@bala:when we use safari to open some maps from application,why the application won,t be retain when we quit safari? (app is in background state in this situation)
@All :when we use safari to open some maps from application,why the application won,t be retain when we quit safari? (app is in background state in this situation)
i had stuck at the point.i need to retrieve memory occupied by iphone inbuilt application like music,photo,movies,application etc...any one have idea please let me know.
i had stuck at the point.i need to retrieve memory occupied by iphone inbuilt application like music,photo,movies,application etc...any one have idea please let me know.
@vijaysinghadhikari i have uiimageview sub class i have load that class in view did load its working fine. but i load that into outside of viewdidload its not appear
Can anyone tell me How to set images in each table view cell at runtime in iOS app ... In my EAch cell , I have 3 buttons in it. I have images stored in an Array. And Want to set images of all button ..
e.g. If I have 7 images in array, then there would be 3 row containing 7 buttons, I want to set image for that
@mountainlionmoorthy Can you tell me How to set images in each table view cell at runtime ... In my EAch cell , I have 3 buttons in it. I have images stored in an Array. And Want to set images of all button ..
e.g. If I have 7 images in array, then there would be 3 row containing 7 buttons, I want to set image for that
@zing and in cellforRowAtIndexPath you need to pass url to imageDownloader class like this [imageDownloader setImageWithURL:[yourArray objectAtIndex:(3*indexpath.row+0)]; [imageDownloader setImageWithURL:[yourArray objectAtIndex:(3*indexpath.row+1)]; [imageDownloader setImageWithURL:[yourArray objectAtIndex:(3*indexpath.row+3)]; by doing this your are able to load 3 images in a row
@iProgrammer @iPhoneDeveloper @ios @iHungry @Leena @Coder @virendra @NeerajNeeru @NikhilBansal @furqi @dark @Dev @Reefaq @Bala I NEED HELP FRIENDZZZ.... WHEN I AM RUNNING MY APP IN IPHONE 4 (REAL DEVICE) THEN AM GETTING THIS ERROR : "While reading /Users/sumitghosh/Desktop/All iPhone Projects/Clearing Jar/Clearing Jar/Resources/Default.png pngcrush caught libpng error:" HOW TO SOLVE IT ????
@vijaysinghadhikari my application needs internet to run and i also checking the network availability, but when my app goes to out of coverage from wifi (without 3g enabled) it freezes
@NeerajNeeru bhai viewdidload m jo notification h usko commnt kr do or bs rechiblity code run kro .... fr dekho alert at a h ya nai or network disconnct kr do
@vijaysinghadhikari @Coder @nirav I deleted and added Default.png Twice but still I am getting same error.... I don't know why it is comming... You people are giving correct suggestion but don't know why it is comming !!! Surprised .... Any other sugesstion ???
@NeerajNeeru if you use more than one button in UIAlertView, then you should probably use delegate method to access or use the 2nd button that you add extra to cancelButtonhttp://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIAlertViewDelegate_Protocol/UIAlertViewDelegate/UIAlertViewDelegate.html#//apple_ref/occ/intf/UIAlertViewDelegate
@MUSTHAFA i think this will check the network availability continuouesly while app is running, can you please post this on my thread stackoverflow.com/questions/10646578/…
I need some help for finding the person with Camera.
is it possible to fetch person from the groups if he has install applicator in that device from the camera?
the basic concept is when user rotate camera to any person camera will fetch image of that user and will search it and compare it with...
@NeerajNeeru @Nirav @NikhilBansal @MUSTHAFA @mountainlionmoorthy @Mehuldarji @ilis @iProgrammer @iPhoneDeveloper @iHungry @Laddu @Leena @Lakshmi @Bala @Reefaq @RadheMohan @TeamStar @Unknown @Pavijay @Avengers @dark @Dev @Hector @Coder hiiii all........i m working on VOIP ..... any help plzzzzzzzz... on what is VOIP and how to implement that
is there any library or api or smoothing like that
@vijaysinghadhikari in fact i havent grasp it yet.. i'm trying for some more tutorials but couldnt find yet. and also this library didnt work for me, it sayas "permission denied" when i try commend ./configure-iphon on terminal
@vijaysinghadhikari i saw it.. there is an application called vippie, you can via url schemme call it inside your application too(i tried somthing like that) but it is paid too
Some time ago I listed a library for creating animated pop out curved menus inspired by the Path 2 app. Today I came across another library that in my opinion allows you to make menus that are even more eye-catching allowing you to create an animated menu using a set of icons. You can even [...]
@Harish i have never implemented video but your question is a little complicated, a a comment ays, if you are just trying to implement done button search for that because you have done all correctly
@Harish what do you want to do via done button? stopping video, dismissing video.. ?