Question: I have a method in a UITabBarController class that toggles whether or not the tab-bar is visible. When called from its own class it works as expected but when the method is called from another class it doesn't work. I NSLog'd it and the method is being called the command where it changes the alpha just isn't working. Any ideas?
Can any one tell me How to fill the Table with the Data from NSDictionary .. I am fetching data using json parsing into my nsmutablearray , then making nsdictionary object (I have 100 entries), and based on the key , I want to fill the cells of table. Hence I would have 100 rows in my tableview
Having some problems with a UIImagePickerController. Keeps getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on line: [info objectForKey:@"UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage"];
again another question:
I have a scrollView where the images loaded by createView, but how can i add an image from an url? In my case if i change ../images/.... to the images are not loading. In coverFlowView it works?!?!
Any ideas? Here's my code:
var image...
before the way i approached it was var myimage instead of myimage[i] and that worked perfectly. I need to animate the image when it's taped and return it to normal state when another thumbnail is taped
@ThinkDifferent, yes last 3-4 days... my team made one blackberry application using webwork ripple emulator ..but we are not getting the actual process of code signing in BB
@Hector, i got three email Subject: BlackBerry Code Signing Registration Information
The following attachment will allow the BlackBerry SignatureTool to register with the Signing Authority. Please ensure that the BlackBerry development tool of choice has been installed onto the workstation that will be used to sign your BlackBerry applications. Important information for all users: Note: All 3 keys (RBB, RCR, RRT) received need to be installed on the same PC. The same password must be specified for all keys on the same PC. You should receive each key/.csi file in a separate email message.