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hey guys..
anyone know whats wrong with my url? it gets deallocated once i press the done button twice
-(void)setUrlWithString:(NSString *)urlString {
url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:urlString];
thats how i set it, the urlStirng is a nsurl.absolutestring from the other view, i pass it over to this one
@sreecharan sorry for the delay... I'm doing all my drawing outside of -drawRect because I have different things that need to be drawn at different times...
-[CFURL absoluteString]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x1e9c16c0
try adding retain
also where is url come from?
a property?
if so it should be self.url
if thats the case you shouldnt need the retain
anyone have any ideas my situation stackoverflow.com/questions/11221860/…
also for some reason my delegate methods never show with delegate object. i put in @required and when i do [delegate method] it never auto completes it:/ Xcode sucks
oh i see, i did. its @property (nonatomic, assign) NSURL *url;
lol ok so a few things here
hi all may I ask small question regarding xml parsing
i did self.url now, testing
that [delegate method] is probably not declared in the .h (header) file and thats why other classes dont autoccomplete
assign, why not retain? are you using arc?
same error with changing it to self. but also ill change assign to retain because i use a method to set it now in the view, not when creating the objec
Still stuck with that guys, :\ don't have any idea on how to solve it. suggestions? stackoverflow.com/questions/11157692/…
no, i thought assign is for when u want to do like object.item = something, from the other view controller or something
tthose are some sexy cells @Pheel
@owengerig heres the delegate method thing, @protocol InputPromptDelegate
-(void)DoneButtonPressedWithInputPrompt:(InputPrompt*)Prompt withURL:(NSURL*)url;

do you have a question posted? or your just asking in here @MaxHasADHD
when in that view, to call delegate methods you do [delegate method] to make it call it, so the other view does something, the view won't auto complete that. so i do [delegate d, and it just sits there. been like that, and in multiple projects won't complete them
@owengerig i'm starting to hate them, can't find the problem
i just ask here and dev forums
:P this site hates me usually when i ask questions
says i don't write them good:P
ok i was just wondering if i could see more code. maybe try pastebin and post the link in here
when you say delegate methods what do you mean
alright which code?
your own app delegagte
or the delegate of some object
like for instance when you start it creates an app delegate. now if you create a uitablview class that class is the delegate for the tableview
and in the above when i put the code, its in a uiview, so the view now has its delegate. so when i press this UIButton, i want it to activate the delegate method, and pass the info the the view controller, so if u make a delegate, to pass it you do [delegate method] and if u start typing the method, it should bring it up and autocomplete it for you0_o
this in in the uiview, my apps complete the method if i add it into another object like <inputpromtdelegate> , then it knows to add -(void)method, but in the view to call the method, it doesn't auto complete the [delegate me...]. i have to copy it.. Xcode is broken:[
getting lost a little here. do this post the class that contains the method you are trying to work with DoneButtonPressedWithInputPrompt. but make sure to post both the .h and .m files (can be one page) use pastbin and post the link here
@MaxHasADHD did you see the other response, likely it is one of these 3 reasons why its not seeing that method. A. because you didnt include the .h of the foreign class B. you didnt alloc/init the object C. the method you are trying to use is not listed in the .h file
@Pheel i will try to look a little later, i just fear if you have all those answers already i wont be able to do much more, but i will look at it
theres the header, so in the main file, if i do [delegate d....] it won't show the delegation method for autocomplete
@owengerig well those answers didn't help me so much, otherwise i wouldn't even post the answer here again :\
ok couple things. i havent worked with @protocol so im not to sure about that. But i dont see why you are creating this delegate member. you dont even use it in the .m file. furthermore if you are trying to use method: DoneButtonPressedWithInputPrompt it is not listed in your .h file. and continueing on that none of your properties are synthesized and you have 3 methods in your .h that are not in the .m file
@owengerig i didn't post my .m... thats the header only
i do use it
-(void)DoneButtonPressed {
self.url = [NSURL URLWithString:[url.absoluteString stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:[self.url.absoluteString rangeOfString:@"%5Bclipboard%5D"] withString:Input.text]];
[delegate DoneButtonPressedWithInputPrompt:self withURL:self.url];
but it doesn't autocomplete, its not a big issue, just annoying.
ah! gtg my uncles here to get me, thanks for help
good luck
@Pheel just so i have this right. you mark as favorite. plist reflects that. you go to favorites table and even though the object is there it is unmarked (set to no) in the plist file?
@owengerig when i get to the element in the favorites table, the element is set to yes into the plist but it seems like it's not. if you try to favorite it from that view, the previous item gets favorites as well (due that the current view is already favorited)
a bit tricky, i know!
where in readPlist does it know which row is favored or not?
like it should be like item 1 = no | item 2 = yes
NSMutableArray *returnArr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:plistPath];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"isFav == YES"];

for (NSDictionary *sect in returnArr) {
NSArray *arr = [sect objectForKey:@"Rows"];
[sect setValue:[arr filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate] forKey:@"Rows"];
} here
here it filters content
but the favoriting process is being done in detailView
right but its the same data wether reading or writing. it needs to know what row and if its a favorite or not right? if you have one single value (isfavorite) how does it know which row is a favorite or not?
Yeah it need to know it, and i thought it'd know it by loading the detailView, due that favorite table loads only those favorited
in your picture examples the title of the cell changes from "This is a fav" to "Tesing Fav" is that just different screenshots or part of the whats wrong?
"This is a fav" is the FIRST row of the FIRST section, it's the first example
I need to parse small xml that I have its URL
selecting it, favoriting it, going into favorites table, tapping on it, it works (shows the full star = isFav set to YES)
then, the "Tesing fav" it's another cell, in the middle
it doesn't work though, shows the star empty,even if it's a favorite
@AMH read through this post stackoverflow.com/questions/4181690/…
@Pheel your persistent data needs to have some identifier (like a primary id to know which entry its linked to) and a value of isFavorite true/false. but that is not the case correct?
correct since i'm using plists and i don't think this is needed, even if i'm really pretty new to plists and i can't really tell
well there is only one plist. so how does it know which values are favorites or not? if there was a plist to each cell then it would know.
there isnt any magic, open the plist and see the contents
which it seems like you did from the comments
Yeah the plists is like so: i48.tinypic.com/2eftb48.png
ok so nevermind, there is an entry for each row
there are identifiers in there
yeah and the detailView loads taking data from there
so your not check which fav your reading
and thats why
your just reading isFave
where? in the readPlist method?
not saying is this row "This is Fav" a fav
i think so, unless im missing something
well i think you're not
in fact i thought there was something wrong in there, but i couldn't say what
think like sql. select isFav from plist where name = 'this is fav'
since i need that method only for reading those values with isFav set to yes
but it seems like your just doing select isFav from plist
and so it shows a list of cells that have isFav set to yes
chances: something wrong in cellForRow or in readPlist
I got to get going (ill log back on in an hour or so). try to implement and ill check back
ill post this an answer though so if it does fix it let me know
okay, i'll keep trying
thanks for your time!
your welcome
anyone have any ideas about this stackoverflow.com/questions/11221860/… ? so far looks like ill be getting the tumble weed badge.
@Chris you asked 13 hour ago... no tumble weed badge going to you. Not to mention if you want answers you need to up your accept rate
@Bot I usually mark my questions as answered, but the one's I haven't are because there hasn't been an answer that met the criteria, BTW where do I see my accept rate?
open one of your questions and check below your nickname
If it doesn't meet your criteria then add a bounty or try and answer it yourself
@Bot I guess I need to do that (both).
@Bot whoa 95% accept rate, i guess i behind the curve
@Chris I don't think you understand the concept of core data
he can't give bounties since he has <50
@Chris you just have one entity right?
@Pheel how exactly do bounties work?
@Bot yeah i have one entity
@Chris you give some of your own points to the users that answer your question
Ok, I'm going to answer your question then
i figured that's what happened.
btw, you get +2 points for accepting answers
@Bot I am not not accepting answers its just the past few questions i have asked i have been getting answers that didn't the meet the criteria of the question or weren't thourough enough to answer my question. if you look at the questions i have asked, i try and be a specific as possible and describe my situation in detail.
i gtg
@Chris I posted an answer
@all hi guys!
quick question, how may i add a view with out pushing it? i don't want too have to hit the back button every time to get back to the menu
can any one help me out?
@DavidYangLiu use [yourView addView:UiViewToAdd]
@bot thnx!!
Hello everyone
iOS table help needed
can any one please help
needed question to be asked
uhm, can i set to nil a rightBarButtonItem in the detailView of one of the rows in my table in didSelectRow?
@Pheel try it
i tried but it's not working
I have a table with multiple sections and I need to set only one row selected
i'm trying to see
is there a .hidden property?
don't think so, trying to check
@Pheel self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = nil;?
yeah it's what i'm trying to achieve, but anything happens, still that freaking button
btw it's not self, since i'm doing it from my table
it's detailView.navigationItem
meh anything, i'm out, too much for today, anything worked. getting tired of it
@Pheel you can still use self in there
can i? i alloc the detailView this way
detailViewController *detail = [[detailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"detailViewController" bundle:nil];
detail.indexPath = indexPath;
detail.ImageString = [item valueForKey:@"image"];
detail.NameString = [item valueForKey:@"name"];
detail.title = [item valueForKey:@"name"];
detail.DescriptionString = [item valueForKey:@"description"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:detail animated:YES];
[tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
was trying to do detail.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = nil; but not working
oh your editing the view controller you want to push
(the same for every entry)
try setting .enabled = NO to see if it is even acting on it
still there
is it disabled?
i'm initializing it into viewDidLoad in the detailView
nope still works
did you try setting it to nil in the viewDidLoad of detailview?
Hey Bot, I'm stuck on this one.. i have a nsarray of alloced/inited viewcontrollerss which is put in a tableview. then when user selects one i push that view with navcon....i have a pop over controller with this setup.. but now i have to push back before i can access the popover... is there a way around this????
thnx in advance
yes at first it's nil, then i allloc the button
so don't alloc the button then
@Bot Google unveiled 7" tablet.. :-D
@anonymous i hear they gave it away to all the I/O attendees
Ohh.. Seems no one is interested to buy it.. :D
@DavidYangLiu did you try passing the popover to the next view so that it can access it?
From first look I do not see much difference between Samsung Galaxy Tab and Google Tab..
umm i haven't tried that yet, cause its from a spilt view setup i didn't think of doing that.. can i make a property of it and pass it ? or do i have to do @splitviewcontroller then add property?
you could probably make a property of it and pass it, pretty much the same way as a delegate
Google Glasses 1500$? Pheww.. Whats so cool about it? So much hype about it.. @Bot Googling
thnx again!!!
I hear google glasses are crap
@DavidYangLiu np
@Bot I would rather buy couple of Ray Ban aviators instead of Google Glasses.. 8-) :P Or two iPhones..
Ok. Time to go..3.46 am.. Watched Semis ESP- POR
1 hour later…
@bot hey thnx for all the help but I'm still stuck can you help me out plzzz?
i have a masterview controller which is apart of a splitview and has a array of alloc/inited view controllers. When didselectrowatindex i push it with self.detailedView.navigation push so my problem is when i push to those views i try to set the left baritem in viewdidload and wire that up to a (Ibaction)PopPressed which makes a instance of masterviewcontroller and use self.pop = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:mvc];

[self.pop presentPopoverFromRect:CGRectMake(0,0,-100,-100) inView:self.view permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];

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