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@Reefaq @Sunny @SmartWork hii , I want to integrate Google Docs, Amazon Drive and iCloud Drive in my iPhone App !! How to integrate it ???
@Michael I found it, check this method
wow... that documentation looks so much like Apple's
only better
Yeah! always Apple doc's are best
@aksani56 bolo
@DimplePanchal hi
@MichaelDautermann you are going to sleep today also, huh?
I'm thinking about it....
Think about yourself, you are a human being
I couldn't sleep earlier because I was not feeling super happy.
I am back.
Oh! you came back :(
but I've been coding the last bunch of hours and am almost at the point of being able to fall asleep completely knackered.
yeah, where did you go?
it was hard to hold down the fort without you.
I was in 2040 from 29th til just few mins ago
@MichaelDautermann @Laddu Plax help me for this issue..... stackoverflow.com/questions/10846182/…
@MichaelDautermann @Laddu if want to see my code than its loded here... pastebin.com/BNU225My
@Sunny hie
@DimplePanchal plz check it
@DimplePanchal my code is loaded here pastebin.com/BNU225My
@Sunny k
@DimplePanchal when i load modalviewcontroller it loads fine..... once i dissmiss it .. and load it again it gives an error and it will occur once presentmodalviewcontroller animated...
@Laddu how was the trip?
@Sunny can u tell me where it actually crashes?
@sreecharan Not good. Very tiring and hectic. I don't think i would travel in trains ever again.
@Laddu hie
@DimplePanchal Hello :-)
@Laddu U changed some name ?? Tell me ur previous name here :P
@DimplePanchal once when its present
I think her name used to be Prem ?
@Laddu is it?
@DimplePanchal Nope. My current nickname has been the same for past more than a month.
@Laddu But i came here after long time
@DimplePanchal it goes to main thread its pause loading
Prem was @iphonedeveloper's previous nickname and he got away from that because he was busted flirting with some 13 year old girl in this room.
May 11 at 10:34, by Reno
@Prem you better not go around creeping on 13 year old girls. Yesterday one account was suspended.
@Sunny can u please post some snapshot here when it pause loading.. Trace down the method in it
there are 13 year old girls in this room?
@DimplePanchal i dont have privilege to share imahe here ...
If her profile is to be believed...
@Sunny oops
@DimplePanchal its goes to main file
cn u see any method that is causing crash in breakpoints
@Sunny add exception breakpoint
@DimplePanchal #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
return retVal;
haaaaaaaaaa... ewwwwww
That was this 13 year old girl Prem was flirting with.
@DimplePanchal here it stops on retVal = line
@Sunny add exception breakpoint.. It will stop to actial cause
@Laddu stop those history now
@DimplePanchal hmm how...
@DimplePanchal Uh?
@Laddu hi
@Michael I am ashamed of watching that girl, at the age of 13 she is making many ios apps
why be ashamed? this is the future....
your competition and mine.
and this guy
he is 19 and he has made about 200 articles on iOS in his blog
And unfortunately we start here so late. I first got my hands seriously on computers when i was 18 years old.
that's great... I wish I had time to do articles for a blog.
but I have work to do. And a bit of a "real life" outside and away from work.
And that was because i failed in C language. Had i passed, it would have been after 2-3 years.
and now looky, you're a super expert.
But still comparable to those 18 year old kids.
So 4 years behind.
And this guy is abizern's friend, and Abizern told that he is working on iOS since 4 years, when he was 15 and may be started programming when he was 12
@sreecharan Thats also because of their education standard. They get taught programming languages in 8th class and we get that in Bachelors of engineering.
@Laddu yeah! we need to consider that also
It's not our fault actually. Considering time and progress, it would be same.
@Sunny are you there?
@DimplePanchal checking it...
@DimplePanchal i apply it on my appdelegate
@Sunny okay. .add exception handler in main.m
@DimplePanchal ok
@DimplePanchal hi
@Sunny are you getting that?
@Sunny ya
@DimplePanchal nops copy tht method into main....
@Laddu cool
@Sunny yeah
@DimplePanchal ok
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    int retVal;
    @try {
        retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
    @catch (NSException *exception) {
        NSLog(@"CRASH: %@", exception);
        NSLog(@"Stack Trace: %@", [exception callStackSymbols]);
    @finally {
        [pool release];
    return retVal;

@DimplePanchal @Sunny :)
add this
@RKK hie
:) ;)
@DimplePanchal ok
@All Good afternoon
@JohnWhite vGA
@JohnWhite say here
@DimplePanchal ??
@JohnWhite u invited me thats y say here what ever it is
@DimplePanchal it was by mistake .....
@JohnWhite hehehe.. Good..
@DimplePanchal Where are u from?
@JohnWhite SO
@DimplePanchal So so nothing... :) ...just asking yar
Stack Overflow : SO
@DimplePanchal hi
@Sunny yes
@DimplePanchal i add this ino main and it will goes to into try loop.... and stucks
@DimplePanchal int retVal;


retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
@catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(@"CRASH: %@", exception);
NSLog(@"Stack Trace: %@", [exception callStackSymbols]);
//[pool release];

return retVal;
@DimplePanchal i use ARC so cant release pool here so i commented
Hello @all
Hi @MichaelDautermann
funny how I get picked by the bad man
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {
         int retVal = -1;
          @try {
              retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
        @catch (NSException* exception) {
            NSLog(@"Uncaught exception: %@", exception.description);
            NSLog(@"Stack trace: %@", [exception callStackSymbols]);
         return retVal;


@Sunny use this
@MichaelDautermann pls help regarding UIActivityIndicator
this is my question link
Q: UIActivityIndicator on UITableViewCell is not working?

Bad ManI have a problem regarding UIActivity Indicator , I m implementing Activity indicator on UITableView Cell but it is not working. My code is as follows, if can solve it please tell me the mistake I m doing in it. - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath ...

@DimplePanchal NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class] here replace appdelegate with my appdelegate name
you want activity indicators in each table view cell?
no just in one row whose index I have defined
just like in app store in iphone
"twenty five more ..."
hmmmmmm. I haven't downloaded 25 things at a time in the app store.
but that would be really cool!
yeah @Sunny
@MichaelDautermann everything is working fine but activity indicator is not showing ...
I have uploaded my question just now
@All Hi
Q: How to detect alphabets drawn Using GLPain by user...IPhone

Arvindwhen the user draws over the stencil of alphabets using GLpaint how to detect the character is drawn completely.. what is the way to do doing this... here is the link for the app doing this...pls check this out and help me soon... http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/toddlers-alphabets-numbers/id408187...

does it appear or just not animate ?
can anyone help in this
@DimplePanchal i import myAppdelegate and i use this retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([loginAppDelegate class])); but still it stucks in try loop and crash
Q: How to detect alphabets drawn Using GLPain by user...IPhone

Arvindwhen the user draws over the stencil of alphabets using GLpaint how to detect the character is drawn completely.. what is the way to do doing this... here is the link for the app doing this...pls check this out and help me soon... http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/toddlers-alphabets-numbers/id408187...

@BadMan Did you try setting it's hidesWhenStopped property to NO?
May be it's startAnimating is never getting called and due to the hidesWhenStopped default value of YES, it's never showing up.
@DimplePanchal still not getting
I have tried it now and it is not working , you can see my conditions on question I have just uploaded
A: UIActivityIndicator on UITableViewCell is not working?

Omar AbdelhafithI dont know if this is the problem, but i dont see any [indicator startAnimating]; Please try to include the line and tell me what happens

@Sunny can you post ur code in pastebin now?
@all any just look at my post and ans whether it can be done or not
@Laddu aaeen!!
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@Laddu How was your vacation?
@DimplePanchal only tht .m file na
@DimplePanchal pastebin.com/BNU225My i already do it
@Sunny main.m
@MichaelDautermann I have already tried that [indicator startanimating] and now I m running it in thread [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(startAnimating) toTarget:indicator withObject:nil];
@DimplePanchal ok
@VidyaMurthy Not good.
@DimplePanchal #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "loginAppDelegate.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int retVal = -1;

retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([loginAppDelegate class]));
@catch (NSException *exception)
NSLog(@"Uncaught exception: %@", exception.description);
NSLog(@"Stack trace: %@", [exception callStackSymbols]);
return retVal;

@BadMan I have to crash out into bed for a bit but let me think about this... if your problem isn't solved in a few hours I'll come back and see if I can come up with a solution for yew.
@Laddu hmmm. I have a weird crash issue in my app.. Are you free for 2 min?
@Sunny when it crashes what is the log?
@VidyaMurthy Yes say
@BadMan @MichaelDautermann @DimplePanchal @Laddu @Leena how to integrate "iCloud" in my iPhone App ???
@Michael Go to bed
@DimplePanchal it directly jump to the try loop... i try to add exception before line ..retval = .... it not printing anything and it excute tht ret= line
@Sunny OK
@Tauseef i have never worked on iCloud
@Sunny now add exception breakpoint
@furqi how to integrate "iCloud" in my iPhone App ???
@Laddu After pushing many view controllers on the stack, I call popToRootViewController. In this root view, the app crashes after view will appear is called..
@Tauseef Have a look at your third iOS App
@Leena okay, Have you worked with any other "Cloud drive" ? like Dropbox Drive, Google Drive, MS Skydrive etc... ?
@VidyaMurthy Crash log?
@sreecharan ok
nope @Tauseef
@Laddu no crash logs
@DimplePanchal ok
@Leena Okay thanks :)
@DimplePanchal i add it
@Laddu It just points to this line int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); in main.m with EXC_BAD_ACCESS
@VidyaMurthy Did you try bt in console?
@BadMan show startAnimating method. and tell me you go in that method or not ?
@Laddu yupp.. got this:
* thread #1: tid = 0x2003, 0x01f8909b libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend + 15, stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xf0000008)
frame #0: 0x01f8909b libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend + 15
frame #1: 0x018ca405 CoreFoundation`CFRelease + 117
frame #2: 0x00274fd0 QuartzCore`CA::release_objects(X::List<void const*>*) + 27
frame #3: 0x00275025 QuartzCore`CA::Transaction::unlock() + 55
frame #4: 0x002ef55a QuartzCore`CA::Layer::~Layer() + 178
frame #5: 0x002e9e6e QuartzCore`-[CALayer dealloc] + 62
frame #6: 0x002e29fa QuartzCore`-[CALayer _dealloc] + 33
@VidyaMurthy You're allocating SomeViewController right there. It does not exist in the navigation controller's stack, so no matter how far you pop, you won't reach it. giving you memory issue
but it is header file and I cannot see that method @Hector
in the framework UIKit
@sreecharan I didnt understand.. I'm not allocating any view controller..
In view will appear I'm just setting the tint color of the navigation bar.
@BadMan i can't get
@VidyaMurthy Something is getting over released or you are accessing deallocated object. bt doesn't work as it used to be. I never tried zombie. You please do.
@Hector As u use [indicator startAnimating] same I m using it in thread
@DimplePanchal hi
startAnimating method I cant see
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(startAnimating) toTarget:indicator withObject:nil];
replace to [indicator startAnimating]; and tell me that's work or not
@Laddu I think she is trying to access the view controller which is not in the stack
@Sunny sorry was away
it is working but the problem I gets that , stop animating when loading completes thats why I m running it in thread . If I use [self performselector on main thread ]
@Sunny now getting something??
then it is working fine
but I cant pass multiple arguement in it
@DimplePanchal no it no excute tht break point also
@DimplePanchal nops
@Laddu Okie..
@sreecharan The root view is displayed for a second before it crashes..
I suspect something from the popping controllers is getting accessed that's already deallocated.
Yeah! thats what i am telling
@VidyaMurthy try Zombie
@Laddu Hmm weird..
@sreecharan Okie will do..
do you know how to do it (or) can i tell you ??
@M007 I think it is not possible but I am not sure , i haven't tried it
@sreecharan ok
@Hi all of you plz help me , I have a uiview with three textfileds and one switchbutton. I would like to have such functionality that when user enter values in textfield1 then textfield2 and as soon as textfiled3 get some input my switchbutton should be enable that I did disable in viewdidload thanks
@Hector @Laddu @Laddu getting bored
@DimplePanchal Me too.
@Laddu Hmm
hi @Laddu
@sreecharan Hi
@PandeyLaxman Make use of UITextField class delegate method textfieldDidEndEditing: and see if user has entered values in all the 3 text field's. If yes, then enable the button.
@Leena Hello Leena Ji
kaisi ho @Laddu
@Laddu thx
@Leena Tired a little. I reached home from Jabalpur around an hour ago.
kaisa tha jabalpur
@DimplePanchal me too.....
@Leena 45 degree Celsius. Scorching heat.
@sreecharan its showing a zombie for CALayer..
@DimplePanchal how to get the json parse values using model classes like (NSObject)?
@MedetiNaveenKumar use json parser
@Hector hmmm
@DimplePanchal hmmm :P
@Laddu I do the same, first Include UITextFieldDelegate in interface then - (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
if ([txtSIP.text length]>0 && [txtUsername.text length]>0 && [txtPassword.text length]>0) {


@Hector Hmmm Hmmm ;P
@PandeyLaxman Have you set the delegate of those 3 text field's?
@DimplePanchal abb ye inducer motor noise lag raha he :P
@Laddu No I just declare it in interface file, I am doing it
@DimplePanchal Hmmm Hmmm
@Hector Bhmmm Bhmmm
@Laddu Thanks a lot boss:) it works,
@PandeyLaxman Welcome
@DimplePanchal please give the solution for this link stackoverflow.com/questions/10780577/…
@MedetiNaveenKumar bouncer today
I am bored.
@Laddu m also
@DimplePanchal You are at home or office?
@Laddu @DimplePanchal read this : jokesduniya.com/category/short-funny-jokes :P
@Laddu padha ?
@Hector yes i read first page.
@Hector @DimplePanchal There is a similar joke. A friend of Sardar tells him - Arey yaar, petrol ka daam to 100 rupees ho gaya hai, ab kaise kaam chalega, mujhse to nahi hota ab. Sardar says - mujhe to kuch nahi farak padta, mai pehle bhi 100 ka bharata tha, ab bhi 100 ka bharata hu.
@Laddu LOL ye kis page per he
@Hector waha hai ya nahi pata nahi, i heard this from my friend.
@Laddu :)
@DimplePanchal padh rahi ho ya chali gayi ?
@Hector just read that
I'll go and take rest. See you all later. Happy Weekend. Bye.
@Laddu Bye
@Laddu Bye
@hecto How to run MAC App in XCode 4 ???
@Tauseef nothing ....as well we run iphone app
@Hector Okayz .. N.P
Don't spam the room; if people can help you they will.
@Tauseef run as in ios
@DimplePanchal Hello
@Hector How u do that ???
@DimplePanchal leee tuje nahi pata ?
@Hector nai pata :'(
@Hector Hello
@DimplePanchal hmmm

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