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@benuuu something like tha
@ilis don't you already have that in your dictionary?
@ilis something like this: gist.github.com/2770279
@benuuu i have but i cant initialize arrays
Looking at creating a custom cell for a table view, with only 3 UIImageViews, and would like each to be loaded from a different entry in an XML that is parsed, and each to respond differently when touched...what would be best way to do this? I looked at the AQGridView and it seems overkill for what I am wanting
hi @all
@sreecharan hi
@SriPriya Hello
@sreecharan how r u?
Excellent , what about you ?
@sreecharan i am good
@sreecharan hey my issue still not solved, that -[__NSCFString PJSTRString]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x8410f80
@SriPriya can you gimme your code?
@Sam i had done something like that before, but it doesn't work for me(or doesnt give my solution)
@sreecharan i just used ASIFormDataRequest *request=[ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];

[request setDelegate:self];

[request startSynchronous];

NSString *response=[request responseString];


NSDictionary *dict=[response JSONValue];

NSMutableString *capabilityToken=[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@",[dict objectForKey:@"message"]];

device = [[TCDevice alloc] initWithCapabilityToken:capabilityToken delegate:nil];
let's say i have ten categories, i want to create ten arrays and initialize them whit the content of each category
@Laddu aaeen
@sreecharan he's ignored now
@Sam, @sreecharan @benuuu i will have dinner and be back in a few minutes
thanks for your help
@sreecharan aaeen
@Laddu please help @SriPriya with her issue, i need to go to doctor, i have an appointment
@ThisDarkTao :)
ok, bye guys, I am going to doctor, brb in an hour
@sreecharan ok
@SriPriya That crash log says you are sending a message PJSTRString to an instance of NSString, which it can't recognize.
@sreecharan take care
@SriPriya The message belongs to other class and you might be treating a NSString instance to be an instance of that class.
@Laddu hi
@SriPriya Hi
@Laddu what does PJSTRString means
@SriPriya It is a message that you are sending to an object (of type NSString)
@Laddu hi
@iProgrammer Hi
@Laddu kasie haal chal?
@Laddu but it worked fine with twill sample application, while i am integrating same to my app, app crashing with this exxception
@iProgrammer Just finished dinner.
@Laddu ok
@Laddu kya thoosa
@SriPriya From the crash log, that is what i could say. If you can try finding occurrences of PJSTRString in your project. And make sure it isn't called on some other kind of objects than it should.
@iProgrammer Rice and Dal.
@Laddu free hoot batana fb pe
@iProgrammer yes, i pinged you
@ThisDarkTao Thanks. I certainly will.
So I am looking at this:
Q: method_missing-like functionality in objective-c (i.e. dynamic delegation at run time)

smtlaissezfaireI'm trying to transform one method call into another dynamically (at runtime). For instance, I'd like the following: [obj foo] to delegate to: [obj getAttribute: @"foo"] (I'd like to do this dynamically as I don't know ahead of time what those method names or attributes are going to be). ...

Im trying to dynamically set a method name and value
Rather than doing this:
callbackInstance.callbackData = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[code objectForKey:@"fence"], @"fence",
[code objectForKey:@"immobilizer"], @"immobilizer",
I am trying to do this:
callbackInstance.fence = @"fence"
fence is not a method
but I want it to dynamically be one
The question is will this work as a setter/getter?
If I use -forwardInvocation
because unfortunately it wont even let me compile
for example: [callbackInstance fence:@"fence"]; "No visible interface for Callback Classs declares the selector fence"
However my callback class does implement forward invocatoin:
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
    NSLog(@"The invocation object is %@", anInvocation);

Q: Accessing forwardInvocation'd methods with ARC?

wjlafranceI'm writing a clone of OpenStruct in Objective-C, using forwardInvocation:. However, the compiler isn't aware of the forwarding at compile time apparently. Compiling with ARC gives me a ton of warnings. The code is open source and available on Github, but is currently compiled with -fno-objc-arc...

@JohnMerlino What are you trying to achieve with this? There's likely an easier way
actually Im experimenting with method missing functionality, and just curious to see how it works.
my callback class gets run during view onload for each controller
data is sent to this callback
but i want to be able to call methods on callback without definig methods in the clalback itself
it appears I will have to define the methods in the controller and have the callback forward the invocation to those methods
the methods sent to callback will be simple getter/setters
but i dont want to have a long list of getter/setters in the callback class for each controller.
If they are getter / setters, why don't you investigate key value coding? KVC was built with this in mind.
Your recommendation is to implement key/value coding on the callback class?
ok I looked at the documentation and was able to do this:
[callbackInstance setValue:[code objectForKey:@"fence"] forKey:@"fence"];
Right, then you can bind Observers to that object if you need to be notified when the values change
yeah Ill try it
so this key/value coding is a struct implementation
what do you mean
like it creates methods out of key/values
Random opinion poll: manual memory management on modern desktop environments - essential or largely boilerplate?
@Laddu : Aaeen
'[<CallbackClass 0x7972010> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key fence.'
@Laddu 12 o clock
@anonymous yes i'll go in 5 mins
I gotta wake up at 6am and do some coding
@Laddu Ohh.. In a morning?
@Laddu : Office ka or personal?
@Laddu byee .. net mar gaya hai
@iProgrammer Bye GN
@all Hello!
lol 6am in the afternoon :)
@Laddu 6 am lol.. I would rather go to the ground and have morning RUN
@anonymous Hello, Can you help me?
yes i'll be here at 6am
@anonymous Lets say I have a TabBar with X, Y and Z tabs.
I am on windows machine so may not be able to run your code and test
@Laddu go to bed, (although im oblivious to your time zone)
@anonymous each tab has Navigation controller
@Canelo : Ok
@Byte Yes, Just about to finish an algorithm and then i will carry on with it while i am on bed until i am asleep.
So lets say that im in tab Z and I want to go to tab X + 1 push in the Navigaiton
@anonymous is it possible?
want to go to tab X+1 means?
@Laddu you know that is bad for you. If you want to sleep easily, you should always keep electronic away from your bed area. (program your body for bed)
@Canelo so push +1 to X with no animation, then switch
Press 1 button in tab Z and it takes me to tab X and 1 level in the navigation hierarchy
ok so documentation states this:
If the specified key does not exist, the receiver is sent a setValue:forUndefinedKey: message. The default implementation of setValue:forUndefinedKey: raises an NSUndefinedKeyException; however, subclasses can override this method to handle the request in a custom manner.
I thought the key is specified as a string in the parameter. This requires additional stuff?
@Byte hehe :-)
@Canelo I can not say anything sure.. Have to read Apple reference docs for this first..
@Canelo you probably did something wrong in your code, it should not add hierarchy by itself
ok i see whats wrtong
if everything went south, you can always pop it
without animation, it wont appear like you did at the user end
but that is a hack, so be careful
@Laddu do you know the song "Payphone" by Maroon 5?
@Byte nah
@Laddu do you listen to american music?
@Byte nah. I don't often listen to music 'cos even after i stop them, they continue to play in my ears.
@Laddu lol, then dont listen to this song, cause after i went to their concert, it has not left my ears yet.. and that is some days ago
And i can't concentrate in my work :D
Yes, it happens to me always. I am at work thinking and the song keeps playing.
i work better with songs :)
Could anybody help my brain a bit..
didn't do app dev for some months
now when an app starts the storyboard in the AppName-info.plist is restored, right?
I dont know how to get rid of thise key code compliant error
it says key must exist'
so how do i make the key exist?
@Nils restored? The initial view controller specified in the storyboard file is made as root view controller of the window, if that is what you mean.
yeah it's deserialized
or how is it called?
@Nils Deserialized meaning? We need to specify the storyboard file name in the info.plist key main storyboard and it will be done for us automatically. If we have created project with storyboard option checked, then it's done for us already.
ok so if i add the keys as instance variables to callback class, then error goes away
but that defeats purpose
yeah but a storyboard or a xib file is a serialized Obj-C class, right?
purpose is to extract away as much code as possible to callback class
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
takes the AppDelegate class name as argument
What exactly is the purpose of the AppDelegate class
yeah I can read/google myself
there is no way to get all the list of user apps which are installed on his iphone
if i get his premission
@Byte How do I push 1 view in tabX from tabZ?
@Canelo many ways
you can have a pointer of tabX who somehow made it to your tabZ
you can use notification center
you can use delegate
pick one
What is loaded first the delegate or the storyboard?
@Byte I think im going to pick Notification Center
@Canelo good for you
@Byte ohh, but you cant pass data with notification center, right?
yes you can.
you can do with all 3 methods
@Nils I am sure you didn't google that ;)
Anyways - I gotta go sleep and wake up at 6am. Good Night all. See you tomorrow. Bye.
Where does it know the name of the plist file?
am I going to need to do something like this?
Q: Binding to a relations property in Core Data

Jonas JongejanI'm new in Core Data, and i got a problem i can't get my head around how to do "the right way" I'll try and examplify my problem. I got a entity Car. And a list of all the cars in my program. The cars have some attributes, but they are not predefined. So for each car i want to be able to define...

@Nils From your build settings.
yeah I see now, thx @Abizern
@Abizern you think that post linked above is a good solution?
@JohnMerlino Solution for what?
for the approach i been tyring to accomplish for the past 3 hours. Basically, I have a callback that gets run during viewonload, but i dont want the methods to be in callback because callback is used for different controllers, and i want it separate.
So i thought about creating dynamic methods and using forwardinvocation to pass the method invocation off to the controller which the callback is invoked at. But Sam recommended to use key/value coding. Problem with that is i have to define the keys as attributes in the callback and i dont want the callbnack to know anything aobut the controler.
so I am left with that post above as the only toher altenrative
i think that post above might work
Has anyone ever done custom popovers
basically I am looking to remove the chrome
for lack of a better term
Hey @Byte how are you?
So ultimately perhaps something like this:
[callbackInstance setValue:[code objectForKey:@"immobilizer"] forKey:callbackInstance.callbackData.immobilizer];
@sreecharan not too bad, gotta run to get some food today :( whats up with you?
@Byte Nothing special, just now returned from doctor :(
@sreecharan you know what could help your hand heals faster?
stop coming on here, or at least stop typing :)
listened to all the bullshit stuff which he was telling, blah..blah..blah :(
be what we here called "a couch potato"
@Byte I've almost stopped coming here
sit back and relax, bottom attached to the couch all the time and just watch something.
Sure, just wanna say HI to you, thats why i've pinged you
I am going , bye
@sreecharan :)
@sreecharan get better fast, then we can chat
@JohnMerlino How is this not setting values in the callback the way you want to avoid?
@Byte ok sure, I'm tired, need to take rest, bye bye
@Abizern it will set them in PropertyProxy
and it will be dynamica
i wont have to hard code anything
@JohnMerlino Okay.
so you think that good solution?
@JohnMerlino If it works for you it's a good solution.
im new in objective-c, but i know others language and in my head i know what i want to do.
i also learn alot with these experimentations
@Abizern hello, can you help me to parse a dictionary into arrays
that does not make sense
dictionary = key-object association whereas array = collection of objects with index
@Byte if your answer is for me, i want to create arrays which contain dictionaries.
@ilis you are now asking a different question.
@Byte no, maybe i explain in a different way,
it is still the same question
"no visible @interface for nsdictionary declares the selector filteredsetusingpredicate"
im not using core data
im using the iphone default app stuff
is there an alternative to filteredsetusingpredicate?
@Byte [this](http://pastebin.com/K17QM8k4) code gives what i want in a way but when i try to share data between classes(i'm using
sharedData= (BNT_AppDelegate *)([[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]); for this ) only one object comes to other class
should i extend nsdictionarty with nspredicate?
I dont understand your question, do you want to group all the dictionaries into and array of dictionary?
@ilis if you do, just group them the normal way you do with anything else
@Byte i want to create one array for each category.
for example array0 shall contain the content of category0.. this must go on for all template
if you dont, and want to parse it, I dont know where you are going with it
can anyone explain this line of code for me:
return [[car.properties filteredSetUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormt:@"key == %@", key]] anyObject];
its basically checking if the key exists or not and if not then add the key that was pased into parameter
sorry, Im very confused by your explanation, I cannot help.
i need help for my current running project
i need to display all application list and size
in iphone
please see screenshot here
Q: How to get Storage Size of Applications programatically in iPhone

Suresh.DI want to get the Storage Sizes of each Applications in iPhone through objective C. Any one help to get like this.... Thanks in Advance

all that crap above from that post is totally off. Thats for some framework which Im not using.
So I tried just to create a category extending nsdictionary
- (id)valueForUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key
    NSLog(@"NO VALUE %@", key);
    return nil;
but that never gets called
and I still get this error:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<CallbackClass 0x7b6c5d0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key fence.'
someone tell me why so hard to do this?
What's the way to concat strings and string literals in objective-c?
NSString *completeUrl = [[NSString stringWithString:urlToApi] appendString:queryString];
what am I doing wrong here
[urlToApi stringByAppendingString:queryString]
You should probably be using NSURL though if you are concatenating pieces of a URL
nah it's about the string concatenation
Xcode bitches
What's the way to concat two strings
I just told you...
ah sry
can I connect two string literals
like @"Hello " @"world";
hi any one can help me?
we'll see
if you ask
Q: How to get Storage Size of Applications programatically in iPhone

Suresh.DI want to get the Storage Sizes of each Applications in iPhone through objective C. Any one help to get like this.... Thanks in Advance

i need to show info like this
Q: I have a NSString that I need to convert to an int, increment by 1, and convert back to a NSString. I can't fighure out how to do that without running into ARC... can someone help me please?
please see the screnshot
i ask question:
Q: dynamically set the key for Key-Value Coding in objective-c iphone

JohnMerlinoI have a class called mycallback: [mycallback setValue:[code objectForKey:@"abc"] forKey:@"abc"]; It gets called for a lot of my controllers. THe thing is i pull data from a mysql database and I send it to mycallback. So I may not know what the key is. And in addition to that, I don't want to ...

@Nils [@"Hello stringByAppendingString:@"word"]
i spent several hours
not sure what to do
@spokanedude NSInteger someInt = [someString intValue]
I didn't compile it but what about just writing them next to each other?
"blah blah" "asdf"
works in C++ but I am not sure about C
@Sam thanks... brb
@Nils had you seen link?
do you have any idea how to do this?
@Mehuldarji Impossible unless you are developing for jailbroken devices.
you are not allowed to do it
se the answers on the page
@Sam there examples are oversimplified. They declare instance variables and thats why their examples work. I dont want to have instance variables in my callback class and also i may not know what the keys are until runtime.
Hey does anybody know what size in points the space is in between UITableView groups?
but you see there are several app in the appstore that have this info display with it
@JohnMerlino You need instance variables for KVC to function.
i know but I dont want to put instance variables in my callback class and i also may not know what the key is until runtime
so is there some solution?
can I somehow dynamically create the key?
thats what I thought that one post i linked before was doing but they were using some framework called core data that exposed a property called "propery"
I thought perhaps I could use:
but it never gets called
ahh f*** time
and I have to get up early
@Abizern yah i checked your programm. Thanks helped me to clear concept!!
Hey I'm looking at a crashlog and it says: -[MyClass _original_setMyVariable:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
i'm confused as to where the "original" has come from
or what it means
Im giving up on this for today. If anyone can suggest me how to create methods at runtime I will be grateful. here's the question:
Q: dynamically set the key for Key-Value Coding in objective-c iphone

JohnMerlinoI have a class called mycallback: [mycallback setValue:[code objectForKey:@"abc"] forKey:@"abc"]; It gets called for a lot of my controllers. THe thing is i pull data from a mysql database and I send it to mycallback. So I may not know what the key is. And in addition to that, I don't want to ...

posted on May 22, 2012 by John

There’s no question about the high popularity of book and magazine apps in the iPhone and especially the iPad store. In the past I’ve listed some great libraries that allow you to easily make a magazine/book iOS app from a PDF or a set of images.  I’ve also mentioned a tutorial for getting your app [...]

1 hour later…
Hi all. I'm trying to figure out how to set the initial first responder for a view defined in a storyboard. I've found some places that say it's a window property, but storyboards don't give you any access to that so no joy. (I'm a noob too, in case that isn't obvious.) Anyone done this before?
BTW for now I'm just doing it in viewDidLoad. Just seems like you should be able to do it in the storyboard editor.

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