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@ilis Good morning merhaba
@Abizern got your point so can we change the variable
Q: Qualcomm SDK customization?

madLokeshI am trying to edit multi targets and image targets sample app of qualcomm sdk so that instead of using openGL , I can only overlay UIKit contents such as buttons text etc just for a simple demo. But I am unable to do so till now. Please guide me where to make any changes or how to go about it? ...

@naveen You can change the variable that points to an immutable object. But you can't change the object.
@iHungry: hi
@sreecharan i would ask a question, is it holiday there for all the Ramazan month?
@ilis Not the whole month really, may be for 10 to 15 days
@Abizern so in NSMutableString we actually play with particular varibale but with NSString we dont have the actual variable but a pointer am i getting right
@sreecharan that is not so bad:)
@iPhoneDeveloper, yes tell ur problem
r u stuck somewher/
@naveen No with NSMutableString you still have an actual pointer, but you can change the object directly.
Sorry, I was away.
@naveen Hang on I'll make you an example.
Returns a string made by appending to the receiver a string constructed from a given format string and the following arguments.
`- (NSString *)stringByAppendingFormat:(NSString *)format`
grrrrr my tiny head gonna blow @Abizern how to know that we changed a pointer or a variable
Returns a new string made by appending a given string to the receiver.
- (NSString *)stringByAppendingString:(NSString *)aString
stringByAppendingString returns new string but stringWithAppendingFormat doesn't.
@naveen You don't. Which is why you have mutable and immutable objects. So that if you really don't want an object to change, you use the immutable type. In almost all cases you use immutable types as class properties to make sure that the underlying objects isn't changed.
@ihungry: yes yesterday you gave me the solution to extract audio from video file...i ws not able to understand it...:(
hmm stringWithAppendingFormat:? That's a new method. Did you just make it up?
@Abizern thanks pro at least some points are now clear :)
New method?
@iPhoneDeveloper, my friend very less people doing this kind of thing...so u can't get easily sample code on it..... i just give you as a reference .. will be useful (idea) for u doing coding on this task..
@iHungry: yes i do understand that...but still can you help me to get another solution please??
@iPhoneDeveloper, luch time see u after 1 hr
My TL also sucks. She says no need to write comments if the variables and methods are named appropriately. True? :P
@naveen here's a short example project of what we were talking about.
@Terminator That is true. If you need to write a comment to explain a variable - then you've named it wrong.
@Abizern would u mind helping me out as well ?
@iHungry hi
@Abizern Naming methods and variables appropriately are definitely good and tells whats going on but can't completely replace comments.
@Terminator There is a difference between comments and documentation. But comments that say anything other than why you are doing something are pointless. Because code changes but comments often get forgotten about.
@Terminator A lot of tutorial sites have documentation all over their code because they are trying to explain the concepts to you. Putting comments like that in production code is pointless, distracting, and a waste of time.
@Abizern No, the point was not about comments are relevant or not. Also we write comments while writing code. We don't write code, complete the project and then start writing comments. So obviously if the code changes, the corresponding comments also should change simultaneously. She says NO need to write comments at all.
@Terminator There's never a need to write no comments, that's correct. And putting that down in a guideline is wrong.
@Abizern I think she should have said that her code explains whats going on and needs no comments rather than saying there is no need to write comments at all if we name variables and methods correctly.
So she is wrong.
@Abizern thanks for your effort bro :)
But for documentation, commenting should be complete and understandable.
@Terminator Yep. I have a section on comments in my guidelines - but even I don't say there should be no comments.
@Abizern On-screen keyboard not appearing when editing text fields in a UIWebView
@naveen Please don't call me bro, apart from that you're welcome.
@DimplePanchal On-screen keyboard not appearing when editing text fields in a UIWebView
@NinjaTurtle @Terminator On-screen keyboard not appearing when editing text fields in a UIWebView
@iDroidDeveloper I detest it when somebody pings multiple users with the same question.
Actually i was on leave and returned and saw they changed the code. Now bugs are introduced and are due to the changed code. I told them i am not willing to work on those bugs. Assign them to who added the code in mine.
@Abizern hi
@Terminator Don't you use version controls or git?
@iDroidDeveloper The room has a faq. We keep pointing it out. If you can't be bothered to read that why should I be bothered to help you?
And i am not able to understand them as there are no comments. And moreover who has added the code can understand and resolve the bugs faster and in better way than me, obviously.
@iDroidDeveloper What is the issue?
@Abizern plz ignore ...nd think i have ask only u
hello all can you recommend good MultiPageScrollView source code for me
@NinjaTurtle when i start writing textfield in facebook application then keyboard is not appearing
@Abizern hi
@Abhishek hi
@iDroidDeveloper Please co-operate else there will be very heavy repercussions.
@stackBlue Hello.
@pengwang Do you mean Multiple view in pageScrollView?
@Abizern i have problem in crop a image
Q: crop a zoomed image in ImageView inside scrollView

Stack.BlueI already do Lot of efforts from my Side. finally I need help. thanks Goal : 1) How I fit imageView inside ScrollView 2) How I crop a zoomed Image in inside scrollView. I have a imageView inside Scroll View. I wants crop image after zoomed which is display inside scrollview boundary. I croppe...

@stackBlue instead of cropping use aspect fit of image.
@Abizern my ImageView is inside the scroll view. but it's not fit with scroll View. as you can see in my question
@Abizern 2nd thing when i crop image. it's not crop accurate. I wants Image cropped which is display in screen(after zoom). you have any suggestion for me?
@stackBlue Nope. Sorry
@Abizern it's ok
yay \o/ i just got debug functionality on my device
@iPhoneDev my ImageView is inside the scroll view. but it's not fit with scroll View. as you can see in my question
@Chris What was the issue?
yes you are right
i want to load many controlview
@VidyaMurthy i had to do some binary patching
@Chris Oh ok :)
@VidyaMurthy now hopefully i will be able to troubleshoot my problem now sigh
don't you love those problems within problems
Yeah, absolutely! ^_^
@NinjaTurtle i want to dynamic load ViewController in pageScrollView
@Terminator Aaeen! started with the new project?
@BobjC That was nice. Share the code with me too :-)
@Terminator ?
@Terminator ok
@VidyaMurthy Not yet. I think i won't work on it. I am planning to go away from here in few days.
@Leena @sreecharan @iPhoneDeveloper I need three toolbarbutton icons in toolbar, So to set their position properly I need to use a UiBarButtonItem with UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace between each of the Two buttons ??
@zing yes
@Leena Ok, thanks !!
is it not possible to add more than run script?
@Leena yes.you hv to take flexible space in between buttons.
all any body use block in objective C?
@iPhoneDev i am use
@iPhoneDev Lots of people use them.
@iHungry: ok ping me when you come back..
ok.can you give some brief idea.I mean when I passed this as argument to a function.First its value return from block and that passed to function as argument?
@iPhoneDev I'm sorry - I don't understand your question.
@Abizern Hi
@NikunjRJadav Hello.
@Abizern ok.jsu give some idea when i passed this as argument to an function.What happen?
@Abizern Any idea about augmented reality?
@iPhoneDev Depending on the method, the block that you pass to it will eventually be run. But it all depends on the method. Can you be more specific?
@NikunjRJadav Nope.
@Abizern k thanks
@Terminator there ?
@Terminator Hmm
@Terminator mail sent
@Abizern.Specific mean I have a method e.g [appDelegate.test fun:some.id callback:^(block method)
well sh*t
Hello All :)
@Abizern so on last parameter the return value of block method got passed.
@DimplePanchal: Is your issue of crashing on setneedsdispay fixed?
@BobjC Thanks. I will check from home. Can't access mails in office :-)
@Armaan yes finaly :)
@Terminator ok reply with your notes plz :)
@BobjC Sure.
@DimplePanchal: Great. i am curious to know about how you fixed and what was the issue?
Hello all
@VidyaMurthy Yes. It's better i would be at home watching WWDC 2012 videos, learning Android and searching for job than dealing with Cargo Cult Programmers in my office.
@Terminator Note : also this is the first time working with ARC project always write release the remove it :)
@iPhoneDev No. the actual block is run. Blocks that are passed as parameters usuall have void returns. What method are you trying to use with a block?
@BobjC Yes, it is awesome. And storyboards? :D
@Terminator Yeah, I understand..
@Terminator i did some investigation about storyboard before :)
@Armaan hey dont ask, I did many changes and finally one change worked out.. It was like running in bull race and I won :P
@BobjC I didn't get chance to use Storyboards in my office projects as clients still don't target the latest iOS. So i used it in that sample project.
Q: Qualcomm SDK customization?

madLokeshI am trying to edit multi targets and image targets sample app of qualcomm sdk so that instead of using openGL , I can only overlay UIKit contents such as buttons text etc just for a simple demo. But I am unable to do so till now. Please guide me where to make any changes or how to go about it? ...

@Terminator here is the same we target iOS 4.xx and above
@Terminator also we didnt use arc
@DimplePanchal: but who won the race is important. Jus kidding :)
@Abizern if i will do this.Then the block and method will work simultaneously.
@DimplePanchal But was it a memory issue?
@BobjC Oh No. ARC works with iOS 4.0 :-) But weak references work with iOS 5.0. Should have used in iOS 4.0 And interesting thing is i had to persuade my TL to use ARC. She was under impression since there are no releases in ARC, the entire project would leak in older iOS versions.
@Armaan no threading issue @Abizern
@iPhoneDev If you aren't going to be specific - I can't help.
@DimplePanchal Ah.
@DimplePanchal: Hey @Abizern is great he told in last it might be the issue of threading.
@Abizern ok sorry.Can you please give me some brief idea about block.
@Armaan ya
@Terminator aha so are u using arc for ios 4 ?
@iPhoneDev What method do you want to use?
@BobjC Yep.
@Terminator aha good
@Abizern actully I want to pass a parameter to a block.But I can't.
@Abizern sorry to parameter to a method as block.
Q: Qualcomm SDK customization?

madLokeshI am trying to edit multi targets and image targets sample app of qualcomm sdk so that instead of using openGL , I can only overlay UIKit contents such as buttons text etc just for a simple demo. But I am unable to do so till now. Please guide me where to make any changes or how to go about it? ...

Hi Everybody
How to convert NSURL into NSString??
@sharon: use 'absoluteString' method of NSURL
Most probably i would have also answered the same.
Q: SimpleAudioEngine takes time to play sound

NiKKiI am using SimpleAudioEngine to play sounds in my cocos2D application. I have a situation of continues shooting bullets on tapping on a button and playing a sound whenever a bullet is shot. When i continuously tap the shoot button sometimes, game scene jerks. This started happening when i integra...

Need help with SimpleAudioEngine..
Q: SimpleAudioEngine takes time to play sound

NiKKiI am using SimpleAudioEngine to play sounds in my cocos2D application. I have a situation of continues shooting bullets on tapping on a button and playing a sound whenever a bullet is shot. When i continuously tap the shoot button sometimes, game scene jerks. This started happening when i integra...

@Armaan bhai i do but it crash :((
@Terminator ruk ja tu moti ..where is my tshrt ??
nw i want s3 :)
tera wala
do you have the object of NSURL? @sharon
@iPhoneDev The point about the block is that you write the block to handle parameters that are passed to it, but it is the method that takes the parameter as a block that passes it the parameters.
@sharon lol
@sharon Kya hai crash log
2012-07-12 15:07:05.709 amoDemo[1605:11f03] *** WebKit discarded an uncaught exception in the webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener:
@iPhoneDev look at the implementation to see how I wrote the method to take a block and pass the block a parameter within the method.
@sharon:Not looks like issue in using that method. 1. check output of that function and after that refer this link: stackoverflow.com/questions/7812061/…
That links to Ray Wenderlich code. Amazing.
Back again.
@Abizern thanks for the link.will check.
Hi Everyone
Do any one have idea about compressing itunes audio file.
please help me in solving this
hi leena
hi iphone dec
@brush51 hocam müsait misin
@sharon @Terminator hie?
@brush51 51 ?
@iPhoneDeveloper : Your prob solved?
@iApple hi
ask to @DimplePanchal ,it will be solved for sure...
@Abizern Hi
@rahulraj : Hey
@ Abizern do you have idea about compressing itunes audio file.
please help me in solving this
@iApple what?
@DimplePanchal hi
@iApple Do you know /me?
@iApple how to createe a ui similar to iphone new contact form
@Armaan hi bhai ..thnx aree webview ka prbl tha :p
@DimplePanchal tera issue solve hua?
@sharon yup
@DimplePanchal : haa,you solved my issue once..etle... :)
@DimplePanchal hw?
@iApple: nops..
@iApple I think you changed ur name..
can anyone help me to load .keynote file on webview??
@sharon bull race winner dont know how it ran between bulls?
@DimplePanchal : Yup....
@girish According to your question you've already done it, but you are getting an NSURL Error.
@iApple: @Abizern: do you know how to load .keynote file on webview??
@iPhoneDeveloper what ws ur name b4?
@DimplePanchal hi
@Abizern yes i am getting that error
@DimplePanchal: same...everyone confuses me for someone else..
@DimplePanchal : Dhruv
@iPhoneDeveloper What have you tried?
@DimplePanchal heheheh nice line .. ab mtlb v smajo :p
@abizern: NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"networkimage.key" ofType:@"zip"];
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

UIWebView *WebView=[[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 460)];
[self.view addSubview:WebView];
[WebView loadRequest:request];

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