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@Abizern lol, Usually i don't touch the bin until they yelled me
posted on June 27, 2012 by Sushant

It is often the case that the controls provided by iOS for the iPhone or iPad don’t quite meet our needs. In this blog we’ll learn how to mimic a simple Drop – Down list using a label, some custom buttons, and a hidden view. So let’s get started! Open Xcode, choose “Create a new Xcode [...]

@sreecharan Really? I usually hit it when they start behaving like idiots. But then you're a kinder person than I am.
See you after 30 minutes
@Abizern Yes, because Many people here think that i am kind. Oh! watch there 8 stars :)
@sreecharan I think those stars are because people agree that I hate everybody.
lol, you are thinking in your way, I am thinking in my way
@sreecharan is too kind
Ok, Lunch time, I am starving
@abizern has a default setting of hating everybody.
Now people can vote on them individually.
unable to load client certificate private key file
140735270427068:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:696:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY
openssl s_client -connect gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195 -cert PushChatCert.pem -key PushChatKey.pem
On running ^above^ command.
@Abizern any idea
Warning: stream_socket_client() [function.stream-socket-client]: Unable to set private key file `/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/apns/apns-dev.pem’ in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/apns/apns.php on line 9
Earlier this error was coming. stream_socket_client(): Unable to set private key file
Q: Apple Push Notification Service

Kamal Challai tried to run using local mac machine but go the following errors Warning: stream_socket_client() [function.stream-socket-client]: Unable to set private key file `/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/apns/apns-dev.pem’ in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/apns/apns.php on line 9 Warning: ...

I found above solution for it.
Then now again getting error what is love?
Second thing, it is not off topic to this room.
It is related to APNS.
@Abizern Any idea MF(My friend)?
@ninjaturtle : hi
@sourishk Don't ask question please.
I am newbie :)
@sreecharan : nenu UIActionsheet lo MFMailCOmpose use chestunanu, aa button clcik chestunthe...naku last lo viewdidload call avtunadi and app getting crashed
@NinjaTurtle : Okay
I found this too :)
@MohitGupta bhai help karde
Any idea @Hector @FadedinShadows and ofcourse @sreecharan ?
@lakiniphone I don't see what the difficulty is - it isn't a valid URL without the escapes. Why don't you want it escaped? What are you doing with the URL?
@hector @FadedinShadows @Abizern @anonymous @AryaKrishnan @BertieLiu @BobjC @Chris @Coder @dark @DavidYangLiu @DavidYangLiu @DeathMagus @Feeds @furqi : i am using UIACtionsheet, when i am clicking on a buton i am writing this piece of code MFMailComposeViewController *mailComposeVC = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
mailComposeVC.mailComposeDelegate = self;
[mailComposeVC setSubject:@"Email Subject here."];
[mailComposeVC setMessageBody:@"Email body Here" isHTML:NO];
[self presentModalViewController:mailComposeVC animated:YES];
hey @Abizern i finally solved my issue thanks for all your help :)
Don't ask question please. I am newbie :)
@Leena I didn't even know I helped you. You're welcome anyway.
@Hector hi
@sourishk I don't understand it either.
@Abizern : okaycould u get what i have said..
@iDroidDeveloper Hi
@hector : could u help me out
adjust according to need..
@sourishk Nope because all I see is boilerplate for a mail composer, no idea what is actually happening in your code. If it was me I would put a breakpoint in the delegate and see whether something in there was causing the view to be loading again.
@Abizern : Okay i am trying like the way you would have tried, i have put breakpoint and had been doing that
@madLokesh by this way you can fire action on click in which layer you want..is it helpful..
@madLokesh tell me.
@abizern : i have checked like that, appdelegate is not being called..
@Abizern hi r u angry with me.
@Abizern and Am I welcomed?
@Hector :) You are genius.
@Abizern sorry for calling u bro..
@MohitGupta lol
@sourishk The Mail Composer delegate, not the AppDelegate. The stuff that is called when the mail composer goes away.
@RKK who r u?
@MohitGupta RKK
@RKK so..
@MohitGupta Not yet, I just don't like being called "bro" by people I don't know.
@RKK lol what do u mean of lol
@abizern : okay ....
@Abizern ok dear.
@rkk : hi
Anyone wants Pizza?
let me know lol@RKK
@NinjaTurtle : hands up for me
@madLokesh solved
@sourishk Then help me for getting pizza :)
because i am going now@madLokesh
@Abizern he (@MohitGupta) asked what is the mean of lol. :)
lollz @NinjaTurtle
@RKK Hey how are you?
@NinjaTurtle : ahhahah..if u are ordering for 1 buy me another one
@NinjaTurtle :) fine dear. what abt u.
@RKK mca
what mca? @NinjaTurtle
@RKK tell me lol
@hector : r u busy ?
@RKK Master of Computer Applications or Micro Channel architecture?
@Hector pls help me he @MohitGupta disturbed me.
@sourishk may be
@sourishk Send me your address, I order one for but after getting my issue resolved. It is very simple.
@RKK for what ?
@NinjaTurtle u mean to me. I'm mca?
hey @Hector @NinjaTurtle help me
@Hector ask me wat is 'lol'
@RKK How would I know?
@vikas God help those who ask questions to @Abizern or @FadedinShadows or @sreecharan :)
@rkk i am not disturbed u..you write lol for so i want to know mean ok..
@NinjaTurtle where r u from?
@madLokesh hii
@RKK I am ThinkDifferent, don't you remember me?
@NinjaTurtle hey when u changed name ya?
sorry i don't know when u changed ur name.
@RKK I changed, people was not liking my name :P
@MohitGupta "dear"? Now you're just taking the piss.
@NinjaTurtle yes. me too.
@Abizern hahaha :)
@MohitGupta :D
@MohitGupta He don't like dear or bro etc.
@sreecharan Hello sree
@MohitGupta yes. i know abt @Abizern. so pls keep descent with abizern. thats abizern liked that.
@Abizern ok but u have no sence of talking...YOU indicate ur family..
@RKK Don't use first alphabet small with names.
Hello Arya Krishnan
@RKK sorry
Hello Shree Charan :)
@MohitGupta Don't be sorry.
@RKK I will improve.
Alright, what's going on in here again?
@Abizern Whoa! are you planning for any poll here?
I get a constant flag stream.
@MohitGupta Look. Don't call me Bro, dear, sir, pal, buddy, dost, yaar… I don't know you. I'm not your friend. Ask a question and somebody will try and answer it. You don't need my exclusive attention. Just because I speak freely with some people in here doesn't mean you can talk to me as if you know me.
Hey OD, how are you?
Long time back :)
@MohitGupta cool.
@Abizern okay sorry for all.Now I understand
@RKK ok
hey cool man. dnt ask sorry.
Whoa! Have OctavianDamiean migrated from Android to iOS ?
@OctavianDamiean This is technical room for iOS programming, ofcourse people are doing technical chats here :)
No, I'm just here to find out what the hell all those annoying flags are about.
Seems like everything is under control again.
Are you too started iOS coding?
@Abizern actually i am fresher for stackoverflow so commit such blenders.I forgot we all belong from professional field and there is meaning of relation...
:O You left Android?
@NinjaTurtle :ecentric SOlutions HIll No-3, Madhurwada, Vizag ....hahaha
taht is my address
@Abizern hi
@madLokesh Now what happen..problem is solved or not yet..
someone help me
@Abizern Looks like again some body started to yell you
yeah if it is possible
i have button where i call an action which present another view with UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl effect
so now in second view i call mail composer
and itcomes with UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl
@Hector @NinjaTurtle @MohitGupta @sreecharan
i have button where i call an action which present another view with UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl effect
so now in second view i call mail composer
and itcomes with UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl
i want to remove or hidden that effect and present only mail composer view
i have an class that uses CLLocationmanager, but i can't get the delegate methods to be called - the locationmanager is initialized in the main thread (i believe) - the only thing that is not is a clgeocoder object that gets the coordinate information for the location manager - does anyone have any idea why this is not working
@RKK No. I am from Kerala.
@MohitGupta i need some explaination..sorry banged my head on the keyboard and started snoring.. tahts what happens if u dont sleep for 36 hours
i needed to know that my initial layer is the prevlayer of camera
@RKK I can understand it.
so if i add uiview, i have to allocate it with the frame of prev layer
@HillInHarwich What do you mean you "believe" the location manager is started in the main thread?
@AryaKrishnan ok ok cool
no no no
@RKK Why are you removing your posts?
on top of prev layer there is another CALayer with the name callButtonImage
so when i use UIView, i have to allocate it with callbuttonimage layer
it is called in an event - a button click - the debugger shows it in the main thread...
@MohitGupt right
@MohitGupta right
@Abizern We have a UITableView and on clicking a button we will add a subview to change user location. Upon clicking the button, it will dismiss the view and change user location. Dismissing the view may take some time for completing data fetching. In that time if we tap on the view again and again, tableviewdidselectpath: is get calling a number of times. In the tableview delegate method we will push a view controller, so the problem is pushing a number of viewcontrollers. What is happening?
@HillInHarwich And have you correctly set the delegate? Are you sure it exists while the location manager is running, have you tried putting a breakpoint on the delegate methods to see if they are called?
@Abizern Can you give any clue to find the problem?
i have done all the above - i am monitoring for a region, and the didStartMonitoringForRegion delegate method is not called
@AryaKrishnan before pushing a view controller check whether the data is being fetched, and if it is, don't push the view controller.
@madLokesh problem is solved
@Abizern That's a good solution. But may I know what is happening there
this is where i do the geocoder stuff...
CLGeocoder* geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc]init];
[geocoder geocodeAddressString:self.address completionHandler:^(NSArray* placemarks, NSError* error){
for (CLPlacemark* aPlacemark in placemarks)
{ // Process the placemark.
NSLog(@"Got Placemark : %@", aPlacemark);
//newDestination.destination = aPlacemark.location;
//self.Destination.destination = [[placemarks objectAtIndex:0] location];
self.targetLocation = [[placemarks objectAtIndex:0] location];
self.startTrackingButton.enabled = true;
@madLokesh let me know man is it solved..
@AryaKrishnan I don't understand your question. There is nothing strange happening. You are making an asynchronous call, and while it is still running you are making more calls.
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>

@interface GeoAlarmDestination : NSObject <CLLocationManagerDelegate>
help karo meri
is in my header

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