Baiscally I want to update a UILabel with results of a Core Data query. I have a UILabel with the following text "root has X credits". I want to search Core Data for entity "Account" then refine the search to look for just the "root" account, then refine the search for just the attribute "credi...
how would i get a value inputted into a text field and add it to an attribute stored in a Core Data DB? the value inputted would be a string but needs to be converted to a NSNumber.
I'm having an issue with replacing string by occurence of string methods
The string I want to change is: <img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-4539" title="divorce" src="" alt="" width="22" height="17" />
All I want to do is replace the width and height numbers to a standard set...any suggestions?
i think here you have to change something NSNumber *currentcredit =; as NSNumber *currentcredit = [NSNumber numberWithInt];
@DimplePanchal Hi :) how do you do ? and your company ?
@DimplePanchal through NSFileManager method subPathOfDirectoires I have got the following response
@DimplePanchal ( "new test", "new test/", "new test/test 3", TestFolder, "TestFolder/Test2", "TestFolder/Test2/", "TestFolder/WinSomeThing.ipa", "winmail.dat" )
@DimplePanchal in this string new test is a folder and test 3 is also a folder but that resides in new test and so on . I want to filter the folder in this string but also need to save states which folder resides in which one .
Welcome to another edition of the best resources in iOS development. This week’s resources feature an update to the open source iPhone and iPad apps list, a component allowing you to easily implement file downloading from different online services, and a library that makes basic video recording with AVFoundation easy. Here are the top 10 [...]
its really a waste of time to ask questions here no one is willing to answer questions that are not related to outlets or some navigation stuff or delegate concepts huh .....
@VakulSaini also write one method when you applicaiton comes to foreground or in appDidFinishLaunching read data from plist and udpate it on an array so every time you have updated records in your array and updated data in plist as well
@VakulSaini i added #import "ViewControllerWelcome.h" to the "h" file of the class where im try to access the variable in the "ViewControllerWelcome.h"
Someone please help me in this query.
How to Get JSON data From a URL Which contains .SVC file in iphone (ios5) ?
the link is like : (not original)
and parameters are: email and password.
So how can i verify the login credentials ?
here my code
so when i don't have school, ill be rich and can do waterer and all people at school that make fun of me will work like 10000000 hours a week and make nothing>:] cuz their stupid
@sreecharan We are using MKReverseGeocoder in our application. But it fails with an error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1011.)" UserInfo=0x339900 {PBHTTPStatusCode=503} . When I searched for a solution, the error is happening due to excessive request volume or request rate. How can I solve this?
@sreecharan I didn't get you. The code used for MKReverseGeocoder is as follows, geoCoder=[[MKReverseGeocoder alloc] initWithCoordinate:location]; geoCoder.delegate=self; [geoCoder start]; But the request always fails and call the delegate method - (void)reverseGeocoder:(MKReverseGeocoder *)geocoder didFailWithError:(NSError *)error{}. Sorry the error was look like Error Domain=PBRequesterErrorDomain Code=6001 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (PBRequesterErrorDomain error 6001.)"
@Chris An IBOutlet is used to mark properties that can be hooked up graphically from IB. Just as an IBAction is used to mark a method that can be hooked up graphically as an action from IB.
The codes below have links which when clicked will animate the body's scrollTop to 400 or 600. It is working fine on desktops but not on iOS safari. The scrolling animation is working, but the animation is somehow disabled the click event listener. The user have to do some actions (like scrolling...
If the wires drive you nuts, then don't use Storyboards to manage your view controllers. You're making life difficult for yourself. Alternatively, if you feel you have too many wires, maybe your design needs to be thought out again.
@Abizern Can you help me on the problem of getting error Error Domain=PBRequesterErrorDomain Code=6001 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (PBRequesterErrorDomain error 6001.)", when using MKReverseGeocoder. The error is happening due to the error is happening due to excessive request volume or request rate. How can I solve it?
I'm using ASIHTTPRequst in my application and im having some problems, but only on certain devices. In some cases i get the following error:
Incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x0000 detected. Assuming NSASCIIStringEncoding. Will stop this compatiblity mapping behavior in the near future
I g...
Basically, I am sending a POST request with an empty data body:
ASIHTTPRequest *request [ASIHTTPRequest alloc] init];
[request setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:escapedUrlString]];
[request setRequestMethod:@"POST"];
[request addRequestHeader:@"Content-Type" value:@"application/xml"];