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Has anyone used PayPal mobile payment system ?
for iOS
I got a few question to ask regarding usage with other credit card if the user does not have a paypal account
posted on June 15, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to style UITableView. Azam will also show how to apply nice gradient …Continue reading »

@Zhang Any tutorial for iOS using paypal ?
1 hour later…
@KenHui hi
@BertieLiu, @KenHui, 你好早上好
@iHungry morning
what up?
@iHungry 早晨 Good Moring.
@KenHui ?
@BertieLiu oh I miss it, hehe ~~ zao shang hao ~
@BertieLiu Sleepy day because of happy Friday.
@KenHui i decide to ignore the problems on magazine
boss want it submitted this afternoon
@BertieLiu the journal layout?
@BertieLiu should not spend too much time on one task ~~
@KenHui now working on the layout. i hate the magazine
@BertieLiu haha could ask u if i am going to make magazine, haha
wish i could show you a screenshot of the journal layout. now i reached first step
@KenHui my suggestion is: never, unless you're in a team with a mature algorithm
@BertieLiu everyone expecting similar thing, but it is hard. The Good one won't enter small company.
i m reading biography one of the brightest people ...
yeah... hard to survive these days
@iHungry do you know how to post image here?
@iHungry it is hard to build the interest of reading. But as a programmer, we need read a lot of algorithm, theory and coding
tab on upload button
@iHungry where is the upload button?
same question with me.
where's that button?
@KenHui , its depends how u managed ur time for ur profession and interest
near the send button below right side
@iHungry yea i agree with you. I think about it everyday, finally my conclusion so far is, i could spend 1.5 hours for my own work per day.
ha, haven't got one. perhaps my reputation is not high enough.
@iHungry i am using browser, does it included ?
@BertieLiu yea, i think me2 ~~~
@KenHui, i managed my time reading documents as well as my work
@BertieLiu, yup may be
@iHungry work is busy, or i should say it is not easy to read others thing since many eyes are on my iMac, haha
@KenHui yes u have to brower ur image path ther
@KenHui, u can keep magazine with you.... and read it when u boring with ur work or at time of lunch
@iHungry actually i wanna read some book about theory. like i bought the cocos2d book but still open rarely
@BertieLiu isn't it u done it?
but article should be spiritful or interesting after reading that ur mind should say ... yes i have to work more or have to hardwork more
i mean the layout
not yet. it works when the weight of each image is in a good sequel, like that one: 9,1,1,4,1,1,1,1,1,1, but if 4 goes to the last, then it will fail. i've trying to make some further calculation, either adjust the girds or the weight.
@iHungry i think at least should start first, never success if u don't start to do it.
@BertieLiu looks Great for me, haha ~
@KenHui, sorry i not getting u?
@iHungry haha, sorry for my English. I mean something won't happen until you start. Just think in mind does not work ~~~~. well, some ppl just say in mouth, but never do it, many excuse for them ~
@iHungry there is a word say " If you want to do a thing, you have many motivation. If you don't want to do a thing, you have a lot of excuse" I hope I make myself clear.
@KenHui, yes i appreciate ur statement of "something won't happen until you start" ...
@KenHui, its my own thinking .... You have to read other articles apart from ur profession (study related) it will create or helpful indirectly self respect in social society
@iHungry yes i agree with u , my boss have a book call a art of game design, i am reading in some of my lunch time (2-3 times only, i worked a month here)
@iHungry wt's GRT8 stand for ?
Great = gre + 8 = grt8
@iHungry do you know if [[UIDevice currentDevice]model] can return "iPad2"?
@BertieLiu, it gave to all hardware information of device to u i think
@KenHui @iHungry thanks. since i have no ipad2 to test, i need to make sure this is accurate.
never mind. i'll try to detect camera.
morning @hector
@BertieLiu vGM :)
@KenHui in HK how much is macbook retina?
@hector : Hi Gud Morning
@BertieLiu should be same price as china, but china is using RMB while HK is HKD
@KenHui wow... nearly 14,000 RMB...
far beyond what i earn...
@sourishk vGM :)
@BertieLiu $16, 888 HKD
@BertieLiu $13, 888 is the one w/o retina display but 15'
@KenHui, its costly yeah?
$16, 888 HKD
affordable to common peoples ?
@iHungry quite for me, but not for others. if u r 35+, probably u earn 20k per month.
@iHungry i have 14k per month
@hector @iHungry @KenHui @brush51 Gud Morning.....
@KenHui, oh!!!! then its grt8 yaar
@KenHui, in my country it price around 1, 30000 Rupees which is not affordable to common people even though me
@KenHui $?
@Hector HKD Hong Kong Dollars, about $1USD = $7.8 HKD
@KenHui ok
@KenHui, here so much bad situation 1 USD = 56 Rupees
@KenHui, what is ur age now?
@iHungry 29, related? haha ~
@ihungry : Could u tell me how can i send the 3 values to a json link
How much is a normal drink in cheap restaurant at your place? It takes around $2USD for a normal drink , like cheap coffee or iced tea. @iHungry
@KenHui, 5 rupees cheap coffee and iced tea = 10 rupees
but almost all peoples like to drink hot Tea which is rupees 5
@iHungry that's around 7 cents in HK, big different. I need more than 20 times for buying a drink, but i didn't earn 20 time money than urs.
oh!!!!!!! @KenHui
@KenHui, my total expenses in Mumbai city is around 9-10K rupees per months
@iHungry i think i need half of my salary for life sustain. (well I pay cheap rent here, around 1/5 of other people).
if i plan to buy new macbook pro retina display ... i have to wait for around 5-6 months along with dedicated saving ....
@iHungry haha i bought my 2nd hand iMac last Summer.
after waiting 5-6 months then u will listen another news from apple release its new generation ... that news then mind hured
@iHungry yea so buy what you need.
technology keep updated everyday
@KenHui, oh!!!!!! that grt8 u get at lest 2nd hand device ... in India u have search a lot for 2nd hand piece ... people are not still ready to pay such a Hugh amonunt
if any one bought then he doesn't plan to sold his device till 10 years
@ken hui:@iHungry: good morning
@iHungry 2nd market is common in HK, especially after the exist of forum and the economic recession nowadays.
@iPhoneDeveloper hello :)
@iPhoneDeveloper, good moring
@iHungry @KenHui Hello. Good Morning
@iHungry HK ppl are tech chaser. There are always have rich ppl ~
@Kenhui:@iHungry: how are you both doing?and wassup this morning?any new updates yet??
@KenHui, humm
@iPhoneDeveloper how to save the runtime data permanently even we uninstall the application?
@KenHui, ok and here situation is if u buy device after saving 5-6 month ur salary... u have to also looking for other expenses , i means u are not saving that much amount u want becoz other expenses also some comes in front ...for example family expenses
@iHungry i bought my 2nd hand ipad2 64GB 3G at $3000 HKD, ~$384 USD
@KenHui, so u have now all apple
@MedetiNaveenKumar: If you uninstall the application, the data gets deleted by itself
@iHungry typing mistake, hehe ~~ only iphone, ipad and iMac. I am not apple super fans
@iPhoneDeveloper but they want data store permanently even uninstall app also
@MedetiNaveenKumar:can yoiu be a bit more clear and specific please
@iHungry got a mac mini for home entertainment center.
@MedetiNaveenKumar:Store the data in some database on the server.and assign some individual access key .so that if the same user accesses it then he gets his data as it is
@KenHui, my family members still don't know what i doing exactly ....
@iPhoneDeveloper is it possible to store data in sqlite database?
they know only i m working on iphone ... but they don't know what actual working is
@iHungry so do my boss, LOL~~~ hoho
@iHungry that's very good that u only work on iOS. Most programmer here need to know how to program in different platforms.
yes that is what i am talking about.But make sure you store it on some server not on user's end
@KenHui, yes started on working on iOS very earlier... i got now advantage of it....
@MedetiNaveenKumar:this will help you stackoverflow.com/questions/10493389/…
@iPhoneDeveloper they ask without using server .is it possible to get the data after uninstall.i said to them.There is no possibility.am i right?
i was never think at collage time ... i will become a mobile software developer in graduation ...@KenHui
@iHungry all can I say is "too envy".
@MedetiNaveenKumar:yes you are absolutely right
@MichaelDautermann, hi good morning
@iPhoneDeveloper ok thank you
good afternoon to you, Mr. Hungry.
@MedetiNaveenKumar :)
@iPhoneDeveloper may i know your name?
@MichaelDautermann, yes i m not still take breakfast so iHungry a lot... :) lol
@MedetiNaveenKumar:yes it's iPhone developer :P
@KenHui 13888 is RMB for $16888
@iPhoneDeveloper ok iphone :)
whats up @Michael
@BertieLiu 16488 RMB at CN Apple Store
@Leena, @Bhurudada, good moring
@Everyone, Hello ....
@KenHui so i'd better buy it in hk
@iPhoneDeveloper, hi, you again changed your name, ?
@iHungry hi very gd mrng :)
just hanging out here for a minute.... might be crashing out soon. But so nice to see things running smoothly again.
@Veer, hi
@iHungry, hi
@MedetiNaveenKumar : :)
@BertieLiu haha how do u leave China? don't u technically have to stay there?
@Veer: I think you are mistaking me for someone else
@MichaelDautermann, hahahha a... its always happening with every programmer
@Leena @MichaelDautermann @iPhoneDeveloper @Hector hi gm
@Veer, where r u from?
@MichaelDautermann long time no see. @KenHui i can't get my passport due to some reason... >_<
@iPhoneDeveloper, Yup, how long you are using stackoverflow, May i know?
@Bhurudada vGM :)
@iHungry, Pakistan,
@iHungry @Bhurudada @Hector @sharon gud mrng :)
@Leena vGM :)
@Bhurudada: good morning
@Leena hi
@iHungry, do you know me?
what the hell i can't load onto testflight
nope @Veer
@iHungry, I think we have chat before, over here,may ber
may be*
@Veer: since 1 or 2 weeks or so..
nope not @Veer
i m daily user of this community
@iHungry, I was daily user , but now I don't use regularly ...
@iPhoneDeveloper, ok, then you are new, I left this room around 5 months before, I was regular , but now I don't come online
@iPhoneDeveloper, I saw your profile, you are new and junior over here :P
@Veer: ok there is another iPhone Developer here.I think you were talking about him?? yes i am very much junior as compared to you:)
@iPhoneDeveloper, I left programming of iOS else I would be more senior :P
@iPhoneDeveloper, I think she changed name, not HE, but SHE was an iPhone Developer
@Veer: Oh why did you do so??and sorry for the 'HE/She' mistake :)
@iPhoneDeveloper hi
@iPhoneDeveloper, I am preparing for commission job, so left my job since january,,,
@iPhoneDeveloper, so how is iPhone Developement, you enjoying iOS
@Veer:Ohk...all the best for that...and yes m really enjoying ios since i wanted 2 b a developer...so its a dream come true:)
@iPhoneDeveloper, Best Wishes for future, may I know you intro?>
@iPhoneDeveloper u r from where ?
@ArchanaChaurasia:From India
@iPhoneDeveloper :)
@Veer:Well this is an open chat room so i am avoiding doin that...sorry for that
@ArchanaChaurasia: :p
@iPhoneDeveloper, oh, its okay :)
@iPhoneDeveloper, have to go, any next time, cya :)
First time chatting.. Just testing
@Veer: ok tc...will catch you tomorrow??or any other time?
@iPhoneDeveloper, I don't use daily, I will come back to programming after some months, catch you soon
ok c you then..:0
@iPhoneDeveloper @iPhoneDeveloper @ios : How to post values to a json link ?
@cantfindaname88 successful :P
@iPhoneDeveloper: Hii
@monishkumar : hi
@MonishKumar Hi
@MonishKumar hi
@Hector thanks. I'm guessing everybody on here is some of sort of developer
@sourishk: i am not getting your question..please give me more clarity
@iPhoneDeveloper: Worked With AVFoundation capturing n storing video?
@Hector: Worked With AVFoundation capturing n storing video?
@MonishKumar :(
@MonishKumar: sorry
Guys i was wondering if anybody has a solution to my question. I have a background thread that is tracking users movements by sending long & lat coordinates to a server. I want to when i turn a switch off in the main thread, for the background thread to stop outputting the coordinates. Is there an efficient way of doing this? by efficient i mean avoiding global variables etc...
HI @All Good morning
@Coder good morning
@cantfindaname88 Stop the location manager, effectively stopping the timer by which periodically you send the updates and the thread as well?
@ios @iPhoneDeveloper @iPhoneDeveloper: i have a link , in that link i have to send my values, the values must be converted to a json
show that @sourishk
@sourishk then?
@ios : show means?
coulnot get you
@sourishk link
@ios can u take any link
@sourishk link paste karo yaha
@sourishk what u need?
@sourishk: you want to convert the values to JSON?? or want to get a JSON result of the link??
Hello all,
@iPhoneDeveloper @iPhoneDeveloper : We have to post the values
@ios ; office ka naaa link isiliyee mein public mein nahi de sakthaaa bhaijaan
@iPhoneDeveloper can you explain me? i have one doubt about creating a view like instagram application before login and after login page.
@sourishk join on gmail
@TeAmo can you explain me? i have one doubt about creating a view like instagram application before login and after login page.
@TeAmo hello
@MaxHasADHD hi
anyone know TONS of people with iPhones or iPads? will give some promos for one of my apps if you can tell them and give them promos:P need to get my app higher than its copy cat-_-
@Hrushikesh you may set a token and present the different views according to its status
@StoryBoard hello
@StoryBoard aur kya bade???kaisa kya???
Good Morning to all
@all i have issue in set tag of each uibutton of custom cell in storyboard

UIButton *btnPlay = (UIButton *)[cell viewWithTag:302];
NSString *tit=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",indexPath.section];
[btnPlay setTitle:tit forState: UIControlStateNormal];
[btnPlay setTag:indexPath.section];
Can any one tell me how to remove keyboard which appears with searchbar in iphone usine remove firstresponder. I am trying to hide the keyboard while searching in tableview and when user taps outside the search bar,it should display only filtered content in the table and keyboard should hide
means which method is used to hide keyboard while searching ..
[keyboard resignfirstresponder];
@GauravGovilkar badiya bas
@MaxHasADHD that I know , but I am trying to hide when there are some text in searchbar and user taps out side the search bar
@StoryBoard maine suna ek tarfa kaam chal raha hai???
same, just have to find out when user taps the outside, i think theres a setting or something that ennobles that?
[self.view endEditing:TRUE];
:D just made huge progress with my app, coded 1 uiviewcontroller so well and customizable, that i got to delete 7 xibs and 14 header/main files:P
@TeAmo i don't understand can you provide me some sample links
@zing u need to write uiview delegate method...touchesbeigining....there write [keyboard resignfirstresponder];
gud afternoon
@rahulraj SRK
I am stuck with a problem .Can any one suggest me method to solve this out
hello dear never fear raj is here
In my app i am loading images from the remote server to the uitableview
is it problem?
for this i am using SDwebimage project for the lazy loading so as to increase my performance
@Hrushikesh have you seen the hackbook code for facebook?
that worked fine
it worked in simulator and device too but when i try to archive it shows this error that lexical or preprocessor issue file not found
i came to know this is some issue with header path
but i have just put the setting what the SDwebimage suggest
hlo gourav
can i any one help me to sort out this problem
A: Compile, Build or Archive problems with Xcode 4 (and dependancies)

rjstelling NB: The steps below will solve 90% of your Xcode archive issues however, from the comments it is suggested you try quitting Xcode first. This may save you hours of setting tweaking. Check the "user header paths" are correct (Add "" to paths for spaces, both in your project and dependenc...

yea i have tried quitting the xcode
but it didnt worked out
I am new to this
can u tell me how to get the user header path
posted on June 15, 2012 by John

I’ve mentioned UIKit integration with Cocos2D iPhone which has become considerably more convenient with Cocos2D iPhone v2. Integration of Cocos2D-X (the cross platform C++ version of Cocos2D) is somewhat more complicated, but I’ve come across a set of examples demonstrating both how to use Cocos2D-X within UIKit, and another demonstrating how to use UIKit within [...]

@GauravGovilkar ha wo to pehle bhi chal raha tha
@rahulraj did you follow that step ?
Hi all
please help me
acutaly in this its suggesting no need to add the user header path
can u check that site?
@GauravGovilkar Hii, but when user touches outside the searchbar , i m removing sBar's responder, but my table also gets reload with all the content, instead I want to display only filtered content
Can any one tell me how to send app requests to multiple number of friends in FB app using FB sdk without showing webview popup ?
@rahulraj @GauravGovilkar @iHungry @Hector @MaxHasADHD During search I want to remove my responder but the searched content should be there , I m getting all the content instead the searched content
could some one explain to me how i could get a value from a text field in one of my scenes and save it to an attribute in my database?
@TeAmo no i didn't seen the code for hackbook. let me check it.
@TeAmo can you provide me link of code.
@hey someone help me
@Hector Hiii
gudmrng with my noob question!!
append Two mutable array????
append Two mutable array????
what did u mean >
good morning @all
@Hrushikesh let me check if I would have it....
Can any one tell me how to send app requests to multiple number of friends using FB sdk without showing webview popup ?
@rahulraj I am searching in my tableview. say searching the stores containing keyword "app" . so it will display me App Store in my table . Now when user taps outside the search bar , my table gets reload and displays all the store list. I want to display only searched stores (here App Store)
@vikas you cann add value by value from one to other array

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