But it doesn't draws the route. It just connects the various annotations that we got. And it does that anyhow. I did that just to work with overlays and see how they are.
@iPhoneDeveloper : Hi,just a tip,that ques you posted ,does not explain what exactly you want,so edit it,as you said from flv to m4a add these things,as it will get more clear. :)
@BobjC We only need the steps. And in every step there is start lat/long and end lat/long. Start Lat/long of second step will be End Lat/Long of first step and so on.
How can I extrace Audio from Video file without using FFmpeg? I want to use AVMutableComposition and AVURLAsset for solving it.e.g. conversion from .flv to .m4a file. Any help would be appreciated.thanks!
@NiteshMeshram I don't understand. You get the data - you decode the data. What problem are you getting. Just saying "not able to decode this" doesn't say anything.
@Terminator Its really nice.. Cousine just got back from there.. But population is very much there.. Road pe chitiya ki tarah public hota hai.. Can't think of Car there.. Fas jaoge
Objective – C allows dynamic binding: a feature that makes it possible to postpone decisions about what classes we are dealing until runtime. In order to make this kind of decision however, we need to be able to determine exactly what class or classes we’re dealing with. It would not do (for example) to send [...]
For the airport in Venice, Florida, see Venice Municipal Airport
In computing, Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop sharing system that uses the RFB protocol (remote framebuffer) to remotely control another computer. It transmits the keyboard and mouse events from one computer to another, relaying the graphical screen updates back in the other direction, over a network.
VNC is platform-independent – a VNC viewer on one operating system may connect to a VNC server on the same or any other operating system. There are clients and servers for many GUI-based operating ...
@iapple: that is all i could get: TeamViewer is a VNC based solution intended for making ad-hoc remote connections between PCs within a workgroup. They have concentrated on ease of use
@iApple: do you want to implemnt it programatically??
The UINavigationController class allows an application to maintain a stack of UIViewControllers, each having their own view. Each UIViewController has a title property (an NSString) which represents the title to be displayed in the navigation bar of that view controller. But the navigation bar itself maintains an array of bar buttons that we can manipulate [...]
For would-be flaggers of iOS questions under NDA: Moderators do not enforce the NDA of other companies and these flags will be declined. Do not flag these questions for this reason. If there is another reason (low quality, duplicate, etc.) then flag for those reasons.
As the release of Mountain Lion draws nearer, Apple has begun encouraging developers to submit their Mountain Lion Apps to the Mac App Store, You can see the email that was sent to registered developers below: Furthermore Apple tells developers to submit iOS apps that take advantage of the new cross-platform Game Center [...]
@casperOne Have a look at your iOS developer agreement, and particularly the bits about iOS6 on the developer site. If you have a question about iOS 6 the best place for it is on the Apple Developer Forums in the iOS 6 section.