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@Tauseef its still in downloading .. its depends on ur internet speed
@Tauseef LION is of about 3-3.5 gb ..
@Reefaq now i am doing it in a manner that i have a user registration in my app.and that user will get this subscription even if they changed the device untill the exp date,is that the apple really instructing
@Reefaq is it right?
@bugfinder Non-renewing subscriptions are not automatically synchronized to all devices by Store Kit; you must implement this infrastructure yourself. .. mentioned in developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/…
@bugfinder by this what u r doing seems right
@NeerajNeeru hi
h r u?
@Reefaq ya i did it.i was doing in such a way that my app user will get the subscription evenif he changes the device
@MUSTHAFA fine here, what about you?
@bugfinder nice ..
ya, fine..
@MUSTHAFA may i ask something? what is the best way to implement alarm with application?
@MichaelDautermann hi
@MUSTHAFA localNotification, eventKit, or nstimer and UIDatePicker?
@Reefaq is that really the apple wants
@sunny hi
@bugfinder seems like what they said in their docs ..
@MichaelDautermann i am stuck with issue regarding UIactionsheet in UItabbarcontroller
@MichaelDautermann any idea abt it
@Reefaq I mean my app username may be defferent that of his itunes account
@sunny why are stuck ?
@Tauseef I've already told you
2 hours ago, by sree charan
@Tauseef it depends on your internet speed, the content is 4.85 GB
@Reefaq r u getting me my friend?
@bugfinder your server would need to implement a mechanism to identify users and associate subscription purchases with the user who purchased them .. hmm
@MUSTHAFA u thr?
@MUSTHAFA you there? we neeeeed you!
@Reefaq i am not getting u?
horray! horray! Neeraj is okay now.
@MichaelDautermann i add some tab and all works fine.... but when i call UIactionsheet from any viewconroller... (e.x call uiactionsheet when i click on textbox)... in action sheet i add pickerview... my problem is its work fine in simple controller ... but not in tabbarcontroller...
@MichaelDautermann What happened to Neeraj?
@MichaelDautermann ?
@TDS I dunno
@NeerajNeeru !
u can answer to @NeerajNeeru
@MichaelDautermann :)
@MUSTHAFA nooo, YOU can.... we've been waiting for you!
@MichaelDautermann Can I? You never give me chance.
@MichaelDautermann i try [actionSheet showFromTabBar:self.tabBarController.tabBar]; but some how application crash....
@Sunny it crashes? what kind of crash?
@bugfinder that line was mentioned in apple docs .. readout Server Product Model under Feature Delivery
@MichaelDautermann i will give you error..
@Reefaq r u getting me? Now i am associating that subscription with my app user.I wanted to know is that enough,
@Reefaq i am little bit confused now,dnt mis understand me pls?
@bugfinder ya you are associating with the app user not the user who's apple account is registered to the device .. n now u r worried will apple approve this ..right ??
@MichaelDautermann the application hang... and it actionsheet notview...
@MichaelDautermann no error shown
sounds like you are doing something wrong there, @sunny
@Reefaq exactly!
@all please give any one answer for this question stackoverflow.com/questions/10717613/…
@MichaelDautermann you are right i am confuse in [actionSheet showFromTabBar:self.tabBarController.tabBar];
........... first i use [actionSheet showInview:self.view]; it display use showfromTabbar or showfromtoolbar...
@NeerajNeeru i am not sure i thinks NSTimer is best and simplest way to achieve ALarm
@MUSTHAFA but how long it will work on background?
@MichaelDautermann crash log is too long.....show i am not putting it here..
@MUSTHAFA do you know the meaning of life?
@MUSTHAFA what will tomorrow's winning lottery numbers be?
@MichaelDautermann lol!
@MichaelDautermann hello r u there ?
@Hector i didn't get the solution.I tried so many methods but i didn't get
I may be here...
@NeerajNeeru NSTimers won't work when your app goes in background.
@MedetiNaveenKumar hmmm what did you try ?
@Reefaq r u there?
Hello, everyone. I need help with RestKit DB seeding. I have an app in the App Store with database seeded. Now working on next version and there want to append another data to DB. My question is - will it work? Or user will need to reinstall my app?
@Laddu you there?
I am so busy today... :(
yeah, why can't you entertain us?
we're always so thankful and appreciative.
@Laddu oh
koi bat nahi .. free hoto batana
@Darmen change your db name
@iProgrammer Yes but i am very very busy
@MichaelDautermann huh :P
@MUSTHAFA yes, thats my problem,
@iProgrammer kya kaam hai batao
@Hector main db or seeded db?
@bugfinder ya ..as i have not gone by non-renewing subscriptions ..i am reading out some articles /SO question regarding this stackoverflow.com/questions/8138594/… infact you should be doing this ..
@Laddu crash ho rhai hai app..
samjh nahi aa rha
@Darmen main db
cell.textLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[pagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
@NeerajNeeru ,then u can use local notification
@iProgrammer bt karke dekha
@iProgrammer if(pagesArray) {}
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result {
NSLog(@"Result %@",result);
pagesArray = [result objectForKey:@"data"];
NSLog(@"Pages Array %@",[pagesArray valueForKey:@"name"]);
[tableView reloadData];
@iProgrammer What is crash log?
pages array count 12
2012-05-23 16:01:26.345 HUDLD[2805:17003] *** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x87f1fa0
@hector NSMutableArray *dictArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects: selector,nil];, NSMutableArray * dictArray = [selector allValues];,NSMutableArray * dictArray = [selector allKeys];, NSMutableArray *mutable = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[[json objectForKey:@"title1"] objectForKey:@"selector"]];,
NSMutableArray *resultArray = [json objectForKey:@"title2"];
I am so much overloaded in my work. I will have to work from home as well
@Laddu Why are you here then? ;)
@Hector thank you very much, it worked
@Darmen welcome :)
@Laddu mujhe bata dena mai kar dungi :p
@Reefaq i think i am doing that is it?
@iProgrammer pagesArray has got deallocated, it seems.
@Laddu yes
@iProgrammer check for numberofrowsinsection delegate method what count is coming there, i m suspecting it is pointing to objectatindex:indexwhichdoesnotexists
retain bhi likha fir bhi nahi
@RickyMehra2012 12 counts
pages array count 12
@MUSTHAFA but i need to play music when notification time fired ,it supports only .aif or some other formats. , is their any way to start an event when time reached?
@iProgrammer - (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result isme NSLogs teek se print hua?
@Reefaq i have the doubt that everybody is mentioning the user,is it will my app user or the itunes user???
@iProgrammer hi
@sreecharan @Abizern hi
@VidyaMurthy yes . isme values proper print ho rahi hia
@ios hi
@iProgrammer can we set alert type of notification?
@ios means?
@MichaelDautermann any idea abt it
@bugfinder even i m not sure about that .. coz of this line Non-renewing subscriptions are not automatically synchronized to all devices by Store Kit;
@Abizern hehe :P 'cos i miss you people so much :P
hi any body can help me pastebin.ca/2152733
@Sunny about what? I already forgot what the problem is.
hello @all
@iProgrammer in ios 5 we have three types of alert like banner alert etc.
this is a webservice application showing error
@MichaelDautermann ohhh its ok ... i will explain you again...
@Reefaq so i think the itunes user they r mentioning
@MichaelDautermann i add some tab and all works fine.... but when i call UIactionsheet from any viewconroller... (e.x call uiactionsheet when i click on textbox)... in action sheet i add pickerview... my problem is its work fine in simple controller ... but not in tabbarcontroller...
Hello guys...can any one tell me please, how to use the arrow keys of keyboard in the application...?
@VikasAhuja you press on them. with your head.
@Sunny and you said you think you know why this is not working, yes?
means ...- (void) keyDown: (NSEvent *) event.. is not working...
for me..
@MichaelDautermann [actionSheet showFromTabBar:self.tabBarController.tabBar];
........... first i use [actionSheet showInview:self.view]; it display use showfromTabbar or showfromtoolbar... so application is hang
@Laddu There should be a chat room support group for people who are addicted to chat rooms.
@MichaelDautermann yes ... but not getting proper o/p using both....
@VikasAhuja Are you talking about a desktop app?
@sunny maybe you need to use the proper view? self.view from a tabBarController is the tab bar view. Use the view that the tab bar controller is currently displaying.
I want any notification on pressing these keys..
@bugfinder it leads to think like that .. need to find out article about this also Server Product Model is something what u need to be aware of
@VikasAhuja How are you switching for arrow keys in your event handler?
what is the problem , if using LocalNotification
@MichaelDautermann ya
@MichaelDautermann i call this method from viewcontroller .. which is current ly active tab...
@Reefaq ohhh this is killing me!!!!!
@Abizern Huh :P
@Laddu Better now?
@Sunny hmm... put the crash log somewhere where I can see it. Or make the project & source code available for me to try out.
@Abizern.... I does not implement the event handler now...please tell me the procedure how can I do that..?
@MichaelDautermann ok
@VikasAhuja What's this all about then?
5 mins ago, by Vikas Ahuja
means ...- (void) keyDown: (NSEvent *) event.. is not working...
@Abizern I know you all also miss me :P
@VidyaMurthy aaeen
@Laddu Yes. But that doesn't mean we should make a prisoner out of you.
@Abizern...Please guide me the steps...so that on pressing the arrow keys in of my keyboard in desktop application, i get in to the above method or my any other method get called?
@Laddu mujhe batao free hoto :p
rahne do ho gaya
@MichaelDautermann -[UIPickerView setFrame:]: invalid height value 360.0 pinned to 216.0 Presenting action sheet clipped by its superview. Some controls might not respond to touches. On iPhone try -[UIActionSheet showFromTabBar:] or -[UIActionSheet showFromToolbar:] instead of -[UIActionSheet showInView:].
@iProgrammer How?
@MichaelDautermann i got this type of error when i use [actionSheet showInView:self.view];
@VikasAhuja Have you looked at the Event Handling Guide?
@Laddu Aaeen!
@NeerajNeeru when the localNotification event occur , the application will call -(void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification
NSArray *pages = (NSArray *)[result objectForKey:@"data"];
pagesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:pages];
@Sunny hmmm... does that "invalid height" give you a good clue?
@MichaelDautermann @Abizern hello
@dark model classs?
@iProgrammer :) today :)
@MichaelDautermann yes but it not affecr too much... here... my actual issue start from Presenting action.....
@Abizern... I have looked at it...but now I am lacking with some immplementation of some super class or may be having some type or registration of event.....befor using this keyDown: ..
@dark ok :)
@Sunny hmmm... interesting.
wao If I have right the same character it will automatically removed :O
@dark @MichaelDautermann can i open push Notification Service Setting view inside my application?
@VikasAhuja Sorry - I don't understand your question
you mean go to the Settings preference directly from your application, @MUSTHAFA ?
@MichaelDautermann, yes
@Abizern...it's ok...thanks for your initiation...:)
can someone help me with ziparchive issue?
Q: how to fix 'unknown type name' errors when adding ZIPArchive for iOS to xcode

brush51i have drag and drop ziparchive to my xcode (xcode version 4.3.2) project, i have also checked the "Copy items into destinations group's folder" (if needed) and "Create groups for any added folders" But i am getting the following errors(see the image attached). I really dont know how ...

@Reefaq everbody is saying it's our user ,means app user,what should i do??
@Abizern hello I have one question
@VikasAhuja "initiation"?
@dark Hello.
@bugfinder go for it ..let ur app for review ! lets see what happens ..
@MUSTHAFA no, you can't open Settings from another app... I have heard of ways to potentially do this, but it's likely that anything you implement would not be accepted by Apple.
@Abizern I have a webViewClass in which when user tap open some file and tap on some link it will give option to download a file . I have 2 tabBars in first one their is webView and in 2nd tab all files that are in downloading process showed in a tableView
@brush51 add libz.dylib
@Hector hello hector. i have added libz version1.2.5, still not work.
@all anyone please help me for this question stackoverflow.com/questions/10717613/…
Hi friends, i need your suggestion, i want to make an ios app but i don't know what is the best way to do job. I want to make this smsread.com/test/wireframes/ios_photocontest
@Abizern I have done this through NSNOTIFICATION centre I have make another class of DownloadManager in webView when am going to download a file i'll pass the url to Downloader Manager class , In Download manager classs I have post download progress through NSNotification centre and in tableView class that is on 2nd tab of tabbar i'll add the observer and track the progress of progress bar , it works fine if I have download a single file at a time
@MohammadShahid Do you have Xcode?
@brush51 try libz.dylib you can see it under libz.1.2.5.dylib
i have Xcode, i have basic knowledge
but i am not expert
@MohammadShahid So what are you having difficulty with?
i am good in server side (PHP, Mysql)
i don't know that what is the best way to start this job
@Abizern the how can i manage it for multiple files so that the manager class notify the tableView class about the number of downloading files and their progress in each cell
@Hector both are included, still the same. @abizern told me to check the headers of other files now i have to check ALL header files. it will be hard work to check it out.
@MohammadShahid Have you created an Xcode project.
yes, i have made few test apps
i have knowledge of buttons, input box, views, web views, tabs
@brush51 Do you use version control?
@Abizern yes, but since a few days i have not commited because of function that doesnt work.
@MohammadShahid So what kind of answer are you looking for? You've asked a very broad question.
@Abizern i am using cornerstone
Hi all
Q: When to tick "copy items into destination's group folder (if needed)"

idevWhenever I am adding some files to my project by dragging and dropping in Xcode, a popup message is shown "Copy items into destination's group folder (if needed)". I noticed that when we are using most of the third party library's we DON'T tick the checkbox and instead specify the library path ...

@brush51 Check out an earlier version until you find the checkin that caused the problem. Then at least you'll know what changes you've made that could have caused the problem. It's easier than going through your whole code base.
@Abizern have you read my q ?
@dark You could post details about which download you are tracking in the notification.
@Abizern ok
i want to know few steps to create the app in the best way
Or you could use delegate methods to tell the view controller exactly which items are downloading.
let me tell how i am thinking to do this.. plz correct me if i am wrong somewhere
1) for the Home tab -> i can put an image there
2) for submit photo tab -> i have two ways, either i put an uiwebview and call the form from server or create the native ios form.. please tell me which one is suitable here
@Abizern through delegate how it is possible I have Class1 and in class1 I have call Class2 then Class2 need to tell class to create that number of cells and about the downloading progress of each file, that why am using NSNotification centre
If I retain a custom uiview that I have in the UINavigationBar, should I set that property to nil in the viewDidUnload or is it enough with dealloc?
@Dude Depends on which method you are creating the custom view?
UIImage* imgEdit = [UIImage imageNamed:@"navitem_done.png"];
UIButton* btnEdit = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[btnEdit setFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, imgEdit.size.width, imgEdit.size.height)];
[btnEdit setBackgroundImage:imgEdit forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[btnEdit addTarget:self action:@selector(editTable:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

UIBarButtonItem* editItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:btnEdit];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = editItem;
I have that in viewDidLoad
And I am going to have a property to the UIButton, with retian
@Dude If you create it in viewDidLoad - release it in viewDidUnload. If you create it in viewDidAppear - release it in ViewDidDisappear.
So that applies to views in the navigationbar as well?
hello @Abizern plz have a look on my last msg
@Dude It's a case of what will happen if the view is unloaded and then loaded again. If you don't release it in the complementary function you'll have leaked memory.
@dark What notification is your download manager sending?
@Abizern an object with downloading progress and number of rows to create , I am having problem in taking the reference of progress for each index
@Abizern I know that, so that means that it applies to views that is set on the navigationitem/bar
@MohammadShahid It's up to you. If you're more comfortable using a webView, then use that. Personally I use native controls as much as possible. It's a design decision. It's up to you.
@Dude It applies to object creation - not where you use the objects.
@Abizern...means thanks that you have tried to help me...:)
i am not able to make a browse button using uiwebview, the html <input type=file > does not work in uiwebview
@dark Try having the view controller manage how many rows it has to display, and have the download manager send out different notifications for each download that it is managing.
i am much more comfortable in server side programming, but i want best result.. so plz suggest me the best solution
@MichaelDautermann if u find anything plz share with me so can try it .... i am also try to find abt it..
@Abizern yes am also thinking like that thanks let me give it a try
@MohammadShahid I think you might be better off just creating a web app that can be accessed through the phone's browser if you are uncomfortable creating a native app.
Or look at some of the tools such as PhoneGap that might let you program in a paradigm that you are comfortable with.
@MohammadShahid Otherwise - you'll just have to buy a book on iOS development and spend a few months learning how to do it properly.
can it be done in native ios programming?
i want to learn.. and i want to create native apps
i have basic knowledge of ios controls
i can play with, views, tabs, image, input, button, json etc in ios
@MohammadShahid Of course it can be done natively.
How do I disable the oppertunity to reorder rows in UITableView? But still have delete?
i can play with almost everything that are going to be used in this project
ok, i will make the submit photo form in native ios
the next is "Latest Photos" -> here photos are listed in gridview
photos will be fetched from server
@Dude return NO for tableView:canMoveRowAtIndexPath:`
i again have two options here.. 1) i can do easily in uiwebview 2) or i can try native ios controls
@Abizern Thank you :)
i want to opt 2nd option
@MohammadShahid Okay.
@Abizern hi
plz suggest me which control is suitable here to display photos with title and description in grid view
i can play with tableview but its not in row and column
i want to show in row and column like this smsread.com/test/wireframes/ios_photocontest/…
and want to put paging system (or similar thing) to navigation more photos
@Abizern i add some tab and all works fine.... but when i call UIactionsheet from any viewconroller... (e.x call uiactionsheet when i click on textbox)... in action sheet i add pickerview... my problem is its work fine in simple controller ... but not in tabbarcontroller...
@MohammadShahid Use a collectionview and a page control.
oh, nice.. its new for me :) and it is the absolute answer for my broad question
i will learn to play with it today, plz suggest me how i can manage paging system here
is there any control for it?
or i can make a big scrollview
and when scroll to bottom more and more photos are called from server
@Sunny Are you presenting the action sheet from the tab bar controller?
that's what I thought, too ;)
thanks @Abizern for the documentation link.. i will explore it today
plz tell me how i can manage paging system
is there any control for it? or i can make a big scrollview and when scroll to bottom more and more photos are called from server
@MohammadShahid Start here and keep reading.
@Abizern i add viewcontroller into tab... and in that view controller i add tableview ...and i add textbox at each cell... on textbox click event i call actionsheet........
@Sunny Are you presenting the action sheet from the tab bar controller?
@Abizern no...
@Abizern its from viewcontroller...
@abizern i have exported the project from last month, included ziparchive, same thing. exporeted project state from first week of april and included. also the same errors occurs, any other idea how to find the issue?
@Sunny Do it from the tabBar.
@Abizern if i do it from tabbar than how can i call it from view controller
@brush51 Keep going back until you find the change that introduced the bug. It's for this reason I use git and I commit at a very granular level.
@Sunny Get the viewController's tab bar and then use the UIActionSheet method showFromTabBar:
@Abizern i have no more data on my repository. server crashed in first week of april and that was the new first update in my repository. i think i duplicate my project and delete the files step by step and build after every delete.
Holy crap!! I need this right now
@Sunny That's why a UIViewController has a tabBarController property.
@sreecharan Why don't you order one while you are at WWDC?
@sreecharan Order one for me as well
and buy one for me as a birthday present.
@Abizern confuse.... so it meas i can use actionsheet through the tabbarcontroller property am i right
@MichaelDautermann When is your birthday?
@Sunny You present the action sheet from the tab bar. Yes.
not for another six months.
@Laddu Why? Are you going to send him a cake?
@Abizern No, she'll go to eat the cake :)
Nope, I am in the audience now, I wont point to anyone- question anyone or answer anyone until my hand heals, I've promised to some one that i wont type more
why would you make a promise like that?
@MichaelDautermann Now you're just trying to make him break his promise.
@Abizern no... i call action sheet from custom cell
@Sunny Am I just going round and round with you?
@Abizern i am confuse in it... so i think somewhere i made mistake....
@Sunny You may call an action sheet from wherever - but you present it from the tab bar if your view controller is hosted in one.
@Abizern ok ...
@Abizern i will try it ...
Hi all
I am a new developer and stuck in audioPlayer
I play my audio and either lock/unlock my iphone ... then the original sound is muffeled....... can you help me to solve this problem

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