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Yeah sorry, I'm totally fried right now. I've been at work for like 11 hours
can't get anything to work xD
@all is it alright if i use global variables throughout application. like variables declared in appdelegate file?
@mann it's very bad practice to do so.
A lot of apple's example code stores all its data in the app delegate singleton and then references it from other places in the app, but that's only for convenience
and so that they can fit a lot of code in one place. it's not the right way to do it.
you should pass objects by reference.
@anonymous did u get a chance to look at the calendar code?
ok i have a screen A->B->C->D now i have variable in A that i want to show in C . wot can i do?
@JackLawrence please have a look above problem
Assume variable X, of type XYZ: in view B make a property of type XYZ called Xa. in view A just before pushing view B, set view B's Xa property to X.
now B has X.
do the same thing by creating a property in view C and setting it in view B just before pushing view C.
yah i tried it but it does not work for 2 or more further views
i tried it
it does not work for more then 2 views
What's the error?
it simply does not take values of variable further
im off, later all
@mann give me a moment.
making a sample project.
few mins.
oh ok
my between views are table views. hope it wont effect
nah same principal.
huh... I was just looking at IRC clients to do just this - chat with some devs.
@spokanedude you there?
@pavel in london?
come across the idea, how doing, example
i have UITableView
cell.textLabel.font=[UIFont fontWithName:@"Arial" size:14];
i press cell
cell.textLabel.font=[UIFont fontWithName:@"Arial-MT" size:18]; (indexPath.row)
@JackLawrence ok let me check
@man since you're using table views instead of normal views, the same code in nextView would be put wherever you push new views.
ok thanks mate
i appreciate
yep. let me know if you have questions.
how doing here, example I press and cell (only which I press) is change style?
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

I haven't any idea, maybe someone have?
@JackLawrence yah thanks. i will try to implement in my project
posted on March 21, 2012 by John

Online face-to-face video communications has been around for a long time, and the introduction of FaceTime with the iPhone 4 made communicating face-to-face commonplace on iOS devices. Some time ago a  startup named TokBox released a Javascript and Actionscript library known as OpenTok  enabling face-to-face video in web apps using their platform with a free [...]

anyone haave idea?
@Pavel I don't really understand your question
i minutes, I doing screen and all understand
when you press on cell, the style of cell is changed (only on cell which you press)
anyone have idea?
of course the style is changed, this is intended behaviour
if you don't want to have a selection style: cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewSelectionStyleNone
* UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone
you don;t understand
@spokanedude so you really just want to share data between classA and classB?
then I touch cell, cell.textLabel.font=[UIFont fontWithName:@"Arial-MT" size:18];
is changed (only cell which i touch)
(to word it simply)
yes, I want to share an array between the two
@Pavel the font of the textLabel is changed on didSelect?
classes... I was working with @Jack, but we got nowhere...close, but not working
does classA exist before classB gets instantiated?
they are both controllers
where does classB get instantiated
@Stian Høiland yes, i need change cell.textLabel.font on didSelect
Hi Jack... :D
I don't think the problem is with the passing part itself, I think the problem is with the object he's trying to pass
haha hey spokane
but I could be wrong
i'm jsut trying to take a step back
and make sure i understand the situation properly
there are several ways to skin this proverbial cat :)
@JackLawrence no, I think you're right on it! I've been playing with it since I left and have it isolated to the reference not being created and/or filled
Here's the offending code:
slSQLite *slq = [[slSQLite alloc]init];
[slq getListOfSites]; // refereshes sArray and listOfSites from the database

[vc setListArray:slq.listOfSites];
so I guess [slq getListOfSites]; isn't doing what it's supposed to then, yeah?
slSQLite is the class that contains the definition for the array... I need to refer to it in another class
slq.listOfSites has the right data in it...it's not getting to vc setListArray
haha that wasn't a good oh or a bad oh
just oh. XD
what's XD mean?
it's a smiley face.
sorta. it doesn't really correspond to a real expression.
it is? lol...
think of it like. bashes head into table repeatedly
oh, I like that!
X is two eyes squinting, like >_<
D is the smile
yeah thanks haha.
@Pavel [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath].textLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Arial-MT" size:18];
works for me
@HachiEthan any thoughts?
@Pavel is your problem that you want to toggle the font? Arial only when the cell is selected?
I thought I'd put the question out on SO and catch the other time zones...
sorry on phone sec
his synthesized property looks fine.
@Stian Høiland yes
@Pavel ok, gimme a sec
@JackLawrence so if I do this: XXD, does that mean I have a dent in my head?
maybe X>D
maybe no.
@spokanedude so, sql.listOfSites is valid..
contains stuff
it's an NSMutableArray
and then you call [vc setListArray:slq.listOfSites];
but vc.listArray isn't valid after that call?
and listArray is defined as @property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *listArray;
there is nothing in vc.listArray
not a mutable array, I don't think that matters.
and the solution is?
the only thing I can think of is that vc is nil
I guess that was premature on my part, huh?
vc is just a pointer passed in by the framework
SiteListingsController.m has a @synthesize listArray; ?
@Stian Høiland thank, you very help me
oh dear, yes, what about vc itself?
@Pavel maybe you'll have to theow in a [tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES] in the (cellForRowToBeSelected) clause
* throw
is vc null?
@HachiEthan I really, really hope not lol
let me run it and see...
haha i bet money it is
He's doing SiteListingsController *vc = [segue destinationViewController];
@Pavel you in London?
soooo it'd be UIKit's fault haha
in - (void) prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
maybe its giving him the wrong VC
no, it's "alive" but what's in it is nils
@Stian Høiland Ukrain
oh man
I wonder if it's not initialized yet
or something weird like that
I dunno storyboards.
weird crap like that happens.
@Pavel ok
geeze Jack... you don't know what you're missing! :D
I hope I don't have a real live "bug" here... really XD then
@spokanedude ok, here is what i recommend: disassociate your data from your UI. put your data into a singleton class, and avoid the mess of who is properly initialized or not
I gave storyboard an honest go... I didn't like it.
@HachiEthan that just seems like overkill.
I mean yeah it'll work.
whatever, crap like this is what happens when your data objects are scattered across UI classes
Wanna change a UIViewController to a UITableViewController? Good luck hooking up the tableView correctly. Wanna reverse that change? Phew, you're in for some work. Without Storyboard it's almost as simple as changing the superclass.
okay well @spo
at this point, I'll try anything... so, do I just put the arrays containing the data in the singleton...what about the other persistant data
you can stick all your persistent data in the singleton
I <3 MVC inspired architecture ;)
@StianHøiland that's what design is for! :D
you're just going to have to watch out though because that data is "live" for the duration of your app. So if you've got a ton of data this isn't a good idea.
b/c you'd use a ton of memory
@Jack Lawrence i33.fastpic.ru/big/2012/0322/e2/… then I select cell, the font is cahnged, but then I select onother cell and font of previous cell is not changed
no, not a ton of data... maybe a few hundred bytes, that's all
@spokane hmm?
you can still add helper functions to the singleton so you can properly manage the lifespan of that data
@StianHøiland I guess you have to be a GUI type of person... I definitely like drag and drop... objective-c is a real bummer coming from C#, .NET and MonoTouch
@Hachietha yeah but then you have to worry about thread safety.
though I guess if it's just UI it's all in the main thread.
yeah, i didnt think he was doing multithreaded stuff
if he is, then he has to worry about threadsafety regardless
no multithreads, none planned
it's a very simple record keeping app
@spokanedude I'm writing up a basic singleton class.
send it in a minute.
@spokanedude here's a link to my singleton impl: stackoverflow.com/questions/7274360/…
its overkill, but it works fine
dispatch_once() is part of grand central dispatch. It ensures that the block of code is executed once for the lifetime of execution.
It's a class method, so you'd be like. MyObject *theObject = [MyObject sharedInstance];
and then do whatever populating you need to
[theObject populateArray];
Jack's works fine too and has less paranoia-code
then to retrieve it, [theObject myArray];
yeah both work.
@Jack Lawrence help please
@JackLawrence OSAtomic stuff is just what i dug up on SO from other posts, it worked great and then people started talking about dispatch_once but it was already working for me heh.
yeah for a while I did something like you
before that I was using @synchronized, I think
something like that
it wasn't until a few months ago that people started using dispatch_once
thanks guys... I'll look at in the morning... (my head hurts from all this thinking) XD XD
I like it because I feel badass using/saying grand central dispatch and I get to use a block :D
haha talk to you later @spokanedude
i love blocks
I finally go the time to learn how to use them around a month ago.
and they're awesome.
same lol
@Jack Lawrence when I didSelect, the font is changed, but then I didSelect onother row, and previous row remains the same
I kept seeing these scary ^ signs and weird code that made no syntactic sense and I was finally like okay enough is enough
lets do some GCD multithreading and blocks :D
@Pavel sorry, I think I'm done answering questions for the night.
@pavel post it on stack overflow as a question.
is there a way to "properly" log off or do I just exit?
I dunno... this is my first day using the chat room haha
I guess so. you slowly fade into oblivion up top.
theres a "leave" link in the upper right
talk to you guys tomorrow... thanks again for all of the help... have a good night...
@Pavel try using tableView:willDeselectRowAtIndexPath: to reset the font back
@HachiEthan you're on here a lot then, yeah?
...first day in chat lol
@Pavel that does it.
we're twins xD
ah, yeah Stian's code should work fine too
twin procrastinators?
don't think willDeselectRow is triggered unless allowsMultipleSelection = YES
@Stian Høiland its not work
I'm surprised how few people use the stack overflow chats. I was expecting it to just be overwhelmed with tens of thousands of people asking random questions.
strange... I copy/pasted that code form a test project I mashed up just now. Works here!
@Jack it's not very prominent
aka. discoverable
@Pavel what's the problem?
with that code
look, when I press cell, the font is changed, but when I press onother cell, and previous font not changed
he pasted you new code @Pavel, did you try that new code?
its not work
i'm at a loss then, sorry
make sure other code isn't undoing it?
I'm packing up for the night
great talking to you, @HachiEthan. I'll be on a bit over the next few days.
This is absolutely working
I changed the code
And now it is absolutely working :P
lol I like how his screenshot cuts off the actual warning
xD anyway talk to you later guys.
cya Jack
@Stian Høiland thank, work
anybody here?
anybody here?
@all can anybody simply describe MVC ?
have seen many tutorials but could not understand properly
tableView = view
tableViewController = controller
SQL database = model
tableView has no idea how to collect, add, remove data from the SQL database, it just displays what it is told to display.
the controller doesn't know how the tableView draws it's cells
the model has no fucking clue about much, except some 1's and 0's
posted on March 21, 2012

The Apple Push Notification Service provides a high-speed, high-capacity interface, so you should establish and maintain an open connection to handle all your notifications. Connections that are repeatedly opened and closed will affect the performance and stability of your connection to the Apple Push Notification Service and may be considered denial-of-service attacks. You should also connect

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