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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

how does the government make their money if they don't tax the people who do work?
(not that I'm for that...but it seems to be a popular thing for governments to do)
Many show fake investment documents to save taxes. This is how it would be working. They make money by over pricing things we need to buy everyday. Something like that...
but your actual income doesn't get taxed? woww... that sounds positively nice.
I pay only Provisional Tax, which is a fixed amount of Rs. 200 (around 200/50 = $4) per year.
@スイムイ bye
Bye. Night.
I will also go sleep. Android is so boooring.
nothing gets me to sleep faster than looking at documentation
I actually like Apple documentation.
@MichaelDautermann Have a nice Sunday :-) See you tomorrow.
and have good dreams tonight.
@all hello I have a question does anyone know how to change default color of tabbar image when it get selected. i.e. default blue color @MichaelDautermann @IphoneDeveloper
dear @mann
A: Iphone:Color of TabBar image?

mvdsThe color is fixed to blue. You could either try to write your own custom tab bar interface, or hack together something to place custom icons over the tab bar in a subclassed UITabBarController, like this: -(void)setActiveCustomOverlay { if ( self.activeOverlay ) { [self.acti...

@MichaelDautermann thanks mate but i have read it n tried it. i could not implement it
because im using tabbar programmatically n he said add tabbar property n lock it with tabbar through IB
when you said you "tried" it... what did you do?
did you subclass UITabBarController?
I just followed what that person was suggesting
tell me the truth now. don't think about it.
yah mate why should i lie
did you subclass UITabBarController ?
what did you call it?
and when you programatically created the tab bar controller, how did you instantiate it?
yes tabViewController i called it
no, what did you call the actual custom subclass ?
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface TabViewController : UITabBarController
    UITabBarController *tabView;


@property(nonatomic,retain)UITabBarController *tabView;
thats my .h file
am i right?
that isn't what that answer specified
it said to add a UIView and tabbar property
to the .h file
I don't see it in yours.
no i tried it n then unsuccessful then removed it
ok you want me to write that code again n then show you?
one sec
you need to make class that derived from UITabBarController
my class is derived from UITABBARController @AshishChauhan
check .h file i showed earlier
@MichaelDautermann how can i hook it with tabbar
how is your tabbarcontroller currently created?
in a XIB file or programatically ?
i put UIView *activeOverlay n made that property
@MichaelDautermann how can i hook it with tabbar
you need your app to use your new subclassed tab bar controller and not the original (non-subclassed) one.
how does the current tab bar controller get created?
@AshishChauhan i want to show color when image get selected not background color
ok now got it
 tabView=[[UITabBarController alloc] init];

this is how i created UITabbarController
@MichaelDautermann i could not understand by add a tabbar property and hook it to the tab bar in IB
call setActiveCustomOverlay whenever the tab changes.
if you set a breakpoint in your subclassed TabBarController, does it hit at all?
if it doesn't hit, find out why it doesn't hit.
where i should put breakpoint in my Tab|BarController class?
i think this may help you

/* selectedImageTintColor will be applied to the gradient image used when creating the
selected image. Default is nil and will result in the system bright blue for selected
tab item images. If you wish to also customize the unselected image appearance, you must
use -setFinishedSelectedImage:finishedUnselectedImage: on individual tab bar items.
@property(nonatomic,retain) UIColor *selectedImageTintColor __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
Hello everyone.
Can someone help me convert
`_onActionSheetDone = Block_copy(onActionSheetDone);`
to ARC compatible code_
@AshishChauhan yes may be but not getting it
its clearly says that that you can change the color
by defaults its blue
yah but that is just property how can image colour be changed with making property only
@AshishChauhan oh that works
thanks mate
it works
@MichaelDautermann thank you to you too mate. its working now
@AshishChauhan appreciate :)
thanks man
I knew you would solve your problem, mann.
@MichaelDautermann haha. thanks. yah sometimes mind just dont work at all
@AshishChauhan @MichaelDautermann take care guys. going to have dinner :)
good night all
i am going to sleep
2 hours later…
I have a quick question.
Does anyone know what saves the session? NSURLRequest or NSURLConnection?
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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