I'm going to have only ever one user logged in. In objective-c would the best way to handle this is using class methods for that user object, or is there a better way?
I always have used ShareKit, and just recently started using a new Pull Request for it. This Pull though, does not show the dialog box before sending to Facebook, it simply sends it to facebook. Does anyone know a way I may be able to change it to show the Dialog?
@Abizern right now I just have a user class with instance methods but i am finding myself wanting to access the current user all over the place without passing it around to methods
@JohnMerlino Store passwords and tokens in the keychain - the rest you can put into UserDefaults, unless you already have a Core Data store, in which case you might as well just put it into there.
@JohnMerlino NSUserDefaults and the keychain are already Singleton methods. If you're working with Core Data then you are already likely to be passing around a context, so that's not much more work.
@Sam What's your point? That the entirety of Mike Ash's post should be ignored because it was written in 2009, even though the correct GCD method is discussed?
@Sam: for Ex: Skype has intent filter to grab the process when user tries to make a call... i want to list all those apps which are registered for this
@Sam Without effort you can even watch the WWDC videos on GCD where this is covered. I still remember reading Mike's blog post on a bus. It's not that the information is outdated - it is. You can find a half page post on how to do it the modern way, sure. But Mike's post shows you the ways it was done, what problems had to be overcome, and why the GCD method is better.
I'm not trying to prove anything. You're the one who says that Mike's post is outdated and should be ignored in favour of a more up to date blog post saying the same thing.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not arguing with you about your opinion. Yes it's old, yes you can find a more modern post. I'm just saying it's wrong to dismiss it and I'm coming over a lot more bombastic than I mean to be.
@TDS I never got angry with you. Sometimes you provide us free entertainment by trolling in this chat room. And when it's enough, i flag you for moderators.
@Byte try it. set a mark in your code with cctrl+@ navigate to some other part of your code, and then type cctrl+X twice to have your caret jump back to the marked position.
@spokanedude No. It' above the the 2 so the actual keystroke of ctrl+shift+2 does the trick. Have you checked your keyboard bindings the way that my screenshot showed.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class])); } } Unexpected '@' in program it showing this error and build fails some one plz help
@spokanedude I've uploaded a short movie to show this in action. At the end when it shown the ^, it's actually recording a ^X and I'm demonstrating hitting it twice to show how the point and the mark swap places. goo.gl/REIgg (It's only about 180kb)
@Byte Yes. It's just a carry over from Emacs. I've been using emacs for a couple of months now, and I find that a lot of the keyboard shortcuts carry over into many of the standard applications.
Hi Guys, i have a question, is the codesigning in Xcode 4.3.2 got a bug in it? i cant select the correct profile for the target , but for the project i can ?
@Byte Check for nil before you do anything with the arrays. Either use a breakpoint or NSLog statements. Use better error handling for arrays, e.g. lastObject instead of objectAtIndex:0 etc.
@Dev2rights If you sync through organiser, remember that this only works for development profiles, you'll need to import your distribution profiles manually.
@Abizern crikey, nah no duplicates, i have about 5 clients in there just added a new ones keys today and the certs show up in the project. Ill do the clean and start again, pita i havent had this sort of issue since the early dasy of iOS. Also why is it always when your trying to distribute things like this happen hehe! im on target too :_(
@Dev2rights What a coincidence. I had that problem when I had to upload an app for a client. That will teach me to upgrade Xcode at sensitive times. Luckily I do staggered upgrades, so I was able to build and upload from the laptop.
@Abizern i had been putting of 5.1 for a while for that reason, its the third time this has happened and its only the time im trying to submit in a hurry, i should just sleep on it tbh but when your this close to the end...... well i am sure you know FREEDOM!
In Objective-C 2.0, is it possible to make a method where the argument is optional? That is, you can have a method call like this:
[aFraction print];
as well as this:
[aFraction print: someParameter];
in the same program.
Apple's Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language guide contrasts Obj-C w...
I know i shouldn't say this but ....... i deserve a slap from someone so please go ahead Abizern, trailing white space at the end of the App Identifier Tsk :p i can sleep at last
So then I guess I would have method like this: -(void)processSqlWithModel:(NSString*)model forAction:(NSString*)action withParams:(id)unit and I would have to check in that method whether localvar unit is a instance of Unit or is nil.
@JohnMerlino They aren't really optional, but they sort of funnel into one method. That's the way that initialisers are supposed to be written, where all the other init methods call the designated initialiser.
@Byte No. But I refuse to use an American spelling while I am British. I have to use it enough with the frameworks. And - I know it's more work I still write things like UIColor *backgroundColour
Im not sure, but it appears to be giving a compile error when I try to check what kind of type the optional parameter is and then call method on it: ([options class] == [Unit class]) ? options.unit_id : options.report_id;
I have an application in which i have button. When i click on button then generate a local notification. The variable of local notification is set in appDelegate file. For generate local notification i used this code:-
UILocalNotification* ln = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];