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@Endeavor What is it about Room FAQs 2.5 that you don't understand. I was working on an example project for you. But now I can't be bothered.
@Abizern I know, i have not told @Endeavor to use the same thing, i have told to try like that for his Navigation bar, what ever he wants
@Abizern sorry i dint read that FAQ
@Abizern haha, this is what happen every time. I would be researching/preparing answer and kept getting ping. So I stop helping that person (such a waste of my time).
@Endeavor Why do you think I referred to it in the first place?
@Abizern sorry
@Abizern its ok i will try. and sorry for not reading the FAQ.
lol was looking at how to stuff and found this iphonedevsdk.com/forum/tutorial-requests/… . answer number 2 is funny
the ultimate hack :D
@Byte Jeebus. Why do I even bother trying to write nice code when crap like that gets done?
People resort to crap like this as well:
A: How do I make the keyboard go away when a user clicks on the background of the view?

EduOne easy way to do it is to create a big transparent UIButton behind the view.

@Abizern :)
@Abizern that is Real Crap, lol
watch the comment for it, "lol, this is indeed a funny solution"
The funny thing is that he was on the right track - you need a control, not a view to send actions - but he didn't make the leap to changing the backing UIView to a UIControl, and just stuck a button under everything.
@Abizern Although, his solution probably will get used in this case since the OP is using IB. :) (no i am not a fan of drag and drop)
@Abizern I wonder how you even get time to know about IB o.O
@Byte My solution was done in IB. Why make life harder for yourself?
@Abizern oh, I did not realize that. IB just rubs me the wrong way so I tried not to get involve
@Abizern hi
@Sunny Hello.
@Abizern if i wan to navigate back to the previous screen and i dont know the previous screen nibname. i want to navigate back dynamically.... so how can i do it...
is back.
@Abizern i tryto do it using nibname but my application given me an error
@sreecharan Have you ever upload an app on appstore independently?
@Sunny Are you using a NavigationController?
@ThinkDifferent why did you got that doubt?
Morning all... anyone know of a good tutorial for creating iPad split-view using Storyboards and multiple views? (multiple views is the key here)
@Abizern yes and i know about [popviewcontroller ]..........
oh hello @spokanedude
@Sunny Then what's the problem?
@JackLawrence JACK! where u been? :D
@spokanedude busy :) I'm gonna have to leave in around half an hour to meet with a client.
@spokanedude how're things going?
@sreecharan hello. for ipad development we also need to put two images one exactly double of other for ratina display?
@JackLawrence good... finished my iPhone app, submitted it to the App Store... now starting on the iPad version..
@Abizern see when i come back to camera controll from any screen and at that time i use popview controller it navigate back to next screen from which i just back
@mann iPad has got retina in only the new one, iPad 3. The first iPad and iPad 2 are not having retina displays
@JackLawrence looking for a tutorial on split-view with multiple views... nothing out there that I could find
@spokanedude oh congrats!
@sreecharan hello
thanks everybody
@iPhoneCID Hello
@spokanedude @Byte hello
@sreecharan so if im developing app for ipad . do i need to consider ratina display?
hello... :D
@sreecharan do you know about MPmovieViewController ??
@spokanedude Not sure what you mean - like the detail view is a navigation controller?
or you just want to stick a bunch of views on the screen somewhere?
@mann Yes, if you consider the new iPad also and No, if you are targeting iPad 1 and iPad 2
@Sunny I think you are using modelViewController and you messed up something somewhere.
@JackLawrence no, like multiple detail views with one menu (master)
Hi Guys anyone know .how to use unity as lib
@iPhoneCID I think it is MPMoviePlayerController , Not MPmovieViewController
boy, this place is busy this am
@sreecharan so i need to follow same principal? i.e double image and @2x.png ?
@spokanedude oh so like if you select row X in the tableview in the master, you want to show view X, but if you select row Y, you want view Y?
@mann yes
@Sunny Probably because the Camera view controller is presented modally. Have you tried dismissModalViewController:animated:?
@sreecharan no MPMoviePlayerViewController
@JackLawrence yep, exactly
@spokanedude got it. Give me a few minutes.
@JackLawrence ahhh... you're the man! :D
@Abizern that works fine but it navigation is not proper after dissmiss the controller
@iPhoneCID Ok, tell me
@spokanedude haha I know ;) One more thing - do you want different views or different view controllers?
@JackLawrence different view controllers
Sharekit Cancel btw is not working. Anyone Know the Solution
@spokanedude meaning, could the same view controller possibly present data differently, or is the data/presentation totally different
@JackLawrence totally different
@Vassan Sharekit have there own forum, may be you can ask same question there
@sreecharan i have a problem with iphone OrientationLandscape mode in MPMoviePlayerViewController
@mann can you help @iPhoneCID , he is facing a problem with orientation in MPMoviePlayerViewController
@sreecharan if i am opening my application in landscape mod and open MPMoviePlayerViewController then it will not work in
@spokanedude I don't think there's a "drag and drop" way to do it. Check out developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/MultipleDetailViews/… Specifically RootViewController's tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method. Basically they just check which row was selected and then re-set the detailViewController outlet.
@spokanedude this might be useful. scienceathand.com/idevblogaday/…
looks like it uses storyboards more.
@JackLawrence I'll check those out... thank you very much... u going to be around this pm?
lol afternoon?
@Sunny your question makes little to no sense, care to clarify?
@spokanedude Maybe. I'm going to post my AIM address here for around 20 seconds. I'm always available there. Ready?
@JackLawrence yep
@JackLawrence got it, calling you now
just kidding :)
@Byte lol
@spokanedude yeah It'll work if you stick it in ichat/aim, trust me.
aol instant messenger.
ahhh... never used it... have to read up on it...
browser is crashing sorry @Byte one sec
@JackLawrence lol
okay @Byte resend it haha.
@JackLawrence I'll give it a shot this afternoon... thanks again, got reading to do! :D
oh @Byte thanks. just saw what you said.
uploading a text document to s3 and setting read permissions may have been overkill...
@JackLawrence :)
@JackLawrence huh? wait what? that is not a reply to me right?
@Byte it was. I read what you posted in the private room.
@JackLawrence no setting read permission or anything, just post it in "private" room and keep it under 14 lines, there wont be any trace of you
I just meant that that's what I ended up doing.
good stuff
@sreecharan @iPhoneCID one sec
@sreecharan @iPhoneCID pastebin.com/puGAUSh0 follow this. this is class you present modally containing movieplayer. works perfectly fine :) enjoy
Hello @Byte
@sreecharan in this class app sometimes crashes when player automatically finsih movie. plz check n if you find anything let me know as well
@Byte did you get my messages yesterday after you left?
lol glad we could resolve this like adults
anyone here use testflight?
@Computer Hey Computer. How are you?
Good you?
@Computer testFlight for what? For writing test cases?
@Computer I use TF extensively
@ThinkDifferent for distributing AdHoc builds effortlessly
@Sam have you noticed their logs are VERY delayed lately?
takes almost a full day to get them. Even crash logs
Are you talking about the SDK?
I had to disable TF and use Crittercism for live crash reporting
Are they testing free or they are charging?
both the SDK debugger and the crash reports
Hmm, have not experience that.
I just integrated it to another project this morning.
Last event was 4 minutes ago
How would they test/
in the debugger?
They will take a build then test it or I need to send them code?
what sort of debugger?
They do not test it
they take a build and you select who to distribute it too
They distribute test builds to YOUR users
I read somewhere one can unarchive the builds.
The .ipa files are just .zip files
you can do that and get images but not obj-c code
the word so called Obfuscate.
no need to
they can do :P
it is compiled and you cannot decompile obj-c, unless you know assembly
well back to the exact code you cannot decompile, some programs attempt to interpret it as best they can
2 mins ago, by Sam
They do not test it
its the same builds that go into the appstore pretty much
What does it mean?
If they do not test, how will they help?
THEY don't test it but you find testers
they are just a distributer of the application.
consider them an app store for beta's
How would they distribute with build the app with distribution cert?
huh? appstore for beta?
you build it with the cert and send them the ipa.
Apple allow them to do so?
That I can also do, by building with my distribution cert my users. What so special in it?
how are you going to get it on the users devices?
By sending them build with cert (with their iPhone's UDID) and they will transfer it through iTunes.
which I usually do, while sending build to my client.
gotta go, will continue later.
Bye, Take care.
anyone know a formula to generate pinch scale given 2 sets of CGPoints (begin and end points) ?
He does my head in.
@SandeepC distance between the points before and distance between the points after. The ration will give you the amount of scaling to apply.
@Abizern i have a problem mate have you got time. i know what is causing that but dont know how to resolve it
@mann Causing what?
1 message moved to /dev/null
@Abizern actually im putting moviePlayer viewController class to app delegate window. n in player controller class dont know how to remove view pastebin.com/puGAUSh0 here is my code . My application keeps crashing due to this view removal problem
This is a very fascinating video about life ted.com/talks/…
@Abizern pastebin.com/vydM56WQ this is latest code
@mann That's a lot of code. Can you highlight the line where you're getting the crashes?
@ThinkDifferent hi
Wer r u from?
@Abizern when i remove view here it crashes
@Abizern here im allocating  - (void) loadView

    [self setView:[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]] ];
@mann What does the stack trace say?
@Abizern [viewToRemove removeFromSuperview]; // here it is crashing it says bad memory access
@mann Why this line? [viewToRemove release];
@Abizern coz if i dont do it then my class's view does not remove n shows black screen coz i put it on load method
@mann But why here? You aren't taking ownership of it anywhere in the method.
@Abizern then where should i put it
@Abizern here because this method get called when moviedone button click or finsish
@mann Not here for a start. You're overreleasing it. You shouldn't release objects that you don't own. And since you are having trouble with memory access, this could be what is causing the error. What does NSZombie tell you? What does the stack trace tell you. Have you tried stepping through the code and observing the state of the view object?
@Abizern i dont know how to trace it
Hello Friends, i am facing an issue while submitting app to itunes, it gives error "No suitable application records were found. Please make sure that you have set up a record for this application on iTunes Connect."
@mann Now is a good time to learn
@MohammadShahid And have you created an application record in iTunesConnect?
@Abizern by the meaning you dont own it you mean this method does not own it?
yes @Abizern
@MohammadShahid Then it's possible that you haven't done it correctly as the message is telling you.
@Abizern if i autorelaese it then even app crashes
if i release it viewWillDisappear then even app crashes
@mann First you need to know why the app crashes before you can fix it. You've found the place where it crashes, but you don't know why it crashes. That's what debugging is for.
@Abizern i know why coz i am release object that does not exist. but if i dont then it remians in the view . so dont knwo where to release
@MohammadShahid have you checked this stackoverflow.com/questions/6858260/…?
@MohammadShahid first choice while googling "No suitable application records were found. Please make sure that you have set up a record for this application on iTunes Connect"
@mann Maybe the real problem is that the view remains on the screen. And that is the problem that you should fix. Since you are removing the view from the subview, it should go away. If you are left with a blank view, then maybe another view is persisting.
thanks @Byte let mecheck
@mann You're trying to fix the wrong problem, perhaps.
@Byte stop ignoring me
@Abizern but there are two subviews to window. one player second controller's class's
so player view removing fine. but controller class's view is just left in subviews. so im checking it and removing it
then how it could create problem
@mann Do you know which object is being incorrectly messaged? Do you know which object is being overreleased?
@Abizern object of player controller class that i put into window
@mann Again I'm asking - how do you know if that is the object? Is it from the stack trace, is it from stepping through the code, is it from NSZombie?
Hi all, I hope someone can give me a hand. I need to keep track of all CGPoint that the user touches. I'm implementing a sort of eraser with a thickness of 1 pixel. There will be a black image over another and the user may cancel the black image and see what's underneath, no problem here. The only thing is that I need to understand is how you can save all CGPoint that the user has deleted.......
...I noticed that even saving all CGPoint in touchMoved if the user moves quickly the finger not all points are saved.
..(let me know for the code)..
@Mat Not surprising. You don't get a point for every place where you finger touches, it is event driven.
@Mat The touches can only capture as fast as x point per seconds (x being whatever)
@Mat Best is, just interpolate all the point and create a curve
Any good naming conventions when naming "UIWebView" references in code?
unless @Abizern has a better way. :)
Figured to receive something like this! Secondly I thought I would check how many pixels there are non blacks in the image, but it seems to be heavy if I do it every touchMoved, right?
myWebView, webViewSomething etc?
@Byte Nope. Creating a path is the way I'd do it. You're right.
@Mat that I dont know :)
@Dude myWebView is a little generic for may taste although it's used in example code.
What do you use?
Or how do you name them?
I'm trying to follow tutorial listed here: developers.facebook.com/blog/post/532 but when I #import "Facebook.h" it says it can't find it. My project looks just like the screenshot they have in the tutorial
@Dude I name it according to what it shows, or how it's called. i.e mapView, pageview
My main requirement is to know how many pixels the user has deleted from the image. could you direct me in the right way? how would you do this?
Hi All,
I need help in JSON Parsing. I have been using XML Parsing since long. And Just started using the better way of parsing. I used JSON Kit .... got the response in NSDictionary instance. Now when i try to get value from NSDictionary and assign to NSString.. The app crashes :(
NSDictionary *responseDict = [responseString objectFromJSONString];
NSString *str = [responseDict objectForKey:@"location_title"];
@Byte You mean I should create a path with only the points I have? Then how do I know how many points there are in the path? sorry not very practical in terms of graphics :)
@Mat more of a math question. Depending on what kind of path/ how smooth / accuracy/ It really depends on you
@Mat you can construct a brazier curve using 4 points which is pretty easy. Or use linear interpolation. They all depends on you and how many point you are capturing.
@Mat there is no hard and fast rule on it :) good luck
iphone was not appearing on desktop, so i click show all windows and it appears on another desktop, how do i get it back on desktop?
@JohnMerlino lol
Im also missing my lighters, help me find it :)
i click on it and it hides itself away
so what do i do?
@Byte Bezier curve
(not sure if trolling or never used mac)
never used mac
@Abizern lol yes that,
@Byte You can imagine a black image where the user deletes with a rubber one pixel wide, nothing more. The problem is also that i would track the number of the pixel deleted in a UILabel!. So basically the user draws a line in clearColor. Thank you anyway i'll keep in mind your hint.
@JohnMerlino So are you asking how to find your phone on your windows desktop?
@Abizern when I click on iphone simular and rpess show all windows. I see it. But when I click on it it disappears.
So I would like to bring it back to my main screen
@Mat not following.
@mann did you solve your problem
@Abizern Thank you
the iphone simular icon is on the bottom, i right click and click show all windows, then the iphone appears on screen and all other windows disappear. Then I click on the iphone, and it disappears and all the other windows come back.
@Laddu hii
trying to get the iphone and all other windows to display together
@Mat If you work out the path that your finger draws, you can get the number of points from that.
@iProgrammer Hello
@Laddu kya kr rahi ho
@JohnMerlino You lied.
@iProgrammer Watching WWDC 2011 video sessions 517.
why would i lie about this?
@JohnMerlino You said you never used a Mac. You're using one now.
@Laddu usme kya hai/
he said are yu trolling or never used mac
@JohnMerlino What is it you are trying to do?
im not trolling
I am just trying to get the iphone to display with main windows
like it always has done
i launch mac today and suddenly it missing from main screen
@JohnMerlino so your simulator is on your next window, just drag it back....
@iProgrammer Local and Push notification are explained.
@Laddu ok.. can you give me that link?
@JohnMerlino I just dont see why you would even ask that if you are not trolling
How do I drag it back. When I try to nothing happens and when i click on it it disappears
@iProgrammer I have it downloaded. You may need to download it from WWDC 2011 videos
Session 517.
@Laddu ohh fir to gb me hoga?
when i press control + left arrow, it goes to another window but the iphone is not there
pressing control + right arrow does nothing
@JohnMerlino Close XCode
@iProgrammer This one is 236 MB.
ok I closed it and it is removed from dock now
@JohnMerlino close simulator too
yes I closed both
Start the sim
@JohnMerlino and relaunch. what happens?
@Byte @Abizern When I have to create the path and check how many points does it contain? I also need to keep track of how many pixels were erased in a UILabel, where and when should I update "text" of the label?
ok i did
it appears on dock but no iphone
open iphone simulater
from spotlight
@Mat whenever you feel like... it does not seem like a question you need to ask us.
@Mat You have methods that are called when you erase? Update in from there. Personally, I'd just update a property and use KVO to take care of the updates, but you can do it how you want.
i di open from spotlight
you opened xcode
open the sim
i opened ios simulator
and what do you see
i just see icon on bottom that says ios simulator
left click it
Using UIWebView to play an embedded video. I set the path, and when the view loads, it shows the webview (not fullscreen) with play button on top, but the movie playing already. What might be the issue here?
when I left click it says options, show all windows, hide, quit
you are right clicking
when i left click nothing happens
it just becomes tinted
are you holding left click or something
I can't tell if your trolling or not
no just tapping
i swear i am not trolling
been member of stackoverflow 2 years, this first time i ask a question like this
Yet for whatever reason, video doesn't go full screen automatically in the webview
@JohnMerlino Can you right click and show window
it should animate to wherever the window is
ok so i just asked someone with me
NSString *proud = [[documentsDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"archives"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:selectedCountry];
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:proud];
and they did this mission control thing
and they said its stuck on edge of screen
but they dont kn ow what to do either
For some reason, the log for proud shows the path, but the log for url shows null
im going to jhave to ask someone else, but thanks for responses
@user717452 Please don't post big chunks of code in here : Room FAQs
@Abizern @Byte Thanks for your help, I have things more clear now.
@Abizern I only posted 3 lines
@user717452 That's why I left it. The other block is gone.
@Abizern ok, sorry.
hi @Abizern
Just have 2 issues, one is webview not making video go full screen...starts playing automatically, just not full screen and leaves play button in foreground. Other issue is on some videos, nsurl coming up null...may be because file name has - and : in it?
@user717452 That's why mixing string paths and urls is a bad idea.
@Abizern is that not the recommended solution for playing embedded videos?
@user717452 Just stick to URLs for files and directories - as the documentation says.
@Abizern what other way is there to create the URL from the string?
@user717452 Have a look at the methods that NSFileManager provides.
@user717452 And be sure to handle percent escaping of strings. Look how I did it
@JohnMerlino If you do have another monitor, turn it on and move it from the edge.
@Computer Hello.
Just about to nip out - A friend is playing guitar in a local pub.
@JohnMerlino oh, screen resolution will probably work too
@Abizern thanks. that definitely fixed one of the problems. The other problem though is still there. Layout of view controller is in navigation controller. When the view loads, the video plays in the webview, but the webview remains at normal level, with a play button on top of it, under the navigation bar. It plays, play button doesn't go away. If play button is clicked, then the webview goes full screen and shows controls...
Does that make sense
@Abizern I know how to play guitar, But i am not a guitarist , lol
@Abizern hiii...how to drag and drop text between textfield ........the way it happens in ios 5 's mail app
i searching for it from very long period of time
but tiil now no sucess
@Abizern are you trying to automatically play a video in a webview
@virendra what is that drag drop suppose to do?
@Byte i want to drag text from one field and drop into another one ...
@virendra i didnt mail app supports that, let me have a look
@virendra where do you see it?
@Byte let me give you the video link
@Sam I am trying to play video in a webview...video loads and plays, but doesn't automatically go to full screen showing controls of player, and keeps play button on screen
(just observe on 2:49 min
@Byte just see on 2:49 min of video
I see
@user717452 I don't think that is the default behavior. I believe the user has to make the video full screen
I have never done anything like that but does not seem like anything public API
@Sam then is there a way to keep it from automatically playing in the background
@Byte so do i
but it is good feature to have in your app
@user717452 I believe you can find the details of video in mobile safari on this page developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/…
a very good read if you are using webviews to learn their idiosynchrocies
@Sam I just know that if you use safari to navigate to url of an mp4 or mov, it will auto fill the screen.
@user717452 Yes, but that is different from loading a video file inline with a page
While viewing the page most users would prefer the video not autoplay.
When viewing only the video the autoplay choice is obvious
@Sam the experience in the app is they see a tableview with the videos...there will be other buttons and actions, so you think would make more sense to not play till user clicks play?
Is the table view native, or is it in a webview?
@Sam The TableView just lists all the video files in the app, selecting it pushes a new view controller of just a view with uiwebview in it.
And the video files are on a remote server?
If you must stick with a webview read about HTML5 Video / Audio here: developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AudioVideo/…
Otherwise I would recommend HTTP Live streaming: Review this technote and the overview here: developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/…
@Sam the videos are all in-app
I can play them all just fine, just don't like the autoplay when the view loads
Well you can't change it unfortunately.
Is it possible to have one view with a UISearchBar and then when you click search you are brought to a new view with another UISearchBar and tableview filled out with what you searched after?
I have a main view with a search bar
but when the user search I want to push another view with the search bar and table view on the screen
Sure, just pass the search results to the new view controller.

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