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@PrajnaranjanDas Can you be more specific
I am trying to get cell data from a custom view cell. The row has 3 labels; I need to get the content of one of them. This is my code, which obviously is not working. What am I doing wrong?

UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"txtSiteID"];

UILabel *cellLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:cell.frame];
NSString *x = cellLabel.text;
The code is in didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
@anonymous u still there?
@Terminator ping?
@Abizern ping?
@JackLawrence ping?
you're creating a new label
if you're trying to get an existing label being used by the cell, you'll have to try something else
but that's pretty fundamental stuff… you should maybe go through some tutorials
"[UILabel alloc]" provides memory for a new label, "initWithFrame:cell.frame];" initializes it with the CGRect frame being used by the cell
Hi @all
to get an existing view being used by the cell, you could use (for example) viewWithTag
@JanardanYri Hi
@JanardanYri Bingo
but I don't think you should be taking reusable cells for their content
@JanardanYri I'm working in Cocos 2d. do you have any experience on it?
@Ganesh Nope
@JanardanYri ok.. thanq
@spokanedude That dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: method exists so that the system doesn't have to tear up and down a new object for every single cell
so that it can leverage the general efficiencies of that most UITableViews use nearly identically formatted cells
@Ganesh what is your question regarding cocos2d ?
@JanardanYri sorry for the delay... let me see if there is another way to do this... I need the row number at a minimum... to build the query, it would be so much easier to have the contents of the label.
@JanardanYri I'm not changing anything, just trying to get the contents of the label that I created...
@spokanedude That's not the row number for your cell though, it's the row number for some arbitrary previous cell that's no longer being used
@spokanedude tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: gives you an indexPath that contains the row for the cell it wants
@JanardanYri ok, let me rephrase the Q... I have a UIViewTable with custom cells... each cell contains 3 labels (all with identifiers). I need the content of one of the labels in the row that was tapped. HTH
@spokanedude which method are you in? didSelectRowWithIndexPath?
@JanardanYri yes
Hmm are you sure there's not a better way to go about that? that method should have access to whatever data underlies the label in the first place
@all Hiho
@JanardanYri it probably does, I just don't know how to get to it...it seems so simple, but then ios/cocoa has to farkel it up and make it more difficult for newbies like me. :D
@spokanedude Well, you get the tableView and the indexPath as parameters, you can feed them back into cellForRowAtIndexPath to get the cell, and do whatever you like with the cell
@JanardanYri ok... let me think on this for a bit... another question: how do I change my "avatar"? (I think that's what the picture is called)
But making logic decisions based on view status tends to be a sign that it might be good to rethink things
(Objective-C follows model-view-controller and encourages fairly strict responsibility divisions)
oh, they use some weird site called gravatar
set it with the same email and it apparently changes your avatar with a range of sites that support it
I like Gravatar, personally
Makes it easy on me. :)
it would be nice if it were genuinely globally recognized; instead it reminds me of this xkcd.com/927
@JanardanYri I don't believe there is anything wrong with my logic... if the data is there, why go through hoops to find it... thanks for your help, I'll figure it out (just going to take a bit, but I'm very tenacious).
@spokanedude Fair enough :)
Cool... I like this! :D
Hello! 1 easy question for you pros. Can i remotly push my indevelopment-app to a device in some way or do I have to connect it to my dev mac? (My client wants to test the app and we are a few miles apart)
Hi all, If I want to drag a row from a NSTableView and have it deleted when its dropped anywhere outside that tableview, do I need to create a fullscreen transparent "drop" window for this?
@MadRapperX no Idea :(
Good Night @all Sweet Dreams
Hello people! I wanted some info on how you unit test your code. Do you put all the test code in one class? Or do you make one test class for each of the classes you're testing?
@TejaswiYerukalapudi i would divide it, for clarity and keep files small.
this be cray cray
@twDuke Yes you can! TestFlight is absolutely amazing.
@twDuke testflightapp.com
@James thx, will check it out.
@twDuke It's good stuff. Let me know if you need help. If I'm not in chat my Twitter pings my phone, so you can get me at @propelledjeans.
@James, thx! Appreciate it :)
@ankur hello
I hope someone can help me, because I'm going nuts here. I restored an older snapshot of my app (to copy a code snippet). Then I went back to (before restoration) and now it gives me literally 100 of errors o.O Can't find this, can't find that. It's obviously all there and I have no clue why it gives me this errors all of a sudden :(
And after a clean it sometimes gives me nine errors, then 20 errors, then 50 and so on -.-
Something got screwed up. Have you tried closing xcode completely and popping it back up?
@ThinkDifferent yes, I do. and it takes still to much time :-)
On XCode 4.1, if I have droped an Round UIButton to the storyboard ViewController, is there any way to get the "click" or "PushButton" handle codes automatically or need I write all manually each time?
@Nasenbaer hey! did I ever finish answering your questions yesterday?
@spokanedude I think yes. I am happy with answers I've got :-)
@Nasenbaer good... I've been using VS for about 7 years now, so hopefully I can answer any you might have...
@spokanedude I thought about to ask you to convert an small project from VS to XCode. That's why I asked first. But then I thought to my budget and I saw how time consuming it is on XCode and I left this question to the mind trash :-)
@Nasenbaer that's what I'm doing now... I wrote an app using MonoTouch, which uses C# and .NET in VS. I'm having a hell of a time because I'm new to Obj-c. However, the logic is there, but most of the time it doesn't apply... design considerations, etc.
@Nasenbaer it can be done... just taking time because of my lack of Obj-C experience. :D
@spokanedude thanks for that. I feel better now. Same here
@spokanedude I didn't see any contact details on your stackoverflow profile.
@Nasenbaer you're right... I get too many emails now, and have an overflowing plate of work... after this app is done, I have three more to do... YIKES!
@Nasenbaer you can always get me here when I'm working... try to take at least Sunday off, but sometimes that doesn't work either! XD
@spokanedude ha ha ... welcome to the world of apps... same issue here. But I have several stuff on WP7 ...
@spokanedude Windows Phone 7
bye @all nice weekend
@spokanedude like iPhone just more fun for developers :-)
@Nasenbaer why do you want my email address?
@spokanedude I want to ask you stuff of projects I don't have prepared yet to ask. Like some projects I was asked to do but I have no more time. Perhaps you wanted to do that.
@Nasenbaer would love to help you, but I'm at least 6 months out... we can keep in contact here, if that's ok with you... I have a son who lives in Japan, and he keeps me busy thinking of new apps... so you can see what fills my plate up? :D
@spokanedude something other is to get in contact with people who are able to betatest apps and who wanted to have their software tested. but that I want to ask in email if you're interested because I've not prepared now
@spokanedude ha ha. well. hope he will develop soon his own apps :-)
@Nasenbaer sure, but I'm short on time also... you can email me at rolfm [at] pragerphoneapps [dot] com...
@Nasenbaer please don't post it anywhere else... don't have time for spam, and I seem to be a magnet for it! :D
@Nasenbaer where u live/work?
@spokanedude Is this chat private? I don't think so. I am not interested to post email contacts anywhere, no. I'm from Switzerland. Nice weather today. But I am still in the office. I gave up to include that listview in XCode now and I do an small chat Silverlight app now for fun (I think it will not cost more than 2 hours) :-)
@Nasenbaer no, chats here are not private...
@all i have a question about MVC. I want to show table view in my app. So there will two separate classes ? tableViewController and tableView? where tableViewController manage controller things and tableView is just taking care of table and its content ? IS this gud programming practice under MVC?
@spokanedude @Nasenbaer
@mann I believe (not sure because I'm just getting into Obj-c) but there is always a tableviewcontroller... I think everything relating to the tableview is done in that class... don't see a need for a separate class for tableView, but I could be wrong. (I use several tableviewcontrollers, and don't have any viewclasses)
*viewclasses s/b tableView classes
@spokanedude yah even i use your approach. but wot about MVC then? according to it there should be separate classes for view and controller . m i right?
@mann I suppose so, but then my theory is "as long as it works, so be it"... I read about MVC, and I subscribe to it to a point. My 2 cents for what it's worth! :D
yah agree. but just wondering. even i made project in your approach.
@Terminator ping
@spokanedude chat here is not private but you can always bounce email to mailmetrash(.)com where then you can quickly look and delete the mail to exchange email addresses
@Byte oops... thank you for the info XD (here we go again!) :D
@spokanedude you can also create a room a little more private (since anyone can join) and invite the person to talk to :)
@Byte I think that would be easier... don't see how to "bounce email"... is it in the Help or FAQ?
looking now
@spokanedude oh no :) its my 2 cents. some people might have a better way of doing it
@Byte ok... so "how" do u bounce email?
hmmm... is that it? you send email to mailmetrash[dot]com?
@spokanedude since mailmetrash does not require u to create account, u can just make up some random email address @mailmetrash(.)com and ask the person to send you a hello mail to that account. quickly look and delete the message, now you have the email address from another person.
@spokanedude pretty much, since the website does not retain anything, it is "more" secure than SO which retains everything
@Byte ahhh... very interesting... thanks
@spokanedude I mean, 5 years after, i can come back to this date and look up your email address lol. so I am very scared of SO :)
@Byte yep, I would be too...that's why I hesitated giving it out...oh, well... as long as he doesn't post it on the walls in the ladies room, I'm sorta ok with that (my wife would freak!)
@Nasenbaer u following this? lol
@spokanedude haha, i understand (kind of)
@Byte how old are you? you must NOT be married... lol
@mann not sure what you are trying to do, from the sound of it. probably a bad idea
@twDuke Interesting .. But then you're ending up with as many test classes as the actual classes .. so, not sure.
@spokanedude older than the time itself! and no not at the moment :)
@spokanedude I din't, I will read now...
@Byte i am trying to follow MVC approach. like i just want to show tableview. so i following MVC i have to create two classes tableViewController and tableView
am i right?
or just one tableViewController containing all code
@Byte how long u been doing obj-c programming?
@spokanedude ok, now I understand. But I also gave out mine. in that case we have both trashed our secrets :-)
@mann what I normally do, is instead of tableViewController, i use normal viewcontroller and create a tableview inside it
@Byte so you are saying you just create one class? right. that act as controller as well as view classs
Putting your UITableView inside the nib counts as sufficiently extracting the view from the controller. :)
@mann I never really have a need to create another class for tableview but you can do it.
but then you dont follow MVC approach
@mann haha i follow my heart :D
@Byte yes i know mate we can do by your way. but im concerned about MVC. my question is about MVC. then we wont follow it
yah thats right
@mann You don't need to create a whole class for the view to be considered separate - as long as you're not writing code to create views inside your controller, and all of your view creation is in the NIB, then it's MVC
as far as my MVC understanding goes, anyway
@spokanedude almost 2 years
i need to leave now. thanks for chatting. nice time
@Byte that's good to know... you're on my list now along with @Terminator, etc.
@Nasenbaer bye... have a good weekend
@Tim yah agree. but if we create table programmatically this means we are creating view by class. so it should be different .
You don't have to make the table programmatically, though. You can add a UITableView to any View inside Interface Builder.
@spokanedude oh no, i am a nobody compares to Terminator and Abizern etc.
Is anybody in here a salaried iOS developer?
@Byte yea, but right now they're not here :D
@Tim yah agree. but if i do programmatically so following MVC i have to create separate class or same class
@mann like I said, if it works, it's good enough...
haha yah i agree
@mann 1.) you are using IB? 2.) why do you need to try to follow MVC?
@mann Well yes, if you are programmatically constructing views, then that should be in its own class. The idea is that the logic which loads the views with their data (from the model) should be separate from any code which creates or styles them - the code defining layout should be separate from code filling data
This ^
Hello everybody!
@Tim yah thanks agree with you
@Byte im trying to follow MVC coz people say its gud practice
I have a silly question: How should I declare an IBOutlet, as a property?
Q: Is blocking the main thread faster? Why?

MosheI'm using LRResty and NSXMLRequest to display search results from an API. Here's what my code looks like: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:YES]; [[LRResty client] get:searchEndpointURL withBlock:^(LRRestyResponse *response) { //NSLog(@"Results:\n\n\n%@",...

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIView* myView;
@mann :) goodluck!
@VansFannel Ctrl Shift drag i think? I dont realy use it
@Tim one more confusion mate. hope you solve it. Like we first create anything in .h file and retain it by making it property. then in .m file we allocate it. with alloc and initilise it. So the retain count will become 2? and we have to dealloc it or release it twice?
@Tim Thank. But, is it the best way to declare an IBOutlet?
@VansFannel oh ok Command Ctrl drag
Like first we have to release it in same method where we are allocating it and then in dealloc method?
or just once?
Its big confusion
If you have an object which is retained, then you should assign an autoreleased object to it
for example, @property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray* myArray;
you init it using self.myArray = [NSArray array]; OR self.myArray = [[[NSArray alloc] init] release];
but ONLY when you use self.myArray, as self.myArray= translates into [self setMyArray:] which calls retain on the new object
if you simply assign to myArray, things will go all wrong and you should never do it.
or self.myArray = [[[NSArray alloc] init] autorelease];?
yes, that too
ok so hrere we are autoreleasing it. so in dealloc method at end then again we have to release it
@mann or just an idea, move to ARC.
like [self. myArray releaser];
In the dealloc method, you simply set self.myArray = nil. The setMyArray method generated by @synthesize will release it for you
@Byte yah i will
I may be a bad person, but I still haven't moved to ARC yet. I spent a long time learning memory management, and I'm good at it now! Me n' the static analyzer are best buddies!
@Tim then no need to use [self.myArray release];? and if i do then any problem
@spokanedude Hello
@Terminator ahhh... hello... how are u?
@spokanedude Good. Thanks. How about yourself?
If i am not asking too many questions then can somebody tell me what is the why we use [variable release]; and self.variable=nil; ? both as it can be dealloc with only one method
I'm not sure i'd say it'd be a problem - but simply setting to nil has the same effect. I recommend you look up an example of the code that @synthesize generates when using (retain).
Q: How is retain setter implemented with @synthesize?

MattDiPasqualeI have the following in the header: @property (nonatomic, retain) UIView *overlay; And in the implementation: @synthesize overlay; Then: UIView *tempOverlay = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(160.0f, 70.0f, 150.0f, 310.0f)]; self.overlay = tempOverlay; [tempOverlay release]; Isn'...

@Terminator "better than I should be!".... r u ready for my questiion?
check out the top answer
@Tim It's not recommended to use accessors in init and dealloc - mikeash.com/pyblog/…
@spokanedude Yes ~ Where is my pizza?
@Terminator u must be...here it goes: remember I'm using storyboard...
@Terminator pizza is being delivered as we speak... hope I got the address right! :D lol
@Terminator even if you're only using the synthesized accessors - which don't have extra side effects?
@Tim Everything is explained in that blog post. Pros and Cons of using accessors in dealloc. It's like inviting crashes if we do.
Of course this is valid in only MRC cases.
@Terminator ok... so I have this scene with rows containing custom cells. I got the data out of the custom cell that I needed to use in a d/b query to get all of the data to populate another scene (where the data originated). The reason is the user taps on a list of "sites" and I then fill in the scene where he/she can "edit" the data... make sense so far?
@Terminator so, I did the query, got the original data, and now can't figure out how to get it into the textfields in the scene where it was initially entered.
@Terminator different scenes, different classes
@spokanedude You populated table view with some data you fetched from database?
@Terminator that's what I want to do... all separate classes, so, again, I have addressability issues
@Tim i got your point mate. but problem is i made whole project like my way and i didn't use autorelease. i.e. im just deallocating it in dealloc method while using retain (property) and allocating them in .m files. So even then if my application does not crash then its good for app store?
It seems mikeash's conclusion is not a strong opinion in either direction - and that the main trouble comes from poorly written subclasses.
@Tim It's not only about dealloc and over writing methods in sub classes. It's also about KVO and using accessors in init.
i should have released it twice but release it once.
@mann Having a non-crashing app is the first requirement to get into the app store. If your app is hemorrhaging memory, that's not good either - but for a simple enough app, having one or two extra strings floating around in memory isn't the end of the world.
The community's sentiment is that Real programmers don't write leaky code, but my driving sentiment is that Real programmers ship.
@Tim yah thanks mate. i should have undertood this concept before.
@spokanedude I have understood that - You have a table where you are showing list of sites in table cells. You tap on a particular site - Go to other scene. Edit that scene? And then?
@Tim yah agree mate
@mann Of course, if your application is leaking LOTS of memory - say, several images at a time - it will crash eventually.
@Tim by god grace its not crashing. i tested it on real device for half an hour :D
@Terminator and then... and then... I update the d/b table... in sceneA, (which we were working on all week) I have the contents of sArray... that was created by data in textFields in sceneB.. now, when the user taps on a row in sceneA, I need to take the data from the d/b and place it in sceneB. HTH
@Terminator then... update the d/b from the data in sceneB
@spokanedude So your task is - When you select a site by tapping on a cell in the list of sites table - You want to navigate to a different scene where you show that selected site?
@Terminator yep...
@spokanedude For this - You can keep a property (of type sArray) in your gonna be next view controller. This property will be nothing but the selection the user will make in list of sites controller. So user will select a site - the table view's didSelectRowAtIndexPath: delegate will get called. From the indexPath.row you will get the index of the selected site. From this index you get the selected sArray object present in your listOfSites data source array.
@Terminator geeze... why didn't I think of that? That's why I'm sending another pizza to you!lol
I'll be back..
@spokanedude So let's say your gonna be view controller has a property called as selectedSite. You allocate this controller and do myNextViewController.selectedSite = [listOfSites objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; This all will happen in your List of Sites view controller's didSelectRowAtIndexPath: table view delegate method.
To summurize everything - User selected a site. didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method gets called. Which row/cell was selected is determined by the indexPath.row. We know the index, so we can get the concerned site (the selected/tapped site) from the data source array (listOfSites) by [listOfSites objectAtIndex: indexPath.row]; Once we got selected sArray/site, we set it to the gonna be controller's selectedSite and then Boom.
@Terminator BOOM? BOOM? Nooooooooooo! :D lmao
@Terminator working on it now... pizza on the way when I can get it to work... :D
@Terminator Does he actually send you pizza?
@Tim Nobody sends me pizza :(
Sad @Terminator is sad.
@Tim I sure do... Spokane is in Washington state... she's in India... works real well! :D
He promised me only yesterday. Let him finish his project. Then he will give me.
lmao :D
@Terminator what kind of pizza u like that I can get a gift card here in the US that you can use?
@Terminator and i'm serious about that...
@spokanedude haha I am not. I just joke around. Don't be serious :P
Duh just order Dominos or Papa John's online.
works for me...
@Terminator is "pizza" the same as "PayPal"? lol
@Terminator now, that I would also not have a problem with... seriously... you have saved my ass this week, and I don
oops, don't mind paying for it
@spokanedude No No. Eww asking money for helping out others.
@Terminator sometimes I feel I
damn fat fingers! sometimes I feel I
I'm taking advantage of you and your knowledge...
@spokanedude I have nothing better to do. I am learning Android these days. So to keep in touch with iOS - I be here.
@Terminator thank you so much... sure wish i could do something for you tho;
either Pizza... or since she's a chick, I'd assume chocolate would work just as well.
But somebody got my mobile balance recharged in turn of my favors :P
side to side
who is recharging your mobile phone?
hey Tim
one more new comer here,
hey I can smell here android person :P
smells like Chocolate to me.
I want Spicy Chicken Pizza
awww, it's almost lunchtime here.
I will go sleep. Happy Weekend to all of you. See you again tomorrow. Bye Good Night :-)
you have to let me know when you actually go outside (leave the computer, do social things with friends, etc.)
cause you're here wayyyyy too much.
that I asked her earlier...
client mailed send 10 more bugs :P
time taking but can be solved.
Q: I have some textfields that I am trying to edit (put data into)... the source is good, but for some reason, the destination is empty. Here is the code:
txtDesc.text = sa.sJobDesc;
Any ideas?
@anonymous ping
@MichaelDautermann >
oops... ?
"oops" as in "I just figured out what I did wrong" or?
How can I enable cookies in my iPhone Application that uses a UIWebView Window, so that my login system will work?
Dear @EdCox
Q: Where are an UIWebView's cookies stored?

dotI'm building an iPhone app with cookies. Deleting cookies in the Safari settings doesn't delete them. Where are they stored? Is it possible to read them from another UIWebView? Thanks!

But does that mean that it should be storing cookies by default?
I believe they should be on by default.
anyone have idea how to fetch data or communicate with any wifi device using NSStream Class any reference or guide or sample
@EdCox here's another useful thread for you with your exact question --> discussions.apple.com/thread/2297336?start=0&tstart=0
@AJPatel here's a tutorial that also has some sample code --> bjhomer.blogspot.com/2011/04/subclassing-nsinputstream.html
thanks @MichaelDautermann i will check it.
@MichaelDautermann have you ever works on it ?
yes, but on the Macintosh and not iOS and it's been a while.
@MichaelDautermann sorry for the delay... the oops was for the> s/b a ?
@MichaelDautermann ie can u help me with this one?
@spokanedude make sure your txtDesc is not null. I bet it isn't a connected outlet, or more likely, you're trying to set it before the XIB / interface has loaded in which case txtDesc would still be nil.
@MichaelDautermann I'll check it out... I'll be back... :d
@MichaelDautermann cause i am not getting how to connect with the device, i am reading streaming programing guide... but m not getting it
@AJPatel and that's why you are looking for sample code...
hmm i think get more gud stuff from it... :P @MichaelDautermann
@MichaelDautermann is this 'null'?
hmmm... I see all zeros there. What do you think?
@MichaelDautermann well, it doesn't say 'null', so I thought I'd ask anyway... sorry for the lame question.. :D
@all if any master would like to take a crack at this stackoverflow.com/questions/9842949/…
@Byte i'm not that familiar with layers, do they rotate with orientation change?
@benuuu no clue lol, just started playing with it. Which is why i ran into some problem. Tried searching around but came up with nothing.
@Computer i commented with: stackoverflow.com/questions/805547/…
Q: using storyboard, I
can't finish my sentences?
crap... using storyboard, I'm in sceneA... user taps a row which is going to take me to sceneB... however, before I get there, I need to fill in some data in viewDidLoad. I only want to do this IF the user has tapped a row in sceneA. Ideas on how to do this? I thought of setting a flag (property), but it doesn't carry forth to sceneB.
@MichaelDautermann this one was for you! :D
I haven't done too much with storyboards yet (because my clients demand the apps still work under iOS 4... go figure)
@JackLawrence ping
but I think what you want to do is handle this in your prepareForSegue method.
@MichaelDautermann ahhh.. that might work... let me give it a go...
@benuuu Please post that as the answer! it worked perfectly! I thought I would have to do it with collation but that did it
@Computer done!
show that to your clients

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