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hi every body can some one help me
i need to convert my iphone application to universal application?
can some one help me in this regard
i chage my application target iphone to iphone/ipad .i am using xcode 4.1 .but next about can some body help me?
@PrinceShazad just add a suffix -iPad to all your iPad.xibs if you are not using storyboard, then they will automatically load into iPad
@Laddu aaeen
@sreecharan i using XIB viewcontroller can u guid me further in detail..
i am seaching for this problem from last five hours but not get the best solution.
@PrinceShazad I've already guided you
please help me
5 mins ago, by sree charan
@PrinceShazad just add a suffix -iPad to all your iPad.xibs if you are not using storyboard, then they will automatically load into iPad
ok dear i will try this..
@Laddu aaooo
@laddu are you now at home?
@Sam sounds good, I will try that out.
@brush51 Yes
@sreecharan go rest
@Reefaq who starred your comment ??
from now on, i will chase you to rest when I see you :)
@sreecharan i dont know zoo zoo
@Byte Atlast doctor told that I am doing better, my hand is healing but I should not type more like this :)
@sreecharan can u do me a favor ...??
@laddu passing arguments to other viewcontroller doesnt work, can you remeber from yesterday?
@sreecharan then stop typing yo.
@brush51 I'm having that problem now
@DavidYangLiu yes thats me
@DavidYangLiu in one viewcontroller it works, but in other viewcontroller does not work. you have the same?
@brush51 yes for passing between segues
one works other doesnt
@DavidYangLiu whats segues?
none of the vars are passed in everything is null
its how u push and pop kinda
@brush51 Can you show the property declaration for the indexPath you set for the view controller?
with out pushing and poping
@sreecharan instead of passing the moc for my core data database and doing lots of Core Data related things in view controllers, do you think it makes sense to build a 'DataManager' class that can handle getting data for me?
Ugh, i am not able to type :(
@Laddu @property (nonatomic, retain) NSIndexPath *tempIndexPath; and also NSIndexPath *tempIndexPath; in the part after UIViewController <...> {
@ThisDarkTao Interesting, try it
@sreecharan sorry, I will leave you alone
@Laddu and i am calling it with self.tempIndexPath
@Laddu the interesting point is also, that, when i call the tempIndexPath(of detailview) from cardView, it is also null.
morning all... can someone please take a look at this for me? (it was too big to put here). stackoverflow.com/questions/10724678/…
@brush51 I remember you try to get the selected index path of the table. Set it to the view controllers property and navigate to that view controller. Where do you see it to be null? In it's viewDidLoad method?
@spokanedude Do you have loadView method implemented (and not commented out) in it's implementation file?
@spokanedude just delete that view and recreate tableview it in the storyboard and hook it up to your class
@Laddu no, there is no "loadView"... there is "viewDidLoad"...
@Laddu here i see it is null: pastebin.com/VVjt9teY
@DavidYangLiu have you solved yours?
na here u if you can check no problem stackoverflow.com/questions/10724671/…
ya it looks the same
@Laddu i just want to pass any data, doesnt matter of tempindex path or an array. NOTHING works in this class, maybe i should paste the whole class, it is a custom class for scrollview paging in detailview.
@DavidYangLiu are you talking about the actual "view" in storyboard, with all of the labels, buttons, etc?
@brush51 When you set the index path, are you sure it's not already nil? Did you try to NSLog the index path before setting it to the view controller's index path property?
@Laddu yes yes, i am really sure that is not nil. because in other viewcontroller the value gets passed.
laddu header file: pastebin.com/tBfPW1FT
Hello, I'm having issues with parsing and storing in an NSArray. I want to parse the XML for all elements under "image" and take the resulting URL of the image and store it in an array. Any suggestions?
@laddu implemetation file: pastebin.com/WGEitFKS
@user717452 whats your exact issue? parsing XML ?
@laddu see line 26 and 80 in implementation file
@DavidYangLiu sorry no hindi
lol ya
so your stuff is coming back null 2 huh?
@brush51 Are you loading that view controller via xib or programmatically?
@brush51 hey can you past your whole 2 classes for me?
@brush51 I've only ever parsed before using one tutorial to parse an entire xml to list articles and such in a table view. I am now needing a lighter way to only parse one specific item from the xml "image".
@brush51 and I do not use a TableView now.
Hi all.
can Any one help me,Plz visit : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10725034/downgrading-ios-to-previous-version-officially
@Laddu with xib. see here. pastebin.com/xRmqWTQV
@spokane so ok you can delete your view/table view in your story board then you can drag out a new one make sure your class of that view has to match the one you drag out ....eg if you made a class DetailedTablveiwcont you should drag out a table view and then set the class it belongs to Detailedtablviewcont
@brush51 Does your initWithPageNumber: method gets called?
@Laddu yes.
@Laddu hii
@brush51 In that method at the end, why do you again instantiate with the same view controller? It gets instantiated again with fresh values and hence has lost it's previous values when it was instantiated
@spokanedude still no work?
@iProgrammer Hello
@Laddu kaam ho gaya?
@DavidYangLiu so you're saying delete the view, and create a new view, then connect... is there no other way?
@iProgrammer Nope. Doing right now.
@Laddu aisa kya kaam hai
@DavidYangLiu unfortunately, I have two of these views that are "hosed"... XD
@spokanedude ummm.. it takes less than a sec....and if your class don't match its either delete the view in storyboard or remake the class for it
@iProgrammer Project complete karke jana hai
@Laddu ohh,. tab hi off milega?
@iProgrammer nahi, mil gaya hai par karke jana hai
@DavidYangLiu I dont' think we're on the same page... if I delete the view (with all of the controls in it) it won't build unless I place all of the controls in the new view...
@Laddu ok
@spokanedude yea your gonna have to drag all of your ui stuff over again
@spokanedude and reconnect the outlets
@DavidYangLiu I was afraid of that... thanks... I'll get started on it now...
@spokanedude waiiiiittttt
@spokanedude ok try this first
@spokanedude change the inheritance from uitableview to uiview vice versa in .h first
@spokanedude if that don't work then ur stuck
@DavidYangLiu ok...
@spokanedude eg @interface BlogListViewController : UITableViewController to @interface BlogListViewController : UIViewController
Like, if I parse it and get the URL from the "images" element of the xml, how do I take all the URLs and add them to an NSArray?
@Laddu hmm
@Laddu hi bro, you seem knowledgeable,, wanna try taking a peek at mine? stackoverflow.com/questions/10724671/…
@DavidYangLiu no, wont' build... will have to copy everything over to new controller... thanks for your help... I appreciate it... bye
@spokanedude np
Can someone please take a look at this for me?
@Laddu i have deleted this part. i think thats my copy and paste issue from method initwithnibname. but still the same, values are null.
@brush51 some one got mine
@brush51but i don't think its gonna help with urs tho gl
@DavidYangLiu ?
@brush51 i did a pointer comparison on a string obj ...><
@brush51 fixed it with a equalstoString
@DavidYangLiu ok thank you. i will look for it tomorrow. now time to leave office, its 20:10 PM here
@laddu thank you, see you tomorrow
@DavidYangLiu thank you, bye
bye @all
@brush51 np see u around
anyone have experiance with assetwriter? stackoverflow.com/questions/10721640/…
@ThisDarkTao Not strictly true. You can do crazy things with the Objective-C runtime.
Trying to parse with GDATAXML and keep getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS on this line:

GDataXMLNode *node;
NSArray * array = [node nodesForXPath:@"http://www.316apps.com/LakesideDocs/podcast.xml" error:nil];
hi @Abizern, i was reading your site, wish i lived in the UK to go to your meetings
All I need is to get element "link" from the xml and store to NSArray
@owengerig NSCoder Night, CocoaHeads, are international. There might be one locally to you.
Alternatively - do what I did - I built it, people came. And they stayed.
do you guys ever do group projects
@owengerig There is a Chicago Cocoaheads group
ya im looking at it right now
We don't do group projects - ours is a once a month meet and share war stories thing.
Other groups actually get together and code, One of the Cocoaheads created a library of functions they open sourced.
@Abizern I take it I can get a Fetch Request from inside the model using: fetchRequestFromTemplateWithName:<#(NSString *)#> substitutionVariables:<#(NSDictionary *)#>
Anyone point me to a good tutorial for parsing one item from an xml and adding to NSArray?
@ThisDarkTao Indeed - I sent you a link.
@Abizern where?
@Abizern just got it, thanks
@owengerig I think your method for getting the URL for outputPath may be borking up.
ya thats what i was thinking, but dont see where its having problems
brb sry
@owengerig If it helps - I wrote a handy category on NSURL that makes getting the URLs of files in various directories easier. gist.github.com/1657624
@owengerig you could then see what you get with [NSURL adnURLInDocumentDirectoryForFilename:@"micOutput.output"]
@Abizern I am literally right clicking everywhere to add this substitution variable, but no popup
@ThisDarkTao If you can wait - I'll give it a go myself and let you know about it later on this evening. (maybe).
@Abizern Its ok, in xcode 4 you now have to just write the expression manually, you cant use the GUI to build one using substitution variables
@ThisDarkTao Ah. okay. I need to write some Core Data apps that use iOS5. I'm getting rusty.
@Abizern I need to write more core data apps, I know nothing! LOL
Here is what I have started so far in my viewController to parse the XML. I am needing only the element named 'link' pastebin.com/HZa8tFTt
@Abizern for me, using fetch requests embedded in the model is probably overkill as I am only doing simple things. However making a data manager class would definitely be helpful
@Abizern back later on, thanks for your help!
@ThisDarkTao Sure. It's not a bad idea. I think there are ways around it (as I've said) but it's not a crazy thing to do. At the very least - you'll get practice in using Core Data.
@Abizern what does the adn stand for?
@owengerig My first and last initials, with my girlfriend's initial in the middle. I don't have a middle name so making a three letter prefix is hard. My newer stuff uses JCS (Jungle Candy Software)
cool thanks
Can anyone give me a hand on parsing this xml to get just the /channel/item/link URLs? 316apps.com/LakesideDocs/podcast.xml
@Abizern hello. Mate there is strange problem. I submitted my app again. It is basically currency reserving app. It works very well in iphone n simulator as well. Now they email n said matadata rejected. n they send a screen shot of my app that display msg "Msg could not be send. " but on iphone it is working fine.
@Abizern this is so cool, i was just reading about categories (because of some question on here about a file with 2 implementations) anyways i had no reason to implement them so after reading it i might have forgotten it but now seeing it again, helps to remember and understand it
@Laddu @Abizern i Have used SkpSmtpMessage libarary for sending email to customers (with cc and bcc). Is is valid for apple store?
@owengerig Good. Prefixing category method names is a bit ugly, but I don't want to step on any toes if the framework eventually provides a method of the same name. You don't need to prefix categories of your own classes in the same way. Just a tip.
@mann No Idea. Sorry.
@mann Have you tried it on anybody else's iPhone apart from yours?
@mann No idea. I think the author should have made clear if it has any problem with Apple store.
@Abizern yah i tried on 2 iphones its working fine
I am having some difficulties with parsing. The XML in question is http://www.316apps.com/LakesideDocs/podcast.xml.

I merely want to take the 'link' element from each 'item' and store it in an NSArray. So far I have:

[CODE] NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.316apps.com/LakesideDocs/podcast.xml"];

NSData *xmlData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url];
NSError *error;
GDataXMLDocument *doc = [[GDataXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:xmlData
options:0 error:&error];
//NSLog(@"%@", doc.rootElement); // print the whole xml
(see full text)
@mann what SMTP server are you using
@mann @laddu has a point. They rejected you for the message not being sent, not because of the framework.
@Sam im using SKPSMTPMessage library. and SMTP server is my own
@Abizern @Laddu yah they send me screen shot as well showing msg not sent. but msg is sending good on iphones
@mann Any good reason for using a library rather than the native SDK?
@Abizern you can't send SMTP with the native SDK...
@Sam @Abizern @Laddu  SKPSMTPMessage  *testMsg = [[SKPSMTPMessage alloc] init];
    testMsg.fromEmail = @"promotions@somename.tv";

    testMsg.toEmail = _toEmailAddress;
    testMsg.relayHost = @"smtp.mywebservername.co.uk";
    testMsg.requiresAuth = YES;
    testMsg.login = @"support@servername.co.uk";
    testMsg.pass = @"password";
    testMsg.subject = reference;
    testMsg.wantsSecure = YES;
@Abizern i wanted to send email to 3 people simultaneously . thats why used that
@Abizern should be able to help you
@Sam could you find anything wrong in above code?
@Abizern @Laddu and they email saying matadata rejected. If they could not send email or this app then they should reject binary
@mann You can do that from MFMailComposeViewController.
@mann You mean adding multiple recipients using native mail composer is not possible?
I think you guys are misunderstanding @mann
@Laddu actually when i developed this app i didn't know about it. n i even not tried it
He has to use an SMTP server because the email doesn't come FROM the user. It comes from his domain.
@Sam yes you are right
Ah I see
@mann then you should be using a mailing gateway
which uses SMTP server
to send mails
@Sam @Laddu @Abizern there is method in SKPSMTPMessage - (void)messageFailed:(SKPSMTPMessage *)message error:(NSError *)error
{ here i showed alert if msg not sent} // this alert they are showing to me
@mann You need to determine what the error is. I would use [error localizedDescription]
@Sam but where? it does not show any error. it works perfectly fine on iphone as ewll as on ios
Ugh, sorry for the break's
Are you displaying the actual error anywhere?
@mann well it's not working from Apple HQ. Which means it probably ISN'T working other places as well.
Yep. I always wished if there was an UIAlertView category for NSError support. It's there in Mac OSX. May be someone has implemented in iOS.
@mann Get the full error, and check the network config on your SMTP server
@Abizern im not getting any error mate if email does not send then the above method gets called n i show alert view to show user msg that email not sent. now in their email they sent me that screen showing msg not sent
@mann Instead of saying "message failed" you should show the NSError's description.
Which will probably be something like "SMTP server unreachable"
@mann You show the alert view meaning the message failed, but the method takes an error parameter which should tell you the actual reasons for the failure.
@Sam yah i would show that. but it does not show any error here.
@mann so you have to change the code and re-submit
@mann your method should return an error because you are writing this --> (NSError *)error
@mann it doesn't matter that it doesn't show you any error - the message is for everyone else. At least when they send you a screenshot of the message failure this time you'll see the actual error.
check it again
@mann Had you displayed the error's description in alert, you would have known the exact cause of failure. Hence, fixing the issue could have become simpler.
aww, 4 members helping one guy, Crazy. You guys help him, i am out :/
@Laddu @Abizern @sreecharan @sreecharan yah so you reckon this time i should send alert view showing error n wait for their rejection again?
@Sam you are a dinosaur
@mann Only if you can't figure out what apple testers did without resubmitting.
in coding
@mann Yes. Or, depending on how crucial sending the email is, don't display such a prominent warning. If you flash up an alert view with "MESSAGE SENDING FAILED" it's bound to get attention.
@sreecharan hi
@Sam hi
@andyPaul Hello
@Abizern yes but its really crucial to send email. its core functionality. n if don't show msg sending fail message then how would user know his/her msg not sent
Its booking system. reservation system
@sreecharan have you worked on UIPageViewController
@mann If I were writing the code, I would send the email details to my server and then let the server handle SMTP there. That way if there are any failures, you can attempt to re-send at a later date.
@mann Are you doing anything to recover from the error? Like sending the mail again? Do you actually need to have details go out by email - could it not go out through a server connection?
@sreecharan I found its bit complex
@Sam @Abizern yah makes sense.
@Abizern no im not doing anything to recover error
@andyPaul complex ?? what is complex init ?
@Abizern so how can i send information to server n then send emails from their
@mann Does your application have a server component?
@Sam again if i send email details to my server then even i need internet connection. if internet connection is not there then how can i send details to even server as well. agian same situation. @Abizern
@mann I've already asked you
12 mins ago, by sree charan
@mann then you should be using a mailing gateway
@Abizern no
@sreecharan yah could not understand your meaning :)
@mann Are you checking that there is an internet connection for your app? For all you know, the testers tried to run your app with a device in airplane mode - how does your app respond in that situation?
@Sam @Abizern n if internet connection is there then my SKPSMTPMessage will send emamil
@mann if there is no internet connection you should cache the user's data on the device and try again later
@sreecharan First create pageViewController, then add pageViewController as child using addChildViewController. Then again pageViewController.view to the subview. After all above things call didMoveToParentViewController
sup guys
@Abizern yes if there is no internet connection then i display modelViewController showing msg no internet connection n restrict user to do anything
@mann yep, you should buy a connection from a mailing gateway which uses SMTP server and you just need to make sure that the stuff is reaching till server, from there server will take care of mail
@Abizern Airplane mode means no internet ?
@mann plane mode means, turn off Wi-Fi and carrier Networks
@mann Means no carrier network. You can still get wifi.
…and phone/sms
@sreecharan yah means no internet. my app respond to it
@hanleyhansen Nope. Airplane made turns off all external connections.
@sreecharan how can i do that
@Abizern Has it always been that way?
@hanleyhansen who told you that we can access WiFi in plane mode, can you make WiFi work for me ?
@Abizern You are wrong sir. WiFi and bluetooth work in Airplane mode
@Abizern You can have airplane more with wifi on.
@Sam Nope, Wifi wont work
if you choose to set them, you can enable them - per the docs.
hey guys , how do creat page bidding effect in UIPAgeViewController
turning it on turns those things off, but you can turn them on after airplane mode is on and still have airplane mode on
@owengerig Yep. I corrected myself.
@Sam we can enable it, but by default they all will be turned off
@owengerig exactly. You can turn them on. But for argument sake airplane mode does turn them off.
But it's not supported in all devices
@Abizern so try to connect to my server this is how i get to know internet is working or not. is it wrong?
To be perfectly accurate - the testers are very likely to test your app with no external connections enabled.
@hanleyhansen I am taking about the default state of Plane mode, not customising the settings after plane mode is ON
@mann No that's okay. But you're checking the connection to your server, not a connection to the network.
@Abizern yes to my server
is it wrong
@mann No.
wow, debugging this app on the iphone killed it, its taking like 5-10mins to restart itself :(
@Abizern i have implemented Reachability class
@JackLawrence Hey!
Ok, guys, i'm going to bed, tired, Bye bye
@Abizern I'M ALIVE
@sreecharan Bye. Look after your hand!
@Abizern "To be perfectly accurate - the testers are very likely to test your app with no external connections enabled." Yep, every time I've seen someone post a rejection email from app review that had screenshots in it, it showed them with airplane mode on.
@JackLawrence Good point. @mann - in the screenshot they sent you - is airplane mode on?
ya guys, think about the ipod. i almost never have wifi on with that thing
quite a few apps crash without internet :(
@Abizern @Sam in my reachability class im checking connection with my website. n there i by mistake put wrong website
@JackLawrence book binding effect just like Ipad contacts, How to add binding effect?
in fact im almost positive there is a bug, when you dont open a game for a while it does some kind of query to game center and then wont start (app keep restarting) till u enable internet
@Abizern this is screen shot they sent
@owengerig yep, there's some really messed up stuff in the game center framework.
@mann so they have a wifi connection and they are on the O2-UK network?
@Abizern yah
@andyPaul Most of that "effect" is just an image.
@JackLawrence damn you ;)
@JackLawrence hey hey!
hey @Byte
long time no see
what is new?
ok so seriously, i was testing my app on my phone got this error, "Couldn't register avispl.Peek-A-Boo with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger." restarted the phone, now the phone doesnt boot
Been busy, but I've got two issues left in my issue tracker and then I'm all done with version one :)
WTF its not like im flashing firmware here
@owengerig Eh?! That's a new one.
@owengerig lmao. You might have to.
You do have a backup, right?
its a work pphone, ill send it back to them, no physical damage not my fault (per say)
well there isnt anything on there important
it just doesnt make sense
Xcode/lldb sucks.
lol, normally restart works but in your case you are out of luck :)
@wtfxcode, /Applications
Crashing on a Mac near you.
174 tweets, 1.4k followers, following 0 users
@all anyone have experience with TVOutManager?
thank you @JackLawrence ill read that, and hate to ask questions that google answers. i was just surprised
@Sam @Abizern please tell me you guys have worked with TVOutManager
@owengerig yeah. The site won't fix on-device bootstrap issues, but for the simulator it's a handy fix.
@hanleyhansen Not me. Sorry.
@Abizern - (void)messageFailed:(SKPSMTPMessage *)message error:(NSError *)error
    [self removeWaitOverlay];
        UIAlertView *alert=[[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"Message Failed " message:@"Your Message Failed" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Ok" otherButtonTitles:nil,nil]; here show can i show error? in alert view?
ok why can I not draw shadow :(?
Here is the code so far
@Abizern There's this app called Karaoke Free that successfully support tv out with an rca adapter even in iOS 5. i'm dying to know how he does it.
@Abizern I think he uses TVOutManager.
@mann NSLog the error object.
@JackLawrence i did that. but i have to show it in alert View as a msg
@mann I think you got rejected because the message failed to send in the first place, not because your message wasn't informative enough.
@Byte FYI CocoaConf (cocoaconf.com) is coming up in DC. My boss is a speaker.
@JackLawrence yah i know but people are suggesting me to show error as alert view and submit app again so that when next time apple reject it they will send me screen shot showing error instead of msg :)
@JackLawrence training + conference?
@Byte He's just speaking at the conference, but yeah they have an optional 1 day crash course beforehand.
I have got the parsing down, just having difficulties storing in an NSArray. I setup an NSLog for the NSArray and expect this:
TabBarSample[40191:fb03] (

But, I get this:
TabBarSample[40191:fb03] (
2012-05-23 14:35:23.408 TabBarSample[40191:fb03] (
@JackLawrence very cool
@mann haha good call. Change your code so that instead of the message @"Your Message Failed" you send [error debugDescription]
@Sam check out this code when you get a chance (pastebin.com/eanQrfC7) I just dont understand pretty stuff :)
@Byte Your layer has no dimensions?
not sure @Abizern I actually just started getting into prettifying
@mann or you can just NSLog the error and ask the app review team to send you the log file for your app.
do you mean the frame of my layer? @Abizern
@all Later guys
@JackLawrence yah thanks makes sense. I will ask them . what you reckon how much time they will take?
@Byte Yes.
For some reason I thought it was not nescessary since the curve was defined. I am totally wrong arn't I?
@Byte I think you are. yes.
Anyway - I've got to go and grab a bite before The Apprentice starts. Have a nice evening all.
@mann no idea. Totally depends.
@Abizern well I inserted the dimension and still cannot cast shadow :( oh bub bye
@Abizern really? The Apprentice? That show is terrible.
It's true!
talking about a show, did anyone catch House finale?
worst show ever.
Oh! does shadow curve needs 4 points!?
Mother of god!
it does
@Abizern frame is proven irrelevant given a curve with 4 points! (or maybe anything above 3)
So for the past hour, I have been trying to draw shadow with a line :)
@Byte You need to set the shadowOffset
@Byte Also the defaults are black and 1.f alpha
i swear, i have broken 1 ipod, 1 ipad and now an iphone, they are my forbidden fruit
o ya, but have had my same droid phone the whole time :(
@Sam thanks sam, it is irrelevant now. Since there is no frame on top of the layer, Offset would not do much. but thanks for the default :)
@Sam for some reason my default is black but 0.0f alpha
@Byte Yes, right. Sorry it defaults to 0
Also that bezier path is a straight line
yep, I only know that bezier path :) what else is there that is cheaper?

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