hi all i have some issue with connected the device to new Xcode. i have download certificate and added to my organizer but its showing this issue plz some guide me
@Reefaq @Terminator Gave me the project to work with Google Maps API. She gave for Ipad. I just changed it to Iphone. But when i retrieve places I m getting ZERO_RESULTS always
@RA For fetching places with Google Places API, we specify a coordinate (latitude and longitude) around which we want to search places. And radius - which defines how far from that coordinate you want to search.
@Terminator In your project you called fetch: method in table view didSelectRow method. But when i do that in my project before retrieve the current location of the user, this method called and it gives "Current location not available".What to do..Any idea?
in my datepicker i have to write a validation that it must consider the date from today if past dates are entered it must tell not valid can anyone tell wat to do
@RA The sample project that i made fetches places relative to user's current location. If user's current location is not available due to some reason, it gives that error alert.
@Terminator If i call that method in didSelectRow method then i m gettng this link "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?location=0.000000,0.000000&radius=1000&types=atm&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyDrU0q05N4F3CvKQEGNi5W74z0Ow7N0ZcA"
@Terminator I tried to call that method in didUpdateUserLocation:. but when i do that , it always calling whenever it update the user location.So its not the correct way i hope
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