@hanleyhansen @brush51 Before Updating My MAC OS Snow Leopard I was using XCode 4.0.2 and As MAC OS X Lion Updated in MY MAC System ... It is showing "Xcode 4.0.2 requires Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard" Error ... XCode Crash erro
Can anyone tell me why my unit tests mostly dont even start? when I do Product -> test, it says 'Test suite 'all tests' started.... and theres no more output
@sreecharan i want to pass array to other view controller. that works fine. but now i want to pass my array to other controller, named cardviewcontroller(lets say CVC). this CVC is used for scrollview in detailviewcontroller(lets day DVC).
If I set a "label" value in the interface builder, can I then reference that value using dot notation in code?
For example, if I have a detailView that contains a view and a tableview inside of it, can I reference said tableview using "self.view.tableView" - assuming I give the view a label of "view" and the tableView a label of "tableView"?
@DeathMagus IBOutlet is the glue that links your property to Interface builder, if you didnt have 'IBOutlet' in front of the property, you wouldnt see it in IB
@ThisDarkTao I'm not sure I understand that question -but I had a thought. Perhaps not having a dataSource/delgate for tweetView would cause such a problem.
Hello all, can anyone give an idea about expandable tableview application, that is called accordion menu in some resources too:) it has been a few days i couldnt realize how to get rid of
@ThisDarkTao Ah! And now it just crashed because it tried to call numberOfRowsInSection, indicating that it simply wants me to implement the proper methods for that protocol.
@ThisDarkTao Yes. Now it's throwing an unrecognized selector error again. Is there a better way to debug? The standard errors it throws seems pretty useless in terms of actually tracking down the problems I have. They're usually generic complaints with some incomprehensible hex values thrown in.
@DeathMagus also for the properties that you do have, none of them specify object memory management (ie. strong, weak) etc
@DeathMagus remove that lline from the ivars, and do this instead
@DeathMagus click the nib/storyboard view that has the table you want, click the assistant editor in the top right (icon looks like a suit jacket and a tie)
@DeathMagus anyway, if you click on the tableview in your nib file on the left, then ctrl+click and drag to the right, you should see a line appear where you can put the property
@DeathMagus ARC is like a cheap form of garbage collection for objects. With manual reference counting, you are responsible for doing [someObj release] calls to free memory. ARC is a compiler feature that guesses when you have finished with it, when nothing has a pointer to that object, and deallocs it
"This class is not key value coding-compliant for the key twitterView"
But I'm still a bit confused as to the functional differences between the 3 properties that necessitates one having an ARC designation, and the other two not.
The tweets are being pulled, and the table is being redrawn.
The problem, I think, is that the table is redrawing based on a CellIdentifier that only really makes sense in the context of an automatic, dynamic cell structure one can obtain from the storyboard. Here, I know of no way to refer to the cells within a table.
@Abizern Last night I was trying to do something simple with UISplitViewController - I just wanted to know when the user swipes the screen or taps the show master controller button in the navbar - but totally failed. I ended up writing a bug report but I feel like I'm just crazy and missing something obvious: gist.github.com/2782633
Check out UISplitViewControllerDelegate. There's callbacks for the popover version in iOS <5.0 but no callbacks for the master controller that slides in on iOS 5.0+
@Abizern hello. somebody told me that Apple tester can test your app while turning off port 25 for SMTP. i used port 25 for smtp for my app. could it be reason for them to reject it
@iProgrammer Yes. She wanted white iPod touch. I told her to wait for 5th generation iPods that will be out soon. But not everyone is as smart as i am.
@Abizern What i'm trying to do in the loop is make my view take up the entire space since the iAd is removed and then put it back when device is in portrait more. Maybe i am going around it the wrong way. This is how i initialize it pastebin.com/XMFkWufp
@Abizern Maybe i should make resultsView full size of screen and then lay the iad on top. Then i just have to remove it and put it back in orientationChanged. How would you do this?
@hanleyhansen You just need to create the view at the size you want it and set it when the orientation changes. If it was me I'd slide the adview off the bottom after rotating to landscape, and slide it back into positions when rotating it to portrait.