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@sreecharan because i have to relate both urls.
there is corrospondance between them
correspondence? are they writing letters to each other?
where are you setting it? [dictionary setObject: ForKey:]; ??
and this is good question michael
@sreecharan dictionary=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:100];

        for (int i=0; i<[imagesArray count]; i++) {

            [dictionary setObject:[podcastArray objectAtIndex:i] forKey:[imagesArray objectAtIndex:i]];

@MichaelDautermann hahah
@mann can you pastebin your total code with out white spaces, instead of these crashed paper bits
@sreecharan image array suppies url to images
@sreecharan yah i can but later. Now im in office. So after going home. Thanks for your time anyways.
wow.... you got Sree all wound up and ready to invest time into helping you out, and now you are abandoning your office.
@MichaelDautermann :) you just time pass here or also do something? :) no offense!!!
once in a while I do something, but yeah, mostly I come here for the LULZ.
@MichaelDautermann hahah. gud
dont comment on michael, he is just a bit crazy, thats it
@sreecharan yah i can notice that :)
@MichaelDautermann was this for me?
was what for you? Did I give you some chocolate or a gift?
@ilis no, thats for mann
@MichaelDautermann "wow.... you got Sree all wound up and ready to invest time into helping you out, and now you are abandoning your office." this
@ilis lol thats a global one, not particular
Sree helps everyone. He's like "Laddu, the Next Generation".
the last time i wrote i here i had said to @sreecharan to come to istanbul for a nice tusrkish coffee
in a short time i will be one of them:)
what will you be? A Turkish coffee?
Helping everyone, the next generation
@ilis you know michael is much more smarter than me at coding, you cant even understand 10 lines of code from him, he only can understand his code
haaaaaaaa... what a nice backhanded compliment. I think I will use that on my co-workers.
back handed compliment? no, i am praising you
can someone can help me with core data
no, i cant
i have problem with one to many relationship
@user301212 what kind of help? what is the issue?
i can't success to do the relationship can you know about simple source code
that i can learn from it
ok guys, going to star bucks, brb
i have tableview with cell that "name"-string and when i push i need to add textfields "messages"-strings
and every string relationship to many strings
[ On Ray's site](raywenderlich.com/934/…) it is explained very clear. Also i suggest you to read all tree sections about core data
just a minute, i had read a book about that, it exactly does what you need @user301212
i try this tutorial but without success
can you build for me sample code i will pay you
@user301212 no payment isnt the matter but now i dont have time, is it possible if i do that sample tomorrow?
by the way, if you can find this book, core data section explains something like that, but not such in advance about relationships
@user301212 i'm mostly online here, keep in contact we shall solve your issue
but now i have some work
@ilis hmm, Making money, Making samples for people. Good going indeed.
ok i check it and please build me this code
ABAddressBookRemoveRecord( addressBook, person, &error );
crashes when called for second time
any one help me pls
@sreecharan i didnt accept the money
@user301212 you just write me exactly what you need
ok thanks
can i write you private message?
@sreecharan if you want i can send money 2 u too but how can i make create samples for me in the name of help but do the same to others to make money?.. i'm not sach immoral
such not sach:) @sreecharan
any one help me please
@user301212 if you noted the id i shall delete that line
@ilis ok, let me enjoy my coffee now
@sreecharan i didnt ask for money too. what i mean is that, if in this community someones help others and dont ask money, no one should talk about money here
@sreecharan enjoy your coffee:) come 2 istanbul i promise to give you the best coffee:)
can any one look into my core and help me pls
@ilis better u can ans my question than fighting
@sreecharan for u also
@Arvind i'm not fighting and i was reading your code
@ills thanx dude
@Arvind we are not fighting, this is just a sign of affection between me and @ilis
@sreecharan oh great
@Arvind your code is too long. what is the issue ?
@Arvind ok, any way your code is working correctly, it should crash
@ilis simple ABAddressBookRemoveRecord( addressBook, person, &error ); crashes when it is called for second time
affection? :) @sreecharan
@Arvind so you are handling it in removeContactFromAB method, right?
@sreecharan y it should crash
@sreecharan yep
i sent you email
@user301212 me?
it works perfectly as i need for the 1st time but crashes @ 2nd call
because you are trying to delete the same contact 2 times
after inserting contact into addressbook only m deleting it
@ilis :)
yes, but why are you deleting it 2 times
and it is crashing when you are trying to delete the already deleted contact
since i have update contact from the webservice...some contact may be removed in webservice or updated...so i have to do tat twice or more
@user301212 this sample didnt work, if you need to add text field and use the content with core data, receipes sample of apple is great.
@user301212 i shall share the link and i will also look at it 4 you
@user301212 here you are:)
2012-05-29 21:19:02.473 Customer Contact[3325:17303] recordID: 4997
warning: Could not compile statement PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 1;: unable to open database file
warning: Could not compile statement PRAGMA cache_size = 250;: unable to open database file
warning: Could not compile statement PRAGMA journal_mode = wal;: unable to open database file
error 14 creating properties table: unable to open database file
warning: Could not compile statement SELECT COUNT(ROWID) FROM ABFullSizeImage WHERE record_id = ?;: unable to open database file
above is the crash log i got
i check it also
@Arvind Are you watching everyline of the crash, it is displaying "unable to open database", can you first fix this issue
the sample work i customize it
it is not able to open your database itself
@user301212 check a little more too:) and you can take a look at CS193p Video LEctures, core data sections too
@Arvind this may happen when your query is wrong
i will do that for you but really i'm busy today
ok please check it and send me email
@user301212 and on thurssday i have an examination on school
@sreecharan s m watching it...
@sreecharan m not using any DB its ABAddressBook DB error
dont know how to fix tat
good luck
@Arvind ok, let me check it, hold on
I assume you are declaring addressBook in the following manner

ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
@sreecharan yes
first m calling [self matchtoRemoveContacts]; then [self addToContacts];
@Arvind can you be more accurate for me, can you find in which particular line of code it is crashing ?
@sreecharan how can i fix a view to only portrait mode? in my case i have a tabbarcontrolelr and i want to fix one of the view to only portrait. thats no problem, i am getting the objectAtIndex of self.viewControllers and return NO for rotation. but problem now is: when the app is in landscape and i choose the viewcontroller where should only portrait mode, it starts in landscape. i want to prevent this. so how, can you tell me please?
@sreecharan its crashing only when i try to call removeaddressbookrecord for second time
@brush51 wont you think your question have a bit confusion, i am fully confused really. I can get only lanscape, portrait :)
@Arvind I know , find the line where it is crashing in that remove method
@sreecharan let me tell you short way. app is in landscape. i choose a viewcontroller. THIS choosen viewcontroller should be in portrait mode, doesnt matter if app is in landscape or not.
ABAddressBookRemoveRecord( addressBook, person, &error );
@Arvind can you log person after this line of code --> ABRecordRef person = ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID(addressBook,recordID);
just i am curious whether you are getting any object from the Addressbook DB or not
@brush51 ok, and ?
@sreecharan how can i do that? when i start this view in landscape it is still in landscape.
use this
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
Can anyone help me? I have about 2000 annotations and showing all on map is too slow.. how can I limit annotation view on map? Is "annotationsInMapRect" may be useful?
@sreecharan nope, doenst work. still starts in landscape, when app is in landscape mode.
@Blade this return UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait(interfaceOrientation);
Someone here acquainted with iAds?
@sreecharan there should be something different. maybe the tabbarcontrollers autorotation allows that in landscape and i have to prevent it there.
@brush51 try with -setStatusBarOrientation:animated: method from UIApplication
@sreecharan 2012-05-29 21:54:24.325 Customer Contact[3602:17303] recordID: 5505
2012-05-29 21:54:24.325 Customer Contact[3602:17303] Person (null)
@sreecharan m getting null at one person
@Arvind when person is null, how can it do the delete operation?
@sreecharan u r rite
any way i dont know a null is inserted
since am only inserting contacts
now you need to track the inserted objects also
@sreecharan :,(
@Arvind check it, i have told you in the beginning it self
41 mins ago, by sree charan
and it is crashing when you are trying to delete the already deleted contact
@sreecharan thanx a lot...
but could find it till now...
@Arvind No problem, you are welcome
@sreecharan r u thr
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/Arvind/Arvind/Phase II/Customer Contact/Customer Contact/Customer Contact-Prefix.pch'
clang: error: no input files
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
bye @all, thank you @sreecharan see u tomorrow
anyone know how to monitor outbound internet traffic on an iphone when debuggin
@sreecharan Cant believe Ive spent the entire day trying to fix a bug, and it turns out I wasnt injecting a dependency that my viewcontroller needed
Nobody offers me money for code in here :(
No money for me too
i ll give you 2 cents
please pay for shipping, about $10
No need, keep it with you
ok i ll keep the 2 cents where are my $9.98 you owe me?
how do I get the excess pixel out? (picture on its way)
basically, what you are seeing is a uibutton
custom one
with layer border radius of 5
everything goes well, untill a picture is placed into the button
Hi everyone
by using setImage
You can see that 1~3 pixels outside of rounded corner. Is there a way to not have it there?
Do people here know about Paul Hegarty? :)
@ilis Hello
i was reading about this mallware
just started
hi @sreecharan
@luyuan Hello
@ilis Good Article
I set an animation to display and hide my search bar, but there is lag at first run. How to fix it?
@luyuan i cant solve this with out code
   // CATransition *applicationLoadViewIn = [CATransition animation];
    [applicationLoadViewIn setDuration:0.2];
    [applicationLoadViewIn setType:kCATransitionPush];
    [applicationLoadViewIn setSubtype:kCATransitionFromBottom];
    [applicationLoadViewIn setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn]];
    [[searchBar layer] addAnimation:applicationLoadViewIn forKey:kCATransitionPush];
un comment the first line
@luyuan why are you using CATranstion for a small animation? cant you use a basic UIView animation ?
ok, let me try the second approach
@luyuan how do you want to animate your search bar?
just a sliding push ?
ok, check this
just you have to use this block [UIView animateWithDuration:secs delay:0.0 options:option
self.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(self.transform, M_PI);
in this one they have rotated it, you need to translate it
@sreecharan cool, thx :P
@sreecharan how about this stackoverflow.com/questions/630265/…?
@sreecharan hi
@sreecharan I'm disappointed :(
@Abizern Why ?
@andyPaul Hello
13 mins ago, by sree charan
lol, because of Wenderlich
@sreecharan apple developer license is for a year? And after that can I run application on my device?
@sreecharan Passing out links to his tutorials for animation. Yes.
@andyPaul Nope.
@andyPaul you can run it, but it wont run
@sreecharan very sad
@sreecharan That's not really running it, though.
@Abizern lol, I am worst fan of wenderlich
@andyPaul That's the way it works, I'm afraid.
@luyuan that is also good one
@sreecharan atleast apple should have allowed development and avoided distributon
@andyPaul That's what the Simulator is for.
@Abizern hmm
@andyPaul lol, then every one can develop for ever
@Abizern but there are many things that wont run on simulator
@andyPaul Such as?
playing video ?
@sreecharan voice recognition and other sensors
@andyPaul oh! ok, then renew it
@Abizern ok mate, i am tired, going to bed, bye, catch you tomorrow
@sreecharan I have not yet purchased it
@sreecharan But why do you need those on a simulator? What's the point of writing an app for a phone if you're not serious about it?
@Abizern thats why i always like the people who runs there code on device
ok, get to go, bye
@sreecharan its okie to pay 99 $ once, but every year.......
@andyPaul Why not? Otherwise you would just get it once and then not renew it.
@sreecharan But there is not slide push animation, and lag still be there.
I have four views. But each view has two buttons that operate the same way for all of the views. So I am thinking rather than adding the same button for each of uiviews, i create another uiview with transparent background that overlays all of the other views.
I am planning to set up a business in which I will upload an app for every of my clients (pubs and/or clubs) to Google Play & Apple Store.

Every app will be uploaded independently, with its own name, SKU...etc ( usual ), and different info will be fetched from the server ( every club or pub has its own events, drinks, prices.

Is there a limitation to the number of apps I can upload?

I fear that either Apple or Google would reject my apps for being so similar or look alike. I do not want to have an app and serves as a pub&club information platform, I want to provide my clients with its ow
Hi guys
@Roberto If you think you can comply with 2.11 and 2.12 you should be okay. But if you are just making thinly skinned apps for each different place that does essentially the same thing, you might get a couple through before they start looking more carefully at your next submissions.
@Abizern Thanks for your reply. Where can I find those 2.11&2.12 points to review them? My apps will be of quality but my doubt is reasonable due to the current uploading process ( tricky ). Why should I change a nice app if it can be of user for clients/users ... ? :( lolol
@Roberto App Store Review Guidelines.
@Abizern Thanks :) any more tip?
@Roberto Not really. I'm not an Apple Store Reviewer.
Anyone here familiar with automated testing using UIAutomation framework?
testing iphone app? Haven't even crossed that border yet.
posted on May 29, 2012 by John

A few weeks ago I mentioned the excellent drawing tool Paintcode that allows you to create graphics using Objective-C code in a wysiwyg enivronment. Today I came across a different kind of tool create specifically to allow you to convert your vector graphics directly to Objective-C Quartz 2D code with ease. Definitely another tool to [...]

3 hours later…
posted on May 29, 2012 by Saul Mora

Importing data is a problem that feels like it should have a library of work ready for you to use. Especially when it comes to importing data into Core Data where you have a description of your data to work with. What if there was such a library, or reusable framework, of importing code that [...]

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