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seems to work ${PROJECT_DIR}/KegCop/KegCop-Info.plist
still can't get it working lmao
compiles fine, only 7 warnings left
oh well seems like it's fixed now
@relikd 7 warnings? yikes
i only have one 1, that deals with the storyboard file
like I said minimum font size is deprecated since iOS6
stackoverflow.com/questions/11070201/… take a look here when you're free, lol gotta solve this "problem"
guys Instruments is still shipped with Xcode?
@relikd what do you mean?
@Pheel I have it installed but have no clue if it was shipped within the app or if I downloaded it as a tool
aarrghh forgot to update xcode lol @Chris from iOS6 that method will be deprecated
which one?
@Chris minimumFontSize
i don't think i am using that in my project
@relikd i'm updating Xcode now, they say it will launch from Tools or something
@Chris for labels
@Chris in storyboards
@relikd ohhh
do you look @ the raw code "plist" for the story board file?
Hi all, quick question: Instruments giving an error - "This instrument is not supported by the device v5.1.1"
any ideas?
@Pheel thats quite a question
@Chris mine? o.O
@Chris relax and wait till 6.0 is released
@Dives your device is too old to run that instrument
@Chris yeah you can still use it, but when iOS 6 will come out you better edit that thing
iPhone 4S?
@Dives ok maybe the iOS version?
can i not use the method or something like is there an option in the inspector.
@Dives he means firmware version, not device version lol
@Chris just don't set minimumFontSize in the inspector
give the label a proper size and go
@Dives Xcode beta?
i hate beta versions lol
@Pheel i didn't even realize i set a min size to begin with
nope - just updated Xcode from app store
@Pheel you upgrading Xcode to beta?
@Chris nope upgrading Xcode from AppStore
xcode 4.3.3
i hate betas in general
@Dives ok thats odd
bad experience!
yeah im going to hold off on Xcode 4.3.3
got things working the way i like em.
I'm scared. It's being installed. scary
@relikd @Chris The reason I updated was because I was getting the same error in 4.3.2
@dives is it a instrument that can only be run on the simulator/mac?
@Pheel don't worry :)
@relikd it's Core data Fetches/ Core data Saves - do these only run on simulator?
@Dives haha i hope :P @relikd @Dives Instrument should be that analyzing tool or?
@Pheel yeah instruments is for analyzing.
@relikd We were talking about it just 2 minutes before lol! @Dives gotcha!
@dives actually I can find CoreData only at the simulator section
@relikd really?
let me check it out
so "git add ." is not adding my changes, from what I can tell.
git add *
woah the new xcoooode :o screams
woah the new xcoooode :o screams
@pheel the new new xcode is so much better ;D
@relikd i'm exploring it!
@relikd does "git *" recursively go down into each sub directory
@Chris yes
@Pheel no I mean the new NEW
@relikd Beta?
yep v4.5
how is it?
you can do stuff like NSArray *arr = @[@{ @"title":@"TEST"}];
array( dictionary(title:Test) )
looks amazing
in the midtime i should figure out how the hell i can write on that mf value xD
or in the past [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"TEST" andKey@"title"]]
stupid autocorrect -_-
so did anyone figure it out?
@Dives what exactly? ^^
in a moment, trying to finish and failing what i was trying to do and i check
why instruments is giving the error: "this instrument is not supported by the device"
when you create a new instruments files you can choose which instruments you like to add. but there is no coreData for iOS device, only for the simulator
@pheel how do you know which object is currently selected?
@relikd thanks. That was simple. :)
@relikd i don't, that's what i'm trying to figure out. chances are: due the cell name and its content are passed with strings, it should be able to recognize the current object
and then setting its value to yes
i was trying to read all the plist but that's not a good solution
so your question isn't about writing to plist but to getting the right object
and write over it the isFav value to YES
i thought i was already on the right object but now that you let me think i was wrong
you said you open a detail view. which information do you use to fill the detail view?
do the isFav button drawn correctly for already fav'd items?
The plist row items are made of name, description, image. in the detail there are respectively a label for the name, a uitextview for the description and a uiimageview for the image. they are all passed thru NSString
btw yep, if you remember yesterday i showed them in that list (those with isFav = YES)
and where do you read the values from?
from plist!
how no
in the moment you click on the cell, where do you get the values and how do you set them to detail view
moment XD
hahha i messed that sheeeet up
so i when i edit the run time script, git doesn't notice a change to any file, surely xcode has be modifing / writing the change to a file.
so. the plist. in the detailView i have NSString set to the objects in the rows (name,desc,image). in didSelectRow i have something like

DetailViewController *detail = [[detailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"detailViewController" bundle:nil];
detail.imageString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[[rows objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"image"]];
detail.nameString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[[rows objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"name"]];
detail.title = [[rows objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"name"];
@Chris do you need that script? We noticed that if we remove it the project magically works
@pheel ahh ok so you can pass indexPath to your detail controller and know exactly which item you have selected
@relikd yeah i just can't explain that good XD
btw. you dont need to alloc init a string
@Pheel i am working out a solution where hopefully the script will stay
if the property is set to copy you can leave the alloc-init
and it will compile on your machine, my git skills aren't the best so i was strugglin the command line for a minute
@relikd so i just leave [[rows ...] etc?
@Pheel exactly
and you can write [rows objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] once like NSDictionary *item = [rows objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
then [item valueForKey:@"image"]
let's try
yep it works, nice to know!
btw that's the way i get to the objects
did you create a new property in detail to store the indexPath?
nope, in there i had only the strings and a method called "makeFavorite" which should make the detail favorite lol
stupidly I'm asked. what I wanted to say was do it! xD
assign property
to what? oO
so wait a moment xD in the detail i stored the original array (localPlist)
@property (copy) NSIndexPath *indexPath;
Oh okay
then pass it detail.indexPath = indexPath;
in the desired method or in init?
in cell did select
what we are actually trying to do? i'm not understanding XD
you copy that indexPath from the list to your detail view
this indexPath contains the section and the row
ahhh so we can get exactly to that object
okay so in the firstTable i put that indexPath, then in didSelectRow i allocate the detail and pass it the index path
you get the indexpath automatically by selecting a row
yeah was about to say, the indexPath is already in the method
@Pheel would you try downloading and see if the project compiles now, i made some changes to the runtime script and also made sure i pushed the changes to github
@Chris Sure
@Chris yes it compiles
@Pheel i put:
buildPlist=${PROJECT_DIR}/${INFOPLIST_FILE} which should fix it
sweet \o/ ...smoke break
yes it now works fine
thanks for your assitance
np dude ;) @relikd SO IF I UNDERSTOOD. in the detailView i make a copy of the indexPath. then in the main table i alloc the detail and assign it the index path right?
ohh fine xD done
like i did with the other things in less words
- (void)makeFavorite
NSArray *plist = [self readPlist];
NSDictionary *theItem = [[[plist objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] valueForKey:@"Rows"] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
NSLog(@"%@", [theItem valueForKey:@"isFav"]);
yikes it crashes :\ -[detailViewController makeFavorite:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x8b7d630
you have no readPlist in there, right?
yes i have it
btw uncomment the other method
which one?
i replaced it with the one above
you have a fav button in detail view?
yes in the upper right corner
so you need -(IBAction)… to assign it in interface builder
nonono i forgot to leave the : from the button
i had still makeFavorite: to the selector
ok it logs correctly the key value
great, i still have the writePlist method too, but i guess it should now write to that specific value
- (void)makeFavorite
NSArray *plist = [self readPlist];
NSDictionary *theItem = [[[plist objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] valueForKey:@"Rows"] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
// get the current state
BOOL fav = [[theItem valueForKey:@"isFav"] boolValue];
// set the oposite of the current value
[theItem setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:!fav] forKey:@"isFav"];

[self writePlist:plist];

// change the image or UI to the new state
//button.image = …
great, the button thing was being done on another method which gets called at init (rebuildButton):

- (void) rebuildButton {
NSArray *plist = [self readPlist];
NSDictionary *theItem = [[[plist objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] valueForKey:@"Rows"] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
BOOL isFav = [[theItem objectForKey:@"isFav"]boolValue];
NSString *starImage = isFav ? @"FullStar.png" : @"EmptyStar.png";
UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl = [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[UIImage imageNamed:starImage],nil]];
is it the same right?
now you dont need to read the plist again
BOOL fav is the previous state
the rebuildButton comes before the makeFavorite
so if you use !fav instead you get the new state
you're mixing code which gets called only once and code which gets called every time the fav is changed
ahah xD yeah something like that!
if i want to change the image of the button in the makeFavorite instead of the rebuildButton and then assign the image to the button, should i write the segmented control in the make favorite??
the segmented control should only be created once -> init method
the star image can change multiple times -> makeFavorite
uhm and to assign the image to the segmented control from makeFavorite
you can make things easier by setting both images for different states. a button has a normal and a selected state use this feature
the button is a UIBarButtonItem tho
makes no difference
arghh * head infinite loop running *
moment i reorganize the ideas
so, i write the segmented control in init. okay
init: create segment controll, create button, assign normal image, assign selected image
problem: should display stars wether is fav or not
okay so
UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl = [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[UIImage imageNamed:@"EmptyStar.png"],nil]];
[segmentedControl addTarget:self action:@selector(makeFavorite) forControlEvents:UIControlStateNormal];
this way?
the image is set to different states, not the action
and how it should be handled?
… why do you use a segmented control? Oo
umm now i declare 2 images: selected and deselected
i was following that tutorial i linked ^^
and it was being there from the copy\paste from old project
so i can set it as a normal button?
then assigning it to the UIBarButtonItem as customview
a recommendation: through your whole app away and start from scratch :P
yes you can
i still don't get how the button image thing works though!
you will have two different images for two different states: selected/highlighted and normal. when you want to make it appear fav'd simply set button.selected = YES;
more easily, now i have done

UIButton *favorite = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[favorite addTarget:self action:@selector(makeFavorite) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

UIBarButtonItem *segmentBarItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:favorite];
[favorite release];
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = segmentBarItem;
[segmentBarItem release];
[favorite setImage: forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[favorite setImage: forState:UIControlStateSelected];
oh okay perfect
now the selected thing you was saying where should be put into?
in makeFav
please NSLog [self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem customView]
yeah 'cause it doesn't appear even
test: <UIBarButtonItem: 0x7f76de0>
posted on June 17, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to create custom UITableViewCell.

no star?
nope, anything
neither the square
the square isnt there because you used custom uibutton type
so i need the frame
I cant start your app anymore because it crashes at start -.-
Anyone know how to arrange a NSMutable array numerically?
@TheDeveloper use compare:
[myNSMutableArray sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {

I seem to get errors...
Control reaches end of non-void block...
return [obj1 compare:obj2]; inside
Does it just 'work'?
it does

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