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well, it uploads something to frog i guess, but it does play!:{
well that sux
do you know how to upload to yfrog
first off, is this how i use nsdata
NSData *movieData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:FileToUpload];
first of all..what is that?
and filetoupload = /var/mobile/Applications/FDA8243B-CCF4-4B93-ADE8-4B4570AAF6BB/Documents/1-overlayed.mp4
ok..1st of all ...use NSSearchPathForDirectoryInDomains to get path
i did
well this is the url, to add -overlayed.mp4 after to switch the title: NSString *UploadingFileLocation = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[[urlsOfVideos objectAtIndex:self.pageControl.currentPage] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@".mp4" withString:@"-overlayed.mp4"]];
i don't know then..have you looked at an example..or anything?
and idk, I'm trying the app again, before, it finished correctly, a minute ago i got an error, and i made it log "read error object to know error"-- so now i have to wait another 10 minutes to see what the error was--
well now this time it worked, and it showed my twitter sheet with the url
3 hours later…
hi to all
hoz u
Any in App Purchase experts for simple clarification
1 hour later…
@sreecharan @iHungry Good Morning frnds :)
can any one tell me how to implement this kind of tabbar control. ??
Hi @zing
@zing Are u there
@Vassan yes,
Attention all: Be warned that the App Store is currently serving corrupted binaries from selected Apps and updates approved recently. Please hold off on all updates/submissions until this is resolved: stackoverflow.com/questions/11337887/…
hmmm... interesting. Do you have any corroborating links on other web sites to this happening??
@zing, u need create ur won custom Tabbar controll
@cnu hii good morning
@krishna Hi VGM
place bar image and set ur UIButton according to ur size and origin place @zing
and u have to just switch the view controllers on click of those buttons @zing
Hi Micheal
hw r u?
Hello Mr Hungry...
I'm doing well over here.
It's 1 a.m. here. I hope I don't stay up too late tonight.
:D ... hmmm k
i like to do work on late night
hi @all good mnorning
* morning
@MichaelDautermann, APNS working .... complete processing
me and my web scriptor creating our own service for our company
so now company does not have depending on 3rd party server which is paid
@MichaelDautermann have u used FMDB or prefer directly interaction with sqlite?
what's a FMDB ?
hahaha spot-on github.com/ccgus/fmdb
@all good morning
@MichaelDautermann hi
@MichaelDautermann how to get the facebook contacts using facebook sdk?
Q: How to import facebook contacts to iPhone

Midhun MPI'm new to iPhone development. I need to display facebook contacts to UITableView of my application. I'm not familiar with the webservice features of iPhone. So kindly help me to find a solution. Thanks in advance

@MichaelDautermann presently i am using xcode4.2
you're very welcome @Medeti
@MichaelDautermann how are you?
@zing hi
@zing I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
I feel pretty good in general
but I wonder how @sree is doing. I worry about the guy.
@cnu I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
@Coder I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
@CodaFi I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
@Bandaram I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
@furqi I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
@DeathMagus I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
no need to sent every1 vassan :d
@Shubhank I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
now michael is teasing you :P
@Sharon I have problem in valid signing identity not found can u help me
ok ok Sorry
@MichaelDautermann hi
I'm not going to help you.
one of the dozen other people you asked can.
@MichaelDautermann, dear micheal
@cnu how r u
dear @iHungry
hahaha then i do will stay away :)
@krishna fine doing well, how are you doing?
can u check ur provision profile has been registered for ur device?
can u check ur bundle id is correct or not of pro-vising profile and info.plist?
of xcode setting
are select correct device b4 run ur app
@MichaelDautermann thanx i want to publish my app in client id.When i'm trying that its says valid signing identity not found
Hi @MichaelDautermann will apple goint to approve this ? my question and answer is stackoverflow.com/questions/11325266/…
@MichaelDautermann, i mention those points are responsible for ur error
@MichaelDautermann when u singing in r u getting some response?
are you using any private API's, @PJR ?
Morning folks
it's @Sree Sir!
here to save the day!
Vassan needs help desperately.
@MichaelDautermann ?
oh... actually @Vassan needs the help, @Furqi
@sreecharan Are you there
he may have gone back to sleep
@Vassan Please follow the Room FAQ's
@MichaelDautermann , no but you see my answer to my question ? actually that tweetcontroller is used for showing a view but for showing "Alert" only i am hiding its original functionality .
@MichaelDautermann ok @Vassan yes tell me
if you've coded it up @PJR, why not submit it and see what happens. :-)
you have nothing to lose.
@PJR looks like You have just added an another step init, go on, nothing will happen and don't think deep
@MichaelDautermann hi wt happn?
@furqi i want to publish my app in client id.When i'm trying that its says valid signing identity not found
i feel pretty good @Sharon, but @Vassan needs help.
anna.... ipad multiple details gurinchi chudadaniki emina time dorikinda?
@Vassan ya wts up?
i want to publish my app in client id.When i'm trying that its says valid signing identity not found
hold on... I think we're all trying to understand the question.
You want to publish my app in client id.When you are trying that its says valid signing identity not found
where did you lose it?
maybe it's under your desk.
@MichaelDautermann Better you make an advertisement here Vassan needs help
whoa!!! I just saw a valid signing identity flying loose overhead!
better catch it!
@Vassan show ur code
@Vassan code signing identity error???
chk ur provisining profile or chk wether dat device is added for that profile or not?
chk code signing identity
@cnu Nope
@MichaelDautermann actually i have not submited , i am working in the one part of my app , a smallest part , so i am thinking for future.
is it your personal app?
whoops... hold on... I have to find a loose valid signing identity
drat! I missed it... I think it is on it's way to Singapore right about now.
@sreecharan Thanks and ya i just add one step but i hiding its actual working , may it affect ?
@PJR Its affects nothing
Good morning all
awwright! iProgrammer is here. I can rest easy now.
Morning @iProgrammer
@MichaelDautermann why ?
I was getting all agitated looking for a lost valid signing identity.
but I've calmed down in the meantime.
Good Morning SO....
@sreecharan is here you can rest now
@Kartik hii
@iProgrammer Hello
I don't think @sree has had his morning Turkish Coffee yet so he might be as agitated as I am.
ha ha
@iProgrammer hello. Busy
@SJS hello Free
@Michael let me brush my teeth first
@iProgrammer bete i will be back after discussion
you may want to update your answer on that question to reflect that URL too, @CodaFi
Ha @iProgrammer I am not helping the people much though
because without it, it sounds subjective.
yeah, why not @Sree ?
I can't do it all by myself here.
I see your point. I will do it now.
- (NSDate *)lastDayOfLastMonth {
NSDate *today = [NSDate date];
NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
NSDateComponents *comp = [gregorian components:(NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit) fromDate:today];
[comp setDay:0];
[comp setMonth:[comp month]-1];
NSDate *firstDayOfMonthDate = [gregorian dateFromComponents:comp];
return firstDayOfMonthDate;
It is returning 31 may
@all wt is the difference b/w \r and \n
whats wrong in that?
Whoa! Its sand storm, Bad morning. :(
@sreecharan hello
@Kartik hello
@Aseem Hi
Hello Aseem
@Kartik tumhe pata hai last month ka last day aksie get karte hai?
@iProgrammer calendar me dekhke :P
nice.. mujhe laga clock me dekhke
@sreecharan how to create event on facebook
Facebook ? I donno, it sucks
@iProgrammer 5 min deta hu :)
@sreecharan thx
@Kartik Do u know how to create event on fb
@iProgrammer last month and last day means ? decemeber 31? or any else?
@iProgrammer I am back... :)
@Kartik no.. previous month's last day
means 30 th june
@Aseem please have a look @iProgrammer ans
@iProgrammer Ok
@SJS ")
@all : Hii,how to get the rectangular frame of ,irregular shape cropped image(eg Circle), as to get its exact position ?
any one have idea
Q: Not getting device token of device for APNS?

iHungryI develop application for APNS. My code is work fine with one device and i got apple push notification for device as well.. becoz when i ran that application for device i got device token and through that token i will able to do all process. Now my problem is when i install sane app for other dev...

@Michael Have you worked on Parsing PDF Content and converting it to core text ?
no... and I hope I never have to
Now a days, i am parsing many things
Yesterday, i have worked on html parsing, today pdf parsing and tomorrow core text parsing
@iProgrammer id?
@Kartik kya?
Singapore girl hasn't joined us till now ?
@iProgrammer i have one demo with all date function which i made in past. but i cant give u specific method from that so need to send whole code to u so need ur id.
@Kartik do u have demo code for the same
@Aseem for what?
for creating an event
@Aseem on FB?
@MichaelDautermann how to read socket data? i want to read socket files.
didn't I give you information on how to do socket programming on iOS yesterday, @mountainlionmoorthy ??
wtf is this socket programming?
How to get the rectangular frame of cropped selection?
Best way to show popup message on iPhone screen if Database changes ??? how to achieve it ????
I am cropping image in shape,i.e blue line...but i need its complete rectframe,any idea?
@Kartik isme aisa to nahi hia
@iApple have u used core graphics?
@iProgrammer :(
@iProgrammer check karo he.. same nahi hoga lekin 90% h :P
@MichaelDautermann @sreecharan do you know how to get previous month's last day?
@Kartik no
@MichaelDautermann ya i got that. i made the code for connecting socket port to server. now i want to read the socket data like (video,xml,audio and image) what ever its available in that socket.. can you have any idea.?
A: How to get last day of the month in Cocoa?

Marcelo CantosIt's the day before the first day of the next month. Add a month, set the day to 1, subtract a day. For setting the day to 1, you'll find it easier to go via NSCalendar. See here for details.

@All HI
@MichaelDautermann I have check this but not working
- (NSDate *)lastDayOfLastMonth {
NSDate *today = [NSDate date];
NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
NSDateComponents *comp = [gregorian components:(NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit) fromDate:today];
[comp setDay:0];
[comp setMonth:[comp month]-1];
NSDate *firstDayOfMonthDate = [gregorian dateFromComponents:comp];
return firstDayOfMonthDate;
this is returning 31smay
Q: Not getting device token of device for APNS?

iHungryI develop application for APNS. My code is work fine with one device and i got apple push notification for device as well.. becoz when i ran that application for device i got device token and through that token i will able to do all process. Now my problem is when i install sane app for other dev...

@iProgrammer @MichaelDautermann @iHungry HI GM
@iProgrammer why are you giving [comp month]-1 ??
it is going even a month further back
@Kartik : I used beizer path to create shape and crop image using coregraphics..
I HAVE array of imageurls with me, How can i save that images into an array of ourdocument directory
@MichaelDautermann did you ever worked socket programming ?
@iApple then is it not working properly ?
How could i tag user's in message using Facebook Graph Api..?
yes @mountainlionmoorthy
I am thinking about @iProgrammer's problem at the moment
@sreecharan you are right
@sreecharan [comp setDay:1];
[comp setMonth:[comp month]-1];
I used this to get first day of last month
so I used this minus 1 for previous month
but now I removed that -1
it is working now :)
@Kartik : Every thing goes fine ,but as soon as i overlay that cropped image on other image through the X,Y point i got,I get some Offset ..Image either moves up or down,compare to original one
but how ?
@iProgrammer Cool
you got it working
well phooey then
I am not getting exact frame
@iProgrammer what are you doing ?
@iApple ohk
@MichaelDautermann ohh ladies first!!!...:)
carry on
that's the rule
@MichaelDautermann but comMonnth -1 returns previous month?
bubyee all.
@Kartik : No idea :(
@iprogrammer and without that "-1", you get the last day of the previous month... why do you think that is happening?
@iProgrammer Always when you set NSDateComponents with [comp setMonth:[comp month] and by using NSMonthCalendarUnit, it always takes the completed month, because you are fetching with fromDate:today, this month is still not completed, so it takes june and if you keep [comp month]-1, it will go to may
@MichaelDautermann I want to know the reason
UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"%@",[fina objectAtIndex:j]]]];

NSString *docDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];

// If you go to the folder below, you will find those pictures
NSString *pngFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/test.png",docDir];
NSLog(@"path is:%@",pngFilePath);
NSData *data1 = [NSData dataWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)];
[data1 writeToFile:pngFilePath atomically:YES];
sounds like Mr. @Sree knows the reason
@MichaelDautermann kindly look this class pastie.org/4202837 i made connection to the port its working fine. but i can't read all the data which available in that port..
i used this for saving single imsge in my docs
ugh... that's a lot of code @mountainlionmoorthy
@sreecharan but in case of firstday of previous month [comp month]-1 is reuturning june
@iProgrammer Thats another one, thats NSDayCalendarUnit
@sreecharan both codes are same :(
@MichaelDautermann if you have any example link for reading socket data files ?
@all Hello
@iProgrammer Yeah, setDay is using NSDayCalendarUnit and setMonth is using NSMonthCalendarUnit
Q: iphone SDK: socket client... how do I handle the receive data delegate across different views/classes?

cmosI am writing a controller for an audio server on the iPhone. Each 'view' generally needs to get data from the TCP/IP socket as a client. I have sockets working from one class using the AsyncSocket class. (which, after trying to get a socket client working for more time than I'd like to admit, ...

@mountainlionmoorthy how about this tutorial --> tekritisoftware.com/…
Ok, I am gonna eat Tortilla
uh oh... glad you are in a well ventilated room.
Not really, if it is ventilated, sand man comes inside in the form of a storm
I am using OAdataFectcher
bt crashing on - (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
OAServiceTicketLinkedIn *ticket = [[OAServiceTicketLinkedIn alloc] initWithRequest:request
didSucceed:[(NSHTTPURLResponse *)response statusCode] < 400];

[delegate performSelector:didFinishSelector withObject:ticket withObject:responseData];
[ticket release];
when request is not completed it crashes
Do you really think that you need to use OAdataFectcher for fetching data?
anyone know , how to use dynamodb with scanfilter with ios?
It is for Linkedin
[ProfileTabView performSelector:withObject:withObject:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x8d5b890
implicit declaration of function is invalid in c99
posted on July 05, 2012 by Johann

Previously I mentioned a tutorial on customizing a UISlider to create your own custom control and last week I mentioned an interesting library that allows you to create customized sliders with reflective metallic knobs. Here’s another open source custom iOS control that takes slider customization to another level. This code provides a segmented slider control that [...]

@iProgrammer I think it should be @selector(didFinishSelector)
[delegate performSelector:@selector(didFinishSelector) withObject:ticket withObject:responseData];
it is not correct
incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to nsinteger from int
@iProgrammer Hello
@DimplePanchal hii
Any one Knows how to store level completed status in a game?so that even after user close and reopen game, they can play completed levels and uncompleted levels is not unlocked.
^^ in cocos 2D
@iProgrammer Is it showing EXC_BAD_ACCESS
Are you releasing the connection before connectionDidFinishLoading method ?
@sreecharan yes
@iProgrammer You are trying to use something, which is already deallocated and it is running out of memory
@sreecharan actually it is happening when I cancel the request
@iProgrammer So, you have to handle that when the request is cancelled
analyze is showing leak there
@iProgrammer Thats what i have told you
6 mins ago, by sree charan
@iProgrammer You are trying to use something, which is already deallocated and it is running out of memory
trying to solve
hi all, i have a problem with searching a certain string in DB. how to provide case in-sensitive search?
A: UILabel with mutiple lines to truncate one long word

fasttrackDont do anything set number of line 1 no break mode set font size and min font size same see the image

@Pallavi sqlite is not case sensitive
@sreecharan well, actually my friend is having a problem, the code is developed by some one else and we both are starters. the one who developed has used core data to interact with DB
@Pallavi Ok and ?
xcccoooddeeeeeeeeee sucks
i know
@sreecharan core data and SQLite are different right?
i hate the import loop errors
@Pallavi Yes, but the purpose is same, both are used for storing data
@sreecharan right, but core data i guess is case sensitive.
@MaxHasADHD If you dont have the files, it returns import errors and thats expected
no, import loops, where you over import a file it won't compile and will fail saying the class is unknown or it can't find protocol, but doesn't say which class is looped.. so if you have 30 files, and import ilk 10 into each header, you have no idea which import is looping
@Pallavi As described in the Predicate Programming Guide, string comparisons in an NSPredicate can be made case insensitive by including a [c] (in square brackets) after the comparison operator (e.g. BEGINSWITH[c]). You can make the comparison diacritic insensitive using a [d] modifier or case and diacritic insensitive with a [cd] modifier.
@MaxHasADHD Then you must start debugging right now
@sreecharan we did try that.. it's giving some error. please wait, i will paste the code and detailed error log in pastebin and send it to you
lol i don't have the error, just saying it sucks, had it earlier
i took away the header file and just put them into each header in the end:/
@Pallavi Dont paste here, use pastebin
@sreecharan yeah that i know, i did say i will paste in pastebin!!!
Hey @SPVarma How are you?
Checking in SQL Server whether table value changed or not regularly and showing as popup in iphone !!!
Any D know how to achieve it ???????
Using Objective C !!
@sreecharan @Pallavi @MaxHasADHD hey guys plz help me my QUE is here stackoverflow.com/questions/11338876/…
Q: How to get data into NSArray from NSDictionary

SmartWorki am getting following error while getting data from dictionary "-[__NSCFString objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4fbb80" here is my code NSDictionary *dic = [XMLReader dictionaryForXMLString:class.returnData error:nil]; MyGiftsarray = [[dic objectForKey:@"response...

@sreecharan link
Q: What are the steps to create clint id for the USE OF GDATA API

Mohit GuptaActually I am working on project that is based on share video over youtube but i don't know how it is possible.But I had tried with the stackoverflow link and it is helpful for me At this time i am unable to find the client-id and i don't know how it is done??? If anyone have any link or suggesti...

Any one have idea about this??
@Pallavi hi i have a small issue regarding to save images from array of urls, can you help me? i m confusing in this issue
@srinivas sorry, you are asking the wrong person. i am new to iPhone
@Pallavi okay, No problem if u didn't
@sreecharan hi
@dark hi
@srinivas hello
@MohitGupta hi
@dark hi i have a small issue regarding to save images from array of urls, can you help me? i m confusing in this issue
@srinivas yes tell what issue you have faced
@dark i used the UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[fina objectAtIndex:j]]]];

NSString *docDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];

// If you go to the folder below, you will find those pictures
NSString *pngFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/test.png",docDir];
NSLog(@"path is:%@",pngFilePath);
NSData *data1 = [NSData dataWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)];
to get the image from URLs
@dark in this "fina" is urls array
Q: provide case- insensitive search of DB (core data)

PallaviI am a starter in iPhone. I wanted to do case-insensitive search. Database helper used: Core Data. Following is my code: -(WebAttendee *) FindAttendeeBy:(NSString *) badgeID_ { AppDelegate_Shared *delegate1 = [[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]; badgeID_=[badgeID_ stringByRe...

@dark i want to save the images from the url into array in my docs
@srinivas ok then what issue you have faced
@dark the images were not saved there
@srinivas nslog your path
in which path you have save the images @srinivas
@dark /Users/paradigm/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/A63A0880-7288-4939-81BD-DE3AC3BDACBA/Documents/test.png
only single image can save there
if i wanna save images in an array from array of url what should i change in my code?
@srinivas just save images in foreach loop
Q: How to get data into NSArray from NSDictionary

SmartWorki am getting following error while getting data from dictionary "-[__NSCFString objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4fbb80" here is my code NSDictionary *dic = [XMLReader dictionaryForXMLString:class.returnData error:nil]; MyGiftsarray = [[dic objectForKey:@"response...

Any one have idea about this??
@SmartWork Already you have 3 answers over there, are you still expecting any answers
@sreecharan what about my question sir?
Is there anyone knows, how to do speech to text functionality?
Don't be desperated Ms.Pallavi, you will get the answer, I am working on it
@sreecharan ok thanks... i didn't know you had considered my question
@RohitWankhede see openEars

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