is diff from java, go through this link: stackoverflow.com/questions/4648952/objective-c-exceptions
@Abizern:No I don't mean that please don't mind it. I was just saying that I have a little knowledge of error handling in cocoa :)
@iApple sorry went for having lunch....back now.
apple does not recommend exception handling mechanism, where resources are managed manually
@keepsmiling : Yeah,me too,so was not replying ...
@iApple all the chat hostory is gone....can you tell me the solution(if you told once already) again..??
@matrix looks like its adding 1 character for a new line after my text?:/
My intention is to write code for invalidEmail, invalidExtension, invalidImageExtension. @Abizern
@Abizern I think you have noticed, I have stopped helping and started asking here from 2 days, because of the same reason, after trying to be helpful atlast it ends at the same point and time wasted
there is load older message button,above this chat ..
@Armaan I'm not talking about you. But throwing an exception isn't good Cocoa practice. The way to do it is to write a method -(BOOL)fileHasValidExtension:(NSString *)fileName error:(NSError **)error; which returns YES if the file has a valid extension, and NO if it does not - in which case the actual error description is returned by reference in the error object.
@iApple i saw that about importing...but then I told the problem....did you read..??
agree, apple does not recommend throwing mechanisam where objects memory are managed manually
@iApple the shadow overlaps the curved border..!!
it can lead to memory leaks
@Armaan That's the error handling pattern throughout the Cocoa Frameworks. If you use exceptions you end up writing @try blocks everywhere instead of just checking NSErrors. You don't see a lot of @try blocks in Objective-C code do you?
@keepsmiling : Ohh,i need to see,how it looks,can you manage,i m not getting directly .. :(
@Abizern: No I haven't seen in good codes. due to try-catch sometimes my code messed up with @try blocks :) Thanks for realizing me
@iApple can you give an email id of yours..??
@Armaan Exceptions are usually used for programmer errors. So that it crashes while testing and you can fix it straight away. NSErrors are used for run-time error handling and there is a lot of support for them.
arey,upload image over here.
@Abizern i need your help
@pengwang Just mine? Can no one else in here help you?
@Abizern But Exception Handling is best practice or not?
@sreecharan bhayya naku training eppudu arrange chesthav
@cnu Which language is this?
@NinjaTurtle Not in Cocoa. Error handling is best practice - not throwing exceptions.
Telugu + English = Tinglish
i have a people Master View Conntroll h/m file, it have a tableview,i wang to press cell to push new control
@Abizern I am providing sdks or frameworks to developers, so how would they get to know. For that I throw custom exceptions.
if (_detailmyauraInfo == nil) {
_detailmyauraInfo =
[[detailMyauraInfo alloc]
initWithNibName:@"detailMyauraInfo" bundle:nil];

[self.navigationController pushViewController:_detailmyauraInfo animated:YES];
but i use this ,no effect
@NinjaTurtle You write code that returns Errors.
Wait I forget to take coffee mug. brb.
can you help me?
@pengwang saying "no effect" doesn't tell me anything.
i am press the cell, no skip
no change
@pengwang I still don't understand what you are saying. Also - what happens if _detailmyauraInfo is not nil? Do you have a condition to push that onto the navigation controller stack?
i delete the if ,also no skip
i want to press a cell to skip another view Control
@pengwang Sorry - still not clear.
but my code no effect
i have a uitableView,i want to press a cell to jump other view Controller
@pengwang I'm getting confused by the way you are saying "Jump to view controller". You can load whatever view controller you like when you tap a button.
@abizern : Hi
@pengwang : Hi
@iYahoo hi
@pengwang: add this line before the push view controller. UINavigationController *navCont=self.navigationController; and check value of navCont. It might be nil
@Armaan or just check self.navigationController. What's the point of assigning it to a different variable and then checking?
@Armaan i will try
@pengwang @Armaan : i have to fetch a image from Photolibrary and detect a face in that image whther there is any image or not , What should i do for that
@pengwang So you're not going to answer my question, but you're just going to desperately try anything that someone says to you?
@Abizern : i have to fetch a image from Photolibrary and detect a face in that image whther there is any image or not , What should i do for that
@Abizern: Sometimes Xcode not showing the value of variable this way in second hierarchy. so to debug it properly I have taken just dummy variable.
@Armaan That's completely wrong. If Xcode isn't showing you the value of a variable that clearly exists you're either looking for it incorrectly or something else is wrong. You should sort that out before trying to use workarounds. How do you know what other bugs are hiding in your code?
@iYahoo Core Image has face detection in iOS5
@Abizern: That might be bug in our code. But sometimes Xcode behaving like a crazy. And that guy seems me too new because even he was not able to explain push controller not working for him that's why I have suggested this way. I know this is completely wrong but this was solution according to him or by taking care of him
the pic is PeopleMasterViewController.xib
@VidyaMurthy The Kal API doesn't support all orientations. I had to play with its auto resizing mask and made it work.
@Terminator Oh ok..
PeopleMasterViewController - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{

FireUIPagedScrollViewiPhoneSampleAppDelegate *delegate = (FireUIPagedScrollViewiPhoneSampleAppDelegate *) [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];

_detailmyauraInfo =
[[detailMyauraInfo alloc]
initWithNibName:@"detailMyauraInfo" bundle:nil];

//[delegate.navigationController popToViewController:self animated:NO];
[delegate.navigationController pushViewController :_detailmyauraInfo animated:NO];
AppException *exception = [[AppException alloc]initWithreason:@"does not contain valid extension"];
@throw exception;
if ([extension isEqualToString:@"."]== -1) {
@pengwang Stick a breakpoint on that method and see if it gets called. Make sure that you have your delegates set up correctly.
String ext = extractFileExtension(fileName);
if(!(ext.equalsIgnoreCase("jpg")) && !(ext.equalsIgnoreCase("jpeg")) && !(ext.equalsIgnoreCase("gif")) && !(ext.equalsIgnoreCase("png"))){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Request parameters are invalid. Only file with extensions jpg, jpeg, gif and png are supported");
Now, How do I wrote ^above^ Java code in Objecive-C.
@Armaan Any idea?
NSString *ext = [fileName pathExtension];
@NinjaTurtle I've given you an example - how about you try to write some Objective-C code that does it properly rather than just trying to copy your Java interface.
@NinjaTurtle: you can do comparison like if ([[ext lowercaseString] isEqualToString:@"jpg"]) {
@NinjaTurtle: I have give a workaround for Ignore case comparision
@NinjaTurtle:Please follow to @Abizern he is showing correct way to you
@Abizern I think instead of searching it on internet, convert it from Java.
@Armaan A more flexible way would be to have the allowed extensions in a NSSet, and check that the extension is member of that set. That way, if you want to support more or less extensions you only have to change the set, and you don't have to go through your lines of code deleting the checks for the specific type.
@Armaan it makes for more flexible programming and clearer code.
@NinjaTurtle the third alternative is to turn your Java code into a spec and write the spec in Objective-C. You can't just take Java code and replace the calls with Objective-C calls. Any Cocoa programmer looking at the interface it produces is going to know you haven't done a proper job.
@Abizern: Yes it would provide you great flexibility. In my project i am doing that way.
Will pathExtension replace extractFileExtension?
@Abizern I don't want to just replace my Java code with Objective-C.
@NinjaTurtle Then why are you still talking about replacement?
I would ask something about core data, is there anyone can help?
@Abizern Because I know Java and I'd code in it.
@Abizern: I am creating my own utility class where I want to put all common methods like getting the path of document directory or library. So what would be better creating all this method as a class method or instance method. I am thinking to create all these method as a class method because i don't need to alloc object of that class to access that method. Please If you can share your exp about it then it make me happy
or find the function in OC with similar usage or result
@BertieLiu Is that for me?
@NinjaTurtle @BertieLiu can you help me with my question? i want to catch warnings from console and report that, if it is possible. see here: stackoverflow.com/questions/11468090/…
@ilis söyle birader, what kind of question, ask me.
@NinjaTurtle You can't take a novel in French, translate each word into English and have it be understood - you need to think in English and rewrite it.
@Armaan Simple example gist.github.com/1657624 Depending on what you are returning, you can just write categories on the classes just as this is a category on NSURL.
Gud Aftnun everybody :)
@Abizern:Okay. So you mean that category is the right approach right?
@parthvasavada hello :)
@Armaan It depends, but yes. Also - I don't like huge libraries of utility code that only does one or two things that I need - I prefer to write lots of small utility classes and just use the ones that I need.
does anyone know this error : Error Domain=mailcore Code=5 "Parse error" for mailcore framework
@parthvasavada : Some framework missing
What the hell, Table view cellForRowAtIndexPath: is not getting called
no not really it is an connection error while connecting to Gmail via mailcore framework
@iApple mailcore is a third party framework - that is an error code from within it. @parth If you have the source - just look in the headers for the error code definitions.
@Abizern But basic object oriented programming concepts are same in Java, C#, J2ME etc.
@NinjaTurtle At a high level, yes, but even then they are similar, not exact. Does Java on Android implemest MVC the same way that Cocoa on iOS does?
@Abizern...i have an app ready for release...first i will release the demo as FREE...if end user likes to get the whole game,he needs to buy it...how do we do it?...i am using storekitframework for inAPP purchases.... i followed this link xcodenoobies.blogspot.in/2012/04/…
@NinjaTurtle The whole bit of code that you have in Java for extension checking is something that I would not transfer directly over to Objective-C. If I used an SDK that used paradigms that were not the same as what I was used to I wouldn't be happy. I don't want to write Objective-C like it was Java - because it isn't.
Hi. Can anybody help with reloading sections in table view?
hello all
@iWheelBuy reload table directly
@Lion hello
i'v thought that [self reloadData] is not the only way
@Abizern Anyways, thank you for your help :)
Q: Issue in touch in phonegap iphone

M007I am working on google map screen in phonegap.In this I want to display circle on google map.I am displaying circle via div tag above the google map.But then I am not able to touch on pin of google map.So is there anyway to overlap div tags.

@Terminator Kal integration?
Q: How to catch warning in app for Crash reporting: Received Memory Warning

brush51sometimes i am facing a "Received Memory Warning" in Console. see here: 2012-07-13 11:39:54.344 PROJ42 [25255:707] Received memory warning. The app doesnt crash. But i want to solve this warning. Is there a way to find out why i am getting this warning and sending a report? if yes, how can ...

@brush51 hi
@brush51 we are getting memory warning means you are using lots of memory in your app.On viewDidLoad release your memory as per as possible.
@iWheelBuy you can use reload section method for updating one section as feel.
@iPhoneDev i want to report these warnings. let me say i want to check that twice. if the user do something different in the app and it occurs a warning, then i want to get this warning.
@VidyaMurthy Nope. Just a normal view controller with table view. number of rows and sections were getting called, non-zero sections and rows were returned but cellForRowAtIndexPath: was not getting called. Weird. I instantiated the data source array in viewDidAppear: and reloaded the table there and it started working. Dunno why but it has always worked from viewDidLoad as well for me.
@brush51 not able to understand.
@iPhoneDev if there is a warning, i want to report that with crittercism SDK, a crashreporter.
@Terminator Hmm. It happens sometimes..
@iPhoneDev i just want to know if there is a warning or not
@iPhoneDev i have an array with cells. When I add a new cell to the array I use reload section. Section size increases but instead of a new cell just an empty space appears
@Terminator u der ?
mail mil gaya here ko cal @Terminator
@sharon Yes, i even replied to your mail. Did you see it?
na :p
aree reply to [email protected] p krna tha
@iWheelBuy need to look into code.Are using insert new row delegate method for that.
@sharon aaeen
@iPhoneDev no, I dont
@brush51 hocam yemeğe gitmiştik, ben veri tabanına veri eklerken önce veriyi fetch edip if(.. isEqualToString:..) eğer yoksa ekle gibi bişey yaptım ama sonuç alamadım
olan veriyi eklememek istiyorum
aaen na reply to dat id :p @Terminator
@iPhoneDev there is too much code to show
@sharon Dekh le usi mail me, abhi aaj night me hi send car paungi
@ilis yeni bi oda ac, kizmasinlar burda
kta tshrt @Terminator ??
@brush51 You can receive memory waring on run time other wise you can't determine if there its warning or not.So u can't record this or make a log.I think.
@iWheelBuy Please go through this link stackoverflow.com/questions/5906683/… help u.
@iPhoneDev Well, number of sections/row methods return the array.count. Should I try insertRowsAtIndexPaths method?
@Armaan there?
@iWheelBuy try once.
@iWheelBuy I hope will fix u r problem.
hope so
Do you know IllegalArgumentException in Objective-C?
@iPhoneDev hmm, ok. thank you.
@Terminator xmlparsing nahi ho rhai :(
how to enable my iphone ringer anybudy know ??
@iPhoneDev works fine... unexpected =)
@sharon kya?
@iWheelBuy :)
@iProgrammer kya issue hai
@iPhoneDev and is there a way to put consoleoutput to a textview? any access?
@iProgrammer Ye plist hai na? Parse kyu karna hai?
@brush51 simply copy and paste on text view.
@Terminator fir kya karna hai?
kya karu batao
@iPhoneDev no, i mean on device. when a user is using the app, i want to display a textview with all logs from console.
@iProgrammer Pehle URL se download karo wo file. Wo tumhe as NSDictionary milega. Fir usme People key se NSArray milega.
@iPhoneDev I have one more question. I have borrowed some code that refreshes table view on pull down. Everything works fine on my device and 5.0 5.1 simulators, but it works not smooth on 4.3 simulator. Does it mean that on 4.x device it wil work the way it works on simulator?
@iProgrammer look this example from access data from plisthttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1067167/reading-data-from-a-plist-file
Fir wo Array me multiple dictionaries hai.
@iProgrammer JSON jaisa hai
@Terminator how to do compare with null string
@iWheelBuy not sure but need to test.
@virendra nil or NSNull?
@Terminator ok
11 mins ago, by NinjaTurtle
Do you know IllegalArgumentException in Objective-C?
@iProgrammer kya kaam tha
@iProgrammer NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://cdn.downshiftit.com/misc/People.plist"]]; fir NSLog(@"%@", dict);
@Terminator tune abhi tak curiour nahi kiya meko vo keychain
@SJS Sab saturday ko karungi
@Terminator to address kaise pata karogi ?
@iProgrammer fir JSON jaise parse karo
haa agyi
@SJS Email me
ho jaygea
@Terminator tera Email Id de muje... me mail kar dunga aaj hi
@Terminator...i have an app ready for release...first i will release the demo as FREE...if end user likes to get the whole game,he needs to buy it...how do we do it?...i am using storekitframework for inAPP purchases.... i followed this link xcodenoobies.blogspot.in/2012/…
@NinjaTurtle:IN objective-C there is only one class of exception and it is NSException
@Armaan That I know.
@Armaan and How do we write lastIndexOf?
@NinjaTurtle:if you are asking anything else then please explain me.
@Puneeth Yes. You can make use of In-App purchases to let user make payment and then you can unlock those features for them.
@NinjaTurtle:[str rangeOfString:@"test" options:NSBackwardsSearch]
@NinjaTurtle:if you are asking anything else then please explain me.
Hi Everyone
@Terminator..so user has to download whole contents of the app...then by using nsuserdefaults we will check whether the transaction is successfull or not..if the transaction is successful then allow the user to play the whole game....
am i right?
who is here copyCat ..
Push notification help please
@Puneeth Downloads whole contents of the app? By In App purchase, you are only allowing the user to pay for something your app will provide the user.
@ilis, what the prob?
@iHungry i had designed a push notification logic for just one device(saved device token to a php script) and could send notification via terminal. but i want to be able to send otifications individually to my users. i have a database to contain user informations, when i added a new message to messages table of my database, i want to send a notification to that user
but i cant figure out two things:
1) when&how to send device token to my server from the device
2) how to send push notification when i added a record to messages table @iHungry
@ilis, sorruyi hve no idea about terminal notification.... but my server scriptor when-ever ran his script on server ... the notification i got on every devices
@Terminator ok it worked
@iHungry what do you mean by "server scriptor "
Hey you back.
I was missing you.
@Armaan Just a friendly warning.

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