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Hmm, quick question: If you synchronize on an NSArray or similar, will it lock on one of the individual elements too?
I have an array of NSManagedObjectContexts, and i don't want to clear it upon saving an context untill neither of the contexts is in use anymore
@ErikDolor stackoverflow.com/questions/2241710/… does this answer your question?
let's see
So you'd need to synchronize on the array itself? locking one element will not block access to the array itself?
are you trying to lock on elements or the array or both?
i want to prevent an array of contexts from being cleared if one of the contexts inside is locked
i could go back to using just one context, but that'd mean a performance penalty
though it'd pretty much kill all my current issues
@erikdolor i'm not entirely sure, but developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/… "Be Aware of Threats..." seems to be your case
i gotta run
good luck
sure, good night
also, one pretty essential question i still don't have clear
if you have a lock on an object, will it block any thread that tries to take a lock on that same object, or that just tries to use that object?
3 hours later…
@all hi
@ios hello gm
@Rani hi Very good mornng
@Rani can u help me?
@ios yes
@Rani that is related to alarm clock.
@Rani in that can u tell me how we repeat sound of alarm?
@ios i have not repeated sound of alarm
Q: Rewrite UIDatePicker?

MosheI've noticed that the UIDatePicker doesn't work with NSHebrewCalendar in iOS 5.0 or 5.1. I've decided to try and write my own. I'm confused as to how to populate the data and how to maintain the labels for the dates in a sane and memory efficient manner. How many rows are there actually in each...

@Rani then what u will do?
congrats on posting a question @Moshe... let's see if anyone responds
@Rani how manage sound of alarm?
@ios i am playing the sound only for 30 seconds
@Rani and if user not get that sound then ?
@MichaelDautermann Congrats?
Did I mention that problem here before?
@Rani hi
I +1'd it for you.
@Rani r u there/
Hi @VickyDixit your website ( of veibhav.dixit.co.cc ) is dead.
@iphonedev23 hi can we get own details from address book
Can someone suggest a good tutorial of code snippet of how to use the split-view using storyboards?
@Shredder2794 first hit on Google --> maniacdev.com/2011/11/…
Q: How to use storyboards on the iPad, with a split-view controller (iOS5.0)?

tadaszI can't find proper example how should i present new view in details view when user selects something in master view?

@Michael, thanks but I've already seen that tutorial. I'm trying to learn how to use if on an existing project. That tutorial makes you use the Master-Detail template
@MichaelDautermann hi
Hi Shredder
ohk will do something for that
does your existing project use storyboards?
no actually I have not so good in that
still using xib
* I am
I'm new to iOS development and am trying to learn how a split-view works "under the hood", using the default template doesn't help...
@MichaelDautermann can u tell me how use address book for access data for me?
hello @ios I probably could come up with an answer, but I actually do not know what is possible now that Apple is getting a lot of publicity and flak towards the Address Book and people mis-using it.
@MichaelDautermann : Good morning
@MichaelDautermann, do you have any other suggestions?
@anonymous : Good evening
time for me to go to sleep
Yeah.. Good night
@Shredder2794 not off the top of my head... @anonymous might know the answer for you, though.
:-) :-) :-)
@MichaelDautermann : I will look into it,.. :-))
@ios yes
@anonymous @MichaelDautermann how can we play you tube video in UIWebview automatically ?
@Rani now u not working on alarm clock then on which app r u working? have u use address book
@ios i am not working on alarm clock i am working on emergency call app
@Rani nice. can u help me? i am also making app like this
@Rani can u tell me how get own number ?
Yes I used addressbook
whats your issue?
@Rani plzzzzzz tell
hi gm friends :)
@ios i am not getting own number.For specific applications i am staticaly giving values in the plist
@Rani but how u make emergency call ?
@AJPatel @anonymous @Prem @Rani @RadheMohan @ios @all Good Morning :)
yes this is the only way.
apple is not providing facility to get own mobile numbers
@AJPatel @KartikArora @Prem @Rani Hi good morning
@Bhurudada very good morning sir :)
@VickyDixit gm
@KartikArora @Bhurudada @Rani Hello Good Morning
@KartikArora @Bhurudada @Prem Good Morning
@Prem @Bhurudada @VickyDixit @KartikArora @ios @Rani @AJPatel : give me a best link of 'to access database in iphone' or database connectivity
@Pravi which type of database?
@Pravi look my answer... :)
coredata or sql ?
A: Create copy of database in iPhone

PremFor Creating the copy of Database... BOOL success; NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSError *error; NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *finalPath...

@Pravi take a look at this >>http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/An_Example_SQLite_based_iPhone_Application
@Prem hi
@Sunny hello
@All Gud Morning :)
@Bhurudada iska kya karu ??
@Prem i add button into each row of pickerview it looks fine but when i try to click on it ite event is not fire propely... any idea ...
hi @ChandreshKanetiya bhai bhai ahiya kem no bhulo padyo ??
@Prem sory, that link was for @pravi
@AJPatel are bhul tho avi gayo
ohoo @ChandreshKanetiya to aavi bhulo karta ro... ;)
@AJPatel hi
@Prem any idea dude
hi @Sunny gm :)
have you got solution on to fetch VHF in iOS devise ??
@AJPatel i add button into each row of pickerview it looks fine but when i try to click on it ite event is not fire propely... any idea ...
@AJPatel nops dude
@Prem @Bhurudada @VickyDixit @KartikArora @ios @Rani @AJPatel Thnx
@Sunny no bro... have to search. :(
@Pravi your welcome dear
@Prem ok
@Pravi wc
@KartikArora : sqlLite
Hi To All
@Sunny will contact if i get any solution. :)
@sandy hello bhai
@Prem ok
@Sunny i never tried that so don`t say anything.
@Pravi wel cm bro
hi @sandy gm
@AJPatel ok buddy
@DimplePanchal @dark hey GM,
@Sunny gm
@Prem Hi Gm
@Sunny may i saw your code ?to assign selector to that button ?
@AJPatel Hi Gm
@Sunny @dark @sandy hie all
@AJPatel ok
@DimplePanchal hello :-)
@DimplePanchal hello gm
what's up?
@DimplePanchal Good morning
@AJPatel - (UIView *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView viewForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component reusingView:(UIView *)view
UITableViewCell *cell = (UITableViewCell *)view;

if( cell == nil )
cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:nil];
[cell setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
[cell setAccessoryType:UITableViewCellAccessoryNone];


[cell setBounds: CGRectMake(0, 0, cell.frame.size.width -20 , 44)];

cell.textLabel.text = [self.Comboarray objectAtIndex:row];
@Bhurudada VGM
@DimplePanchal nothing just working on a project you tell ?
@AJPatel got it due
@AJPatel dude...
@Sunny why you code this like bind table view ??
@Sunny why u tack UITableViewcell in picker method ??
@AJPatel @KartikArora for adding some image into it thts why i use it....
@Sunny what you want to implement mutiple checkmark using picker view like ??
then search for ALPickerView Classes :)
@AJPatel ok my main concenrn here is when i tap on button it will selected/unselected ok i will check aqnother way.....
@All: Any idea how to set CPTGraphHostingView as a subview with frame lesser than the application frame?
Hi all
@all hi
I am having osx 10.6.8.. so will i not be able to install xcode 4.3
@TechnocraT @Invincible hi
@user923370 hey there
@TechnocraT yes that is only for LION OSX
@dark And Can i upgrade to LION
@TechnocraT have you used FBConnect ? i am getting some linker errors. can you help me?
@user923370 What is FBConnect?
I dont think i could help you out in any way..
@TechnocraT yes you can
@dark for free?
@TechnocraT oh ok. its facebook sdk
@user923370 Hmm.. i never used it..
@dark hi. can you help me please.
@TechnocraT its ok. :)
@TechnocraT no for 29$ in apple nothing is free:)
@user923370 yes tell ?
@dark WTF... I ll maybe have to find other way to get LION..
@TechnocraT i have downloaded it for free.
@dark have you used FBConnect ? i am getting some linker errors. can you help me?
@TechnocraT apple don't allow user to do things illegal instead of jailbreaking :)
@user923370 yes tell me the exact error
these are the errors.
@dark Its insane that i cant test my app on my device without paying 99$
@user923370 you have missing some files
@TechnocraT yes right but you can test your app for free on simulator :)
@Rani Solved ??
@dark oh ok. let me check.
is there any framework for Facebook like Twitter in ios 5
@VickyDixit no
than anything like framework for the same
u can use facebook graph api or facebook connect
@KartikArora Good Morning :)., have a good day
@Bala which problem
@Bala Very Good Morning bro.. Have a Lovely day...
@Rani kitni prob. h tumhare pass?
@Bala have u integrated facebook in u r app
does anyone use anything other (or simpler) than phonegap to wrap a website into an app?
@Rani That Sound Prob?? No i dont .,
@Bala not tested yet
is there a simple way to preload a large image in the app delegate, that can then be used later on in the app?
@TobeSta yes u can download it in background and store in one uiimage so u can use later in the running app.
@dark i have added all the files.
@DimplePanchal Any idea how to set CPTGraphHostingView as a subview with frame lesser than the application frame?
i checked.
@dark anything i can do to solve it.
@KartikArora that is more advanced than simply loading via imageNamed:, right?
@TobeSta is ur image in ur project or comes from the server?
@user923370 check the frames as well
@KartikArora it's in my project
@KartikArora i think that image is in App bundle .,
@dark yes i deleted all and added again.still no use.
@TobeSta then u can use with name no prob
@KartikArora have u used coreplot?
@dark those errors are gone but a new error. Command /Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool failed with exit code 255
@user923370 have you follow the tutorial through developer.facebook.com or some where ?
@TobeSta if ur image is more big and tack time to open thn u can call it before and store it in UIImage and use it tht also a good way
@Invincible no
@KartikArora ok
@All Hi
@KartikArora I tried that, but when I call it from my VC (theImage = appDelegate.appDeleImage;), it doesn't exist
@TobeSta appdeleImage is your UIIMage?
@KartikArora it's @property (strong, nonatomic) UIImage *appDeleImage;
Hello everybody, is there a backward compatible way to add calendar events ? EventKit is for ios 4.0+ and not backwards compatible.
@TobeSta can u show me ur image store code?
@user923370 is it the news graph api or the old one , I think that is old one and that is depericate
@Coder HI
@all any one have integrated facebook ?
@Akshayaher hi
@Invincible say?
@DimplePanchal Any idea how to set CPTGraphHostingView as a subview with frame lesser than the application frame?
@DimplePanchal have u integrated FB ?
@KartikArora this is where I think it falls apart. appDeleImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"];
@Invincible set frame for that.. I was creating IBOutlet
@Coder yes.. using oauth... But that was too ago
@DimplePanchal i tried setting but its not making any difference.. doing it programatically..
@TobeSta u r declaring this on appdel class?
@KartikArora yes, in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
@TobeSta ok use self.appdeleImage
i want something like that
Q: Facebook integration using existing Facebook Application in iphone

Coderi have integrated Facebook using libraryin my previous app and its works fine without any issue. But now days i want to integrate facebook in my app using existing Application. When i click on Facebook share icon in my app it will check that you are already log in your Facebook App which is alr...

@DimplePanchal using oauth .. i have already i tegrated
@KartikArora I created an if statement after assigning the image, and it says it exists, but then when I get to the VC further in the app, that VC claims the UIImage is empty
@dark do you have the link for the new one?
@user923370 yes that is old sdk check developer.facebook.com for the new one
@TobeSta can i see the code which u write for display with condition?
@KartikArora you mean if (theSpaceImage) {
NSLog(@"appdelegate img exists");
@all Hi
@KartikArora theSpaceImage is appDeleImage
@TobeSta what is the spaceimage ho u assign your delegate image into this?
@DimplePanchal any idea ??
@dark i used the new one but still the same!!!
@KartikArora sorry I meant this, I've been changing the names in this chat so it reads better
if (appDeleImage) {
NSLog(@"appdelegate img exists");
@KartikArora does imageNamed: hold on to its image indefinitely?
@TobeSta for this you have to make one object of your delegate class and then with that objectname.yourimagename you can find the image
I have one question
@Coder sorry no idea
@Invincible what are u doing?
@All i want to create folder in photo library in iphone
@DimplePanchal I'm trying to add the graph for a small part of my main view
but i'm not able to reduce the frame size
@KartikArora I do that in my VC class
if (appDelegate.appDeleImage) {
@DimplePanchal ok nop
@KartikArora but it doesn't exist
@DimplePanchal twitter integration i ios 5 ?
@All i want to create folder in photo library in iphone
@KartikArora If I call this in my VC "appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];" it works, but also lags as it is loading the image when I create a new instance of appDelegate
@DimplePanchal i want to create folder in photo library in iphone u can help me
@Coder @CreazyCoder i want to create folder in photo library in iphone u can help me
good afternoon everyone :)
@TobeSta self.imageSelected=[[UIImage alloc]init];

objAppdel=(AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
[imgImageView setImage:objAppdel.imageSelected forState:UIControlStateNormal];
@TobeSta i m doing like this
@KartikArora need help
@IphoneDeveloper Room FAQs ko pin karo
@KartikArora r u there
@CreazyCoder hi
@IphoneDeveloper : Yes.. agree.. And make her Co admin also
@スイムイ Aaeen
@スイムイ Aaeen
@Bhurudada, hi
@Bhurudada bolo ne saheb
@IphoneDeveloper : how about include FAQ here->
@rohitrmodi no idea sorry
@IphoneDeveloper Hellew ... Good Morning
@IphoneDeveloper Need help with coreplot
@CreazyCoder @KartikArora I am not able to connect the UI componants to xib, yesrday I have created some part of UI, and now working on remaining one, It is workign fine in another classes but not in one class, What may be the problem.
@anonymous @Invincible aaeen
@anonymous Dunno who changed. I am no more room owner :P
@Bhurudada, check your class name appropriate not in XIB
@CreazyCoder @KartikArora
see the image
@KartikArora Doesn't something like this "objAppdel=(AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate]; " create a new instance of appDele, which then loads the image all over again?
@KartikArora Thank you for all your help btw
@Bhurudada check the class name in file owner
@TobeSta yes wc
@Bhurudada, like that
@スイムイ ok
@CreazyCoder @KartikArora its there
ysreday all these componats were conneced, but now it is showing like this, n also i m not able to connect the new componants too, @KartikArora @CreazyCoder
@Bhurudada, mazhya mitra he faqt ani faqt class name appropriate nasalyamulecha hote
@Bhurudada stop ur work shut down ur mac tack one good coffee or tea and come back after 5 min u will solve your prob.
@CreazyCoder @KartikArora Yes mentors, done.... Thanks
class name me "s" miss tha
@KartikArora listen this kelvi.net/mytamilmp3.com/01_-Simbu_Love_Anthem_For_World_Peace-_MyTamilMp3.Com_%28320_Kbps%29.mp3
@Bhurudada is liye to kaha tha k break le lo 5 min ka so thik se prob solve ho sake bcz. @CreazyCoder and mene jo kaha tha uske alava or koi issue ho nahi sakta tha :P
It is AnswerQuestionss @CreazyCoder @KartikArora
@Bala wht to do with this?
that is a song for you., hear it bro
@Bala thnx
@CreazyCoder @KartikArora Thanks, 1 hr se try kar raha tha
mai, but yis condition me to exception aana chahiye na
@Bala page not found :P
@Bhurudada kyu aaj subhe ki tea nahi pi h?
ak min
hi all...some body can help me with Dropbox API ?
@Bhurudada, hota hai... hota hai.. maine bhi aise problem face kiye the pahale ... jab maine iOS ki coding chalu ki thi tab
@CreazyCoder @KartikArora I m also new to ios coading, initially java ME n Blackberry pe work karta tha
now shifted to iOS app develpmnet
@KartikArora yis issue ke chakkar me 3 cup coffee pi chuka hun
@スイムイ unpin ka option aa rha hai
pin ka nahi
net bahut slow hai aaj…So_We_Need_is-_STR.mp3 @KartikArora
@Bhurudada, muzhe coffee and chai pasand nahi hai dost...
@IphoneDeveloper Oh. Office me bhi Tikona le liya kya? :P
@Risma i shall!!
@スイムイ noo . :p
@CreazyCoder nice... Are but yis condition me koe exception kyu nahi aaya
hi @Bala, do you know how to restore a file in Dropbox into last version programmatically
hummmm @Bhurudada
@Bala please take a look at my question stackoverflow.com/questions/10006043/…
@CreazyCoder @KartikArora bcz i found that when xib name is worng then it throws an exception, any idea, jst asking to clear the confusion of mine
good morning! Is there any event sent to the active view when device orientation changes? And if so, how do i "catch" it?
@Risma let me try it.,
nvm, think i found it
@Bhurudada, jevha tu UIViewController class la call karatos na tevha tu initWithNibName lihatos...ani tithe tuzha file owner automatically set hoto... pan actual madhey tu jevha xib madhey kahi chukicha class name takalas tar tuzha initWithNibName cha class name ani xib chay class name mahey confliction hote ani runtime exception throw karato
hi hi hi hi
he;; Every one
any one cn help me
@スイムイ self.view.tag = 876; is line new UIVIew classa pe kasie ja sakta hai code?
I want to attach to other process,but tast_for_pid function only success when the target process is itself ,anyone know why?
@IphoneDeveloper : use fir se admin banao.. Aur bhaag jaaye to penalty pizza ki.. :-P
@IphoneDeveloper @iphonedev23 @iphonecool @ios i want to create folder in photo library programetically
@スイムイ: right?
@CreazyCoder achya, manje jar me xib madhe kahi worng lihila tar te code war effect nahi karnar, right.
@Bhurudada, haan
@IphoneDeveloper @iphonedev23 @iphonecool @ios can u help me?
@CreazyCoder thanks, chyan explain kela, parat nahi wisrnar. :P
hi @IphoneDeveloper @スイムイ("9tanki") kese ho :)
@Bhurudada, hahahahahahah
@rohitrmodi use NSFilemanager for this
@IphoneDeveloper kya?
@anonymous No. Not now.
@AJPatel Hello.
Hello guys, if I want to set my custom ios calendar event to Perth time zone i.e. GMT +8:00 do I pass say [gregorianCalendar setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"GMT+8:00"]]; ?
@CreazyCoder tuza actual nav kalel ka

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