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calling task_for_pid on iOS, always fails %>_<%
posted on April 01, 2012 by John

With the addition of automatic reference counting you probably have – or at least have considered dropping support for older iOS versions. That’s where a project I came across earlier comes in – providing compiler stubs so you can use weak references with ARC on iOS 4.   The real runtime functions are used if [...]

5 hours later…
@paragkavar hi friend myproblem is how to write the code for block the incoming calls.
Hi @all
koiiiiiiiiiiii heeeeeeeeeeee
@PiyushPatel Yes.
@Abizern hi,
@Abizern you use FB?
@PiyushPatel Nope.
? why'd you do that?
@MichaelDautermann Do What?
Abizern has removed Terminator from the list of this room's owners.
@MichaelDautermann Oh. She's deleted her SO account. There's no point keeping things hanging around. It'll take a second to add her back on when she comes back.
oh... haaa... that's the second or third time she's done that. I wonder why? I guess some people like to change their account handles the way some girls like to change their hairstyles or shoes.
@MichaelDautermann And I mean deleted which shows some intent.
@MichaelDautermann Maybe she's in the Witness Protection Profile and they were getting too close
maybe! Whatever it was, we'll keep it on the down-low.
Wow. WWDC still hasn't been announced. Too late this time.
the moment they do announce it, their servers will be jammed....
I wouldn't believe if they announce it today. ;)
Their servers should be fine considering only about 5k tickets will be sold.
and 50,000 people will be trying to buy those tickets.
I think a Harry Potter DVD release would be a heavier load.
all at the same time.
i am not in the race, anyway. :)
Anyone here use git with xcode?
I wasn't last year, but will be this year. Don't feel bad about not going though... it's like trying to drink water from a fire hose. Too much stuff and a lot of it is vaporware and won't be useful for us to use until years from now.
And yes, I've used git with xcode.
i have in my last project. locally.
@MichaelDautermann Thank you. Insightful!
@ChintanPatel When you renamed a class, how did you git rm through xcode?
for me, its how going to Mecca is for a muslim.
gonna do it once in a lifetime.
i don't think i needed to do that. :)
Use github's client if it helps.
My Jetpack Joyride app got stuck and i had to delete and reinstall. Lost 1.5 million coins. :(
reduced rating from 5 stars to 2 stars.
I use Git. With and without Xcode.
Hi guys...:(

Please help me on this...
Q: NSData retuning 0 bytes

PuneethI am trying to load the image in the following way. But when I call my loadImageFromURL:(NSURL*)inURL function as [self loadImagesFromURL:url] in my tableView its showing 0 bytes. How to get the value of (delta)NSData in my tableview?, which is declared as global... NSURLConnection* connectio...

I like Kristian Glass's answer for your question
and just +1'd it, too.
does your table have exactly (only) one cell where it's displaying that "delta" image?
Hi Michael:)..thanks for the reply...

no my table has multiple cells...
your table has multiple cells where it can display different "delta" images ????
ok. I use command line git all the time too. Seems weird to do half git in xcode (nice diff integration) and git on command line to remove files left behind on a rename.
yes Michael...
@Puneeth so, here's a question from me to you... how do you know which "delta" image is associated with which table cell ??
@Puneeth Just use AFNetworking's asynchronous image loading categories. You won't have to deal asynchronous loading yourself. Hope it helps.
@finneycanhelp if you delete files inside an Xcode project, how would you be able to find those files, post deletion, to delete them from your Git repository?
i am storing all the image url into an array..and based on the index i am putting the image into the corresponding cells...
@finneycanhelp I think this is a problem with every version control scheme and Xcode's built in support for that version control scheme (svn, git, etc.). You'd have to go to the command line to delete removed files.
or, what would be smart, would be to remove the file from the repository first and then from the project second. But that requires a bit of forethought.
NSURL *url=[NSURL URLWithString:utr];
NSData *data2=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
UIImage *imageForAz=[UIImage imageWithData:data2];

this was my previous method of loading the image,but it takes long time...i want to load images in the faster way..is there any solution Michael?
@puneeth this seems like a great idea that could be solved by using threads or Grand Central Dispatch or something. Instead of just the image in an array, I would use an array of objects that contain the image (that you want to display in the cell) and each object would have it's own NSURLConnection which is loading the image from the remote server.
And when the image arrives, if the cell is visible in the table you can update the cell with the image and when another cell scrolls into view where the image is already loaded, you can display that image without making another request to the server for that image (i.e. a cached image, of sorts).
@Puneeth This is a case of Lazy Loading of Images in a Table view. Apple has a sample code called Lazy Table Images for this. Many make use of third party API called Async ImageView
@finneycanhelp try git add -u It makes it easier to add deleted and renamed files to the index.
@MichaelDautermann I prefer to remove it from the project and then the repo. That way the IDE doesn't try to load a file that doesn't exist anymore.
if you remove it from the repo, does that automatically remove the file from existence on the local drive ?
I can't remember if that's always the case or just in some version control setups
I was hoping one could do all one needs to do through xcode. :)
context switch is a little inefficient. However, I am grateful for what they have done.
context switch = between terminal and xcode
no big deal really.
@MichaelDautermann git-rm - Remove files from the working tree and from the index
that sounds about right
btw, it's a quote from the man pages on git help rm
@MichaelDautermann It removes it from the repository at the index level. Once you commit the change, it removes it from the hd.
@MichaelDautermann @Abizern : Hi Gentlemen..
who you calling a gentleman?
I resemble that remark.
sigh empty room is empty. I'm audi.
2 hours later…
@スイムイ hello
@スイムイ you are from japan? :)
No. I know Japanese.
@スイムイ oh
@スイムイ so where are you
@Abizern good afternoon/evening to you...
@Nasenbaer ping
posted on April 01, 2012 by hnic

iPhone 2.0 SDK Scott Forstall Built Application [...]

@Abizern good afternoon/evening to you...
anybody have experience with drawing contexts?
hi all
@JackLawrence hi Jack... how's it hangin?
hey @spokanedude
working on a flippy view transition thing.
Q: same-o, same-o... got a Q coming your way... om
hah okay
@JackLawrence if I have an override of drawRect in a class, does everything I draw in that class get modified by that override? Do I need a new class for each object I draw?
I'm not sure what you mean by modified by the override. If you draw in drawRect, you're drawing inside drawRect
you can do as much as you want in a method.
the only stipulation for -drawRect: is that whatever you're drawing should fit within the view you're subclassing.
I mean it can go outside the edge, but you wouldn't see it.
I'm not drawing "in" drawRect... I have a class... in that class I draw rectangles that represent my calendar... I have an override of drawRect in that class, where I draw a diagonal line... I notice that whatever I draw in that class also gets a diagonal line... is that normal for the class?
should I even be doing anything in drawRect, given what I'm trying to do?
I'd need to see your implementation.
if you need to see the code, it's here: stackoverflow.com/questions/9967252/…
in the class that contains makeFrame, I override drawRect with this code:
- (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect {

CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2.0);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 55, 0); // start x, y (use width of box)
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 165, 100); // end x, y 185,100

is this a "mickey-mouse" way of drawing the diagonal line in each calendar tile?
I'm taking a look, I'll let you know in a moment - but my first comment would be that variable names should be camel case (i.e. thisIsAVariable) and your class names should be modified camel case, i.e. ThisIsAClass.
In some cases objective-c needs this enforced.
but I highly doubt it's the problem in this case.
okay. From what I can see, your code should be doing what you say - a line through all of your custom buttons.
you're overriding a method that gets called when a view is instantiated. And you happen to instantiate a whole bunch of those views.
so wait what's the problem?
"I notice that whatever I draw in that class also gets a diagonal line... is that normal for the class?" isn't that what you want? A diagonal line through every instance of that class?
do I have to have a different class if I want to draw another rectangle without the diagonal?
yes, each instance of that class has to have the diagonal...
Right. So if you don't want the diagonal, don't use an instance of that class :)
However, if you have a bunch of shared code you should make a base class and then have a subclass that has the drawRect method.
so you can put all the shared code in the base class and then anything specific in subclasses.
So I could have a custom Button class and then a RedButton class and a BlueButton class that are subclasses of Button, but have code to draw different colored backgrounds.
no, there is no shared code... I just hate to have a class with only a few lines in it... kind of wasting space, but that's my head trip, isn't it? :D
Hah. It's better to have a bunch of small classes with tiny bits of code than a few large classes with hundreds of lines.
the other objects are different sizes
thanks for the guidance... I appreciate it...
You shouldn't need a different class for each size. Just use setFrame: or initWithFrame: or a custom method that sets the size based on the width/height values you pass in.
Anyway I gotta go do some dishes, I'll be back in a few.
but I'm gonna need a separate class anyway do I don't get the diagonal line, right? In that new class I can do as you suggested...thanks...
Another q: I'm trying to create a new class... I can't get the "for iPad" to "enable"... why? or do I even need it?
* "targeted for iPad"
"targeted for ipad" just means that if you were subclassing UIViewController, you'd get a huge iPad view instead of an iPhone view. Doesn't matter for a UIButton.
thank you...
3 hours later…
Who's the unicorn paper clip?
Is it ok to pass a NSManagedObject and let the receiving class pull out the NSManagedObjectContext from that? Or should I give it the MOC in addition?
@StianHøiland If you need the MOC I would pass it along as well to be safe. Make sure, however, that you're on the same thread in which you created the MOC. Object contexts are not thread safe.
Typically I do something like this
I use the shared mainObjectContext on the main thread for UI stuff like presenting the data read-only in a tableview, and then separate contexts for editing.

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