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How can I hide UINavigationController.NavigationBar on every view?
@Abizern @ios i have done that like this
int a;

for (a = 0; a < [sArray count]; a++) {
UIImage *myArrayElement = [sArray objectAtIndex:a];
myArrayElement = [self resizeImage:myArrayElement width:320.0 height:215.0];
NSLog(@"compressed image======>:%f :%f",myArrayElement.size.width,myArrayElement.size.height);
@DesaiAjay You can't save files to your bundle at run time. You'll need to save it somewhere in the sandbox
@DesaiAjay you can't do that way
@Abizern how to store file in sandbox and get path of those file
@moorthy I asked you about what you thought the console log was telling you - I'm trying to help you fix your own problems.
@moorthy what is error?
@PiyushPatel so how to do that do you have any idea
@Terminator: look at these codes in colors array there are imageView but when ever pickerCountry call (which have string array) it will call uiview delegate method of pickerview.
@DesaiAjay dunno ask @Abizern ya @IphoneDeveloper
@DesaiAjay this might be useful.
@Abizern @PiyushPatel ok let me see
@Pravi I think it should look something like this - pastie.org/3640777
Can we unzip .app or apk file?
@Terminator: ok will try..
@moorthy  try this for resize CGSize kMaxImageViewSize = {.width =320, .height =215};

	CGSize imageSize = image.size;
	CGFloat aspectRatio = imageSize.width / imageSize.height;
	CGRect frame = img_view.frame;
	if (kMaxImageViewSize.width / aspectRatio <= kMaxImageViewSize.height) {
		frame.size.width = kMaxImageViewSize.width;
		frame.size.height = frame.size.width / aspectRatio;
	} else {
		frame.size.height = kMaxImageViewSize.height;
		frame.size.width = frame.size.height * aspectRatio;
	img_view.frame = frame;
@moorthy hi check this NSArray *array_img=[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"page-1",@"page-2",@"page-3",@"page-4",@"page-5", nil];
for (int i=0; i<[array_img count]; i++) {

NSString *img_name=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.jpg",[array_img objectAtIndex:i]];
UIImage *img=[UIImage imageNamed:img_name];
NSLog(@"compressed image======>:%f :%f",img.size.width,img.size.height);

UIImage *re_img=[self resizeImage:img width:300 height:215];
NSLog(@"compressed image======>:%f :%f",re_img.size.width,re_img.size.height);
@ThinkDifferent .app is just a directory on a Mac. In finder right click and select "Show Package Contents". Dunno about the Android format.
@Abizern I heard that one can unzip .app file and our code can be shown. As they are packages.
@ios @PiyushPatel You're not helping him find the cause of his problem. It isn't the resizing that is his problem, it's the way he's calling it. The console error is telling him what the problem is. I can see what the problem is from his code. Just throwing code at him isn't going to help him to learn how to diagnose and fix his own problems.
@ThinkDifferent Yes you can!
@Abizern thanks
@Abizern okkk
@ThinkDifferent Are you talking about OS X applications or something else? They can get your compiled code and run a host of tools on it to dump symbols and headers and strings, but not get your actual source code because that is compiled.
@Terminator: prob. pastie.org/3640827
Q: What are you doing to become a better developer?

jfsThese are the things which I do regularly: Read other people's code Read blogs Listen to podcasts Posting to my blog Read books (mostly technical) I'm curious if there's something which does not seem to be programming related but helps you to become better.

Nice one.!
@Pravi The first delegate doesn't gets called?
@PiyushPatel By the way, this doesn't resize the image, just the frame that it is displayed in. The full image is still loaded into memory.
@Terminator: no sir
@Pravi Not for country and age picker?
sir????? oh ho
@ios @PiyushPatel ya i have done thank you yar..
@Terminator: neither for country nor for age picker
@moorthy kya problem thi?
@Abizern Source code only can be shown, the word so called obfusticate to be done with compilation of code.
@PiyushPatel: i am a trainee so thats why
@moorthy u get why that output occurs on console?
@PiyushPatel solved
@Pravi but what?
@ThinkDifferent What on earth are you talking about?
@moorthy but problem kya thi?
@Pravi The documentation says you must implement either of them.
@Abizern seriously, Source code only can be shown with unzipping of .app , the word so called obfusticate need to be done with compilation of code to prevent from unzipping of source code.
@Abizern act of making source code/machine code, but does not readable by humans
@Terminator : so how can i do that
@Abizern : Good morning..
@Pravi @Terminator is mam not sir
@PiyushPatel dude i don't know Hindi don't mistake me..i'm from tamilnadu
@ThinkDifferent Yeah, whatever. I still have no idea what you're on about.
@anonymous Hello.
@Abizern not an issue, anyways thanks.
@Terminator @PiyushPatel : oh lol ... sorry ma'am
@PiyushPatel :)
@moorthy what was the error? i just want to know where you mistake
@Pravi Probably by setting data source not to a common object.
@PiyushPatel that for loop in the problem
@Terminator: any suggestions !
@PiyushPatel i got this error in console
[__NSCFString CGImage]
@Pravi What i can interpret from the documentation is - You must implement either of the content providing delegate method. And from what you are saying - I guess when implemented both it gives preference to the UIView one.
@moorthy have get any solution of that error?>
@ios s dude i dine it.
@IphoneDeveloper hi
@moorthy why that occurs?
@brush51 i am confused..
@Krishanbhag why?
i missed some chats
@moorthy This attitude of "It works, I don't care how" is going to hold you down. If you don't know what your mistakes are you can't learn from them. You ignored my attempts to help you and now you are ignoring @ios's attempts to help you. That's so sad.
@brush51 i need the internet speed at which the data is downloading
@brush51 i need to display information like data is downloading at a speed of 115Kbps say fr eg..
@ios - Can you see what the problem was?
@ios what is going?
@Krishanbhag If you are using NSURLConnection, you can get the amount of data received as a delegate method, and you can record the time. That way you can work out the rate.
Mistakes occur for various reasons. To avoid repeating them, you need to understand the underlying reason.
@Abizern yes… think it works
@Abizern memory management problrm
@Abizern what if problem with network and my clock ticks…
@ios Nah. [__NSCFString CGImage] error shows that he was calling the resizing method on a string, not an image. If you look at his code, he is sending the resizing method to an array element. It's very likely that the array just held the names of the images, or the URL or path of the image instead of the actual image.
@Abizern m i right
@Krishanbhag Then the download rate drops. That is what you are trying to show, isn't it?
@Abizern u mean to say i need to check the time last data received and the next consecutive data
@Krishanbhag Yes. So you know the time interval it took to receive the data.
@Abizern i can check the time on first recieved data and next
@Krishanbhag Yes.
@RohitWankhede HI
@all, how save mp3 sound file in UIPhotoLibrary?????
@Abizern ohh really sorry for that actually i want break now..so that i did't replying @ios
@Terminator kya kar rahi ho
@ThinkDifferent, @Abizern, @ios, @DimplePanchal, @Leena, @IphoneDeveloper, how save mp3 sound file in UIPhotoLibrary?????
@RRB How do I cut a turnip in a cheese factory?
@Abizern i will try and if it works… thanks in advance!!
@Abizern what your explanation to iOS that is exactly right.
@Abizern i really sorry abut that. thank you....
@Terminator : i will try
@IphoneDeveloper tum kya kar rahi ho
@Terminator maine 5 records get karaye hai
2 differents array
I am studying Multimedia Programming Guide
@Terminator and y axis ke value pass ki maximum
@Terminator why? tumne recording nahi kia/
@IphoneDeveloper fir kya karna hai
It has video also.
@Terminator ab 2 arrays hai
datearray and value arry
ab mujhe data pass karna hai
ye default hai
@Terminator : Aaeen
@Terminator hi
ab ye array se kasie pass karu ?
@Abizern hi in ios 5 presentModalViewController not working
@ios It's long deprecated. Have you looked in the documentation?
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern: I am new to Iphone developement.... I am a total newbie,.... I nneed your help... Which one should I go for.... store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_mac/family/mac_mini/select
@IphoneDeveloper Kya bol rahi ho
@Abizern ya but how i use that
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern: This is what my company is getting into... I am still to learn.. dont have any idea....store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_mac/family/mac_mini/select
which one should I go for
@kanchan I would buy a super computer if i have money.
@ios Serously? It's not much different from presentModalViewController:animated. The documentation tells you enough about it.
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern: anybody there...
@Terminator kuch nahi
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern: can you point out from the link I have given
@kanchan Yes - but I don't see what the question is. Any of those is enough for develepment (not the server, obviously) Just buy what you can afford.
@Abizern it work in view did appear while i want to call in view did load
@kanchan Mac mini with Lion Server
@ios Don't be ridiculous!
MackBook Pro ….haaaaa :)
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern: guys.. please I dont know... I need a right guidance...plzz... help me
@kanchan kya ho gya
@ios That's because in viewDidLoad the loading view controller's view isn't showing yet
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern:: Actually It is a new department startin in my company... and thats why the team leader has asked us to give the specifications... I thot this is the right place I can ask fot
@kanchan kya chahiye
@kanchan to mac mini chahiye kya ??
@kanchan this one best
2.5GHz : 500GB

* 2.5GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
* 4GB memory
* 500GB hard drive1
* AMD Radeon HD 6630M
* OS X Lion
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern: which configuration do I go for... store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_mac/family/mac_mini/select
@kanchan Any of the currently shipping Macs will be enough for development. Any of them. Which one you get depends on how much you spend, whether or not you want large screen size or portability, whether you want to provide your own screen and keyboard, and how much you have to spend.
@kanchan I'm not going to answer you a third time until you read my first two answers.
@kanchan $599 wala lelo or kya jyada pese ho to $799 wala le lo work hi to karna he
@Abizern she is new don't shout her!!
@Abhishek Who's shouting?
ohhh ho .....
@Abizern i
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern: Fine... so for now... I'll go for the second oone... Actually I need to submit the specifications.... thanks
@Krishanbhag i dont know how to find out the current internet speed, sorry
@Abizern just joking yar
@Abizern: I am sorry
@Terminator, @ios, @IphoneDeveloper, @Invincible, @Abhishek, @Abizern: thanks.. all.... hopefully will join this room soon......
@kanchan ok fir start karo work
@kanchan Just don't get the server.
@kanchan first one is also best but in second one best in performance better that first so for comp developement purpose second one is the best
i am at lunch, see you later @all
@kanchan Please read the Room Faqs
@kanchan Right now I have 6 mac min which is first one
@Abizern can we not develop in server ?
@PiyushPatel Yes - but it's a server You're paying for something you don't need. Spend the difference on a better computer.
if i have 5 developer than? @Abizern
@PiyushPatel What are they going to do, sit around it and share the keyboard? They'll still need to have their own computers
@Abhishek Oho, kya baat hai
@Abizern ya you not need more cpu just need monitor,keybord,mouse
@kanchan You have other option. Buy my Mac Mini. It's not even an year old. I will give you at low cost :P
@Terminator he he . and you will get macbook pro
@Terminator broker.......
@Terminator: its for my company
jealous @Terminator
@IphoneDeveloper tum ne kit ne me liya tha?
@PiyushPatel 66k
I can give it away in return for something. But can't keep it knowing it's doing nothing and is getting wasted.
@IphoneDeveloper Nope. I don't want Mac Book pro. I like to do coding on my 23 inch HP Monitor.
@Terminator oho
@Terminator means ??
@Terminator achha suno
sunae nahi de ra he
@IphoneDeveloper can u please help me to display the values passed from 1 app to another. I am getting the values there, but am not able to update the UI. Please help
@Terminator :Aaeen
@JamesLobo what kind of data you want to pass?
@Abhishek kya lol
@IphoneDeveloper Update UI???
@IphoneDeveloper tum kuchh kah rahi thi////
sunae nahi de ra he eske liye lol
@Rohit Wankhede i am passing the integer data and i am getting it in 2nd app but can't display it in the text field there. The main thing is that the UI is not getting updated, it shows the old state
@PiyushPatel keh to rahi thi but @Terminator ko sunai nahi dia
@JamesLobo : use UIlabel instead of textfields
@brush51 but the other solution from you was very helpful...
I tried that too, while debugging i am getting the data in label but when ui is displayed later, i am seeing the previous state. Is there any method to refresh the app?
posted on March 21, 2012 by hnic


@Rohit Wankhede I tried that too, while debugging i am getting the data in label but when ui is displayed later, i am seeing the previous state. Is there any method to refresh the app?
@IphoneDeveloper Boliye
@JamesLobo same prob with me . i am using custom uitableview containing text fields , i enter values and click on update then [tbl reloadData], but it won't works. So i have to call that view controller again
@Terminator ab rukiye
@Terminator haa
ye jo graph hai na
@JamesLobo : try this one [txtfield release]; txtfield = [[UITextField alloc]init]; txtfield.text = @"rohit"; if(BOOL == YES){}
isme 1 array pass karte hai x and y ke liye @Terminator
graph Data(
"NSPoint: {0, 10}",
"NSPoint: {1, 5}",
"NSPoint: {2, 10}",
"NSPoint: {3, 20}",
"NSPoint: {4, 15}",
"NSPoint: {4.5, 8}"
isme x 0 ke liye 10 y ho jayega
to ab muje date ke liye value pass karni hai
@JamesLobo if(BOOL == YES) { txtfield.text = @"YOR PASS VALUE" } Set bool yes as you get PASS Value
@DimplePanchal kon pareshan kar raha hai?
@IphoneDeveloper fir?
@IphoneDeveloper kya likha tha?
@IphoneDeveloper ye boring proj
@JamesLobo will you just show me your code ?
@Terminator fir mere pas enity hai
usme 5 records hai
usko kaise pas karu ?
entity me date ka attribute name kya hai?
@DimplePanchal to mera project kar do :p
@Terminator date
data: {
currentStatusValue = 10;
date = "2012-03-18 18:30:00 +0000";
eventName = income;
time = "1970-01-01 07:38:10 +0000";
value = 10;
@IphoneDeveloper yeah proj kisi ko freelance main de do :)
@IphoneDeveloper de do..
@IphoneDeveloper Okay
ye proj khatam ho jaye to jaan chhutey..
@DimplePanchal ohh
@IphoneDeveloper NSArray *dates=[yourEntityArray valueForKeyPath:"@unionOfObjects.date"];
haan @DimplePanchal ko dedo woh kar degi
@Terminator par ye 1 hi row ki value kyo hai
@IphoneDeveloper ab kya hua?
@RohitWankhede mere pas coreplot ke itne code hai ki mai confuse ho gai hu
@DimplePanchal entity
@Terminator ye code kaha
@IphoneDeveloper sory waha me solve nahi kar shakti.. java me entity aata tha :(
@IphoneDeveloper Jo tumne fetch kiya array 5 entity ka, usse direct mil jayega
@IphoneDeveloper yourEntityArray wahi hai
@Terminator nahi
@DimplePanchal are wo entity nahi
@IphoneDeveloper Ohh , So sorry , monday se dekh raha hu tum core plot par hi ho , isaliye socha help karadu.... My junior did this task. will ask him today .
@RohitWankhede thanks for help :)
@IphoneDeveloper Kya nahi, kitna confuse kar rahi ho
@Terminator :(
@IphoneDeveloper All the best
@RohitWankhede thanks
1 message moved to /dev/null/
1 message moved to /dev/null/
@JamesLobo read the Room FAQs.
@Terminator ye code hai pastebin.com/3FGBLMMH
maine pehle 2 arrays liye the
fir socha 1 entity se hi ho jayega
@JamesLobo arg1 and arg2 , are two values , you are sending to sumViewController?
are you getting values of arg1 and arg2 at sumViewController?
@IphoneDeveloper date array mil gaya hai, ab kya karna hai?
@Terminator kya karu
@DimplePanchal 2 array se value display hogi ?
@Terminator mujhe nahi samjh aa rha ab kuch bhi
mujhe bhi nahi samajh aa raha hai
asie x and y ki value plot karte hai
@Terminator @IphoneDeveloper then dingo sy poch lo i mean @DimplePanchal sy poch lo :P
isko muje dyanmic karna hi
@dark wo busy hai shayd
@IphoneDeveloper @dark @DimplePanchal @Abizern hi
ohh mian nay core plot nai kia nai to main bta deta
kisi ne bhi nahi kiya hai
@aakilladhani hi
@IphoneDeveloper kya hua??
@IphoneDeveloper to use ek dictionary me kar do na
@RohitWankhede yes
@DimplePanchal ha wahi soch rahi hu
kasie karu
@IphoneDeveloper usme kya problem hai..
Maine code paste kiya tha waise hi ho jayega
@DimplePanchal nahi aa rha
samjh me
@IphoneDeveloper kya but??
@IphoneDeveloper urgent hai??
@DimplePanchal nai
urgent to nahi hia
@aakilladhani nai ho sakta
@IphoneDeveloper kal dekh lenge.. thik hai?
@DimplePanchal koi way nathi?
@DimplePanchal ok
@aakilladhani na
@DimplePanchal koi third party?
@aakilladhani navi create karvi j pade
@DimplePanchal lol
@all my app crashes while inserting 650 data but crashing is not happening all the time
@DimplePanchal are evu koi document 6e jema lakhyu hoy possible nathi to hu sir ne dekhadu ne vat pate
@aakilladhani what lol.. I did that without any third party
any one help me
@DimplePanchalwith formatting
@aakilladhani mari post joi leje
@DimplePanchal with formatting?
@DimplePanchal ok
@Arvind may be memory leakage....
aft inserting 550 data suddenly app crashes with Error while executing statement. 'unable to open database file'
@PiyushPatel how to rectify it
m using ARC
A: How to insert multiple row of data to sqlite database by iphone programming

Dimple PanchalThis is the routine I generally use to insert data in bulk.. static sqlite3 *masterDB; static sqlite3_stmt *init_statement = nil; { NSString* statement; statement = @"BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(masterDB, [statement UTF8String], -1, &init_statement, NULL) != SQL...

@DimplePanchal kai post?
@aakilladhani pdf mate ni
Bau chhe
@DimplePanchal thank u ll check it out
@DimplePanchal koi link?

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