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well, even setting bounce or scrollEnabled programmatically doesn't work
@AlexCoplan Yes, normally it is used as a default. If not (if you are using one) click the setting in the storyboard file that says enable user interaction and also the animation settings and the different interaction settings, one of which says delete with drag.

Hope that helps
Do you guys know of an easy way to mask a sprite for the duration that a button is pressed, then for it to revert to the Original?
@user1432813 can't find that under the tableview section in my storyboard
@Blade right well those settings are enabled by default, really you are just re-enabling them
@user1432813 it does let me change the "editing style" to single or multiple. I want multiple for that but also want to be able to swipe and single delete
In wich case sorry I dont know
@user1432813 ok, thanks.
@owengerig Yes, I know, I'm just trying to exclude that something went wrong there.
for sure'
@AlexCoplan The editing style does not control the delete animation of which you speek
I think your going to have to post code. there is somthing silly going on here
but Im off to lunch at the moment
@user1432813 I'm not talking about the animation.. I'm talking about how the user interacts with it
@user1432813 think of mail, the user can swipe and delete single rows, but also tap edit and then select multiple to delete
@AlexCoplan well you could assign the swipe gesture to the cell if that helps.
@AlexCoplan Yes, I know of what you speek but not how to implement it.
@owengerig yes, that's true.. although it does seem like overkill when uitableview implements it anyway
@owengerig That would work, good idea
why would the whole table implement it?
@AlexCoplan No need of swipe gesture, In commitEditingStyle you will get the multiple delete option
no as in it has support for both methods by default
@sreecharan can you explain?
For individual delete, just enable the editing mode in your table
i think he wants swiping for a single delete
@sreecharan...mail chusava?
swiping for single delete, and tap to edit for multi-delete is what I want
@owengerig Yep, thats what i am telling
I know I've said this before, but just like mail app
@Puneeth Nope
@sreecharan could you possibly answer then? stackoverflow.com/q/11436617/840973
@AlexCoplan It could be done individually per cell or you could assign the property to the subsection of the table view
@AlexCoplan Sure, let me answer you then
Excellent - we now have an official policy on chat rooms @Terminator
A: Definitive rules on chat rooms with non-technical discussion

balphaFirst of all, thanks a lot for your help in this. Really appreciated. Now, while there's obiously no clear-cut answer to this, here are a few tell-tale signs I can see. You already identified much of this yourself, and I agree with your reasoning so far. All of these are merely hints that should...

@Puneeth any ideas?
@Abizern Cool
@AlexCoplan Do you know a method called - (void)setEditing:(BOOL)editing animated:(BOOL)animated;
@AlexCoplan and
- (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
@sreecharan thanks, just implemented that and got it to return true, but it still won't let me swipe :/
@AlexCoplan Let me explain please, why are you in a hurry ??
@sreecharan oh, I'm not really, sorry.. go on
@owengering I just noticed that nothing is clickable on the view controller :-< I guess I must have gone wrong somewhere. I implemented a button that would take you to another view controller, but it is not clickable. So its not the tableView but something else.
@AlexCoplan The table view invokes the tableView:canEditRowAtIndexPath: method if its data source implements it. This method allows the application to exclude rows in the table view from being edited even when their cell’s editingStyle property indicates otherwise.
I need to be able to display an image that changes once a button is pressed. Once the button is released it should revert to the previous image. Is there a simple way of doing this within a xib file?

Thanks in advanced!
Any ideas Guys
I am tearing My hair our
Works now, nvm, forgot to edit the delegate .m file *rolleyes Thanks all for advice.
@AlexCoplan One button is preconfigured to send setEditing:animated: to the view controller when tapped; it toggles the button title (between Edit and Done) and the Boolean editing parameter on alternating taps.
@sreecharan the handling of selection is done by the tableView when you enable multi-selection for editing, all I have to do is change the editing state (tableView.editing = YES)
It is cancelling your touches
and why are you doing this self.tableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = YES;
because that is what enables the built in multi-editing!
as of iOS 5 table views now have built-in support for selecting multiple items in edit mode
Ok, now tell me what action have you given for your edit button in your code
@user1432813 It's done with actions. Set the image on button touch down and reset the image on button touch up
@AlexCoplan Ok, this one is editing your whole table view, right?
commitEditingStyle will be common for both individual editing and whole table editing
ok.. so what do I need to do?
The only thing you need to do for achieving individual editing of a cell is this method
- (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
// Return YES if you want the specified item to be editable.
return YES;
yep, and I implemented that at the start of this conversation, and it still doesn't work!
@Abizern Thanks, how would I go about that?
@user1432813 hook up the touch up and touch down events of the button to methods that change the image.
@Abizern I have little experiance, would you mind answering stackoverflow.com/questions/11437228/…
@AlexCoplan And i have also told that
9 mins ago, by sree charan
and why are you doing this self.tableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = YES;
@user1432813 You already have an answer, but not a very good one.
@user1432813 Do you know how to attach a control event to a method in IB?
@sreecharan ok, so if I don't set that property, I should be able to multi and single select??
of course
ok, will try it
@sreecharan Hello
Hello @iWheelBuy
@Abizern I know how to attach but not how to code it so that the image changes. I can link th IBActions but just I am not very good at writing them!
@sreecharan I have change the whole project to ARC but I still have leaks in system libs =(
@user1432813 Within each Action method (whether it is attached to touch down on touch up) you set the image in the view to whatever you want. Have you written any code for this yet?
@user1432813 Do you know the concept of sender for UIButton ??
@Abizern @sree charan Yes I know how to use the sender but the actual code within the .m file for replacing the image is what I am am unsure of.
@user1432813 in fact you could write just one method that sets the image based on the event; - (IBAction)action:(id)sender forEvent:(UIEvent *)event
@sreecharan as I expected, multi-selection now doesn't work. in the storyboard, there is a dropdown (the option I was setting via code). the three options are : No selection during editing, single selection during editing and multi selection during editing. I want multi selection, but, I also want to be able to swipe to single delete when not in editing mode.
@Abizern @sree charan Yes I know how to use the sender but the actual code within the .m file for replacing the image is what I am am unsure of.
@user1432813 As I said - have you written any code yet?
For the image replacment, no
@AlexCoplan It should work, can you give me your table view datasource and delegate methods code
@sreecharan here is the entire controller: gist.github.com/c5f394b000a69ce1cc2b
@user1432813 And were you expecting us to write it? Or are you going to actually attempt to do it yourself and ask for corrections. Are you having any particular difficulty in knowing where to start, or what documentation to read, or what classes to look at?
@user1432813 Because those are valid questions. But if you expect me to just write your code for you, then I'm not going to do that.
@Abizern [UIImageView image: [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: @"image.png"]];
@user1432813 Okay - that's a start. Now look at the documentation for that bit of code, and the parameters you have passed to it and tell me if you see anything wrong.
@AlexCoplan Instead of this --> [self.tableView setEditing:!self.tableView.editing animated:YES];
can you try this method
- (void)setEditing:(BOOL)flag animated:(BOOL)animated
[super setEditing:flag animated:animated];
@Abizern, Is the image.png the fil I change to or the original?
@sreecharan in what context? is it a delegate method?
@user1432813 How is the image being set when the view first appears on the screen?
@sreecharan ok I've got to go now, but thanks for your help
@Abizern The way I put it there, by dragging it into a UIIMage view in my .xib
@sreecharan That method is pointless you are just explicitly sending the parameters to the superclass. If you didn't write the method at all this is exactly the same thing that would happen.
@user1432813 Not how I would do it if I wanted to dynically change it. What you'll have to do is get a reference to the current image in the view, set it to the new image when the button is pressed, and then set the original image when the button is released.
Ok got it, cheers for the help!
@Abizern But he wants two types of editing, individual cell editing and the whole table view editing
@sreecharan But you are implementing a method that only passes the parameters to the superclass's implementation. If you didn't write the method the same thing would happen. It's a pointless implementation.
The samething should happen, but its not happening in his Xcode. Thats why i have recommended him to go to the same destination in other way
This is working in my xcode like a charm , but it seems he is writing some gestures and some UITouch delegates, the swiping gesture on table view cell in his Xcode is cancelled by other touches
@sreecharan I think you're misunderstanding my point. Never mind.
@Abizern I am not misunderstanding mate, i know what you wanted to tell me, I also know that its pointless implementation. But with out having code, helping people here is ridiculous
@Abizern Everything is imagination
@sreecharan Then don't get dragged into code level help without the full code, otherwise you just end up bouncing questions backwards and forwards until you find out that something that you had assumed was being done was being done incorrectly and you've wasted your time.
@Abizern well, that makes sense, I need to start asking "What have you tried?" from next time then
I would think if you want code examples post on SO. if its something quick, or a drawn out talking then it goes to chat
@owengerig The trouble is because it's chat you get really wishy-washy questions and then you end up answering the wrong question.
hi @KPath001
@owengerig how is your app doing?
its ok, still clicking with audio, but its a lot less now that i increased the duration to 5 seconds (buffers have 5 seconds worth of data instead of .5 now)
I think I should take Abizern advice and sacrifice a chicken
wow nice
@Abizern I need to get the hourly whether forecast from Yahoo API using YQL, can you spare 2 minutes to search for me, I've searched and found some details about the queries, but i dont know where will these queries hit server and i am not getting any response as well
yahoo has an api that sounds like fun
But if you want in short and sweet, i need to make like Native whether app which displays hourly forecast from Yahoo
@sreecharan I haven't used YQL. Can't you just use the weather API normally?
@Abizern i know thats why i am requesting to to spare 2 mins to search for me
@sreecharan It'll take me more than 2 minutes to learn how to use an unfamiliar technology. Sorry.
@Abizern Yeah, i have tried it, but i am getting the whether response at the time at which i am sending the request
I have made the weather API using Yahoo's API
But i need every hour forecast
How will YQL do that ?
@Terminator YQL has some special queries which will bring updates from server periodically
Ok, Never mind guys, i will do that, try and try until the goal is reached
How will your app get those updates every hour?
@Terminator It wont gets every hour, but it gets the whether forecasts of the future coming hours with an hour gap between every forecast
@sreecharan I thought you were planning to fetch the weather every hour manually by some time difference calculation. I think when we fetch the weather using Yahoo API, we can also get future days weather too
@Terminator Actually i have done this using NSDatecomponents using for loop for getting forecast according to date, But my freaky client is standing on YQL, he wants me to use YQL mandatorily
@Terminator He is telling me that unnecessarily you are exhausting users battery for no cause, you can get the same thing with one hit by using one query instead of hitting the server repeatedly
@sreecharan Yes sort of makes sense. But the weather may change after an hour.
@Terminator I have also told him about this, he then told me that it will be approximately same when compared to the future values which you get with your query, He tells the difference between current forecast and the fetched value will not be more than 2 or 3 degrees celsius
So the main aim is that I need to learn this YQL now :(
@sreecharan Gotta settle with boss finally, I agree. But the flow should be - When user intends to know the weather, the current weather should be fetched and shown and not the old one. And if user doesn't refreshes manually, then the old values should be kept showing unless it expires.
@Terminator @sreecharan r u there?
@Terminator Yeah! But i need to learn this crappy Yahoo Query Language :(
How to fetch data from sqlite in background? right now i am able to fetch data from sqlite in background mode but after 10 Execution of query. its says "could not prepare statement: No such table found." Any knows how to keep fetch data from sqlite continuously in background mode after specific interval of time
@Terminator @sreecharan
@furqi I am lil busy and not in a condition to help, may be @Terminator will help you
@sreecharan ok ok
@Terminator ?
guys is there a way to limit a view to some vertical points by using a UIPanGestureRecognizer? i.e. when i move the view and i arrive to 160 (middle),360 the view won't move anymore
@Terminator there
brb 10 mins
@Pheel what about adjusting the frame
@Pheel Whats difficult is refering docs ? Check for velocityInView here
and setTranslation:inView:
anyone still here
hello @anonymous
nice profile picture lol
I think i've talked with this guy @KPath001 yesterday
Hmm, My worst enemy is my memory
haha yea
we had a brief convo
@anonymous wassup? you're up till now ??
aww @KPath001 Really? Ah! yeah, after my meeting, i got you with skytz, right ?
so how is the YQL you were talking about?
damn, this YQL is disgusting
so what does your app do again, just the weather report?
yeah, kind off
Its under NDA, i don't like to disclose its features, don't mind
how does it differ from the original weather app that comes with the iphone/ipad
oops sorry
so r u still in dubai?
Nope, I came back to my home
posted on July 11, 2012 by Matt Long

Since last year I’ve spent a lot of time working on iPad apps for medical device companies. These companies want to be able to display their sales materials/digital assets to potential buyers on the iPad because of its gorgeous presentation. We can’t blame them. This is a great choice especially with the retina display on [...]

i forgot to ask you @sreecharan can you tell me what i should look to see the apps you made
well i have developed for different clients, you better gimme your mail, i'll send the links to it
can you give me your email
and I will reply to it
i dont want to give mine out on here lol
okay I sent you an email
you dont mind if I add you to my contacts list right
No problem
looks like I have someone to talk to for iphone programming if i run into trouble lol
I am always here and people in this room generally says that i am Addicted, lol
where do you live ?
the US
Where in US ?
CA? NY ?
yea its alright
I've replied you
Ok, Its 00:00 here, i am going to bed, bye bye
thanks for the email
cool apps by the way
@sreecharan you should start at 0 not end
wait what is that about^
o wait nvm
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
posted on July 11, 2012 by Johann

Early last year an app known as i3D hit the app stores demonstrating “monocular 3D” that uses face detection to provide the illusion of real 3D. With iOS 5 Apple added Core Image and face detection right into the iOS SDK and Edwin Vermeer has created an example project demonstrating this principle by using a modified version of [...]

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