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Why are you telling me all this instead of answering my question?
that is for display an image with name
@baijukrishnan What type of image?
wait for some time
going for lunch
@Laddu U there? Are you watching, somebody is torturing Abizern -- I Love it, But he is still hating me :(
Oh. A really urgent problem then.
what's up with everyone talking about lunch?! it's 4AM :P
9 am.
I am hungry though.
And I haven't been to bed yet.
@JackLawrence but for them in india , its lunch time
I have Rice and Mutton curry in front of me as lunch
@sreecharan yeah... I'm joking...
for me its, 11:00 AM
Anyway, I'm not going to hang around for him to get back. Who wants to tell him what the problem is?
@Laddu that sounds awesome. I love indian food
@JackLawrence I enjoy having my lunch on weekends while watching WWDC videos
@Abizern i will solve it, you can go
@Laddu Liar. You're not watching WWDC videos - you're watching WWWF videos
@sreecharan Can you see his problems?
@Abizern No, now it is WWE (World Wresling Entertainment)
yes, i will enter into that torture
I don't think so.
check it, if you have any doubt
I think they changed it to Entertainment years ago. There was some legal issues with its name. They didn't agree it is a foundation?!
@Laddu I believe you about the name. I'm just doubting the description of it as "Entertainment"
sure, i will tell him
@sreecharan But make him figure it out for himself. (2.6 and 2.7)
I sound like a lawyer.
@sreecharan Yes, I believe you too.
sure, i will
@Laddu: Oh do you really watch WWF/WWE on Ten Sports?
Breakfast and a nap, I think.
I dont know, why some of these guys dont use paste bin
@anonymous I used to watch Rock's Rock bottom, Stone cold's pedigree.
oh it was triple h's pedigree?
@Laddu : Its all fixed..
pedigree is Dog food, right?
@Laddu : Yeah Tripple H.. Most cunning wrestler
@anonymous Yes i know. It's clear when we watch it.
@Laddu: BTW ROck is back this summer in Movie G.I.Joe retaliation..
@Laddu : I watched Avengers in 3D only 80 Rupees.. 8-)
I want to watch it in 3D
How is it?
@anonymous You watched morning show? Morning shows are cheap as they know nobody comes to watch movies in morning at 9am :P
@Laddu: Awesome.. Hulk ekdum Pagal hai.. kisi ko bhi maar ke fenk detaa hai.. 3D main kuch khaas nai lagaa.. Do not know movie was like that or Cinepolis had bad 3D..
@Laddu : It was packed.. Housefull.. Most of the people were from NIT college.. 8-)
@Laddu : Whatever same movie at 9 PM 170 Rs
@anonymous Yes but watching movies at 9am! I think most of us don't do that because we go to watch movies and then somewhere else, shopping etc
@Laddu : Its girls characteristics not Boys.. :-P
@sreecharan hi
@Laddu : It was 10 am show
@ios hello, how are you?
@anonymous hmm.. still
@Laddu Heheh.. Ran out of arguments
@Laddu : I am gonna make maggie and eat
No arguments. Boys are stupid.
@sreecharan fine and can u guide form gaming in ios
@Laddu Oh really? Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet... Can you think of any women ??
@Laddu if boys are stupid then girls are dump , they always married with boys lolz
@Laddu oye.... kya boli tu ?
@anonymous Indira Gandhi, Mother teresa, etc
@dark lol :P
@ios I am still learning ABCD in gaming, but frankly i am nil init. just started it 2 months back, I am still reading documentations and openGLES
@sreecharan ok can u share documents those are u reading?
@dark check this
I think this is true
@sreecharan I have read this couple of times before :)...
@anonymous Hi anonymous.....
@ios there are many documentations in apple website, please check it there
@sreecharan in your case it may be true but not always ....exceptions are always there :)
@dark well, but i dont know really, because i have not experienced it, I am not married
@sreecharan same here :P
@Abizern r u there
@Laddu can you solve @baijukrishnan problem , i have told to abizern that i will help him, but i have to go, I have some other work
@sreecharan Yes I will try if he lets me know about the issue.
@all hello
@Laddu this is my first application and last part
@Laddu hey why u changed ur name na?????
iam developing convert an android application to iphone
@baijukrishnan I see
how to move to next url after successful authication in google auth2.0
@Unknown Yes, I did.
@Laddu me too. u know me am I....?
@laddu iam trying to do like the url which i send
@Laddu try to find me. who am i. u know me....
@PiyushPatel :)
@Unknown :)
@Unknown i know who your are
@dark who>
@Unknown you are unknown:D
@dark @PiyushPatel @Laddu I just changed my name. u know already. and here everyone know me. who am I. try to find me.
@Unknown I don't want to trace you on MapKit, send me your longitudes and latitudes i'll call CID to find you :)
@All Hi....I have a problem...
@dark :D....
@Goti hi goti.. whats ur problem>
@Unknown Hi...I have a problem with ftp server. I have implemented concept of uploading and downloading single file at a time. Now I want to suppose download multiple files from ftp server to my local directory. I have googled from couple of days but with no success... Any idea??
@Goti yeah i saw ur question. no idea. sorry got. u better to ask @sreecharan
@Unknown Ok....fine
@sreecharan Hi...
Can u solve my provlem??
@Goti First tell me what you have tried?, Not googling, i am asking about the code
Guys , will be back from shower, badly needed a shower
@sreecharan help to @Goti
sorry sorry....
@sreecharan Ok...I have one example of SimpleFTPServer downloaded from dev.apple.com... In that, there is one option for listing data from ftp to local that is parse List data. It is only for listing data. Then, I have used `directoryEnumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:imagepath includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsPackageDescendants | NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles errorHandler:^(NSURL *url1, NSError *error)
Then I have also used if with Array with [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtURL...... But returns NULL....
hiiii....i am having foreign key constraint in my table but when i am inserting data using terminal it is working fine but when i doing it in xcode project it is not working
what may be the problem..??
i searched a lot in google but no help...
any one know how to enable forignKey constraint in xcode project
@virendra what u r tried in xcode.
ok let me share the code
@Unknown i don't know how to enable pragma forign_keys = ON,through program...
using terminal when i enable it forign key constraint working fine...
but in xcode project not working
any one is there
@sreecharan hiii........will you help me with above problem
I am back, @Goti gimme your code in paste bin
@virendra hold on, i am helping the other one
will come back to you after some time
@Laddu Hi hru ?
@sreecharan ok.......no problem
@Goti watch this arr = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:url includingPropertiesForKeys:nil options:NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsPackageDescendants | NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles errorHandler:
here can you explain me what are you doing
@sreecharan Ok...one min
@sreecharan I have searched for contentsOfDirectoryAtURL. I think by this I can read the contents from Server. I have got this method with the contents that u have pasted here. I am not purely sure what this method does. But yes, it tells that I will get all contents in arr object...
@Laddu hiii..........mast naam hai
@BobjC Hello
@virendra 10q
@sreecharan Another concept of NSDirectoryEnumerator I have also used with same method..
@Laddu today i have done my hyderabadi Dum biryani with my hand, but at the end it came out like bitter with soo much spicy, i have tried to eat it, but not able to eat even 2 spoons, lol
hi good aftrn to every one...............
@karthys Good noon dear.
@Laddu y u kept ur name laddu??
@Laddu u love jalebi more
hai goti..........
@Endeavor it is one of my real nick name at home
@Goti see, it is contacting the url initially, and you have to give some keys for it to fetch more than 1 record, and here NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles it is skipping to fetch all the hidden files and descendants
@Laddu oh ok
@Laddu yaar m getting super bored. sats r soo boring
@sreecharan so for that what should I do??
Do u know any other method for fetching more than one files from FTP
@Goti i have already told you up there, i dont want to repeat it
@Endeavor I am watching Android Videos.
@Laddu I had done that... :p
@Laddu I solved issue :)
@Prem Good.
@Laddu :P
@Laddu thank you :)
@Laddu u work on weedends also
that to when ur home
@Endeavor Nope I am studying on my own.
@Goti check this pastebin.com/UT5zt5W9 you should try like this
@Laddu sleep
@Laddu done with WWDC 2011? On android now?
@Endeavor No, I will study Android.
@sreecharan Yes, I will watch 4 WWDC 2011 videos every weekend.
@Endeavor You watch Terminator movie.
@Laddu no
@Endeavor Why
@Laddu no time
i usually spend my time in sleeping :)
@Endeavor Oh
n rite now i m at work
u like that movie??
Yes. I was Terminator 5 some months ago. Then i went back to 2040 and came back.
he he
@Laddu @Endeavor Hi.....good noon
@Goti good afternoon
@Endeavor so the discussion is of Terminator...
@Goti yeah
@PiyushPatel Avo Patel
@Goti Hi :)
@Goti thanks:)
@sreecharan my problem got solved
@virendra Ok.
welcome hirenbhai
Friends i need to draw editable line like this app youtube.com/watch?v=F0GaOAXXsa8
please help me for that
@sreecharan I need to develop photo editing app with Line and Angle drawing
@hirentank i have seen that video, i am working onit, searching for u, give me some time
@sreecharan Thanks
@sreecharan this is the url for my problem
Q: how to add image in tableview from array

baiju krishnanI want to add image on tableview. i create one UITableViewCell object. in .h file @interface MainView1 : UITableViewCell{ IBOutlet UILabel *cellText; IBOutlet UIImageView *productImg; IBOutlet UILabel *cellText1; } - (void)LabelText:(NSString *)_text; - (void)LabelText1:(NSString *)_text; ...

@hirentank that is something like you need to use quartz framework with core animation in 2D or may be 3D also
this is something concerning with trignometry
@sreecharan ya but how to draw line with editable
@baijukrishnan hold on, i am helping to @hirentank will come back to you in some time
@baijukrishnan ur solution is here edumobile.org/iphone/iphone-programming-tutorials/…
@baijukrishnan check this link.
@baijukrishnan ok let me check
@hirentank well for the thing which you have asked, there are some awesome tutorials, you need to check with like turnedondigital.com/2011/quartz-tutorial-how-to-draw-in-quartz and techotopia.com/index.php/…
@baijukrishnan well coming to you, watch this NSData *imgdata=[[NSData alloc]initWithBytes:sqlite3_column_blob(cmp_sqlstmt,0) length:sqlite3_column_bytes(cmp_sqlstmt,0)];

[imgNameArray addObject:dataImage];
what are you doing here?
@baijukrishnan i have not used NSdata for store image i am just drawing line and when i put line i can edit that line
@baijukrishnan i Perfect draw arrow line like this app but i don't know how to set editable after drawing line
@hirentank thats is not his answer to you, that is his problem and i am solving it, you check the links which i have given
@sreecharan ya i have check that first link its just drawling static but not editable
@Laddu do you know any tutorial, for editable angle drawing with two finger multiple touch
@sreecharan ....
@RKK yes
@sreecharan Nope.
@sreecharan i have create line but can't edit on multiple touch
@sreecharan I can draw line on touch begin and end with touch end method on imageview but i can't resize line after drawing
@hirentank I think i have to do some R & D onit, I donno about it frankly, but it comes under quartz 2D or 3D
@sreecharan ya i know its under quartz 2D & 3D
@sreecharan how u know me ?
because you are unknown
@sreecharan ha ha :) :)
@sreecharan its possible to draw uiview or its drawing simple line on uiimage view
@baijukrishnan I just answered your question which @abizern already did over here.
A: how to add image in tableview from array

LadduFrom the database, you get the image in form of NSData. You save it in your datasource array. But then, you pass it as NSString [cell ProductImage:[imgNameArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]; where - (void)ProductImage:(NSString *)_text;{ productImg.image = [UIImage imageNamed:_text]; } ...

@hirentank i want app like itunes.apple.com/us/app/photo-measures/… plz help me for that
@Unknown yes
@Laddu why have you answered, i am just trying to get the answer from him self :(
@baijukrishnan me too answered the question
@dark oh dark is came.
@sreecharan It was already tried by @abizern. But he doesn't seem to understand.
@hirentank what do you think of UIImageView ?
@Laddu is it good idea to download images and added them to an array ?
@dark yes,
@BhavikShah hi
@hirentank do you what is the parent of UIImageView?
@Unknown why , If I have 100 images on server and i want to show them in a tableView with some text most of the time it will give memory warnings
@dark Yes, why not. If you are worried about memory issues, you could write those in to files. But then doing disk operations can be expensive if the files are huge. Something like NSCache could have been better if it were available in iOS as well.
@dark I think Using Lazy loading works best for you
@dark In case of low memory warning, you can free the array. Which then should result in again downloading those images.
@sreecharan I have used this many times , @Laddu i think its good to save images on disk because the images we have used to show on tableView is not larger size
@dark It's up to you. One possible way is to treat your image array as a temporary cache. First check if image is present in cache. If not, download image, save it in cache and reload the table cell it belongs to. In case of low memory warning, clear the cache. Thus, after freeing it will see the cache as empty and then it will again start from beginning.
@Laddu it will help us don't install images every time when you are going to this view, some times what can i do is I have download images and saved them on disk , when you have opened some other view and again come back to this view it will not download images every time , and we can also delete all images when applicaitons exists
@dark Yes, up to you and what your are doing. You can refer to the Apples sample code LazyTableImages. It does the same thing. It doesn't writes to disk. It keeps them in memory and in case of didReceiveMemoryWarning it clears the cache.
@Laddu hi friend i tried ur code but this error is showing
16:51:09.932 Thumb[2538:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIImage length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4b31d70'
@Laddu what type of laddu you are?
@baijukrishnan At which line it shows crash?
@ThinkDifferent All sweet laddu.
@Laddu which besan or moti choor ke?
@Laddu right I just want to pass some time becuase getting bored and waiting for my friends :P
@dark :D tata
@ThinkDifferent Hi mate
@sreecharan Hey, you again change your profile name :O?
@ThinkDifferent :) hi
@Unknown thanks same to yh
yeppie, even after changing my name , all are calling sree, sree, then i thought of returning back to my original name
@dark :D
@Unknown are you RKK
@sreecharan Is this your real name?
@Laddu here shows error:- (void)ProductImage:(NSData *) imageData{

productImg.image= [UIImage imageWithData: imageData];

@dark :) :) no no.
@Unknown Hello.
@Unknown no no =YES , if you are taking double ! of true value it will also become true :)
@dark no. I'm Terminator.
Hi guys...where to paste the code..:(
@Puneeth use pastebin.com
@Unknown no you are suspended not terminated :D
@dark no yar. i'm very new to SO. just today i came to here.
@Laddu @RKK @dark I am leaving now, Have to go for lunch , planning to sleep after that, I think
@sreecharan Bye
@Unknown hmm new and 477 reputation share your tricks with others :). I only know how to set IBOutLet in iPhone :)
@Laddu r u there
@sreecharan bye
@baijukrishnan Yes, I am look at the code. Can you show your full updated code using pastebin ?
i am adding upto 89 subviews(imageview) inside single view....but while swiping only 4 imageview getting displayed..mishow-slide1.png,mishow-slide2.png...etc upto 89 images...
pasted my code here==>http://pastebin.com/HXtFG6T5
@dark IBOutlet means Interface Builder Outlet
@Unknown I have missed that part in video :)
@dark which part of video?
Laddu,dark,baiju,unknown please help me..
@Unknown how to set an IBOutlet in interfaceBuilder @Unknown is there any way to set IBOulet programitically ?
@Laddu I have couple of questions for you
@Laddu why USB is called flash drive ?
@dark good question to @Laddu
Because it has flash memory?
@Laddu what name we will give those devices who performaed both input and output?
input and output device?
@dark i'm not.
@Laddu flash memory means ?
@Laddu what will be the name to those devices:P
Flash memory is a non-volatile computer storage chip that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. It was developed from EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory) and must be erased in fairly large blocks before these can be rewritten with new data. The high density NAND type must also be programmed and read in (smaller) blocks, or pages, while the NOR type allows a single machine word (byte) to be written or read independently. The NAND type is primarily used in memory cards, USB flash drives, solid-state drives, and similar products, for general storage and tran...
@dark A USB flash drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface
Copied from Wikipedia :P
@Laddu yes
@Laddu :D
@Laddu answer 2nd question:D
What name?! I/O devices?
@Laddu :D :D :P
@Laddu if flash is non-volatile if that is the reason we called usb as flash drive , then why we not called hard disk to flash hard drive :P
@Laddu @dark :P:P- --> @Laddu
@Laddu no wrong answer :P
@Laddu this is my updated code
@baijukrishnan your method ProductImage:NSData with return nothing then how would it be populated in a cell
@baijukrishnan cell.imageView.image =[some image ]
1 message moved to /dev/null
@baijukrishnan After this line NSData *imgdata=[[NSData alloc]initWithBytes:sqlite3_column_blob(cmp_sqlstmt,0) length:sqlite3_column_bytes(cmp_sqlstmt,0)]; try to NSLog imageData and see what it prints.
@Laddu @Unknown @all bye its time to chillllllllll see yh all later
@dark See you.
@baijukrishnan use this
@Laddu sorry @Laddu for paste code here
1 message moved to /dev/null
oh again sorry @Laddu i just edited.
1 message moved to /dev/null
@Laddu thanks
Stop doing that.
@Laddu cool :)
@dark :D bye
hi @Laddu
@Leena Hello Leena Ji
wat u doin @Laddu
@Leena Watching WWDC videos and you
me i was watching movie on PC
Which movie?
Vicky donor
comedy movie.
comedy+bit of romance+emotional
full of entertainment
I like Action, Maar Dhaad, Sci-Fi Movies
i wud like to watch Sci-Fi movie
but not maar dhaad
i'd like play game.
@Unknown,@laddu still showing same error
which line @baijukrishnan
shows the error.
@Unknown when i run,control goes to:
- (void)ProductImage:(NSData *) imageData{

productImg.image= [UIImage imageWithData: imageData];


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