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RIGHT! I see it now... ok, so how do I pass the reference to the controller?
so MyTableViewController *viewController = [[MyTableViewController alloc] init];
[viewController setArray:theSQLArrayObjectThing];
and then ask your nav controller, if you've got on, to push the tableview.
*setMyArray, or whatever you call it.
hmmm... so do I do this where I check the segue to see where I'm going?
then in your cellForRowAtIndexPath, you can do [[self myArray] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]
or does the segue farkel everything up?
There is a hierarchy of objects that creates other objects. The object that creates the tableviewcontroller can set properties of the controller before it lets it run off into the wide world.
@Abizern will have to help you with that. I don't know storyboards. Apparently it's a bit trickier to pass objects.
or, well, different.
@Abizern so do you have a doc for me to read about the hierarchy of objects and how other objects are created?
Not really. the segue method is called in a view controller. You can still set properties that way.
oh right isn't it something like prepareForSegue?
yes that's it, and it works very well...
but I'm not sure I want to create a new controller... won't it farkel things up with the existing controller?
@spokanedude Not really - it's the app flow. The app starts, it calls the app delegate methods, it shows the mainstoryboard, and from there each view controller has a hand in creating the new objects.
Have you worked through the basic app example with storyboards and tableviews?
@Abizern ok... let me mess with it for a bit... thanks for the help guys... I really appreciate it.
noooooo D: I was so close to 1337 points on stack. Someone downvote me quick!
@Abizern ok, just to make sure I have this right... in the "prepareForSegue", I should create a new controller an pass the reference to the new controller?
@spokanedude check this out. stackoverflow.com/questions/7864371/…
@spokanedude No, you get a reference to the destination view controller, you don't have to create a new one.
prepareForSegue passes you a pointer to the segue, and you can ask it for its destination.
[segue destinationViewController]
DetailViewController *detailViewController = (DetailViewController *)segue.destinationViewController;

for example
fantastic...I fel I'm making some progress here... :D
And once you have that reference, you can set any of it's properties.
Right - gone 8 here - I'm calling it a night.
sooo... is there any ETA on clang 3.1?
later Abizern
:( Someone help me continue to avoid work.
xD I'm joking.
be really boring. That'll get me back on task :P
but what's new about clang 3.1?
dictionary[key] = value
I thought that was in llvm 4.0
or am I getting confused about the difference.
that was my term for it
and I'm assuming llvm 4 will happen whenever mountain lion happens.
i believe LLVM 4.0 will use clang 3.1
i'm a little hazy on the specifics
ah, yeah, clang is a sub-project of LLVM
...stupid Mtn Lion. I just bought Lion b/c I updated my iDevices to 5.1 which requires Xcode 4.3 to deploy on them, and Xcode 4.3 requires Lion.
just in time to buy Mtn Lion this summer when they update LLVM?
Yeah well I'm the idiot who decided it'd be fun to install mountain lion on my development machine.
I do the same thing every year. and then regret it so much
nothing works lol
Yeah I almost went that route, but harshly reminded myself to never be an early adopter lol.
and xcode keeps trying to autocomplete with the new NSArray/NSDictionary literals
Installing Windows XP 64bit on my dev machine taught me that the hard way, years ago when 64bit cpus just started becoming standard in the consumer market.
nothing would build
Visual Studio 6.0 had a heart attack
Yeah at least my computer is still usable. Things happen, but nothing that I can't deal with.
so far.
thats good!
Right, sorry, I shouldn't have used something as generic as setArray, I think that confused you.
so what you need to do is...
in your SiteListingsController header, define a property: something like @property (non
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *listArray;
and sorry, replace retain with copy
so @property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *listArray;
and then synthesize it in your class's .m file
@synthesize listArray;
synthesized properties magically make their own getters/setters (accessors/mutators)
so then back in that code block you sent, instead of [vc setArray: slq.listOfSites];
do [vc setListArray:sql.listOfSites];
@JackLawrence ok... gonna give it a go... where are you located? (i.e. how long you going to be here?)
notice that the compiler automatically camel-cases my property for the setter - listArray -> setListArray
I'm in DC. so it's 4:33. I'll be on for a few more hours, probably.
@JackLawrence great... I'll be back! :D
why not just vc.listArray = slq.listOfSites; ?
it's the same thing. the compiler takes that and converts it into what I have.
I like using bracket notation, personally.
ah ok
just personal pref then
yeah. For me my hands automatically pick for me. If I have a bunch of nested calls with tons of brackets, it gets overwhelming so I start using dot notation wherever I can.
The only problem is that unlike GDB, LLDB doesn't understand dot syntax so I can't do things like po object.property
I have to do po [object property] so I may as well get in the habit.
@Pavel I think you should do some more research and maybe post the question on stack overflow. If you're still struggling, I'm sure someone would be happy to help you tomorrow if no one has answered your question by then.
Your question is a bit broad.
I fixed the problem with error
now I need to help with parse XML
hmm, Xcode defaults me to GDB still... i guess thats a 4.2 vs 4.3 thing?
I think so.
@Pavel It's something you'd best learn to do on your own. Here's a great starting point: developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/…
there should be examples in there
@JackLawrence nothing was passed... I'm missing something... here's the code: pastebin.com/mn80nVn3
I'll take a look
What are you doing on line 14 and 15?
and what does displaySites do?
And I'm assuming line 10 is printing correctly?
@JackLawrence yo... I'm here (had to go get a cup of coffee)...
no problem
Do you know how to use breakpoints?
If you do, I would recommend placing one just inside the prepareForSegue: method and then another one inside your if statement, just to make sure that your methods are getting called properly.
@JackLawrence this is diaplaySites:
//  get list of sites and place them in sArray
slSQLite *dbCode = [[slSQLite alloc] init];
[dbCode getListOfSites];

//  put site data into array for display
NSLog(@"listOfSites: %d items", dbCode.listOfSites.count);

for(int i = 0; i < dbCode.listOfSites.count; i++)  {
    sArray *sa = [dbCode.listOfSites objectAtIndex:i];  //  get an sArray object out of listOfSites
okay. What's the point of that for loop?
or is that just part of it
regardless, you don't need to keep creating new instances of slSQLite. you can pass the same object around. Instead of - (void)displaySites; you'd have - (void)displaySitesWithDatabase:(slSQLite *)database;.
but that's not the problem.
@JackLawrence line 10 displays nil; no, that's the whole loop... it gets the list of sites from the d/b and places them in the array which is used for
so then your problem is that calling alloc and then init on line 9 is creating the object, but listOfSites property is still nil
so before you pass the object, make sure you fill it.
cont: cellForRowAtIndexPath
right.... I thought that might have been the probl... brb
Your goal right now should be to get line 10 to log your array.
Also what kind of objects is your listOfSites property filled with?
or actually better question, what type is listOfSites?
listOfSites is a NSMutableArray, which contains occurrances of sArray, which contains 3 objects: siteID, Descr, and Date
@JackLawrence and the reference is not working... RATS! let me gather some info... brb
Q: apple ads doesn't appear in iphone or ipad with ios 4.3

AMHI released my App. it work well but it has iadview that doesn't appear in iPhone, and ipad with ios version 4.3 it appear very well in iPod and iPad with 5.1 ios version, any idea to solve that, is there any setting I should set in itunes connect , my application work on ios 4.2 and latter

anyone can help me in that
So line 33 would also be wrong, btw. listArray is an NS(Mutable)Array, and you set it to a sArray. but that's still farther on. Make sure slSQLite's init method is setting its listOfSites property properly
Here's the code from prepareForSegue:
// Pass any objects to the view controller here, like...
slSQLite *slq = [[slSQLite alloc]init];
[slq getListOfSites];

[vc setListArray:slq.listOfSites];
@AMH you need to edit your question and post relevant code, as well as everything you've already tried.
it crashes on the setListArray (last line
ah okay so getListOfSites is populating the property
what's the error?
@JackLawrence yes, listOfSites gets populated (making sure now)...brb
yes, it has a count of 1, which is correct. the error is: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS
occurs on this line: NSLog(@"slq.listOfSites %@", slq.listOfSites.count);
right after the [vc setListArray...
any chance you could zip your project up and email it to me?
can I see your .h for your SiteListingsController class?
yep.. that would be easier for me... one moment
for the hell of it, try changing copy to strong.
same thing...
Also, your best friend is NZZombies. in the menu bar go to Product->Profile. When instruments opens, select the Zombies template and hit profile.
it'll tell you what object is the problem
ok... brb
when the popup thing comes up on the timeline, hit the little error and it'll give you a trace of the retain count changes.
not error.
hmmm... don't see any trace of retain count... what's it listed under?
the column is called RefCt
this is how your window should look
I'm doing a paste of the image now...
huh so you're not getting a zombie message.
This is getting to the point where I can't be of much more help if you're unable to send me the project. You might want to ask abizern tomorrow if you can't.
What is the easiest way to get the value of a core data object if I need to get it based on a variable?
OK.. I'll have to talk to my customer/partner on sending the code... he's quite paranoid about NDAs.
yeah I totally understand.
i.e. cell.detailTextLabel.text = [appointment [appointmentFields objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
thanks for everything tho'... I really appreciate your time...
keep focusing in on what happens right before that method, and what you're doing in there.
will do... :D
no problem. Let me know if you have any more questions, I'll be on most days.
I do I do :)
Oh hey @Computer.
i'm having brain farts today
If you've just got a generic NSManagedObject that you're not subclassing, you can do objectForKey:myKey
if I understand your question right
doesn't have the objectforkey
you're quite right.
I meant valueForKey
!. told ya brain fart
You should consider subclassing NSManagedObject, however. Then you don't have to use valueForKey and you can interact with it like any other object.
If you're using the graphical model editor, you can even tell it to create the classes for you :)
It is a subclass
I had Xcode build the core data
oh I see your usecase now.
anyone have issues with a scrollview still zooming even when you set the maximum and minimum to 1.0f
when you don't know at compiletime what property you want
thanks Jack
@Sean I'm looking into that
wonder if its a floating point issue
weird. Apples docs say to do exactly what you did.
and that's how I remember doing it
@JackLawrence I basically have the usual a UIScrollView that has a bunch of UIScrollViews with images
outer scrollview does paging, inner does zooming
I just changed 1.0f to 1.0 no change
is this object created in IB or in code?
okay. I'm gonna test some things
Thats pretty much what I am doing because the larger app was driving me nuts, so I just created a new project
with just this functionality
Yeah that's exactly what I do when I hit weird things like this
@Sean so the outer scrollview is zooming when you only want the inners to zoom?
@JackLawrence when you get a chance... this does nothing... source is good, nothing in the destination, which causes the crash... any ideas?
[vc setListArray:slq.listOfSites];
@JackLawrence join.me/647-583-311
default values of UIScrollView looks like zooming should start out disabled...
@spokanedude it could be a ton of different things, but I really think the problem is somewhere in listOfSites or slSQLite
you sure its not just the inner zooms misbehaving?
to refresh you memory... this is the attempt to build a reference to pass listOfSites from prepareForSegue to the viewcontroller
it could be, but is looks like the outer zoom is shrinking/growing
I think it's in the reference for listOfSites
@JackLawrence I'll let you go, and will tackle this in the am... thanks again for your time and help... :D
see how the outer scrollview has grown, here is where it gets really weird
@spokanedude okay, lemmi know if you fix it.
will do...
@sean can you make it black and white or something? The framerate is pretty low.
I trust your analysis though so w/e.
@HachiEthan I don't think he can see the chat. Regardless, mountain lion hates me and I can't type in there haha
@sean Jack meant change the desktop sharing session to b&w
not the stuff in the view
oh lol
also, you're sharing your whole desktop
@sean Maybe you should deal with those warnings :)
dunno if you meant to share just the simulator
the warnings are because the local variables in the function are the same
yeah, maybe you should change that haha.
so this blue is the inner scroll view growing
but the outer scroll view is growing too
it also shrinks
what happens if you disable zooming on the scroll views inside your outer scroll view?
if I could get it to just not shrink, I could remove all the other views on zoom
could it be autoresizing?
maybe I need to mask it or something
I'm betting it's something weird with having scroll views inside scroll views. it's always been a bit buggy, so check to make sure just the outside scroll view is working by itself.
I don't think so
is there a way to stop the resizing as content grows
i'd say try jack's route of doing a smaller test project
that was me chatting in there btw
lol this is the smaller project
how about
a really, really small project.
i didnt know you could pinch zoom in the simulator though, so thats neat
well thanks for trying
yeah, seeing him do it led me to google that
and shift + option will move your "hand"
@Sean try disabling zoom for everything and see if it still zooms?
it does
oh yikes
yeah so my recommendation is ditch nested scrollviews
and hand-roll something
I'm rolling a test right now.
if I recall correctly, however, apple has some sample code to do something similar to their photos app

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