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still booting?
or you still getting toys?
lol now there is an itunes update 10.6
jesus (-.-)
no i just like saying it
is response to the jesus comment
lol check out my post at meta today meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/137625/…
lost 57 rep in one sitting
did it run?
no ill let u know
its still working
those people came out of the woodwork for you
You can decorate a property with attributes by using the form @property(attribute [, attribute2, ...]).
lol decorate
i didnt know i was a decorator
just reading over documentation for property and their attributes
i have a class that works when its declared in the implementation section but not as a property and i think its the attributes im using (nonatomic, string)
didn't know string was an attribute
i'm sitll trying to finish the "login process" for my app
Q: iOS - How to create a login process using keychain / Core Data?

ChrisI am creating a multi-user iPhone app, and I am trying to finish up the coding for the user login in process. I can successfully create an account, and store the data the user inputs into the Core Data DB, and the pin (password) into the Keychain, so now I am trying to complete the login process...

is there an error?
not to be rude but that question is to much of a "show me how". you save complete the login process but not much more.
at least in my opinoin
yeah i need help completing the process
and yes there is an error
did that app ever run for ya?
well, its still updating, i almost never plug my ipod in to my computer. is the core data db holding the current users credentials or the whole user data base?
you download the project here -> github.com/ipatch/KegCop
if you try and login it will give you an error, someone last night said it had to do with the AccountBase class
ya sorry i really dont want to download the whole thing. to much time.
but i see your binding your call to the core data to a button
from what i have always been told and have read you are not suppose to use core data like a normal db
querying it repeatedly
when i have used it successfully (only once), i queried it when the app opened and when it closed and thats it
only in the appdelagate
basically to populate my classes data
so i guess your trying to do this. the person who runs the app keeps a local database of people who are drinking, with their tab associated to that.
gonna post in your question
but i am right about the purpose and how its used yes?
WTF itunes wiped my music
yeah right about the purpose
there's going to be a root user "me"
did you ever get that app running?
well its almost done
its still updating?
its almost been an hour now
ya no lie. after updating it needed to sync. once it syncs it copys all apps that arnt on the computer over thats what its doing now
step 6of6 copying 3 of 5
what info are you trying to track?
username password tab?
i just want to make the sure the ipa works on another device
any luck?
no it doesnt install
error on ipod -> itunes sync 'Klink' failed to install
thought u said u got it to work
sux, yeah it worked on my phone
i do have app sync installed though.
that's weird
i wonder why it would install on my device.
idk what you mean by app sync.
its an app that allows cracked ipas to be installed.
well i got to go, reload all my music. some how it all got wiped out . c yall
just read you reply
@BertieLiu weren't you helping me yesterday?
@Chris you missed my message
which one
@Chris several i guess
i remember you saying i my accountbase class had problems with it
and maybe my account class as well.
@Chris and the @dynamic part
dynamic means the getter and setter should be implemented manually
@BertieLiu, ill put that in my notes
so it's safer that you can decide which property can be get, or can be set
off to a meeting
how would you go about checking the textfield against the username in a core data DB?
Hey, anyone in here?
i am
@Chris you've got error on [Account username] from the very beginning, right? The we know that username is not implemented as a Account property, although Account inherit it from AccountBase. username is @dynamic, as for this you may check the link i posted you yesterday.
@FadedinShadows hi. raining today. how's there?
It's hasn't rained since I got here. Nice place though.
Is it out of date that I never use storyboard?
is there something wrong with core data for xcode 4.3.2
I'm following the stanford paul hegarty class for ios 5.0.... doing the core data homework
i developed it in xcode 4.3.2 but the core data doesn't seem to work
i tried to run it in another computer with xcode 4.2.... and ios 5.0..it's working perfectly
anybody who encountered the same problem?
how can this be solved?
No it's not bring out of date for not having used story boards since before the iOS 6 launch usually the target OS was 4.0 but that doesn't mean we should not be aware about it.
@FadedinShadows Always code for UI, never used nib... that's my deadly problem...
I like to use xib as I like to write less code. Less code, less headache, less bugs, less debugging
@FadedinShadows from my first day, my mentor told me to write codes and gain full control over the UI, so I'm somehow in a vain of xib, let alone storyboard
How come using xib doesn't allow full control over the UI?
maybe i don't have a brain for that
I always mess up with any figure/graph
@all, good morning
@iHungry morning
@sabako.... mera pyar bhara shubhaprabhat
@BertieLiu @FadedinShadows yes, good thing of xib is avoid some UI bug.
@FadedinShadows Hello. Good Morning :)
@KenHui like?
@KenHui, yup u can avoid position like issue through xib
Start making use of xib. Avoiding it will only waste time.
but the disadvantage of xib is the final build take more memory... and also in running it allocation a memory b4 presenting xib file
@BertieLiu ummm I heard of the UI component does not free when viewdidunload if it is done by code. Think the controller still exist while the memory is not enough and view did unload. Well, usual practice you build UI component at ViewDidLoad. But View Did Unload and didn't dealloc. Then View Did load again (using same VC) in this case, some UI component lost.
@iHungry Your first statement is correct but second is not.
@KenHui, yes viewDidLoad fire only one time event when viewController loading its view..... and u have to remove all ur UI those are u dynamically created or statically created by xib which remove in viewDidUnload method
getting along without xib for a long period that i've no idea how to cope with it
@BertieLiu Trial and error. Best way to learn XD
@FadedinShadows, yes second also right .... when u created xib that means u created view statically ...... when u presenting viewController loadView event method allocation and loading all ur UI memory in RAM
@KenHui i guess my situation is like this because the first app we made is the magazine, and xib won't work for it.
Xib files are your application resources and hence will effect the build size. But don't worry a lot about it. A good app will be good even if it's executable is little bit more.
@BertieLiu normally I build those static thing on xib and dynamic thing on code. So try to concern less code.
@KenHui what if the viewcontroller is too complicated?
If u remove ViewController from stack then also u not need to remove all xib element in viewDidUnload method ... becoz objective c delloc method removing those manyually
is there something wrong with core data for xcode 4.3.2
I'm following the stanford paul hegarty class for ios 5.0.... doing the core data homework
i developed it in xcode 4.3.2 but the core data doesn't seem to work
i tried to run it in another computer with xcode 4.2.... and ios 5.0..it's working perfectly
anybody who encountered the same problem?
how can this be solved?
@iHungry No it's incorrect. With xib the view is created from xib file else it's dine programmatically. It doesn't differ any other way.
@BertieLiu well, simple is beautiful , hahahhaa ~ try make it simple :)
@iHungry we can have IBOutlets specified with weak ownership qualifiers thus not needing to Release them in viewDidUnload
@KenHui that's right. um, like FlipBoard, could you give me an example on how they use xib?
@FadedinShadows, last statement is ur correct
Q: Can somebody explain the process of a UIViewController birth (which method follows which)?

GeriThere are many methods to override, like initWithNibname:, awakeFromNib, loadView, viewDidLoad, viewDidAppear:, and I just cannot decide in which order gets these method called. I just override one of them "by heart". Any detailed explaination?

The designated initializer for viewControllers is -initWithNibname:bundle:. If you specify a nib, the viewController can automagically load its view from that nib and connect any IBOutlets that you have defined (see below for more details).
I know view controller life cycle and it's not relevant to this discussion
@BertieLiu maybe 6 UIImage views on most xib screen. not sure, but probably with very less xib in such case. also in your magazine I think.
I think what you are saying is with xib files we gotta release the outlets in viewDidUnload, but if outlets are specified as weak, no need.
@FadedinShadows, sorry, ur right the IBOutlet weak references u need to remove in viewDidUnlaod method
And even if you have them as strong, what's the big deal in releasing them in viewDidUnload anyways? Just cos you don't want to do that you would avoid xib ?
@KenHui maybe. so from what i know, xib is to make viewcontrollers+ui simple, but not necessary. maybe i'm not right...
@FadedinShadows oye moti singapore me kya kar rahi ho ?
@James long time no see
@iHungry If you specify outlets as weak then you don't need to release them in viewDidUnload.
@BertieLiu you are right. So depends on your need in most time. But whenever you can. Try to be lazy :p
Do your argument about the memory leak or whatever is wrong as memory leak is programmers error anyways.
@FadedinShadows, my friend when in loadView method viewController watch its view is have in xib if it is then it laoding in memory other wise it trying dynamically in i mean u have to write code manually creating it view
@KenHui that's no doubt right.
So your *
@IHungry yes I know that
in loadview method allocating memory be4 calling viewDidload
that means
u allocating memory statically
through xib
in load view method
anyone know why i would get a bug with the following code?

NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Account" inManagedObjectContext:_managedObjectContext];
[request setEntity:entity];

NSError *error = nil;

// store DB usernames in results array
NSArray *results = [_managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];

NSLog(@"The returned results are %@",results);

// check text field against results stored in DB
Does it crash?
@BertieLiu Hey there! :)
I was wondering what that beep was, LOL
how's everything going?
@FadedinShadows sorry that I lost you and iHungry for dozens of posts
@BertieLiu Great over here! And yourself?
@James thanks i'm good, always on new project. I wonder, if you know someone called Alaric Cole? He's also from SF but that's a large city though.
@FadedinShadows it crashes
@Chris I guessed much. Probably with unrecognised selector reason !? Anyways you get an array of Account objects from the fetch request and you would need to compare it's username property with the text field and not the account object itself.
how would i do that?
@BertieLiu Just Google'd him, but no I don't know him. :/
do i need to use NSPredicate?
Good Morning :)
After getting an Account object using objectAtIndex: method, compare it's username proprty with the text field text
And instead of fetching all Accounts from core data and manually comparing it's username better make use if predicate which will return you an account for a particular username
Use of*
Have a look at creating predicates. I am using iPod so can't help much with code. Search predicate programming guide in google. It has several examples of using and creating predicates
@James thanks. he seems to be in the graphic processing field. anyway. what project are you up to?
man i not getting this predicate thing :-/
What did you see and try?
@FadedinShadows hey, you back from Singapore?
i know i need something like NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:???]
Yes and what would be the format ?
HI @all Good morning . Have good day :)
@DimplePanchal hi good morning
Did you see the predicate programming guide?
i did
didn't really help :-/
i mean kind of
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"username == %@", usernameTextField.text];
The predicate format would be something like that
Remember username is the user name attribute of Account entity. If it's named something else, change it.
the attribute is called "username" in the Core Data DB, but should i create a NSString or a NSPredicate?
Put that line of code in the argument of predicateWithFormat: call
hi baccho
And then set the predicate in the fetch request. You would now expect an Account entity from fetch request and not an array.
hehhehehehe motiiiiiii
NSEntityDescription *entityDesc = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Contacts" inManagedObjectContext:context];
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; [request setEntity:entityDesc];
NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(username = %@)", name.text];
[request setPredicate:pred];
@sharon vGM:)
@Hector kaisa h bhai :)
motiiiii aj tuedday hai :D :) :P
@sharon fine
@FadedinShadows like this:
NSPredicate *predicate =[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"username == %@", _textFieldUsername.text]];
@FadedinShadows Aaeen.. Good morning :)
@FadedinShadows How's weather in singapore ?
NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat@"(username = %@)", _textfieldUsername.text];
@Chris how to kill viewcontroller when we moved to another view controller ?
@mountainlionmoorthy hunh?
i have 3 view controller when i move to another view controller my first view controller is running in background i want to kill that view controller when i move to another one.
how do you know it's still consuming memory?
@FadedinShadows hello
how r u ?
in sngpr?
@all good morning
anybody have an idea about three20 library framework?
@all how to import three20 framework into our project?
@srinivas you should first try this
@FadedinShadows how would i fix this?

// check text field against results stored in DB
for (int i = 0; i < ([results count]); i++) {
NSLog(@"i = %i", i);

NSString *stringToCheck = (NSString *) [results objectAtIndex:i];

NSString *usernamestring = _textFieldUsername.text;

if ([stringToCheck isEqualToString:usernamestring]){
NSLog(@"Your username exists");

else {
NSLog(@"Your username was not found");
@srinivas there are lots of tutorial to add Three20 Library into iPhone project...by the way for which functionality you need to implement this?
@Chris i played some video in first viewconroller when i move to another view controller still its running
@mountainlionmoorthy are you using ARC in your project?
hi @mountainlionmoorthy gud mrng
hi @Hector @sharon @iHungry gud mrng
@Leena vGM:)
@gaurav photoview controller
@Coder vGM
@srinivas you can try MWPhotoBrowser....for this...available on github
@Leena GM
hi @Leena VGM :)
@gaurav okay i will try
@Chris no
@gaurav actually yesterday i tryied to install three20 library but un ble to import from raywenderlich link only i tried
you probably need to release your view controller when you switch viewcontrollers
@mountainlionmoorthy i would suggest using ARC in the future.
@DimplePanchal Thanks . very good morning
hi @DimplePanchal gud mrng
@Coder hmmm able to resolve ur issue?
@srinivas hmmm....then you shd try some thing else...please be specific about ur question.....what error you getting to add this library?
@Leena Hmm Whats up?
@DimplePanchal vGM:)
@Hector gM
@DimplePanchal :(
@Chris if use ARC this error won't come ?
nothing @DimplePanchal i am wishing all my frnds a very gud mrng :0
@Coder what happened?
@Leena :P cool.. carry on
@Hector hector mere bhai...good morning
@GauravGovilkar vGM:)
@DimplePanchal yesterday .. shifted on another task . so dont try after noon .
@DimplePanchal have u check my code
@Coder no dear didnt get any time
@GauravGovilkar How are you ?
@Coder I have posted my code in one of SO post, you can try that
@DimplePanchal oh ho ...busy ?
@mountainlionmoorthy you could convert your project to use ARC
@Hector you think you could help me
@Hector any concerns?
Check my code there
@DimplePanchal ya i know . i have just tried this ..but not working .. and yes it is also our team member's question :)
@Leena hi
@Coder hmm.. What is not working?
@Coder and y?
@DimplePanchal i have change my code as per your suggetion . but its not gone in for loop .. so currently i m trying to resolve that .
@Hector I am fine dude....how r u?
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@DimplePanchal when u get time .plz check my code once ..
pointArray is class variable @Coder
@Coder k
@DimplePanchal yes i have manage that .
@Coder cool then y is that not going inside that loop?
Shower time brb
@GauravGovilkar fine
@DimplePanchal No, I haven't
@Hector Gooood
@DimplePanchal have you ?
@FadedinShadows kya kar rahi ho?
@DimplePanchal when we start app first time it should not gone in loop .. bz first time array value should be 1 . but it gone inside loop than app crash . ..
@Chris No,I don't think
the following code is causing my app to crash pastie.org/4152488
i think it has something to do with casting or something of that nature.
@Coder U need to initialize array before ur view is added, in init method
is there any Link for integration picasa in app?
@Chris put break point and see where crash
@Hector it's the if statement im pretty sure.
if ([(NSString*)[results objectAtIndex:i] isEqualToString:usernamestring]){
@FadedinShadows said do something with it
Q: picasa integration for iphone

narayanaI want to integrate picasa in my application like facebook and twitter. How to implement the code for this. Please give any suggesion which is better way for integrating picasa? Thanks in advance

@Hector i have done picasa integration
@Hector what you want to know about this?
@GauravGovilkar then help to @vikas
@GauravGovilkar :)
@Hector ohhh i thought u asked this que..sry
@GauravGovilkar :)
@Chris NSString *stringToCheck = (NSString *) [results objectAtIndex:i]; are you sure this line is giving proper result?
@GauravGovilkar give me link ?
@Hector bro thanks bro...
@GauravGovilkar im pretty sure that's the line that is causing the problem.
@Chris i am not damm sure can you plz try once

NSString *stringToCheck=[NSString stringwithformate:@"%@",[results objectAtIndex:i]];

i know both are same but try it once...
@Chris are you there?
@Chris have you tried?
yeah, its not crashing now :)
but its still not retrieving the usernames
or my log message is not printing out the way it should
@Chris let me check..
@Chris NSString *usernamestring = _textFieldUsername.text; this one is not working?
@GauravGovilkar Hello
@GauravGovilkar thats working
@Kartik hmmm good morning
just did NSLog on *usernamestring and its what im putting in the textfield
but when i put a username that I know is in the Core Data DB, it still says Username not found
@Chris so still code is not working>
@Chris so do one this
@Chris NSString *gauravStr=[usernamestring copy];

now use gauravStr where you want
im trying to check if the inputted text matches the result in the nsarray
@Chris i mean if usernamestring have value then copy it in another string and use this string to get Core Data DB..
@GauravGovilkar im trying to create a login process.
@Chris if ([(NSString*)[results objectAtIndex:i] isEqualToString:usernamestring]){
NSLog(@"Your username exists");

is this works fine?
ill give that a shot
@Chris at place of [(NSString*)[results objectAtIndex:i] use this one "usernamestring"...because now you have value in this saprate string
@GauravGovilkar if ([(NSString*)[results objectAtIndex:i] isEqualToString:usernamestring]){

caused the program to crash
if ([[results objectAtIndex:i] isEqualToString:_textFieldUsername.text]){
@FadedinShadows abbey sun
@FadedinShadows why?
@VidyaMurthy just done shower
reefaq ne ne code daal tha scrapbook wala ,...hai kya tere pass???@FadedinShadows
@FadedinShadows why lol?
@Chris i edited ur code please check
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen
@FadedinShadows aaeen and lol
abe oy Aaeen
@sreecharan vGM :)
@FadedinShadows iske alawa kuch nai ata kya?
@sreecharan goodmorning brother
@Chris still getting problem?
Chal be shaane
@FadedinShadows ye naya hai....lol
@FadedinShadows nahi abhi kam he :P
waise chalna kaha hai?
Singapore aao
@GauravGovilkar i put your code in, pastie.org/4152488 and the program crashes

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