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@VidyaMurthy Kal.Bundle. par ye to already Kal.xcodeproj me hai par Build Phases ke Copy bundle resources me kyu nahi dikh raha hai
@Terminator your iOS and Android Application Developer?
@Terminator Phir se add karna hai Copy Bundle Resources mein
@mountainlionmoorthy I study Android at home myself.
@VidyaMurthy fir to 2 ho jayega na
@Terminator Haan
@Terminator what is harder ?
@MichaelDautermann are you getting what are they writing?
@Coder: hi
@MichaelDautermann: thanks a lot...:)
yes, I understand what they are saying @NinjaTurtle.
but it sure looks like to me like they are talking about MacOS.
@MichaelDautermann What?
Do you know Mac OS?
yes, I do a little bit of that.
@VidyaMurthy Okay.
Cool, but I dunno.
@BobjC Got it fixed. Thanks :-)
@NinjaTurtle what don't you know?
@MichaelDautermann Mac OS and what they are chatting. :(
@VidyaMurthy Bundle images ko change karna hai to?
on MacOS things are a little more flexible & open, since Apple is (gently) pushing the sandbox requirements onto developers
CFPreferences and NSUserDefaults are similar on MacOS... although I do not think it's a one-to-one match.
and I believe I can load and examine preferences from another app into my own app.
@Terminator Tumhara images resources mein dalo aur access karo.. Are you looking at the Holiday example?
Anyways... why are you worried so much about this, @NinjaTurtle. This was just an interview question. You're not trying to implement anything.
Or are you?
@MichaelDautermann No, Actually I got selected and going to join it.
@Terminator ? i mean iOS vs android what is harder to deal with ? ios or Android or the same
@BobjC Android is harder than iOS.
@VidyaMurthy Mujhe kuch images same rakhne hai aur baaki change karne hai
@Terminator mmmm
@BobjC It's open source. One will grow potatoes with an API and other will grow tomatoes with the same API.
well that's great @NinjaTurtle
@Terminator I think you can access them directly from resources..
and will be having face 2 face HR round on Tuesday.
try nahi kiya hai
@MichaelDautermann, yes i trim video .Mov file using AVFiundation
@iHungry: how?? :O
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@iHungry: that is so amazing..
@iPhoneDeveloper, using same method removeTimeRange
@MichaelDautermann and I want to answer them, if it is possible then how is it possible. Interviewer was quite sure for this.
@iHungry: ok can you share the code with me??
give mr ur question link
Q: Extract audio from video file

iPhone DeveloperHow can I extrace Audio from Video file without using FFmpeg? I want to use AVMutableComposition and AVURLAsset for solving it.e.g. conversion from .flv to .m4a file.

@NinjaTurtle I don't believe it's possible... but maybe it is. With "sandboxing", it isn't supposed to be, but people have figured out some great ways to get around security restrictions on the iPhone. What exactly is this app trying to do, anyways?
@iPhoneDeveloper, hey i m not extracting audio from video..... i trim video only on specified time range
@all hello
Q: changing the images in kal app (kal.bundle)

Muhammad Saqibi have found the link in this link @RoIT suggested that " Search "markerImage" in the Kal Project. All images are stored in the Kal.Bundle. You can either modify the images or exchange into your own ones." My question is that how can we exchange the images in the Kal.Bundel because when i drag an...

@VidyaMurthy ^
@iHungry: oh... but i did not need that :(
i dont understand my crash log. what can i do with that? @Terminator @MichaelDautermann @NinjaTurtle
It was an app which was having more then 2,500 registration and login daily and they ask me where will you store credentials for auto re-login then I said NSUserDefault I usually store. Then they started is if there is app1 where you are storing credentials in NSUserDefault can I access it through app2, then I said no then he told me he tried and it is possible.
@iHungry: thanks for your efforts..but i found a lot many similar questions on this trimming video like stackoverflow.com/questions/4439707/…
@iPhoneDeveloper : Your requirement level is too great,totally different :P
Nobody can answer it ...
@iApple: :P i guess it deserves more than 100 ups...
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah..but any progress?
@iApple: nops.. :D
@Terminator Hmm okay.
@Abizern: hi
Hi to All
@Ramshad hello
@brush51 Show the crash log?
@iPhoneDeveloper : ooh :O
Some one has starred this line,wondering who
@iApple Do you know /me? - 2h ago by Dimple Panchal
@Abizern: is there any control in iphone like devsource360.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/…
@Abizern: file browser
@Ramshad Nope. You'll need to write your own.
@Abizern: i am doing a iphone project which is already done in windows
@Abizern: any suggesions or alternatives to do the same functionality in iphone
I'm getting value from php echo but it take some time to reflect and it hang for 2 to 3 mins NSString *post =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"?uuid=%@",UUID];
NSString *hostStr = @"http://wwwexample.com/gifts.php";
hostStr = [hostStr stringByAppendingString:post];
NSData *dataURL = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [ NSURL URLWithString: hostStr ]];
NSString *serverOutput = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:dataURL encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
@Ramshad iOS doesn't really have a file system. You can only access files that are in the sandbox. Since I don't know what functionality your windows phone app has - I can't be of much more help.
Hello Guys
@NinjaTurtle: I found one interesting thing
@MichaelDautermann HI
hi @Vassan
Apparently this line of your code -- ` NSData *dataURL = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [ NSURL URLWithString: hostStr ]]; ` -- is taking a long time to actually succeed.
can any one tell me How can i add mailcore.framework to my code i cant found it any where? I download MailCore.xcodeproj but the framework is not there also
A: How to add mailcore framework in iphone project

venkateshGETTING STARTED The best way to start learning MailCore is by reading through documentation intro (in index.html) and the the included example projects. To run the example projects: Copy MailCore.framework to your ~/Library/Frameworks folder. In each example project, add ~/Library/Framework...

Afternoon all,
What's the escape char to use @ in a string?
@Abizern: i am planning to create different folders in Document Directory to save my files .. so i just need to list/display the all saved folders with its hierarchy.Either its for choosing a file from directoey or Saving a file to the particular directory
you can use "@" in a string... as long as it's surrounded within quotes.
Hi All
posted on July 12, 2012 by marie

Earlier today Parallels announced that its popular virtualization software is ready for the Retina Display MacBook Pro. As some readers might remember Parallels Mobile received retina support for iOS Devices. Well now the desktop software allows you to experience OSes such as Windows 8 and Windows 7 running on your amazing Retina Display! If you don’t already own [...]

@NinjaTurtle: I found the exact answer for that question. if you are available or free then we can discuss
@Mi NSString *speakerName=[speakerName stringByAppendingFormat:@" %@ %@%@%@",duration,@"P/D:",PlayCount,downloadCount];
@kh I bet that code doesn't work at all
because "downloadCount" and "duration" are not strings.
@Armaan say
@MichaelDautermann i red it but as they said in firs step i dun have the framework to coppy in my project
@NinjaTurtle: From apple's document "A sandboxed app cannot access or modify the preferences for any other app. (For example, if you add another app's domain using the addSuiteNamed: method, you do not gain access to that app's preferences.)"
@MichaelDautermann This is my complete code
NSString *speakerName=lectObject.speakerName;
speakerName =[NSString stringWithString:@"Unknown"];

speakerName=[speakerName stringByAppendingFormat:@" %@ %@%@%@",duration,@"P/D:",PlayCount,downloadCount];
@Armaan give me link.
you need to build the mailcore framework from the source code you got, @Parth.
@Parth and I see Lots of questions just like yours already asked on Stack Overflow.
@parth perhaps you'll find an answer looking through here --> stackoverflow.com/search?q=build+mailcore
@Terminator i have pasted the crashlog here: pastebin.com/RZNGEP3r
I want to know that I have given two spaces between every two strings
@kha yes that is your complete code, and it doesn't say what "duration", "PlayCount" or "downloadCount" is.
@NinjaTurtle: According to that paragraph it means that sharing of preferences in OSx is possible but not in iOS and I have tested through some test.
@MichaelDautermann I know it's running well
I donno how this guy michael works from early morning 4:00 AM, I cant even wake up at 8:00 AM
you still haven't even adequately explained what your question is, @khal
@sreecharan lol
Problem is that I have given two spaces between each string but my label is not showing the exact space between them
@sreecharan maybe he is sleeping in a coffee farm
Problem is that I have given two spaces between each string but my label is not showing the exact space between them
on simulator and device
I donno, All i know is he is crazy
can you show me what it looks like on the simulator, @khali
@MichaelDautermann Why are you playing with name?
@sreecharan Hi, is there any way to set custom navigation bar item for the whole app ??
because he was addressing me as @mi at one point
@iPhoneDeveloper : Do you have any alternative ?
Stop doing that.
stop doing what @ninj ?
@iApple: alternative for the question??
or what??
@zing set it in AppDelegate with appearance property
lol, did you tell him to stop doing this.
stop doing what @ninj ?
@iPhoneDeveloper : No,if this din't work then...
Are you typing twice?
Are you typing twice?
@Michael Are you mad?
@iApple: i haven't thought about it..but i'll remove this section from the app
There must be issue with chat :D
what is this ?
Flag Sree message to moderator.
@iPhoneDeveloper : Look this stackoverflow.com/questions/5223395/…
@KhalidUsman that looks very nice. what's the problem with it?
iPhone broken :(
@MichaelDautermann It is broken.
@MichaelDautermann check the spaces between Speaker Name and Duration ,,, and compare them with the space between duratiopn and P/D
your iPhone is broken? you shouldn't have tried to flush it down the toilet @Ninj
@iApple: yes michael gave me same sort of link..but i was trying to avoid using ffmpeg :(
No @K iPhone image broken @M
how about just adding spaces in your format string, @Khalid ?
@iPhoneDeveloper : Ohh!! well ,can't you use anything else then flv?
speakerName=[speakerName stringByAppendingFormat:@" %@ %@ %@ %@",duration,@"P/D:",PlayCount,downloadCount];
@MichaelDautermann I have given twp spaces between speaker name and duration and also two spaces between duration and P/D .... but on simulator spaces are not same
@sreecharan but I m adding some buttons in rootView, then on click of the barbutton which lies in my navbar's rigt side , i m pushing another view controller.so its how to do this all in appdelegate ?
@iApple: it'll be ok even if i get .m4a from .mov... i edited the question also..
it looks like spaces to me there in the screenshot, @Khali
@MichaelDautermann when I use xscope it show different pixel count...
@NinjaTurtle: got how to share preferences?
@MichaelDautermann Same here , but the client is not satisfied he is saying it's different
you're using a non-fixed point font... what do you expect, exact pixel matching between one irregular character and the next, @Khal ?
@sreecharan Can you give me ur mail id ? so that I can share you my whole code ?
make it three characters between the fields and see if the client notices that
@MichaelDautermann Are you saying that I make two spaces between speaker name and duration and three spaces between duration and P/D
@iPhoneDeveloper : You converted mov to wav,now further look this :
and then show me (via a screenshot) what that looks like.
a bit lengthy but can try it out :P
@MichaelDautermann it continuesly giveming me this error :#include <libetpan/libetpan.h> though i added files
my compiler continuously complains at me too, @Parth.
@MichaelDautermann i think its hungry :D
@iApple: nops i converted wav to mp4... :(
good... lunch time for you!
@MichaelDautermann do u have any solution for this libetpan libraries or framework ?
@iPhoneDeveloper : You need m4a right,then in above link,it is there to convert from wav to m4a
@parth somebody else on Stack Overflow already had the same problem as you:
Q: Xcode 4: Trying to build MailCore.Framework for OSX

uff daI've been trying to build MailCore with Xcode 4 for the past couple of days, but I can't seem to get past this one error. Here is the full error: PBXCp include/libetpan /Users/kicks/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MailCore-drptxcxpvfzzjqhlbxdsrxosqjqq/Build/Products/Debug/include/libetpan...

you really should do a search (like I just did) before asking here. Otherwise you're in danger of @Abizern being surly.
@iApple: thanks for the help..but wav is also audio format...but i have done audio conversion already...
@Armaan no.
Yeah ,i forgot :P
@zing what is the problem? you cant able to add Navigation controller in AppDelegate?
@MichaelDautermann i tried it out run the shell script but not effective :(
@MichaelDautermann You are left in my list , Have you ever worked on YQL ?
what's a YQL ? is it anything like KFC ?
Yahoo Query Language
@iApple: no problem... :)
nope... never used it. I'm afraid to use it, because everyone knows Yahoo is a doomed company and why would I want to waste my time learning it?
@MichaelDautermann Lol! Everyone seem to be shortening your name today :)
yeah yeah whatever you say @Vid
@sreecharan hi
Hello ios
@iPhoneDeveloper @MichaelDautermann can u tell me how assign int value to ABReord id? @sreecharan
you forgot a few people in there, @ios
you should also ask @ninj @leena @coder @SJReddy
@MichaelDautermann plz tell
@ios: what is ABReord id?
@iPhoneDeveloper address book
@MichaelDautermann :O me?
you're the dude that just passed a job interview, you should be answering questions here too!
but they are not asking me, you are at hot seat so answer them.
I just put you in the hot seat, smart guy.
@ios: sorry no idea
:) But I don't want be.
Give chance to Sree also.
@NinjaTurtle can u solve my libetpan isse : #include <libetpan/carray.h> file not found but they already there in libetpan folder.........
see, now you're REALLY in the hot seat, @Ninj.
(now I get to sit back and relax, like @Terminator is apparently doing)
@MichaelDautermann yeh
Any one here have worked on YQL ? I need to get the whether forecasts for every hour in a day using YQL
@sreecharan Looks like you are the only one who's going to be implementing it! :)
@sreecharan can tell me how assign value to CFIndex from integer
Q: iphone addressbook - getting null item in ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID

norskbenI'm really struggling with ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID at the moment. I am saving an ID, and then trying to call it back up again. Currently im doing something simple to test the linking, but its not working. First, I can read objects from my iphone simulator address book using: -(BOOL)...

check this @ios
@sreecharan, what you want to do in YQL ?
n please do google
@ios Lets make a deal, you tell me about YQL, i will tell you about CFIndex
Yahoo Query Langauge
Looks like i got a man who has worked on it, well @Matrix I need to get the whether forecasts for every hour in a day using YQL
Do you know any query in there which do this function ?
Actually i have done this using NSDatecomponents using for loop for getting forecast according to date, But my freaky client is standing on YQL, he wants me to use YQL mandatorily
He is telling me that unnecessarily you are exhausting users battery for no cause, you can get the same thing with one hit by using one query instead of hitting the server repeatedly
this one is google api
but as u said , you need to do using YQL only...
Nope, my client needs Yahoo whether API only, he thinks that Yahoo gives accurate whether updates
i have worked in YQL, for contacts, not for weather. so i have an idea abt that, but if you really need using YQL then just give me few mins i will look into that
Sure, Take your time
But you are my only hope
@iPhoneDeveloper : Lets see,will try tomorrow :)
but i suggest instead of using YQL, why not you use yahoo rest api for weather
its easy
@iApple: ok tomorrow i'll put bounties on the question :)
@sreecharan: see here for more info: developer.yahoo.com/weather
@Leena thanks
6 mins ago, by sree charan
Actually i have done this using NSDatecomponents using for loop for getting forecast according to date, But my freaky client is standing on YQL, he wants me to use YQL mandatorily
6 mins ago, by sree charan
He is telling me that unnecessarily you are exhausting users battery for no cause, you can get the same thing with one hit by using one query instead of hitting the server repeatedly
@MichaelDautermann Yes. I was looking into the Calendar control API. Lets ask everyone to forward their issues to @VidyaMurthy
horray! gooooo @Vid !
@Terminator Try it using Event store
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah,that wil surely work out...
@sreecharan Calendar is displayed and i customised it too. Now just need to get events on date selection. And i am done.
@iPhoneDeveloper : Leaving time,bye...
@Terminator I bet you have done this by using that crap Kal, right?
@iApple: bye tc
@sreecharan Yes. I didn't find any Calendar API written by you.
Lol, I haven't written anything, but i will do it with Event store when i find time and then i will share it to you
@sreecharan That API uses Event Kit too. I will study about Event Kit and how it can be incorporated in it.
@Terminator : Images mil jayenge
@Terminator : Find that bundle in Finder and Right Click--> Show Package Contents.
just in case of you want to check on online console
and also if you are aware of YQL limitations: Per application limit (identified by your Access Key): 100,000 calls per day.
@sreecharan can you help me with my crash report. i dont understand the issue, see here: pastebin.com/RZNGEP3r
hello everyone
Yes @Matrix I have seen it, i will try some trial and error in that console, thanks
welcome @sr
@brush51, there are scripts available which can actually translate your crash report into objective c code
@brush51 Can you ask some awesome people like michael, terminator. I am already begging some help from somebody else here
go to apple developer library, in that search for articles, you will get that script
@sreecharan ok
@anonymous Yes i am done with Calendar. Now just need to remove the table present at its bottom and get the date selection events.
after @sreecharan recommends me to ask my question to you: if you can help, i dont understand my crash report, see this link: pastebin.com/RZNGEP3r
@Matrix ok i will search for that, dont know it
@ andyPaul Hello
@VidyaMurthy can you tell me how to set color to a context..??
@VidyaMurthy sorry...hii first :)
@Vidy gimme the answer NOW!
@Vid oh, and "good morning!"
@sreecharan: the advantage of using YQL is that you can use multiple services. YQL includes pre-defined tables for popular Yahoo! Web services such as Flickr, Social, MyBlogLog, and Search.
can we show private homes address in map view which are nearer (surrounding)?
@cnu, for showing location in map, you just need annotations
annotation has latitude, longitude, title, subtitle property
@Michael @Mich @MichaelDauter @MichaelDauterman
actually i want to list (stores, clubs, bars, grocery, shopping mall, etc) surrounding me in a table view....
and i want to know if we can include private homes also in that
how can we authenticate Facebook access token using xmppstream object
i think you can
@all if I have a UIColor variable called textColor than what does [textColor set]; do..??
ok thanks...... later i will come and kill you, if i can't do that and if you don't help me in that ;)
just kidding
@Matrix,hey man, I didn't find the script you mentioned on apple's developer site. Would you give me a link please?
ok, just wait, i need to check my bookmark list
sure thanks a lot
@VidyaMurthy is relaxing more than us.
cannot open it, just redirect me to developer.apple.com/technologies/tools even through I logged in. I will take a closer look. Thanks man.
ok, welcome
@Terminator Hey! Had gone out for snacks..
@VidyaMurthy aaeen I am also hungry :(
@Terminator You should have come..
@Terminator hiii....when i am running app on simulator custom button image are displayed perfectly but when when i am running in ipod some image are not displayed
what may be the reason
@virendra i have faced the same situation today. i have added one more control to the viewdidload method to set it with the image. until now i have never faced this problem.
@virendra May be case sensitive issue. Simulator is case insensitive. Devices are. Also in case you change images, clean and then build.
are the iphone checkboxes built into or do they require custom graphics?
@Terminator ok
@brush51 ok
@VidyaMurthy @MichaelDautermann @sreecharan @anonymous I have registered for keyboard notifications. Having set picker view as input view for some text fields, i get the keyboard size height same as the height of the default keyboard when editing the text fields whose input view is picker. Also the picker clearly appears smaller than the default keyboard. Here is the code.
This happens when i edit the text fields whose input view is picker after the text field's whose input views are the default keyboard.
Q: How to understand this crash? : SIGBUS BUS_ADRALN

brush51Thats in the stack trace and i dont understand this error: 0 CoreFoundation 0x30f57648 ___CFBasicHashFindBucket_Linear_NoCollision + 92 1 CoreFoundation 0x30f59688 __CFBasicHashAddValue + 692 2 CoreFoundation 0x30eaff9f CFDictionarySetValue + 74 3 UIKit 0x35721a0b -[UITouchesEve...

Anyone knows about such behaviour? Looks to me SDK bug.
ooooh, I'll look at this in a bit... I've got a bunch of co-workers pestering me, @Terminator
@MichaelDautermann Sure.
the standard iphone checkbox
@Terminator : Bye OI am going to have Eggs here.. On laari
@anonymous @MichaelDautermann Okay. I got the solution.
I just knew you would solve your problem, @Terminator !
Gotta use UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey instead of UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey in the line CGSize newKeyboardSize = [[userInfo objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] CGRectValue].size;
@MichaelDautermann haha :-)
ok its called uiswitch
that was what i was looking for
@all:i have an issue with ModalViewController UIOrienation
@all: in landscape right, it displayed as Lanscape left!!
the main UI which is the parent of ModalView will appear the right direction
However found issue with the ModalView
@Terminator: @MichaelDautermann: @JohnMerlino: Hi, could you please look at my above mentioned issue?
I have implemented the below code.. However no way
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {

return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight || interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft);

@Terminator: @MichaelDautermann: @JohnMerlino: are u there?
@Ramshad I don't understand. Can you show the screenshot?
@Terminator Oh! just now i've seen your question, Glad that you've solved it and thanks for sharing the solution UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey
@Terminator there ?
@Terminator can i force uitableview to reload hidden rows ?
@sreecharan Yes. I guess as it begins it has the old value. So the trick was to use the end value.
@BobjC Hidden rows means?
@Terminator row are not in uiview bounds
@Terminator let say i have table with 10 row only 5 appears in view i want to reload all the 10
@BobjC cellForRowAtIndexPath: method is called only for rows that are visible. Thats how the table view reuses the cell.
@Terminator: the ModelView displaying as down direction
@Terminator any way to reload not visible ?
@BobjC However you can programmatically ask the table to scroll to a particular index path.
@BobjC Yes, If i remember it's scrollToIndexPath:animated:
@Terminator i did
@BobjC scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated:
@BobjC It doesn't scroll? May be just after reloading line of code if you ask it to scroll, it may not. If it doesn't, try beginUpdates and endUpdates !?
@Ramshad Means it displays in portrait ?
@Terminator: when main View controller in UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight, the modalview controller appears UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
@All Hi
When i animate a button inside block y i couldn't interact with it
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^(void) {
    startButton.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0.0, 2.0);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
        [UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^(void) {
            startButton.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0.0, -2.0);
i cannot click start button
@Terminator can u help me
@Arvind are you abel to interact with it before animation
s of course
@Terminator i solved by scroll to index the performselector with 0.3 delay
when i stop animating the button i can interact wit it...only when the button is in animation i cannot click it...Y is it so??? any one help me pls
i m a beginner in osx devolopment
i need to integrate amazon s3 to a mac app
can anyone here help me with this??
jus an s3 uploader downloader options
i think amazon s3 has fairly good docs on amazon
actually, i think i saw a good tutorial on this, hang on a sec
hey hi everybody..... Is anyone knows how to detect phone unlock event while the app is running in background????
what your app does?
@LithuThiruvathira Amazon has an S3 SDK that you can download and use.
hey guys, can you check out my question, its here:
Q: Gamekit API error when accepting incoming request

coderjoeI have made an iPhone game with Bluetooth mode, you can play 1 vs 1 via Bluetooth. My implementation for a picker is the following: picker = [[GKPeerPickerController alloc] init]; picker.delegate = self; picker.connectionTypesMask = GKPeerPickerConnectionTypeNearby; [picker show]; I don't know...

i set out a bounty of 50!!
As i understand an app can be downloaded minimum of 5 times from purchased app ID...once we purchase it then we can download the purchased app to 5 devices...it will managed by itunesconnect or we need to handle it?
I've got a question that I was hoping someone might know the answer to.
In Java, when I use a hashmap or a treemap to store a dictionary, I have to make sure that my hash function or comparator works for the objects I'm using.
With and NSMutableDictionary though, I don't see anything like that
I have a "Socket" object that I beed to put into an NSMutableDictionary as a key. Will it just magically work? What do I have to do to make sure it works right?
I've posted the question here:
how do you initialize float* ?
Depends on what you're doing with it
To understand how to initialize float*, you need to know a bit about memory allocation. If it's only going to be used in a local function or functions that are called by that function (But not functions that call it) then you can stack allocate
So do something like:
float a = 0.0;
float* apointer = &a;
If you need the float to persist around, like an Object would, then you have to use malloc.
float *pointer = malloc(sizeof(float));
*pointer = 0;
This allocates spaces for the float* and then sets it to 0. Just make sure that at some point you call free() later if you use malloc(). Sort of like how you have to [release] a [retain]d object
So free(pointer);
@cabbagebot thanks I think I got it
@Byte No problem!

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