@sreecharan, actually i m working on app which is for iOS 4 compatible and i m worked on iOS 5, in iOS 5 twitter.framework already exist but i not able to used becoz its incompatible for iOS 4,
so i planning to do twitter engine integration on old fashion, adding classes of SA_OAuthTwitterEngine, but those folder already included one static library for twitter, when i trying to add that static library in xcode setting, in that setting it automatically takes its path, now i don't wher i m stuck
@Bitbucket yah i know but again the actuall area (selectable) would be rectangular but i can add transparent image of desired shape. this is not what i want. i want selected area should be same as shape of button
@Bitbucket any idea is above api is accepted by apple or not ?
@Bitbucket yes for example i made button 300x300px with image of of any shape right? say image is just a diagnol. a single diagnal bar. ok now selectable area would be square not just diagnal but it looks like diagnal through custom shape with transparent background. does it make sense
@mann, mere dost u have write some code for that urself... use u do not need to create button here u have to implement UIIMageView and set ur UIIMage init... and find that UIIMageview at UITouch method....after that take touch point pixel and validated its alpha property ... if there is alpha exist then it clickable otherwise not
@mann then just try it and see... Im fairly confident it will work, subclassing is a feature of the language and its not accessing any undocumented API's
@mann, u confused man ... i already wasting my time in it... now i solved that problem few months ago... nw i feel u wasting my time writing last sentance
@sreecharan yah i understand. but experience also matters. You people have loads of experience . whats wrong to use it first :) yah without giving anybody any headace
@iHungry hahaha. no offense. Gussa kiyon hote ho dost :)
@mann never be concerned using someone elses code if theyve provided it... just becuase youre a programmer doesnt mean you have to build everything yourself
@sreecharan oh cool. just simple question. what sort of file it should be ? do you think media-ice.musicradio.com/FunKidsMP3Low would be good source? or do i need to actually access file which plays it
@sreecharan but for AVAudioPlayer one has to access actual source file. not website that plays audio. i have checked it , it does not work. so wondering why
haaaaaaa.... lots and lots of stress. But it wasn't as horrible as it could have been, which makes me believe that there is likely to be a "round 2" of interviews (if I have passed this first set... which isn't guaranteed at all... I was actually stuttering by the last guy I talked to in the day, who was my hiring manager).
awwww. We'll see what happens. I'm also not certain if it's a job I really want (since it's still a big corporation and it'd be at least 60 minutes commute in each direction), but we'll find out.
I helped some tourists take pictures outside the main building.
@MichaelDautermann, i make an application in 5.0 ARC which is compatible for 4.0 also i got success to implement facebook library but i not able to successed in twitter... becoz when i trying me to search on compatibility i got all result same for twitter.framwork
I want to add twitter sdk on my application in ios sdk 4.0 but it is giving problem.
But with twitter framework it is working properly on iOS 5.0.
So please let me know what should I do to integrate twitter in my app so that it can work flawless upto ios 4.0.
Yes. My boss also is stupid. Has targeted iOS 4.0. I am still not using Storyboard. He was targeting iOS 3.0 i convinced him somehow for that as i didn't want to do Manual Memory Management :P
maybe they all should... but older devices are really rare (if they are still working) and Apple would prefer to sell you a nice new iPhone 4 instead of that 5 year old iPhone 1 that somebody almost never turns on anymore.
@Laddu, oh!!! grt8 .... my story is so sad ... i spending a lot of time in office for making project b4 time line... becoz only one here exprience iphone developer... also i have to work for other who are stuck in his works
Never depend on company and never expect them to give you opportunity for learning new things. If they give, its good for you and you are lucky. If not, be prepared. It might happen that company brings in fart apps to develop, that we already know how to develop.
@GauravGovilkar Sorry for the delay. Synchronous request waits until it gets finished. If it's done on main thread, then main thread is blocked until that method returns and hence is bad idea when done on main thread. Asynchronous request works on seaprate thread and hence when invoked from main thread doesnt block the main thread.
Asynchronous request returns immediately and carries out on separate thread and reports us via delegate methods or calls backs as blocks or whatever.
@MichaelDautermann how to get image inside of document directory folder ? i use like this NSString *dataPath = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents/MyFolder/"];
@mountainlionmoorthy it looks like the code you typed there is doing exactly what you told it to do. It's creating a data path with "Documents/MyFolder".
@iProgrammer that dosent matter in which class you have passed your message through delegate its work is to pass a message from one controller to another without seeing who is the parent of this class
i want to read a plist using cocos2d-x (c++)
here is my plist:
Hi friends i am using curser in my MFMailComposeViewController body part with
- (BOOL) setMFMailFieldAsFirstResponder:(UIView*)view mfMailField:(NSString*)field{
for (UIView *subview in view.subviews) {
NSString *className = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [subview class]];
Try this out,
NSString *emailBody=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@<br>Hooray, This is my 2 lines before curser:<br><br>"];
emailbody = [emailBody stringByAppendingString:@"Whatever string or curser you want"];
[picker setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:YES];
@PJR your question is really confusing. Do you want to add two lines to the end of the body of the e-mail or do you want your curser ($@$#$@#$!) to be at the bottom of the body of the e-mail when the user first sees it?
"Important The mail composition interface itself is not customizable and must not be modified by your application. In addition, after presenting the interface, your application is not allowed to make further changes to the email content. The user may still edit the content using the interface, but programmatic changes are ignored."