@Reno I got it for free actually. My sister got it for half the price. In Singapore, my sister bought a sim card and they can choose one smartphone from the list that they give. And the price is usually 50% or something. But the interesting thing is we can use our sim card as well in it.
I m using CAGradientLayer for applying gradient it is showing me gradient from top to bottom , I just want to show it from corners to center of the view how can I do that @iApple, @Abizern, @anonymous, @iPhoneDeveloper, @Terminator
Now - do you see the benefit of not feeding the troll and just flagging him for a moderator with a good reason? They get banned and you don't have pointless arguments: We'll have some peace from tree for a day.
@Khoool In this sample they animate the gradient by building a CABasicAnimation, but you can implicitly animate the change as well, by just passing a new array of colors to the gradient layer's colors property. Use implicit animations unless you have a reason not to.
@Abizern That's not the issue here. The issue is, as a moderator of Stack Overflow, we are not to enforce the legal agreements of third parties. To do so would make us party to those agreements (and therefore liable), which we are not.
@casperOne Did I? I really don't think I did. I made multiple flags for trolling, and made one post in chat reminding people that iOS6 was under NDA. I don't think I flagged NDA usage.
@casperOne Do you have a record of my flagging it?
@anonymous do you know what i mean, with serious application error? i am not sure when this error happening in my case and i want to update my app. so before update to app store, i want to get this error as crash report. but how can i catch it?
For would-be flaggers of iOS questions under NDA: Moderators do not enforce the NDA of other companies and these flags will be declined. Do not flag these questions for this reason. If there is another reason (low quality, duplicate, etc.) then flag for those reasons.
@sreecharan Stack Overflow is a public forum. And although they are saying that they do not enforce third party restrictions - you are breaching your agreement by talking about things in a public place.
This. Stack Overflow is not a party to contracts between one of their users and some third party, and no reasonable person could be expected to keep track of the agreements others have or have not made. SO isn't a judge, and it's up to the legal system to sort this kind of thing out. — esmMar 2 '10 at 21:41
iOS 6 itself is not under NDA. If it were, Apple would be implicating everyone by announcing it publicly at WWDC...
Most development content and APIs related to the iOS 6 SDK, however, are under NDA as long as the SDK hasn't been released to the public developer community. Only certain features ...
Hello,can anyone tell me what github repo which customizes opening links, instead of opening in safari, we can open with in the app, it comes with reload,back etc buttons too
AOA all I am facing problem in opening the following link in webview "http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iscoutpad/id532647295?ls=1&mt=8". can you please guide me. ? - You can perform this action again in 1 seconds - retry / cancel I have even tried it on device
@sreecharan From the Event Kit Guide docs - You should read this document if you want to display calendar event data or allow users to edit their calendar event data in your iOS application. Event Kit provides limited access to a user’s calendar information. It is not suitable for implementing a full-featured calendar application.
@Terminator I am talking specifically about Event Store, not event kit though, Event kit just allows developers to add events and reminders to the Native calendar app
amma baboy..... basic ga na question... aa library name gurinchi... naku aa library gurtundi kani name gurtuku ledu... so dani features chepte nuvvu dani name chepthavemo ani adiganu bhayya.... now naku adi dorikindi so problem solved :D
I ended up using this
SpeakHereController * recorder;
recorder = [[SpeakHereController alloc]init];
[recorder awakeFromNib];
However I only needed the recorder and for this to work I had to comment out all AQPlayer references from the file. For whatever reason it had a bunch of lin...
some stuff works, but there are still clicking noises between buffers. And that specific answer is a little hacked. usesing SpeakHereController is not right (even though it works)
I am building an applicaiton for the iPhone that will display upcoming and past events. I settled for a list view, but then I realized that a calendar (just like the one displayed in the "month" view in the built-in Calendar application) would be a best match (that is, this one).
However, the iP...
it really sucks too because our dallas office, which host the server, had 2 blown transistors so the power is out and I cant even test/develop at the moment. so not my month. brb
ya şöyle diyeyim sana, core dataya kaydederken messageContent, messageDate ve messageStatus propertileri ile kaydediyorum. diyelimki yirmi tane mesajım var her birinin bu propertyleri ar. ama çekerken anlamsız sonuçlar geliyor
@ilis anlamsiz sonuclar dedigin coredata onu bilerek gösteriyor, hizli calissin diye
@ilis yani anliyacagin yanlisin yok. sade key olarak cikartmak istersen ozaman olur, ama tamami ile cikarttiginda ozaman öyle sonuc veriyor. sirf console da öyle
Just a short und quick one: I added a tableView to a View via *.xib, linked everything and so on. And it works so far. Only problem is that I can't scroll in it. It's static. Do I have to enable the scrolling?
I put this in the viewDidLoad self.Main.scrollEnabled = YES;
Well the thing is, that it is not the first time I'm implementing a tableView via a ViewController. It's just first time that the tableView doesn't scroll