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@VakulSaini stackoverflow.com/questions/11225671/… can u answwer this?
@AnswerMe hmmmm
@aakilladhani - sorry
@VakulSaini ok np
@Hector no that is not what she wants .
As you can see she us concatenating first and last name.
@VidyaMurthy when will you go home
@andyPaul : u are trying to display 25 items in the action sheet.it takes more space than what is available for a normal iPhone screen (320*480).Thats why its turns to appear as a tableview
@FadedinShadows By 7.15 or so..
@andyPaul : i will suggest you to use UIPickerView if you have so many items to choose from
Okay. I am going for dinner. See you after 30 minutes.
how to convert a pdf file into byte array
@user946061 thanks
@FadedinShadows Sure, have fun! :)
@user946061 so using uiactionsheet would not be possible at all. I was doing it on IPAd
@andyPaul : u r welcum happy coding
@user946061 thnks man
can we convert pdf into byte array ?
@Tauseef pastebin is not open am bit busy see you in a bit
byee @Hector
@Leena hi
@zing if your application hangs for some time to show a splash screen, apple may reject it. so dnt forget...
hi @aakilladhani
@aakilladhani dnt know
@Leena ok
default value of bool
anyone around good with avassetwriter? could really use some help with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/11208593/…
@all hi
@all The UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad is not supported on the ipad. Instead, it gives the full keyboard. Is there any way around this? Does anyone know if I can download a custom class that simulates the number pad?
@sreecharan do you know how to solve my question
@Reefaq hi
well number pad does work
its just the keyboard shifted
@owengerig how
@owengerig i need only numbers
in IB click on the textfield and on the right under attributes inspector select number pad
but ya, like i said, its just the keyboard shifted
so you get all the special chars !@#$%^ etc...
maybe try phone pad,
instead of number pad
or the numbers and punctuation one
@sreecharan you got any idea on shake problem?
@owengerig is it will work?i tried but it was giving me the normal keyboard
let me see something real quick
@sreecharan it will work ,thanks ,but i am searching is there any in built way for achieving this
@bugfinder Oh! i thought that you need a customized keyboard
@cnu Nope, No time
@sreecharan sare le
so ya, i dont see any difference between the ones i listed above. the only difference it what i said. you get a shifted keyboard so that all the numbers are there and letters are not @bugfinder
@owengerig so how i can achieve a numbers only keyboard in ipad?do u know
by making a uiviewcontroller that is your own keypad
@owengerig ineed this to be come when user hit a text field in my home view
anyone knows how to implement UIWebView
right so you would set the onclick of the texfield to launch your view which is a keyboard, then either use kvo to update the textfield or build into your keyboard another textfield that is a temporary location for pressed keys that will transfer that info back to your original textfield (kvo is probably best)
@sreecharan :
can u solve my issue
@sourishk What is the issue?
i hope this is appropriate, I'm offering 50$ (payable friday via paypal when i get paid) for answering of this questions, which is basically how to get ulaw audio working with avassetwriter (really shouldn't be that hard) stackoverflow.com/questions/11208593/…
@sreecharan : the same thing MFMailCOmposeViewController is not getting in my phone rather it is showing in my simulator
@AshishChauhan did you try dataWithContentsOfFile: or dataWithContentsOfURL: - whichever is relevant ?
why is it capital CO @sourishk
if something works in the simulator and not on a device alot of times its case sensitivity
because the simulator doesnt care about case but the device does
@sourishk What is the crash?
@owengerig Lol,i think its a typo
ya, i kinda figured cuz class names are never case insensitive
@sreecharan : i am not getting any crash report
The mail composer doesn't show up if the device mail isn't configured. Hence always check canSendMail class method.
May be that is the issue!?
@FadedinShadows : i have configured that and had been checking
Show your code?
System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (5, 29)
@FadedinShadows : teamviewer ?
how to resolve this ERRORRRRRRRR (headbang)
how can store objects in array or NSUserDefaults Or in database .... any help will be appreciated :
@FadedinShadows : -(void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex

UIAlertView *alert;
NSLog(@"btn index %d",buttonIndex);
// if (buttonIndex == 1) {
// if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail]) {
// MFMailComposeViewController *composeMailViewController = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
// composeMailViewController.mailComposeDelegate = self;
// composeMailViewController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack;
(see full text)
2 mins ago, by Vakul Saini
how can store objects in array or NSUserDefaults Or in database .... any help will be appreciated :
@sreecharan : there ?
hello fellow developers
System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (5, 29) ... Getting Error During XML parsing for SOAP service .... how to resolve issue
looking for guidance on searching indexed
???????? ssshhhhhh !!! KOI HAI ?????
looking for guidance on search,indexed UItable solution...
@Leena cud u help me in solving webview problem
i want single cell selection in my indexed UITableview
@FadedinShadows do u know how to implement numberpad in ipad?
@Leena nevermind i solved it
today is very bad :-(
@FadedinShadows UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad in ipad
@Tauseef How is the xml doc generated?
@user1318731 See here pastebin.com/dkSZVcVK
any help plsssss
@user1318731 there I commented my issue like //******** Issue Facing ****** type comment
please go through the XML code
and SOAP service
@Tauseef what do u get when you do NSLog of NSdata?
@user1318731 where ? I didn't did NSLog of NSdata !!!
@Tauseef If you are able to NSLog the NSData in response?
@Tauseef Once you have finished downloading the data in the callback function try to NSLog that

NSLog(@"string value %@", string); // This line of code is printing "null" value
all values are coming but "typeA" data is not coming .. which I need
first step are you able to see the out put of the service in the browser?
TypeA seems to be under Brands element
there are multiples of TypeA elements
@owengerig getting a bit desperate huh? I would have help if I know anything about it :(
@user1318731 Printing this value on Console :

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetTypeAData xmlns="http://boleapp.com/">
2012-06-27 19:49:49.469 BoleApp[6896:f803] channelID = weibo
TypeABrandID = 1
ATypeAccessToken = e2fa1110ac6de98c2231bec3ddef7fc8
(see full text)
try dev forum
ok den help me abt the section table view n selection of cells
@user1318731 On second Last line there is testview string value = nothing
@Byte thank you anyways
@user1318731 it is showing soap:Client Error
@Byte yes, very desperate
@user1318731 how to resolve that
@Tauseef What do you need to extract out of this document?
and it doesnt make sense. according to the documentation for appendSampleBuffer "If the sample buffer contains audio data and the AVAssetWriterInput was intialized with an outputSettings dictionary then
the format must be linear PCM." but no where else does it make this statement. And when you init the avassetwriter with output settings that are wrong it errors out saying as much, but it accepts my ulaw parameter just fine
"typeA" string value
have you seen pastebin.com/dkSZVcVK ??
there is one XML tag name <typeA>string<typeA> ..
@Tauseef Try loading the string like below
self.xmlParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:xml];
self.xmlParser.delegate = self;
if ([self.xmlParser parse]){
NSLog(@"The XML is parsed.");
} else{
NSLog(@"Failed to parse the XML");
@Tauseef Firstly declare a property of NSXMLParser type
then synthesize it
self.xmlParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:xml];
self.xmlParser.delegate = self;
if ([self.xmlParser parse]){
NSLog(@"The XML is parsed.");
} else{
NSLog(@"Failed to parse the XML");
@user1318731 Showing XML is parsed ....
2012-06-27 19:59:32.298 BoleApp[6962:f803] The XML is parsed.
@user1318731 means XML parser is correct :)
I hope you have initialized the data with the xml repines you have received in initWithData function
@user1318731 getting error here
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string{
soap:client Error
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string{
//BrandDetailArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init ];
if(itmselected == YES){

NSLog(@"testview string vlaue = %@ ------->",string);
if(itemNo == 1) {
txtView.text = string;
in "string" <typeA> string data is not showing
HERE : NSLog(@"testview string vlaue = %@ ------->",string);
@owengerig @Byte hi
@Tauseef Now you need to implement the XMLParser delegate methods
@owengerig twtweetcomposeviewcontroller how to call authentication dialogue when its not ready popup iphone app
@owengerig on twitter...
@user1318731 I already Implemented it
see : @interface WeiboAtext : UIViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate> {
not sure @Sunny
@owengerig ok
@sreecharan r u ther
@Tauseef Do you not have json return type in the service
That would reduce the data transfer to almost half making your app much faster and more efficient processor
@user1318731 No, we do not have json return type in our web service
is it a wcf service or plain ASP.NET ASMX?
@user1318731 ohh no
it's an iPhone app
and using
SOAP service
@all -
rowView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 124.0)];
[rowView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];

arrayHandleAllView = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:rowView,rowView,rowView, nil];

i'm unable to get these view....what i'm doing wrong
SOAP service written in WCF?
written in ASP .NET ASMX
You are the consumer only or the services are written by yourself?
are you aware of soap:Fault Error
No I am only consumer
@sreecharan - hi
So i am getting this error when i am running my app using Breakpoint
on "string" variable
why am getting that error
what is the soap fault description?
I can see its to do with parsing
ok am pasting line where am getting that erro
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributeDict{

// if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"FirstName"]){

if([elementName isEqualToString:@"GetTypeAData"])

soapresult = [[NSMutableString alloc]init];
itmselected = YES;

if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"typeA"]){
itemNo = 1;

else {
itemNo = 8;
yes @andyPaul @VakulSaini
@Tauseef you should try third party parsing kit
@user1318731 Here : if([elementName <------ during break point debugging when i tap my mouse pointer on " elementName " then it show soap:Fault error
@sreecharan - how to add UIView or any other controls in array ?
@sreecharan -

@user1318731 okay can you tell me why we get soap:Fault error
during parsing
its coming from the server
the soap fault error
But my services on the server is working fine
@VakulSaini take in mind nsarray is not mutable you cant add items to it
@VakulSaini are you using nsmutablearray?
we have web site for checking services ... there "typeA" data is comming
@owengerig - i'm using NSMutableArray
@VakulSaini you can just additem then?
@Tauseef is d client .NET based
i added the view in it
but when i try to get
these in table view cell
this gives me only one view
@VakulSaini sorry its actually addObject. and you need to cast and set it equal to a uiview
Web services are also developed in our organization only by .Net Team
[cell.contentView addSubview:[self.arrayHandleAllView objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
this is how i'm retrieving
command q is dangerous on a mac
and what happens @VakulSaini
@Tauseef use ASIHTTP xml parser
No i can
because in all my classes I used XML parse
and it is working fine everywhere
@owengerig - only last cell has view others are empty
only in one class it is giving error
the black box is my rowView
@owengerig - is there any different way to add controls in array ?
it seems to me (though i could be wrong) that you are overwriting the same value each time and hence why it "seems" to only work the last time. if you put a breakpoint i would be willing to bet it works but is to fast to see. in anycase i think you are going to have to create your own tableviewcell with these views built into them. not hard!
like this @VakulSaini pastebin.com/wZ7ccEXG
@owengerig - Thank you, but issue is not only with cell.... i want to store all my objects before disappear the view... and want to show again all views as they were ..... so for this i have to store my all view ..... im' just practice to store views in nsmutablearray if it success then i will go for next......but problem is here :-(
@owengerig -

UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:nil];
i set cell reuseIdentifier nil
it should not be overwrite i think
all that is, is a string @"CELL"
static NSString *cellIdentifier = @"Cell";
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:nil];
if(cell == nil)
    cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc]initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:cellIdentifier];
if anyone want to have a go at this, checking whether zip code is valid or not - stackoverflow.com/questions/11230446/ios-valid-zip-code-check
@Byte - you want to check the value is in string or not ?
valid zipCode
@Byte if you are wanting to do a valid zip code you need to use a service that checks if the zip code really exists. Otherwise people can follow the zip format but enter random numbers
How to re-indent in XCode4.3
I need short key
@Bot @Byte
How to re-indent in XCode4.3
I need short key
how would you guys read this? For AVMediaTypeAudio, AVEncoderAudioQualityKey and AVSampleRateConverterAudioQualityKey are not currently supported in the outputSettings dictionary
is that saying AVMediaTypeAudio keys (AVEncoderAudioQualityKey and AVSampleRateConverterAudioQualityKey) are not supported
or (AVMediaTypeAudio, AVEncoderAudioQualityKey and AVSampleRateConverterAudioQualityKey ) are not supported
AVMediaTypeAudio keys (AVEncoderAudioQualityKey and AVSampleRateConverterAudioQualityKey) are not supported
thank you. took me 5 times of reading it and posting it here for me to understand it
sorry dont know cocos 2d at all
You're welcome, and no worries.
also your question
its (AVMediaTypeAudio, AVEncoderAudioQualityKey and AVSampleRateConverterAudioQualityKey ) are not supported not the one I posted
Could anybody help me with Google analytics on iOS?
so I'm looking for a way to open a web view and auto login a user in the opened wordpress website. I have their credentials so... anyone have any suggestions?
Hi Guys
oh nooo a droid
so there's a javascript part to the solution?
looks like it
I mean... do I need to edit the wordpress login page to get this to work?
Or is the guy just showing who to do a javascript request from the device when the view loads?
the second
he is showing how to inject javascript into the page from your device to populate the field
I had no idea you can do that! that's so awesome!
thanks @Bot
^^^ +1
@MattSich you can look at this too stackoverflow.com/questions/7961568/…
@Bot awesome
Oh, so is there any easy way to have something like a UITextView but have the ability to easily embed pictures in it?
Whenever I make a view there has some kind of documentation or instructions, I need to put text and pictures in (usually from a pre made word document). Is there a better way to do this than place the text and images in separately?
so thats cool. I posted a question on the apple devs forums and they informed me that you get 2 free support calls with a valid dev account. Meaning support for devs. I didnt know they had that
@owengerig yep but it sucks... don't use it. they send you to oversees developers that don't know jack and support you by typing their stuff into freetranslation.com
I used it and it was pointless
well kind of dont have a choice :( no where else to go
if i pay for their support then they kind of half to fix it
they dont
they didn't fix mine
I think they just advise you and show you resources where you can get the answers
I only did it once
pretty much
they pretty much just use google for you
I should open a business like that and just search the questions on stackoverflow
let me google that for you.com
however maybe they might help you
million dollar idea right there
great website
they already have that
i swear half of the questions on SO can be answered by google
and we all know how many pages deep the search
100% of the questions Tauseef asks can be answered by google
hey this thing is possible in IOS APP
lol @ linkedin
I deleted my account after they denied being hacked for over a day
hay, who was asking about zip codes earlier?
I just checked the list of hacked accounts that the hackers got
not only linked in for any social network...
and changed my password
yea, just check your hash and change it. but most people use the same password for multiple sites and they denied being hacked so people didn't change their password
now they are being sued because of it
@Byte ok so this doesnt answer your question but it is a thought. if there are third party api's like linked in then they will do the verification of zip codes and other data for you. As well as give you a copy of the data i would think. so just a thought probably wont work due to other specifications
linkedin is a pointless social network
99% of companies don't even look at your profile when you apply for a job there
the 1% is when you apply at linked in
1 hour later…
i could have told you that men like pokerstars more the facebook
they should just pay me to tell them, as opposed to running test and gather stats
the authors space bar looks broken
Can someone who has lots of experience with -drawRect please look at this: stackoverflow.com/questions/11217310/…
For some reason -[self setNeedsDisplay]; is not invalidating the view, therefore -drawRect is not being called
@spokanedude I've tried the same code in my Xcode, drawRect is called here
I think the problem is with your UIView @spokanedude
and [self drawGrid]; sounds like fun, i dont know what are you doing there
@sreecharan what time is it for you?

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