@brush51 which view controller is self there and which view controller is self.viewController? I am confused why not it's like [self presentModalViewController: ... animated:YES];
@Laddu that both should be the same. and i see now that the self.viewcontroller is not needed. with self, the rotation works now. but still confused why that does not work with self.viewcontroller.
@laddu the fact it's crashing on iOS 5 and not iOS 4 seems like something is bogus in his view controller, not the xib (in which case the crash would happen on both 4 & 5)
@MichaelDautermann is it possible to add timeout in mpmovieplayerview controller..i am doing http live streaming...so if player is unable to load url what notification it give..i searched but i found MPMoviePlayerLoadStateDidChangeNotification..
@mountainlionmoorthy It doesn't work on some other object? Is that object of some other class or some other object of same class? And what does it say when you do that? Crash? No crash but method is not called?
I have MPMoviePlayer that load movie from stream. I implemented timeout on 15 seconds with timers. But is there maybe some other better way to implement timeout without timer?
@MichaelDautermann i implement this code but i think this will work when URL will load in player...if suppose URL is block then activity indicator is running continuously..
@brush51 Container view controllers, like tab bar controllers, needs all their child view controller to support an orientation if that orientation is to be supported in any of it's child view controller. So in case, it happens that the view controller that was presenting it was tab bar controller and tab bar controller's any of the child view controller doesn't support that orientation, then...
@Laddu pastie.org/3930468 method from my viewcontroller class. i called that method from my subclass using pastie.org/3930430 method. method is called but view did't appear in mainscreen ..
@mountainlionmoorthy sScreen = [[ViewController alloc]init]; and [sScreen name]; . You are allocating view controller and calling it's method. It will get called but won't be visible. Why? Because you can't see it's view as it's view is not added anywhere as subview.
but anyways... @gaurav if you set a breakpoint in your "MPMoviePlayerLoadStateDidChange" method, does it ever hit that method? Like when a movie successfully loads or plays or whatever.
@MichaelDautermann but how do i know time for timer? i mean it is depend on net speed..if suppose net is slow then? in that case this method will be call..
@mountainlionmoorthy From the code that you have shown - The possible causes could be image path doesn't exists, instantiation of ImagePlayer, mainScreen is presently not on screen hence it's subviews also will not be, mainScreen is nil, etc...
@Reefaq The problem is our actors are given so much importance. And very few of them actually do method acting and good movies. One song becomes hit during movie promo and entire country gets in the queue like fools. And then they are also idols of citizens :-)
@0x8badf00d From what he says and has been in the news, they questioned him for 2 hours or so. It's same as James Bond arriving at Delhi Airport and questioned for 2 hours.
After the huge success of our earlier giveaway we have again teamed up with Packt Publishing! This time three lucky winners stand a chance to win a copy of the newest addition to their hugely successful Unity series. Keep reading to find out how you can be one of the Lucky Winners. Overview of Unity [...]
Looking at doing some photos as part of this app I'm working on, and would like it to just be a scroll view that is filled with all the pictures from a server. Would it be best to set this up as an XML and parse it? How could I then have it detect the number of image views to have based off of that and arrange it in such a way?
I was thinking of just setting up a Facebook page with a photo album in it, and either linking to it in a webview, or seeing if there are any Facebook APIS that would allow for viewing of an album within an app
So if I host pictures online, create an xml with a link to each picture, I know how I could get each one to show in a row of a table view, but how would I do something like the Photos app with just a grid of pictures and when clicked they are bigger?
@user717452 Break it down into smaller steps. 1) Can you create a grid of pictures?
2) Can you arrange it so that a touch on an image fires an event? 3) Can you respond to the event in such a way that a larger version of the image appears? 4) Can you arrange for a way to dismiss the larger view and return to your grid of images?
i wanna create one magzine(html files)....i have over 50html files,i want to create an app for that...now my question is how can i proceed?...how to use webview in proper way?
if i create webviews inside scroll view,the loading and swiping is too low..
Have never created a grid of pictures on an iOS app before, so this is all new territory to me. However, I do know how to make a larger version of the image appear and dismiss it back to the grid
@Abizern..but if we think as end-user's perpective,lazy loading! that too in magazine?...does it sounds good?...do you have any sample code on lazy loading of html pages?
@anonymous essentially, though I'd like it to be more a grid than a table view...don't know if it would be possible. Scratch that, I know it is, I just am not skilled enough to know how to do that at this point.
@anonymous could you point me in some directions? I can parse the XML to get the links for the images, and if it were simply a table view, I would be able to put them in it just fine, but I don't know where to start on the 'in a loop just take the uiimageviews and load images in them'
@user717452 Well you see this chat room page in right side? User's avatars are being displayed? The same way you create UIImageView's in Parsing's connectionDidFinishLoading method.. In this method you will get urls of images from xml and save them in Array.. So you have total no of images.. Run a loop for those many times, create those UIIMageViews and load those images..
@Puneeth Why search for sample codes? What have you got against writing code for yourself rather than tweaking somebody else's code. How are you ever going to learn?
@sreecharan From experience - it hurts for a couple of days and then you learn to live with the pain and you learn to snatch sleep while the painkillers are working. Put your feet up watch a film or read a book, and step away from the keyboard. You want to give your hand a chance to heal.
Does anyone here have a good app example for a form? like an app that takes in a lot of information? Im trying to design it but currently have nothing running through my head
@Byte Unforutantely not. I had something like that to do - I broke it into separate views as best as I could. Forms are a hard UI problem - bounce it to a designer.
@Byte Then do the best you can - Personal details in one view, credit card in another, etc. Make sure you store the intermediate state before you push it anywhere, though.
I am a beginner programmer in Objective-C. Can anyone please tell me how to perform call back functions in Objective-C.
I would just like to see some completed examples and I should understand it.
Thanks a lot
i have a complaint about the technique used though
for the answer with 42 upvotes, the problem I have with it is that during the execution of the function that you want the callback to occur on, you have to instantiate MyClass, then set the current class as delegate, and then you have to actually call the callback function within that class.
i want the callback to be executed after that function is completed without having to instnatiate another class just to trigger a callback.
im thinking of a ruby on rails style callback
granted, objective-c is compiled but nevertheless is what i am trying to do possible?