yeah you can use these [self didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)]; (it's called after the rotation) or this: before the rotation [self willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation) duration:(NSTimeInterval)]
hey guys i have a question. is it possible for a push segue to happen just inside a subview? i have an ipad app, i have a small subview in the lower left corner. is it possible to just do the push segue there?
@iHungry @MacroArt hey guys i have a question. is it possible for a push segue to happen just inside a subview? i have an ipad app, i have a small subview in the lower left corner. is it possible to just do the push segue there?
I use ShareKit in most of my apps, but would like to add Timeline features into my app. Like how spotify will automatically post songs you listen to on timeline. Would this be something that could be added to my ShareKit implementation?
I have add 2 custom UIMenuItem on a button click, it works fine
but when I tab hold on UITextView(on same view) then it show 2 UIMenuItem "Paste" and "More" on tab on "More" it show my 2 custom UIMenuItem (which I have added) How I manage it that .. on UITextView it show only default UIMenuItem (like copy paste select).... means custom UIMenuItem should only shown on UIButton Action any idea guys
I have been tasked with investigating the feasibility of writing an iPhone App to access our internal VoIP/SIP systems.
I've never coded anything close to VoIP before. Are there any open source VoIP/SIP libraries/examples in C or Objective-C?
An O/S iPhone App that I can skin and add our requir...
@iPhoneDeveloper i also did a lot of search with fail, i had to end up using the loading and closing the controller only when the webview finishes loading
@sreecharan hmm . we have integrated in all our app ..but sometime crash report is the reason to crashthe app so we are want to improve that method ....
@user1397714 but that is not the right process. So you need to maintain seperate profile for each application. It is very easy to create a new profile,
hey guys i have a question. is it possible for a push segue to happen just inside a subview? i have an ipad app, i have a small subview in the lower left corner. is it possible to just do the push segue there?
@Hector i have a question,please. is it possible for a push segue to happen just inside a subview? i have an ipad app, i have a small subview in the lower left corner. is it possible to just do the push segue there?
@Hector I'm trying it now, but when I do a segue, it pushes to the entire full screen... would you have any idea on how to do that? I also cannot find questions similar to this in stack overflow, probably because I don't have the right words...
@Hector i have a question,please. is it possible for a push segue to happen just inside a subview? i have an ipad app, i have a small subview in the lower left corner. is it possible to just do the push segue there?
@iPhoneDeveloper Icon Sizes and Use Here is a list of where you will encounter the following icon sizes: 512 – App Store 144 – Retina iPad Home Screen 72 – iPad Home Screen 114 – Retina iPhone Home Screen 57 – iPhone Home Screen 96 – Retina iPad Spotlight 48 – iPad Spotlight 58 – Retina Settings 29 – Settings
so can anyone help? basically it gets rid of the layer i guess? like rounded corners, and my uisearchbar gains a background on view, i make it clear when the view is made, and the left view of textfield is regular again?
@sreecgarab oh sorry, i have lots of issues and then move on to another. so in this app, click a button and a uiview is added, called searchview which is a uiview subclass. so it can move around and all that, in a method of clicking another button it makes the view into nsdata and saves into nsuserdefaults. then
the load button loads that view back up. so the view thats added and is "saved" has its .layer.cornerRadius = 30.0.. so its round, but when its loaded, the roundness is gone. then the uisearchbar i have code to clear out the background so its clear background and the left view, the search icon is gone and is a button showing a popover, that is all gone. so I've been trying all day basically to make it look exactly as i saved it?
I’ve mentioned some excellent open source games from the app store that could be used as a great examples for learning how to create games. Most of these games use Cocos2D and I’ve come across another Cocos2D game that makes for a great example. The game is Castle Hassle by Bryce Redd which is a real-time [...]
hai i am using MPVolumeView to display the system volume on my app. is their any way to change the color of that volume view like this
my code is here
//MPVolumeView will controll system volume, only work in real device
MPVolumeView *volumeView = [[[MPVolumeView alloc] initWithFrame: