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@sreecharan do u have any idea how can we open facebook dialog according to ipad view
@Myaaoonn yes tell me
@StoryBoard hi
hay check this link and let me know hw can I progress.. stackoverflow.com/questions/…
@Avengers icoderz is nt in room
@sandy hay check this link and let me know hw can I progress.
Q: Open Data Protocol in IOS Asynchronous request

NarayanaHow can we Request OData feed URL Asynchronous. The SDK provide Synchronous request. We need to have Asynchronous request in order to make UI not block. http://www.odata.org/ Thanks.

@Nirav I was talking about my company's name
@iProgrammer hello
@Princekumar hi
@RadheMohan do u know how to resize facebook dialog according to ipad
no idea
Anybody here knows abt how to resize facebook dialog according to ipad view
@all, my application crashed on this line _facebook = [[Facebook alloc] initWithAppId:@"myAppId" andDelegate:self]; and crash report is -[Facebook initWithAppId:andDelegate:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7c48d780
2012-05-11 12:41:50.223 [1871:15a03] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[Facebook initWithAppId:andDelegate:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7c48d780'
y this?
remove andDelegate then try this
if it works without it or not
@all - core data. Does anyone knows how much is limit for inserting in attribute string? Because for some variable I have for example 50 characters and sometimes 4500. How much is limit?
@iHungry u have entered your id in .plist file
@Princekumar, yup
in URL Schemes ..? @iHungry
@Laddu : Aaeen
@anonymous hi
@iHungry do u have TV then let me see your app on TV
@Princekumar, sorry i forgot to entered in .plist file.
@anonymous u know drawrect circle?
@Princekumar, nope i havn't TV
@Unknown no
@iHungry then please enter it in URLSchemes as fbYOUR_APP_ID
@anonymous oh ok. i did here. but i need to draw using uiviewcontroller.
@anonymous aaeen
Lunch time. Brb
@Laddu bye... same here
@all good morning
@brush51 bhai good afternoon thai gai :p
@Prem I think @brush51 is from Germany :)
@iHungry have u solved it?
@sreecharan oh....then its ok
nope :(
@sreecharan correct @prem
@Princekumar, i don't know where i wrong
@sreecharan i am in germany but i am 100 percent turkish anatolia boy ;)
@brush51 where in germany, Berlin ?
@sreecharan frankfurt
@brush51 Oh! your native is Istanbul ?
actually i working on iOS 5
@sreecharan kayseri, if you know this city.
@brush51 Idk, Always Istanbul comes to my mind, if anyone talks about turkey, lol
@iHungry have u entered it in plist file
@sreecharan i can understand it
@Princekumar, yes... i want to show u info.plist screen shot but uin4tunatley i havn't uploading access in my co
@sreecharan dude, do you know how to set vibration globally on and off?
wait I m uplaoding plist file image
@iHungry would u able to see screen shot
@Princekumar, yup i do that also.. and i reset my simulator as well.
@sreecharan hay do u find any solution?
If u had team viewer then I can resolve it @iHungry
@Princekumar, nahi dost kuch bhi access nahi hai idher
allahki meharabani hai... atleast is forum ka toh muzhe access hai
@iHungry I m also working on facebook these days and I have also get this type of error and I have resolved it
u can send me on mail @iHungry
I will resend u after correcting it
@brush51 You mean programmatically or in normal iPhone ?
@iHungry my email id is on my profile u can get from there
@Princekumar, no one website access ... even i got access of Facebook bemcoz of the fb module is in the my projects
@sreecharan programmatically.
@sreecharan hello, how r u?
@prawcha Hello, how are you?
@Aseem Hello
@iHungry even gmail is not accessed
@sreecharan I'm good
@sreecharan have u any idea about offline map
@Princekumar, no...
@hector hello
@iHungry did u try by removing delegate: self
@Princekumar hi
@ios Hi
@ios hows running your phonegap
now get another work @Princekumar
@ios wt?
@Princekumar, nope ok . i will try nw
@Aseem I am already helping 3 members, Hold on will come to you later
@brush51 check this
@prawcha you better watch out whom you give out your personal data to on the internet.
Q: Making the iPhone vibrate

Helium3How can the iPhone be set to vibrate once? For example, when a player loses a life or the game is over, the iPhone should vibrate.

@ios , @iHungry brb...
@Reno Thats what i am going to tell her, thanks
That person you talked to yesterday was a creep and "his" account is nuked.
@prawcha be careful while talking here
@prawcha to be clear, talk about your technical queries rather than about your personal life
@Princekumar, not working that also... but i used try..catch block i got exception two times... that means may be method calling two times
@Aseem what do you mean by offline map? do you need to display map even when the device dont have internet ?
@iHungry would u please paste your code on pastebin.com
@iHungry don't say pastebin is also blocked
@Princekumar, wait
@Myaaoonn I am not able to find any rotation gesture code in your repository, it is just giving some random shapes
@Garnik Hi mate, is your problem Solved ?
@sreecharan thanks for the link but i dont mean vibration in one app. i want to toggle the global vibration settings which you can find in settings app, you know?
@All Hi to all
@sreecharan Hey...Solved the problem)))) The problem was in initial rawData...It was messed up befor I put zeros...Just solved
Any one know unity
@ios hello where u have gone
@sreecharan thanks for ur help..)
@Garnik No problem , I am glad to hear this from you
@sreecharan hmm.. I knw der z no Rotation gesture I ve at add that..
@Narayana did u know unity
@sreecharan I was digging it whole week
@brush51 hmm, ok, Apple has its own example in there documentation, I hope it will be helpful for you, developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/SpeakHere/…
@Princekumar hi
@Garnik Whole week for this one ?
@sreecharan and Not only... to this one I came just yesterday.))))
If I can help someone I would be very glad.
@Garnik please mate, I am overloaded (helping 3 members at a time) take some responsibility, lol
@sreecharan exactly i want
@Aseem hmm, ok, I have other question, do you need to display the current device position?
Q: Is there an offline geocoding framework, library, or database for iOS?

MosheIs there an (offline) Geocoding framework, library or database for iOS? A place to get the data from? I need to be able to geocode street addresses in cities worldwide (or at least in the United States) into latitude and longitude for sunrise and sunset calculations. The information must be in ...

@sreecharan with great pleasure...
Q: Offline map using cloudmade

Allenhow can i implement offline map using cloudmade? is it possible with cloudemade? is there any sample code? Any help is appreciated!

Hey Guys address me your some questions
@Garnik Ok, let me decrease one , ok check this github.com/ole/CGPathHitTesting
this is question from @Myaaoonn
@sreecharan thx i'll gone through if any prob then i'll let u know
he need rotation gesture init
@Myaaoonn please ask your question to @Garnik , he will help you
@Garnik this is his question in SO, stackoverflow.com/questions/10546551/…
@sreecharan checking now
@Aseem Ok.
@Garnik hello.. Can u help me?
@sreecharan ok..
@Myaaoonn hope so....But I can't understand what do you want to do with this shapes
posted on May 11, 2012 by John

iCloud is a topic that I’ve brought up several times, and the most popular resources have been an excellent library that provides a blocks based syntax for upload images and documents to iCloud, and an in-depth guide on using iCloud and Core Data together. I’ve also mentioned some excellent beginner iCloud tutorials, and today came [...]

@Myaaoonn ...????
@Garnik I have to Rotate and Scale this shapes.. Because I have drawn the shapes in smooth hand
@Garnik using bezier path
@Myaaoonn I have done this before)Let me find some code for you from my projects
@Garnik Plz yar.. I wil be Oblidge..
@Myaaoonn couldn't find my proj
@Myaaoonn but look here. Maybe will find something interesting techotopia.com/index.php/…
@anonymous @Laddu I need help in core data
@Garnik Wht z dat? It shows There is currently no text in this page, you Chaeck and let me know
@Myaaoonn sorry my fault...missing last brecket
@Myaaoonn please add bracket to the end of the link
closing one
@Garnik ok ok.. thx.. But I ve problem on bezier path.. D link z 4 view
@Myaaoonn I think you can do something like this... When you tap on your shape, at that moment put it in view...Then rotate the view and take it off
@Myaaoonn Just I didn't go deep into your code...And don't know is it possible with it, but it would make easier to make rotation
@Garnik may b.. Bt I dont ve 2 use another view.. I ve 2 manage the Bezierpath Rotation as in sample code of CGPathHitTesting
@Myaaoonn I have some progress...I can get rotation radians when I use rotation on your shape... You can use these radians to change coordinates of your shape and rotate...
@Garnik I have a personal advice for you, please accept the answers in stackoverflow.com , when your problem is solved, your acceptance rate is 0%, you have not accepted even one answer, so the circumstances will be you wont get answers anymore..
@sreecharan I didn't even thought about it..)))
@Garnik plz.. clarify more.. And show me the code
@Myaaoonn yep of course...(Just I'm working on 100 fronts at the same time)...How can I commit my changes in this CGPathHitTesting project?
@Garnik yep, good answers deserve upvotes, especially when they actually help you.
@sreecharan hi
@Garnik U say me d classname and change method with changes.. I wil add it
@Rocky Hello, how are you ?
@sreecharan i am fine and u
i am good
@Abizern do you recall any time that TD was softly trolling or max trolling in here?
@Myaaoonn pastebin.com/dN6UDFrr se here...Do your Changes in ViewController.m and .h
If so, can you direct me to the chat logs (even if they contain deleted stuff)
I'm preping the satellites for an orbital account nuke :)
@sreecharan Thanks for your advice...I thought I don't have permissions to do that yet))))
@Reno :) Great
@Garnik .m method
@Garnik Nope, acceptance dont need even 1 reputation
@Myaaoonn sorry what do you mean?
@sreecharan Ok thanks gottcha
@Garnik u saw dat CGPathHitTest method na... After dat two gesture add another one Rotation. in viewcontroller.m didload method
@Myaaoonn can't understand ur point... can you be more clear?
@Garnik Den in - (IBAction)rotationDetected:(UIGestureRecognizer *)sender {CGAffineTransform currentTransformation = obj_DrawView.transform;
CGAffineTransform newTransform = CGAffineTransformRotate(currentTransformation,rotation);

[self.selectedShape RotateBy:newTransform:rotation];

// CGRect originalBounds = self.selectedShape.totalBounds;
//// CGAffineTransform currentTransformation = obj_DrawView.transform;
// CGRect newBounds = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(originalBounds, CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(rotation));
@AllSay : Yeah say
@Myaaoonn : Room FAQs 2.3. Please read
@Garnik Plz open dat CGPathHitTest sample project.. See the viewController.m ViewDidload method. U can find two gesture method
@Myaaoonn )))Now I get... Add rotation gesture next to these two gestures...add this one

UIRotationGestureRecognizer *rotationRecognizer =
[[UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc]
[[UIRotationGestureRecognizer alloc]
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:rotationRecognizer];
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:rotationRecognizer];
// [rotationRecognizer release];

in your viewDidLoad
@Myaaoonn :) I don't know why chat doubled everything
@Garnik HMM.. Its ok.. I understand .. den wht in RotationDetected Method?
@Myaaoonn it is selector method...When You initialize your rotation gesture u call for selector method @selector(rotationDetected:) which is your this method - (IBAction)rotationDetected:(UIGestureRecognizer *)sender. And when you rotate your fingers it catches gesture and in that method is described what to do when there is gesture detected
@AllSay : What issue you have in Core Data?
@Garnik hmm.. Dat I knw.. I ve added this method..
@Garnik - (IBAction)rotationDetected:(UIGestureRecognizer *)sender {
CGFloat radians =
[(UIRotationGestureRecognizer *)sender rotation];
CGFloat velocity =
[(UIRotationGestureRecognizer *)sender velocity];

NSString *resultString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:
@"Rotation - Radians = %f, velocity = %f",
radians, velocity];

[self.selectedShape RotateBy:radians];
[self.drawingView reloadData];

@Myaaoonn when you call @selector(someMethod) it doesn't matter do you have that someMethod or not...If you don't it will through an exception
@Myaaoonn : Use pastebin or other code sharing site. Do not paste lengthy code snippets here.
@Myaaoonn Yeah I think it will work...Sorry I should go for lunch...write me, about your successes and questions...I will come and answer
@sandy you there?
May be he is sleeping :)
@all hello. anybody has any experience with playing live streaming audio from network?
@iProgrammer Hello :)
@iProgrammer ha ji
Q: Play audio file stream using HTTP Live Streaming on iOS client without losing UI to Quick Time

bhavinbI have a HTTP Live streaming server setup that serves segmented mp3 audio content (the URL points to playlist.m3u8 index file). I need to build an iOS client application to consume this audio stream without using any standard Apple controls/UI. It should play the stream in the background and I wa...

@Hector hello. have you used audio streamer by Matt Gallagher ?
@iProgrammer hello
by Matt Gallagher ? @mann
hello all
I am facing a problem of jumping cursor in textarea in ipad ios5.1
@Hector ok let me check
do anybody have any idea of jumping cursor problem
@mann :)
jumping cursor problem?
when i put focus in textarea the cursor is going two line above the point of focus
@VidyaMurthy hii
let me find a video similar to that
this room is related iPhone programming
@sandy kuch nahi
@dark hi
@Learner which os you use ?
@Laddu hi
@Titlee :)
@Titlee thats what the title of the room says, i think
iOs 5.1
@Hector hay hello
@Myaaoonn Hello
@Hector plz help on my issue plz..
@Myaaoonn y? :P:P:P:P
@iProgrammer Good Afternoon
@Myaaoonn tell
@Hector Who Are You..
@Prem gud afternoon busy
@Hector becoz 4m ur reputation, I thk u can help me..
@iProgrammer arey yaar vo trainee aaya hai.... use kuch nahi aata logic is nil. :(
@iProgrammer Oh! is it already afternoon in India ?
@Titlee same question... Who Are You?
@Hector Solve the following link
@iProgrammer mere ko work load double hone wala lagata hai.
@Prem ha hota hai aisa
@sreecharan yes
@Prem kuch aata nai.. tabhi to trainee ban ke aaya.. warna developer banke ni aata :P
@Hector iPhone Programmer From INDIA UP
@Avengers :p
@Titlee i also
@iProgrammer @Avengers arey yaar kuch logic to hona chahiye na ?
@Prem haa hone chiye na
@iProgrammer do u know how to change uiview background color in drawrect method?
@Prem I think logic will be developed along with the experience
@iProgrammer @Avengers maine ek program ka demo diya uske baad maine 1 program as a test diya to washroom me ja kar cheat me se code dekh raha tha
tu sikha de @Prem
@hector My problem is similar to one shown in video
@Prem hahahahahah... LMAO
@Prem tu dekhne gaya tha?
@Learner sorry no idea about that
@iProgrammer ha..... :p
koi exam hai kya jo cheat kar raha hta :D@Prem
do anybody have the idea about cursor jumping
@iProgrammer @Prem gandi baat :P :P
@Unknown no
It is very irritating to see that cursor
@iProgrammer arey yaar maine use bola doubt ho to muje bata me tuje 3 baar sikhaunga. par tab to bola nahi sab kuch samaj me aa gaya
@Unknown self.backgroundColor = [UIColor joChaheWoColor];
@Prem dar gaya hoga re
@iProgrammer Kon?? wo trainee ya fir @Prem :P :P :P
@iProgrammer vo 90 Kg with 5.10 height aur me 42 kg with 5.5 height kaise dara hoga ?
@iProgrammer @Prem Hello
@Laddu Hello.
@Prem lol
uska weight bhi check kar lia
do anybody have the answer to my problem :(
@iProgrammer hahahaha.. hahahaha ... ganda bachcha
@Laddu aur kyaa kar rahih o
@iProgrammer size par se andaaz laga sakate hai. :p
@Prem to laddu ka weight bata :D
@Learner Cursor jumping?? what doestht mean?
@Learner What have you tried ?
@Laddu aaeen....
@Avengers i also given that. but that page still shows black color background.
@iProgrammer around 50 to 55 kg.
i am even not getting why this is happening
@Avengers my code is
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
CGContextRef contextRef = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(contextRef, 0.227,0.251,0.337,0.8);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(contextRef, 0, 0, 100, 0);

CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect(contextRef, CGRectMake(100, 100, 25, 25));

CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextClearRect(ctx, rect);

CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 0, 10, 0, 1);
CGContextFillEllipseInRect(ctx, CGRectMake(10, 50, 80, 80));
I have prevented the default behaviour but that is causing freezing of textarea
you might have set blackbackground somewhere else @Unknown
@Prem wrong
@Avengers see my image
@Hector hay wht happen? Gv me sm solution na?
@Prem hahaha.. adha hi weight bataya dost :P
@iProgrammer then us se kum to nahi hoga
@Avengers i tried. but it still shows background is black. what to change it.
@Laddu batao
@Unknown you might have set the BG color from somewhere else.. Check out your code duddee
@Learner normally this happens when you are keeping your textview and textfield's in scrollview and when you are not scrolling them up along with the keyboard, but i dont know what have you done in your case
@Avengers ok
@Laddu khana khaliya kya?
this is the problem
@Myaaoonn Dunno :(
@iProgrammer bolo ab is motu ka me kya karu ?
@Prem kuch nahi
@iProgrammer lagta hai is motu ko apni moti ke pass bhej na padega. :p @Laddu
@Learner code u wrote is expected here!
@Prem ha ha
I have given the links to code in the question
@iProgrammer motu aur moti dono mil kar pura time khana hi khate rahenge.
@Prem :p
@Laddu I need advise from you. can you reply ??
@Garnik Sry.. wht?
@iProgrammer Kya batau
@sreecharan Yes, thoos li maine chicken
@Prem yes bolo
@Laddu weight tumahra
I am busy these days in project
I am 50 Kg
@Laddu how you started learning Android.
@iProgrammer dekh liya beta ?
@Prem I started on my own
@Laddu but from which book you started ?
@Laddu I also want to start
@TDS oye its Friday !!
@TDS aaj Friday hai
@Prem From their official dev guide.
@Reefaq TGIF.
@Prem It was a joke :P
@Laddu Have you referred Concepts of Java or no need ?
@Reefaq Hey, that question solved?
@Prem There are some Android resources in their official website. Also there is dev guide. Do both at same time.
@Prem I know little Java. Enough to start with Android.
@Laddu okay....
@Laddu 10q for information. :) you can go back to work... all the best.
@TDS solved that long time ago..
@Reefaq then tell
I can see terminator ...
@Laddu u begin with modeling ??
@Reefaq Oh?
@iProgrammer you there aunty ji ?

Waste from Best.

Jan 12 at 6:59, 32 minutes total – 72 messages, 5 users, 5 stars

Bookmarked Jan 12 at 8:43 by RobinHood

@Laddu coz i can see u on Android cover
@Prem Have you seen this ever?

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