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@aakilladhani hi ddude
@iDroidDeveloper hi bau divase
@aakilladhani ha ala
@aakilladhani bahu bzy hato
@aakilladhani kem 6e?
@iDroidDeveloper lol
@aakilladhani tu kai duniya ma jive 6e
@iDroidDeveloper su chale baki atyare?
@iDroidDeveloper ahiya j 6u tari aju baju ma
@aakilladhani bas atyare jone kai kamavanu nathi
@aakilladhani to chalo madiye
@iDroidDeveloper humm te empan bau kamai lidhu
@aakilladhani e to sara divso hata etle
@aakilladhani have kai nahi aavtu
@ilis Good for you
@iDroidDeveloper avse la atayre aaeam kar
@Ramshad Thanks, but it's not completely mine, I just added to the fork.
@Abizern: ok. Do u know any reason why "NSStreamEventErrorOccurred " triggered even if the network is pretty strong. signal?
Good morning folks
@Ramshad Have you seen what event is triggering the error?
@Abizern: event is - (void) stream:(NSStream *)stream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode
@Abizern: switch(eventCode)
case NSStreamEventErrorOccurred:
so many guys have changed there avatar to photos
@BertieLiu yes you are one of them :)
inside the NSStreamEventErrorOccurred blok. i have displayed the alert that says " connection error"
@dark :p i'm not. always this avatar since 1st day on stackoverflow
@Abizern: my client reported a issue "Multiple time when she was either trying to send a message to the learner or synching devices she got the following message: “Wifi connection error". Same happend at 2 different networks and it doesnot recover quickly even if the network is pretty strong. signal.
@Dev2rights morning folk from europe
@BertieLiu :) same here :)
@Abizern: and he said, at the same time the network was pretty strong.
I dont want to talk over Ramshad but i have a question thats plagued me for months
@Abizern: the situation is not happening in my network
@dark the animal representing my country
@dark @Abizern @all Hello
@Dev2rights: what happend dude?
@BertieLiu thats nice @BobjC hello
Simply put i guess its how can we process payments in iOS apps ? Ive read various uncertain responses on SO and speakign with people. I get asked once every 2 months to produce an app where by the user of the app can make payments and purchase the items the app offers.
Ive read you can go out to a payment web page using UIWebView but no client wants that tbh
@Ramshad No idea if you can't reproduce it.
No it needs to be like a web store so you can purchase goods
IAP isnt designed for that purpose
plus that would also mean Apple takign a hefty levy on goods purchases
Paypal api?
@Abizern: ha.. thanks for your valuable time
Paypal API i read about but it appears as if Apple havent said anything in either direction on this
plus Paypal also levy charges
ideally we would write an encrypted service that pushes the payment to our server who then uses something liek world pay to process the trnsaction
Apple also have said nothing on there forums too
i know That Amazon and Trainline.co.uk do it, but there million's / billions of transactions per day and probably have some leaning power with apple
@Ramshad Are you sure it's a WiFi error? How are you checking to see what is causing the error?
your own payment web service... um... we don't use Paypal in china, so really don't think Apple has special deal with those big firms like paypal or amazon
@Abizern:as per my little knowledge i think NSStreamEventErrorOccurred only trigger when a connection loss occures
@Abizern: so i just displayed an alert ..
@BertieLiu But you have the interent, im sure you must have access to world pay web sites
@Ramshad So You aren't sure if it's a WiFi error really - it's just that that is the only error you are displaying.
hence why an encrypted server which processes payments is the best route
but no one seems to know
@Abizern: yeah.
so you're trying to get around the third-party payment service
@Ramshad So worrying about why you are getting WiFi errors when there is a strong signal is a waste of time, then.
@Ramshad When what you should really be doing is finding out what the actual error event is.
@Abizern @dark @BertieLiu hi To all
hello sunny
@Abizern: i am sure that "NSStreamEventErrorOccurred" is triggering . becuase i worote the message only once that was inside the NSStreamEventErrorOccurred block :)
@BertieLiu Hello.
@Abizern hello. always great to meet you here.
@BertieLiu no there is not goods and services payment system in iOS that seems to have apples backing, i want to know if there is one. I ve been askign this question for almost 9 months in various circles, even with a guy at a tech meetup last week who has his own payment system in Sweden but no one seems to know
Id love to set up a payment service to do this
@BertieLiu Hello.
as M-Commerce woudl generate a huge ammount of revenue for each countries economy
im sure its been discussed in the higher echelons of apple but its being kept well wrapped up. Now i actually need to go to WDC :s
for instance, i come with an app that directs me to the page of goods, and the payment process is done all on webpages.
@Abizern on a side note, hello expect to see me at the next NSCoder evening BTW
@Dev2rights Sure. But it's at the George Inn, not the Bunch of Grapes.
I donno why i am addicted to this CSR racing since WWDC, Its just an amazing game
@BertieLiu Thats one way but apple seem not to have officially said this is fine though i have read on SO that people have done this. However i dotn want to do that, i want to be able to handle the payment processing in the Apps UI with a framework / lib id code to handle the payment. With SSL and Hashed strings and then HTTP Posts to either us or say world pay
@Abizern Cheers id have gone to the wrong place, updated iCal.....
ahhh hot honey lemon and ginger, the only cold cure
@dark: how r u dude
Ill carry on researching i guess. It just seems insane that there is no cross platform mobile payment platforms
@Sunny hello...!
@Dev2rights Have a look at nscodernightlondon.com and subscribe to the calendar on there.
maybe that's a kind of service with risk. the encryption has to be good enough. what's apple's attitude with encryped app?
Oh there is huge risk
It woudl be no different than going onto a web page and buying it there
the only thing that is the issue is if the application did something naughty witht he details, which is why i guess that apple dont seem to allow it
but that is such a missing part of the whole mobile sector
i am new to this chat room,,but i wanted to ask a question
is this the right place?
will CSR generation effect on application which is on app store?
@BobjC Thanks for yesterdays reply ... today i saw your reply... :)
@KhushbuPatel Hi yes..
hi Nitesh
@Abizern Done ta
i am NSTimer in one tab item
right wish i could just get 15 mins with the right Apple engineer or the head of UK apps
sorry I am using NSTimer in one tab item
the webpage method i described before in a local service with good reputation (or it's too risky to leak one's info on a third-party webpage). your method sounds like some sort between pure webpage and fully apis.
@Dev2rights you're also in London?
and scheduled on method to increase seconds
@Dev2rights You could use a DTS incident. You get 2 with your ADC membership, unless you've already used them.
challenge apple's tolerance
in the starting it is working perfactly and seconds are being increased one by one
@Abizern thats a good point, ive renewed about 3 times now and i thnk i used 1 golden ticket / DTS
but i dont reckon it will do any good
no harm in trying
but when i press another tab item and come back to the recent one then the seconds are being increased by 2
@BertieLiu World Pay is a known trusted service
but its down to us the developer not being evil
which im not
@Ramshad am fine you ?
@Nitesh sorry Nitesh
@Dev2rights i wonder if apple will check if an app's sending encrypt data
@KhushbuPatel Where are you initialising your timer? Where are you invalidating it?
hi friends :)
on click event of button i am scheduling timer and invalidating it before i rescheduling the timer
@KhushbuPatel That doesn't help me.
@BertieLiu They don't mind you sending encrypted data, done it loads before, the situation is id imagine that apple dont want to run the risk that soemone might be able to start stealign bank details and in turn tarnishing there good reputation, which is fair enough
all i ask is, please apple for christmas can i have a goods and services API please
i have took one button and on click event of that button i am doing following thing
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0f target:self selector:@selector(timerTick:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
@dark: me too friend :)
@BertieLiu there?
@BertieLiu @BobjC @Dev2rights anybody there?
in ViewDidLoad Method i am again calling these thing but before that i am invalidating the timer....code is given below
I am here
i need help regarding to present modal view controller for diff between iOS 4.0 and iOS 5.0 .
In body but not in mind
if(timer == isValid){[timer invalidate];timer = nil;} timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0f target:self selector:@selector(timerTick:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
@Hrushikesh Ive not had issues with it
@Dev2rights this is what i have asked question on stackoverflow.
@ Abizern I am not initializing timer anywhere
@KhushbuPatel Do you see something wrong with timer == isValid?
@Abizern i am not initialising the timer
@KhushbuPatel Try again
@Abizern yes sorry it is [timer isValid]
@KhushbuPatel so does that fix your problem?
@Abizern No, :(
@Dev2rights :D then with which payment service shall the api work? if the bank details are collected with a webview... then...
@BertieLiu They wont
@Ramshad @Rajkumar there?
My aim is to collect details, encrypt , send to server and let world pay handle the payment
@KhushbuPatel Looking at what you have written and your SO question - it sounds like you aren't correctly invalidating the timer.
do what your want and apple may not know at all
@Hrushikesh [self presentModalViewController:self.tabBarController animated:YES]; is not proper usage of tabbarcontroller
@Hrushikesh: yes. tell me friend
@Ramshad plz see this link i have an issue with this present modal view controller stackoverflow.com/questions/11288417/…
@BertieLiu than what should i do for calling the tabbar controller.
@KhushbuPatel use stoptimer instead of invalidate
@Hrushikesh appDelegate's tabbarcontroller
@BertieLiu pls provide proper way i am trying to implement login and logged out facility like instagram and picplz and pinterest apps.
@iDroidDeveloper I tried [self stop:timer];....
but it is not workin
@KhushbuPatel can you pls explaine me what you want exactly...nd wat is happening with you?
@RKK hi
@sreecharan hi
ibook type animatiuon kra k kaisi ne ????
@iDroidDeveloper I am creating a watch where time is increases in seconds...1,2,3,4,5...and so on.but when i press another tab bar item and come back to the previous tabbar then time start increases as 2,4,6,8,...and so on.If i again press the another tab item and come back to the previous tab item then time start increases by 3, 6, 9and so on
@iDroidDeveloper every time i want the time to be increased by one second, like...1,2,3,4
@KhushbuPatel in which method you start timer ?
@KhushbuPatel pls start timer in viewDidLoad methos
@KhushbuPatel pls start timer in viewDidLoad method
@KhushbuPatel and try
@Abizern can you explain abut ARC why should i use?
@iDroidDeveloper but i have one button Start and i want the timer to be started on click of that button...
@mountainlionmoorthy The compiler takes care of managing memory for Cocoa Objects. It's safer, more efficient, and leads to cleaner code.
@KhushbuPatel so please stop timer in viewWillDisapper methos
@Abizern hi
@Hrushikesh if you mean the normal tabbarcontroller changes to the login/register, then it's not due to the animation of tabbercontroller. just push a viewcontroller and hide the tabbarcontroller and add a new tabbar to the bottom.
@iDroidDeveloper ok...let me try this
@Hrushikesh Hello. But you aren't going to get a different answer from me.
@iDroidDeveloper i am using [timer invalidate]; to stop timer....
@KhushbuPatel please stop it
@KhushbuPatel not invalidate
@Hrushikesh: no idea dude
@Abizern ok i understand but i am trying to solve the issue from many days.
@Hrushikesh: sorry :)
@BertieLiu yes i have created custom tabbar from RXCustomTabbar metod.
@Ramshad np dude.
@iDroidDeveloper how to stop the timer ???
@iDroidDeveloper invalidate is the only way to stop a Timer. Can you point to a reference link that shows another way?
@BertieLiu but the main problem is that only while changing the view viewWillAppear method called twice and the application is going to be crashed.
@Abizern yes you need to make your own method by NSTimer Extension
@iDroidDeveloper Hey it is done by [timer invalidate];
but i really want to know that how to stop timer?
@all have any one use Google Analytic api?
@KhushbuPatel you are new in iPhone?
@Hrushikesh first make the tabbarcontroller as the app's rootviewcontroller. how many times viewdidappear is called?
@BertieLiu plz read the whole question and answer details you'll get my point.
@iDroidDeveloper yes
@KhushbuPatel hmm...nice job
@Abizern thanks mate. if i use ARC i won't not get any memory issue rit?
@iDroidDeveloper What difference does that make? I've already done one abizern.org/NSTimer-JCSBlocks/docs/Categories/… but you can't tell someone to stop a timer when there is no stop method.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSTimer (Extras)

@BertieLiu i have created two views in app delegate if user logged in thna call the tabbar and if not logged in call login view.
this one is header file
@Hrushikesh that's why i think you misuse tabbarcontroller
#import "NSTimer+Extras.h"

@implementation NSTimer (Extras)
NSDate *pauseStart, *previousFireDate;
pauseStart = [[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0] retain];

previousFireDate = [[self fireDate] retain];

[self setFireDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
float pauseTime = -1*[pauseStart timeIntervalSinceNow];

[self setFireDate:[previousFireDate initWithTimeInterval:pauseTime sinceDate:previousFireDate]];

[pauseStart release];

[previousFireDate release];
@BertieLiu and i haven't declared viewdidappear
@Abizern getting?
@Hrushikesh the tabbarcontroller is always there, and the only difference is to be seen or hidden
@Abizern try this one
@mountainlionmoorthy ARC doesn't stop you using memory badly.
@KhushbuPatel i think this is new for you
@iDroidDeveloper Yeah, thanks. But I'll use my own.
@iDroidDeveloper Yes i am working for the first time on timer
@Hrushikesh idevrecipes.com/2010/12/16/raised-center-tab-bar-button that's a custom tabbarcontroller's example. use it just as the native UITabbarcontroller. don't invoke its viewwillappear
@BertieLiu no sorry i didn't get properly if i am going to call to call like this than what is big deal if (![string isEqualToString:@"YES"])
// loginVCTR = [[ExampleViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ExampleViewController" bundle:nil];
// viewController.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve;
[window addSubview:self.navigationController.view];
// [self presentModalViewController:loginVCTR animated:YES];
[window addSubview:self.tabBarController.view];
@Abizern ohh but no need to release coco objects rit ? thanks ..
@mountainlionmoorthy Go read the documentation - otherwise you'll be back here with more problems and bugs that you don't understand.
@iDroidDeveloper hey one problem is solved but creating another problem...when i move to the another tab item an come back to the previous one then timer stops...i want the timer to be on in the background
@Hrushikesh i'm in a rush. can't explain too well. it should be like: tabbarcontroller-> rootviewcontroller, nav1.rootviewcontroller->VC1, nav2.rootviewcontroller->VC2, tabbarcontroller.controllers-> nav1 and nav2
@Abizern @BertieLiu @KhushbuPatel hello
hi friends any idea about
Q: Set default username in TWTweetComposeViewController from ACAccount

PJRi am using TWTweetComposeViewController and there are more than one accounts in my twitter setting (twitter from Setting in your device), it is showing a picker so from that we can select any username, and by default it is getting first username from your accounts as showing in image. Now , i wa...

@KhushbuPatel this is extension method please use this
@KhushbuPatel what is the problem?
@iDroidDeveloper Leaky, leaky code.
@Abizern ok..
@Abizern @BertieLiu @KhushbuPatel can you tell me, how to replace all <li> in a string with the current count of loop?
@KhushbuPatel pls use the methos that i have given
@iDroidDeveloper when i move to the another tab item an come back to the previous one then timer stops...i want the timer to be on in the background
@KhushbuPatel that will 100% help u
@iDroidDeveloper ok
@MohitGupta pls tell me in detail
@MohitGupta Have you tried anything yourself?
@Abizern downlaod sample code but not working
@KhushbuPatel pls mail me ur source code...so i can get exact idea
@MohitGupta "Not working" isn't very specific is it?
what isn't working? Are you getting errors, warnings, are methods not being fired, are your delegates not behaving correctly? Does anything work?
@Abizern ok i teel u..
@MohitGupta Don't tell me. I don't care. But you should be more specific in the questions you ask on the parent site.
@Abizern i will try to solve myself.
@Abizern if i stuck anywhere then i ask u.
@MohitGupta Good. Come back when you really get stuck.
@Abizern ok
@MohitGupta And don't ask me, I don't answer facebook questions. You don't need to direct a question at a specific person. Just ask. Better still, create a proper question on the parent site.
@BertieLiu ok i know the raised custom tabbar code but doesn't full fill my project requirements so i have used another code for custom tabbar.
@Abizern hi
@KhushbuPatel what happened?
good morning all
Can anybody tell me how to change a .doc file to .docx file programmatically ?
@iPhoneDeveloper thats not gona be easy... especially on iOS
or how to change a .rtf file to .docx?
i know but a little bit of help would be great
do you have any idea for this?
just trying to think
@L14M333: please do think..n thanks..
you would need to look into the docx file structure but im guessing microsoft havent released all that data open to the public
an idea could be to have a window server
what has a automation script to load the rtf and resave it and push it back to the client?
i am new to development so cannot exactly think of how to do that..:(
is changing from .rtf to .docx also the same ?
dont think theres going to be an easy option then im afraid :/\
would be just as complciated
but saying that
what do you want to achieve? microsoft word can read all 3 docx, doc and rtf
no i will go for it..but its jst that i dont have that much understanding of servers right now..
theres not really any need to convert to docx is there?
ohk...yes that is a good idea...
can you help me on converting audio files also?
like .wma to .m4a
or similar conversions?
@Hello All of you, I have one sues. I am constructing a table using custom cell. in custom I have uilabel,uibutton, and images. I am placing each cell in all rows of tableview. I am able to show popover with date picker on uibutton touch up inside event and set the selected date from user inside tableview. but my problem is that popover presenting arrow direction not starts from the button.
i don't have any knowledge on using iOSes audio frameworks so I can't really help
oh..but thanks alot for your help...:)
can anyone else guide me on audio conversion?
@PandeyLaxman can you share the code you use to present the popover? thanks
@L14M333 yeah offcourse thanks
@L14M333 : can you guide me on how to convert vice-versa?i mean from doc to rtf?
@iPhoneDeveloper programatically? I don't know but open the file in MS Word and do save as then save it as the filetype you want
if([popOverController isPopoverVisible]) {
[popOverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];

NSDateFormatter *formatter=[[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[formatter setDateFormat:@"dd/MM/yy"];

datePicker1=[[CustomDatePickerController alloc]initWithNibName:@"CustomDatePickerController" bundle:nil CurrentDate:[NSString stringWithFormat:[formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]]]];
UIPopoverController *popover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:datePicker1];
ok but will it open in iphone?
gist: 3059537, 2012-07-06 11:03:10Z
if([popOverController isPopoverVisible]) { 
[popOverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES]; 

NSDateFormatter *formatter=[[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]; 
[formatter setDateFormat:@"dd/MM/yy"]; 

datePicker1=[[CustomDatePickerController alloc]initWithNibName:@"CustomDatePickerController" bundle:nil CurrentDate:[NSString stringWithFormat:[formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]]]]; 
UIPopoverController *popover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:datePicker1]; 
popover.delegate = self; 
CGRect rect = datePicker1.view.frame; 
popover.popoverContentSize = rect.size; 

[formatter release]; 
self.popOverController = popover; 
[popover release]; 

UIButton *btn=(UIButton*)[self.view viewWithTag:btnTag]; 
NSLog(@"Button Frame is =%f%f%f%f",btn.frame.origin.x,btn.frame.origin.y,btn.frame.size.width,btn.frame.size.height); 
CGRect cellFrame = [cell convertRect:btn.frame fromView:self.view]; 
//[popOverController presentPopoverFromRect:btn.frame inView:cell.contentView permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp animated:YES]; 
[popOverController presentPopoverFromRect:btn.frame inView:btn permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp animated:YES]; //changed the inView to btn

try that
(changed the last line @PandeyLaxman)
and @iPhoneDeveloper I don't know how to do it on iOS im afraid
@L14M333 Sorry it will not work because I have custom cell and in the above code I am getting the uibutton using the tag is I am setting in cellForRowAtIndexPath so there are lot of uibutton
@L14M333: k thanks for your help..
@iPhoneDeveloper its for iPad
@PandeyLaxman that makes no sense? you already use btn.frame to tell the popover what frame you want it to present around so why cant you use btn as the view to present from?
@L14M333 yeah actually I am getting the btn from tableview->customCell you know tableview is scrollable and it always telling me same frame if select different buttons. thats why I am printing the btn.frame
@All hi
yeah the btn.frame would always be the same as the frame is relative to the parent view whats a cell.. the cell is always the same size
@johnWhite hi
@PandeyLaxman: i did not get you?
Hai friends..
@L14M333 I have one query
@L14M333 I want to thow object (ball) to wall. can you advice me how its possible
@L14M333 thanks for you time , I will manage it
@iDroidDeveloper hey...i am sorry...went for some work.....Can you please tell me how to stop timer?
@KhushbuPatel [timer stop];
@johnWhite yeah.. you have to pick it up and throw it?
don't know what you mean
Does anyone know how to set the row height of a table cell based on its content?
@hart1994 implement '-(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath' on your UITableViewDelegate
@L14M333 Have you seen paper toss application...i want to throw like this application
look at OpenGLES
I've got that" - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
return 65.0;
anyone using cocos2d?:\
@all - hi
hello! can i use callback-block from MainThread to transfer data between BackgroundThread and MainThread?
any body knows how to convert an GLuint to UIImage ?
@VakulSaini i think that GLuint is typedef for uint and UIImage is an object of picture
@VakulSaini Have you seen paper toss application...i want to throw like this application
@loldop - my problem has been solved :-)
@JohnWhite - yes i have played ... its nice app
@VakulSaini ok) can you help me with my problem?
@all hii
@Abizern hii
@loldop - not sure.... but what is your problem ?
@Abizern I want to make an app for (iPhone + Android) using "monotouch"
Anyone got any idea how to auto resize the height of a cell based on it's content?
@Abizern Is there any approval problem(with Apple app store) with such app ?
i want to organize data transfering between MainThread and BackgroundThread. my possible solution is to use callback-block. but not sure, how to do this and will it be good solution?
Like If we are making app using "PhoneGap" template for iOS .... apple app store reject those app !!! @Abizern
like that is there any issue with "Monotouch" ???
@VakulSaini Can you please advice me how to implement throw paper toss
@loldop - sorry ... no idea
@JohnWhite - hey... you are asking about whole application....thats not possible to tell
@JohnWhite - please start your application when you will have any problem then try to search that solution on internet, stackoverflow etc.... no body can tell you how to make like paper toss app...... you will have to make your own effort first... all the very best !
@VakulSaini No i am not asking about whole application
can anybody tell about thread management and thread interaction?
@JohnWhite - then what your problem ?
@VakulSaini I want to know how to throw paper or any object
@KhushbuPatel look at my answer.
@JohnWhite - well this is just a guess....... you can move your object from previous location to touch ended location....
wth are the quality standards for posting a question?
how to create an object in Background Thread and after that interact with it?
@KhushbuPatel there?
@iDroidDeveloper do you know how to save nsarray with a custom keyvalue?
@brush51 save NSArray 's object
this is my array, i want to give them a key named @"list":
NSMutableArray *htmlSplitted = [[[html componentsSeparatedByString:@"</li>"] mutableCopy] autorelease];
set htmlSplitted as object

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