I have an iPad app that contains a view that takes up the whole screen. I need to draw parts of the screen into a context at different times. Currently I render the whole layer into the context, but with the retina display this is not very efficient. Is there a way that I can render only path of ...
I am not telling that this tutorial answers the question, i am telling that i am also waiting for the answer from someone, to be clear, i am supporting you
Apple sales are good, and it is allowing developer to fix the rate in 2nd phase of the app, even if the app is free for the first time, but some guys are earning through in-App purchase
the tier structure is cool
Free Tier1 - 0.99 Tier 2 - 1.99 Tier 3 - 2.99 Tier 4 - 3.99 Tier 5 - 4.99 Tier 6 - 5.99 And so on.
@sreecharan @Hector @Leena I did that. Here what my method. Add both static libs to compile sources and make both optional. Xcode does the rest. But Xcode will show you an issue "file ignored". I don't like issues. So I'm gonna find a way to solve that. But it works well now. Thanks guys
my prblm is when I open my app in portrait and then to landscape and change orientation back to portrait, half of my window elements cut out vertically
Hey, can someone explain to me, why I can't set up iAd Network Banking information? Entered everything succesfully, but when I click "save" it says "You have to make changes in order to save it". But ye, changes were made, but it won't accept it somehow.
@Sreecharan It's weird. I just have to set up the contract, like with paid applications. But it won't accept my bank account or any other. Even though I have mine under paid apps.
@deepti der is nthng like animation der .. u need to set all images in an array and set animation wit timer der ... but u can't set wallpaper . you can do dis only in jailbroken devices
@all i'm looking to "Export" my project - My problem is that i copied lots of source in my project and sometimes i "remove reference" and not "remove files". So the organization in my Project and the organization of the Files are different. And i need to get the "three" (files / directory) that i created in Xcode. Can someone help ?
from that point try ls command and you must see a list of files&Folders, Libraries must be there, and also you can use "whereis" or "find" commands too via termnal to find the position of a specific file&folder @sreecharan
@Tauseef "from that point try ls command and you must see a list of files&Folders, Libraries must be there, and also you can use "whereis" or "find" commands too via termnal to find the position of a specific file&folder" this was for you:)
Have a look at turning on hidden file display in Finder and then going into Time Machine
In Terminal
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
This sets the flag to show hidden files
killall finder
This will force Finder to restart
Then go into Time Machine, fix/restore ...
@vikassharma That's the price you pay to be able to stop something running after you've sent it. There isn't that much of a performance difference, though. So I think you may be doing something wrong.
@Abizern my problem is that i tried many lib, files, and when i added those in the Project - Some times i "copy" the files, sometimes i didn't. Also, i removed some files by "remove reference" and not "remove file" so now it's a big mess
I tried to copy the files from Xcode but it's not possible. I just can access to the folder witch is a very big mess. (but in Xcode it's clean).
@Slake The groups in Xcode do not correspond with the arrangement of files in the Finder. If you look at the info for the files in Xcode you can see where it is looking to find the files.
@Abizern i also try this ... [[arr1 componentsJoinedByString:@","] writeToFile:@"Data.csv" atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; but file is not generated....
@Sunny Try using error checking in functions that support them. You say the file isn't generated, but you aren't checking for the return or using the error parameter
@Abizern i got error u r right.... Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 513.)" UserInfo=0x6a9eca0 {NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSFilePath=Data.csv, NSUnderlyingError=0x6a8c360 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied"}
@ThisDarkTao Probably just overdoing it. Little and often is better than long stretches irregularly. Just like playing a guitar. it hurts for a bit and then it stops and then you don't even need to think about where you are putting your fingers.
@Abizern Yeah I dived right in and done three hours of it yesterday :P but I'm going to do 30 minute lengths at varying intervals, my right hand has been harder to re-train, I feel my fingers wanting to hit the wrong keys, but after a while theyve learned to behave :P
@Sunny Your path isn't correct for a start. And secondly use the URL based methods rather than file path based methods for referring to files. Come and join us in the modern world.
@All Hello All , I am facing one problem : i am using Graph API in my application. Its working fine but there are 3 1) error "_OBJC_CLASS_$_FbGraph", referenced from: 2) error "_OBJC_CLASS_$_FbGraphFile", referenced from: 3) Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
what should i do to remove these errors ? need help
@sreecharan hello, if you are there can you please tell hpw i can add this project to mine? i'm tring to add as subview when clicking a button from my main view but nothing happens