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@Bala janmdin ki hardik subh kamaye
@Garnik or Have you analyzed your code
thank you , thank you thank you
@All hi
@HimanshuAgnihotri it should take, other wise do this exporting in background using other thread
@DimplePanchal samplecode banave 6e?
@sreecharan yeap....Analyze shows leak. but I'm not strong with analyze tool's arrows). And have done profile test for allocations and leaks...)
@DimplePanchal or i have to develop?
@iHungry - i'm fine
I can paste somewhere the screenshot of analyze leak
wat abt you ?
@sreecharan ok sir i also think so about that .thankx sir:)
@Rani hey code mila?
@sreecharan is your birthday today?
@Garnik no need, no problem
@Garnik yesterday, not today
going good @VakulSaini, but today i bored
@sreecharan happy B day...wish u the best...
@iHungry Hi
@JohnWhite, hi
@Garnik do you know how to prepare to face an Apple interview?
@VakulSaini, i m did nothing in da office
@iHungry Do you know any free Stock API?
@Garnik i dont know what they will ask
@JohnWhite, sorry no idea
@All do you know ant free stock API?
@iDroidDeveloper nahi mila code
this happen many times with developers @iHungry
dont get bored
@JohnWhite use yahoo stock API
Q: Stock ticker symbol lookup API

dancavallaroIs there any sort of API that just offers a simple symbol lookup service? i.e., input a company name and it will tell you the ticker symbol? I've tried just screen-scraping Google Finance, but after a little while it rate limits you and you have to enter a CAPTCHA. I'm trying to batch-lookup abou...

Q: How can I get stock quotes using Google Finance API?

JosemaI'm looking for access to financial data from Google services. I found this URL that gets the stock data for Microsoft. What are all the possible parameters that Google allows for this kind of HTTP request? I'd like to see all the different information that I could get.

@iDroidDeveloper i want to download/stream youtube video and save in documents directory in iphone
@sreecharan hmm...no really. But I think odesk questions will be similar to their on first stage...I can ask my friends...But I can reply after 30 mins, is it ok?
@Garnik No problem
@iHungry - can you help me if you are free ?
@Garnik my interview is scheduled on june 18th in SFO
@VakulSaini, yes tell
@Rani wait 1 min plz
texture - http://imgur.com/RdCon
original Image - http://imgur.com/htplA
after mix - http://imgur.com/tRbdf
see these link
i'm able to do this
@iHungry - you saw ?
@VakulSaini, this is the part of image masking
imgur.com/htplA image is mask on mgur.com/RdCon image
@Rani NSLog(@"Video Download Start");

NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init];
[request setHTTPMethod:@"GET"];
NSError *error;
NSURLResponse *response;

NSData *urlData;
[request setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:strURL]];
urlData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&error];
//NSString *filePath = [filePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:saveName];
BOOL written = [urlData writeToFile:filePath atomically:NO];
if (written)

NSLog(@"Saved to file: %@", filePath);
Hi every body
@iDroidDeveloper ok
then what the problem @VakulSaini
i have done it
@sreecharan I want a little help from u
my problem is that
the texture are not apearing on white portion
of original image
as you can see
on my link
are you getting me what i exactly want ?
when I apply this NSLog(@"category count : %@",[categoryArray count]); it gives me error as : -[__NSCFString count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x688cd90
what it means
@VakulSaini, yes image only u can see of man face not entire
@iDroidDeveloper where should i write this in ViewDidLoad method
@BadMan NSLog(@"category count : % d",[categoryArray count]);
@iHungry - yes exactly
so how can be solve my problem ?
@Rani aap kaha download karna chate ho ?
@VakulSaini, u didn't get texture of remaining image becoz as per apple documentated
@BadMan welcome ....welcome........:P
@BadMan use %i instead of %@ ok
@VakulSaini, did u try to swap both images b4 making
@iHungry - swap ???
for what ?
i did not get
Now it is giving this type of error sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
I have used %i and %d both
@HimanshuAgnihotri have u any idea wt this error means
sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
@BadMan either some parameter is missing target file of project plz put the whole error on the google it will give the answer i am not suffer from such an error till now oks
@Rani hua kya?
@iDroidDeveloper bas tum rani ki hi help karane ladki baaz ......oks bye
@iDroidDeveloper on Button Click i want to download
@Rani put that code on button click event
@Rani How are you ?
@VakulSaini, i mean if u mask 1st image on 2nd then swap means u have to mask 2nd image on 1st image
yeah - i have try
i got this effect after swaping
before i get only texture part
i talked with Miss Dimple before 1-2 hours
she said it is bcos of alpha channel
but i could use alpha channel properly
but i could not use alpha channel properly
@VakulSaini hello
@VakulSaini how to get device current orientation i have use these code UIDeviceOrientation interfaceOrientation=[[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]; but some time it will show uideviceunknownorientation
@StoryBoard - why you want to get this
@VakulSaini, yup she may be thinking u have set zero alpha property of face image (except face image remaining alpha should be zero)
you can write your code in
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
and yes it may be work also
by if condition
@iHungry - but what i do now
@VakulSaini, u need to do some image processing b4 masking images
@StoryBoard -

- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
// Return YES for supported orientations

switch ([[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]) {
case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft:
orientationMode = AVCaptureVideoOrientationLandscapeRight;

case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight:
orientationMode = AVCaptureVideoOrientationLandscapeLeft;

@StoryBoard - this is an example if your code want to change according to device orientation
you can write your code here with switch or if
@iHungry - any idea or code more appreciate :-)
@VakulSaini, u have to scan face image and set alpha zero on white color pixel out of the face area and then after mask it on that texture
@iPhoneDeveloper i am fine
@Rani How's work going ?
u need to detect inside and outside face area pixel ....
@iHungry - but it is not face always
this is just an example
the image can be anything
@VakulSaini, i m also not talking about face it could be anything
@VakulSaini but how to use these image in uitableview ??
this is the R&D part ... u need to googled on it how to make alpha zero in image @VakulSaini
remaining solution as per our conversation
@DimplePanchal Hello
@iHungry - thanks bro :-)
@StoryBoard - which image you are talking about ?
posted on June 04, 2012 by marie

More than one year ago Apple began notifying MobileMe users that the service would cease to exist as of June 30th 2012, well now that date is less than 30 days away! Many MobileMe users are confirming that they have received e-mails this past week reminding them that the deadline is in the near future, and [...]

@VakulSaini do you want to blend two images?
@Leena - Yes
we cant integrate drop box any more folks, Apple is banning the apps integrated with drop box
@VakulSaini, drop ur question in stackoverflow in detail ...may be u will get appropriate answer
Q: blend two uiimages

saranI'm trying to blend a background with a foreground image, where the foreground image is a transparent image with lines on it. I am trying to do it this way. UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSizeMake(320, 480)); CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); // create rect that fills scr...

@VakulSaini which image ??
@VakulSaini, yes use @Leena solution
@Rani ?
@Aelish hi
@all how to play video in loop??
@sreecharan one of our guys left to work in microsoft last month...He passed row of exams, it was multi level exam. First stage is bit easier. Then they ask him algorithms like sorting and searching and so on...Like they are asking question if you answer next question is harder and they ask until you cannot answer or it would take a long while to write the program for it...So by this they are checking your level of knowledge.
@StoryBoard- you was saying @VakulSaini but how to use these image in uitableview ??
so what is this ?
@Garnik cool
@sreecharan then they called him and he passed another exam by phone...The questions are most likely about algorithms and how to improve them...
@Leena, how was ur day?
@iHungry it was ok
also you maybe asked to solve a problem...It is better to answer the first thing came on mind then you can say that you can give better solution if you think a little bit...
@sreecharan did they give you some references to prepare yourself?
I think in Apple should be something similar as in Microsoft...
@iDroidDeveloper sorry got busy with some urgent work..
@sreecharan sorry for limited info
Hey no problem, i have a friend who is attending the interview now
i will ask him
:) ohh that's good)))wish u good luck...Hope you will be admitted....
@sreecharan who ? Michael Dauterman ?
@Leena and @iHungry - Thanks a lot. it have been worked
now the image mix with whole image
thanks again
its ok @VakulSaini
@Leena - nahi thanks to banta hi hai :-)
@Leena hi
a quick question, i have a complicated array(which carries arrays of dictionaries) but maximum data amount i get from server side is less than 1 mb, my app is web service.. shall i use core data or plist(maybe nscoding)
hi @Coder
@Leena have u integrated google plus in app?
@Coder nope
@Leena oh ok ..
@Leena - hello, one more question plz
help me
yes ask
@Leena - i also giving some effects to image
after blending
what kind of effects?
like hue, darken,
overlay etc
and i did it
but it is not perfect
@VakulSaini for more image editing features refer this documentation developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/graphicsimaging/…
i think i made a littite mistake here
@Leena - CIColorBlendMode
but there is no enough description
abt it
@VakulSaini that is available for Mac not for IOS
you can add HUE and brightness to a image using core image filter
i saw core image for IOS
but same
which problem?
well i can do some
here is my code
-(UIImage *)imageAfterEffect:(UIImage *)imageBeforeEffect
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
UIColor *color = [UIColor clearColor];
[color setFill];

CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 1, imageBeforeEffect.size.height);
CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0);
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeDarken);
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, imageBeforeEffect.size.width, imageBeforeEffect.size.height);
CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, imageBeforeEffect.CGImage);
in 9th line CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeDarken);
here is my blend mode
which is draken in this case
UIColor *color = [UIColor clearColor];
[color setFill];
in these two lines
these was orangeColor instead of clearColor
but i dont want to use any color here
i have never worked with blend effect
and if i do it without any color it does't blend
its ok
thanks for helping me
@iProgrammer Hellew.... Good Evening
@all how can i get a list of already purchased products with inApp Purchase?
@brush51 hi
@sreecharan hi
@iPhoneDeveloper hi
@Laddu hi
@aksani56 do you know how to refresh tableview without changing view?
@TDS What exactly u want to do?
reloadData is there to reload all rows
but for individual row u have to access the cellForRowAtIndexPath property
@aksani56 I want to update table view after change of 300 meters, I can find distance and reloading data by reload data but I want to refresh tableview.
what is ur req let me knw dear
@aksani56 you want more clarity?
Hi All
CAn ani body help me out with cocos2d
@NiKKi hi
Hi @StoryBoard
i just created a project using cocos2d box 2d template
and i have a error
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/De‌​veloper/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1
what does that mean?
@aksani56 what happened? where have you been gone?
Can ani one help me out with my code?
@Nirav hi
@TDS sry yar call, reloadData is the only thing that u ought to use, coz u also dont know as to which particular row u want to reload data
@aksani56 I am using reloadData in viewWillAppear but table view is not getting update, urls are being called.
@JohnWhite hi
@brush51 hi
hi! how i specify icon for my ipad (file name icon-72.png ?) for an iphone app
@mauriyouth iOS icon files
do i need to set sth in plistfile
@mauriyouth Read that link completely. Read the section Add Icon files in Info.plist
It tells how to specify icon files in your info.plist file.
@TDS please be sure that viewwillappear .....is called certainly (using break point) oks
@Laddu thns a lot
@Laddu @Leena i have an problem :Problem is that i am working on an voice recorder app and after doing the recording ,I get this recording file on the mac pc through the itunes synching the file format is .m4a but the file is not play on itunes while its size and everything is fine But this file is play with recording app without any problem .Plz help me if you hav any idea about that
@HimanshuAgnihotri Sorry Dunno...
@Laddu np thankx for a try
@Laddu how are you?
2 hours later…
Good Night :)
Hi all! Can you take a look at this please? It's turning me mad. stackoverflow.com/questions/10883354/…
@Pheel what does the crash report says?
@Bala do u know how to hide the button of another view controller?
@sreecharan do u know the answer to my above question?
@bugfinder hide the button of another view controller? what do you mean by this ?
@sreecharan Originally it said *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[myViewController ViewWithPickerController: didSelectValue]:
[vc.mainbutton1 setHidden:YES];
@bala that i tries
but not getting the result
are you presenting it modally
What i've understood is that "value" should be the row of the array, and the row should be assigned to the "subject" textfield like "subject.text = [arraySubject objectAtIndex:row];". The point is that i don't know how to declare the row in the method "- (void) viewWithPickerController:(ViewWithPickerController*) viewWithPickerController didSelectValue:(NSString*) value".
A: How can I hide a button in a different view controller?

Tendulkartake a BOOL variable in ViewController controller and make the property and synthesize also. and do this. ViewController *vc = [[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewController" bundle:nil]; vc.check = YES; in the view controller viewdidload write this if(self.check) [mainbutto...

self .view add subview
@bugfinder self .view add subview?
@Pheel the (NSString*) value itself is your row
@Laddu aaeen
@sreecharan so it should be something like - (void) viewWithPickerController:(ViewWithPickerController*) viewWithPickerController didSelectValue:(NSString*) value
subject.text = [arraySubject objectAtIndex:value];
} ?
@sreecharan aaeen
@Pheel what is the need of objectAtIndex:
the point is that i have another picker where i gather data from. i should be using that to store the selected row into the subject textField (which clearly, in the controller with the picker alone is absent)
@sreecharan i need it to store the value selected into the textField
since i do the same way with the pickerView of the iPhone part
@Pheel or do you have this method - (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component


mlabel.text= [arrayNo objectAtIndex:row];

i'm working on the iPad pickerView part
@sreecharan yeah i have it and the pickerView of the iPhone part uses it and it works well
@Pheel then use the same for iPad also
in other words, i created another viewController which will be presented inside a popOverView in the iPad
@sreecharan but the iPad viewController doesn't have any textFields, it's like a stand-alone pickerView
i need to gather data from there and put them into my main textField
a little bit tricky
@Pheel what is the need to using seperate pop over? is it the client requirement?
@sreecharan I need it to show the pickerView on the iPad
@Pheel ok, cant you show the picker directly instead of keeping it in a popover ?
and how? it would be awesome
keep in mind that the iPhone pickerView is shown in a actionSheet
@Laddu i have written a CoreData helper class for my project but i don't know whether will it work till the project complete ! So if have interest please take a look at those coredatahelper files and say me if you find any special cases that may fail that and if you have any better idea too
@Pheel check this code
@sreecharan that's exactly what i'm using!
I'm stuck at the part: - (void) viewWithPickerController:(ViewWithPickerController*) viewWithPickerController didSelectValue:(NSString*) value
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Selection"
message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"You selected %@!", value]

[alert show];
[alert release];
he shows an alert, but i need to store the value into a textField
@Pheel ok, what is your arraySubject ? is that the array which you are adding the values?
or you need to add the value only to the text field
@sreecharan yes, it is the array where the picker takes the values from and shows it
the value selected should be added into the textField
@Pheel then its very simple subject.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",value];
- (void) viewWithPickerController:(ViewWithPickerController*) viewWithPickerController didSelectValue:(NSString*) value
{ subject.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",value];

Damn, seems to do nothing :\
@Pheel hmm, debug it and check whether it is connecting to this method or not
and check what are you getting in that string "value"
@sreecharan take a look at this: https://github.com/anka/bw_examples/blob/master/PopoverView/Classes/ViewWithPickerController.m
I added the viewDidLoad method and i filled the array into that view
i try
@0x8badf00d if you can help me , please see my above post !
@sreecharan the console seems selecting the right row!
but it doesn't appear in the textField
log that string and check it and be clear that there is no problem with this method, then we will go to textfield
Or Anyone ??
@Bala this one ?
@sreecharan uploading pic..
@0x8badf00d Sure :)
@Pheel i dont need pic, i told you to log that string and check it and be clear that there is no problem with this method, then we will go to textfield
@sreecharan just wanted to show you what i get in console!
@0x8badf00d you there ?
@Pheel ok, so there is no problem with this method according to the console, right?
@sreecharan definitely not. the only thing is that the textField seems not taking the value
then show me the code where you are setting this string to textfield
@sreecharan here it is

- (void) viewWithPickerController:(ViewWithPickerController*) viewWithPickerController didSelectValue:(NSString*) value
{ NSLog(@"selected value is: %@",value);
subject.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",value];
@Pheel again the same method? ok, now i got your problem, your string is not pushing from your pop over to your view
@sreecharan yeah that was the method i was working on!
but yes, you got it
@Bala Yeah, looking at it. Can you post it as gist instead
@Pheel ok do it, do you still need my help ?
@sreecharan if you could help me escaping that problem and let the textField push the label from the picker it'd be great!
@Pheel then you should have to show me your code :)
@sreecharan which one do you want me to show you?
The one i have in ViewWithPickerController?
@Pheel show me the code of your view , not the pop over, your pop over is working perfectly
@sreecharan ok, i start telling you that the view is a "contact form" made of 3 textFields , a submit button and the picker. Should i show you the declaration of the textFields?
@Pheel no, only .m file, no need .h
@sreecharan ok, what portion of the code do you want me exactly to show you?
@Pheel the textfield in which you need to get that string from pop over
@sreecharan pastebin.com/RzWGGFBR basically it's everything here and in the method previously wrote
@Pheel The standard way to do this is to call a delegate method when the popover closes with a selected value. The method will have been created on the view controller that calls the popover and handles setting the value.
i forgot to say that the subject textField is disabled to avoid user interaction
@Pheel In your view controller:

- (void) popoverDone:(id)sender {
label.text = [sender someValue];
[sender dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
@sreecharan oh i got it. but when i select a row from the picker inside the popOver it closes correctly
And in the popover:

[delegate popoverDone:value];
i mean, i should only try to let the textField receive that value
@Pheel yep, declare the method which i have given and call it using delegating process
@sreecharan pastebin.com/8mHaDTP5 this is how the popOver is shown
and send the value
should i put it there?
so, let me understand better. in the showPopOver i should write [delegate popoverDone:value]; ?
i see you typing quite a lot, @sreecharan
I assume your hand is well now?
Uhm seems like the subject textField is null
does anyone know if there is an ibaction callback?
that I can execute everytime an ibaction button is clicked?
@Pheel if you cant understand it, it means that you dont know delegation
to make things look cleaner
@Byte Yes, i can type, my hand is very good now.
when you click an ibaction, is there a way to identify the current button as "self"?
or self stgill refers to the viewcontroller?
@sreecharan congratz
@Pheel Problem solved?
anyone knows if there is a way to prevent tableView section header from being pushed outside the table when scrolling to another header?
@JohnMerlino do you know the concept of sender, the sender does the work which you want, it will recognize the button selected
@sreecharan yeah I just noticed that thanks
Q: Changing image on UIButton when user presses that button on an iPhone

jaynaiPhoneI want to change the image on UIButton, when User presses that button. So, I have write btnthumbnail2 setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"leaderboard_ov.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; and after that I change the view. The image is changing but not display the changed image.I think the contr...

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