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@RA Can you check this sample code - dl.dropbox.com/u/57080585/SplitController.zip
@Lion apke viewcontroller me jo karna hai karo .. jaise karna hai karo.. my code just release the controller of when you swipe that out ..
@Reefaq Hey, How are you?
@ThinkDifferent same like old days .. fit n fine :)
@Reefaq like if ([syncTimer isValid]) { [syncTimer invalidate]; syncTimer = nil; }
@Reefaq Cool, so how were you in old days? :)
@ThinkDifferent like i said .. fit and fine :)
mereko timer bhi invalidate karna hai @Reefaq bhai
@BobjC yes sure
@dark :)
@Reefaq great, have you ever made test cases using SenTestingKit?
@ThinkDifferent nope ... not used any test case yet ..rather than manual sanity test :)
@RA That sample code makes use of Google Places API and finds places near to user's current location.
@BobjC thanks i get an idea I think in a bit i'll do that
@Reefaq anyway thanks.
@dark Hey, how are you?
@dark yes try again
@Reefaq Inme se koi method call nahi hoti kya jaise ke viewWillDisappear, viewDidUnload or dealloc.
@ThinkDifferent am fine you ?
@dark done with that widget :) Thanks again, but got some more issues,.
Any one have developed functionality for export in cocoa application
@ThinkDifferent thats good but am doing noting in it :)
@Lion hota hai .. mera toh
@dark hmm, but while chatting with you, my problem get solved.
@ThinkDifferent :)
posted on March 20, 2012 by Sushant

In this application we will see how to Slider worked and change the value in iPhone. So let see how it will worked. Step 1: Open the Xcode, Create a new project using View Base application. Give the application “SliderExample”. Step 2: Xcode automatically creates the directory structure and adds essential frameworks to it. You can explore [...]

@Reefaq kounsa method call hota hai?
@Terminator Thank you lemme see that
@terminator the app doesnt crash anymore. but now the problem is, i am not getting the values auf the textfields, they are everytime (null).
@Lion log marke check karo
@Reefaq check kiya simulator mein call hota hai but ipad mein call nahi hota. my bahut confuse hogaya hoon.
@brush51 At which place are you trying to get those values?
Agar aap ke iPad hai to aap meri free app download karke dekh sakte ho jisme maine aap ka framework implement kya hai. link itunes.apple.com/us/app/ims-control-panel/id491003631?mt=8
@Terminator on btnLogin method
@Terminator hi
@Reefaq Agar aap ke pass iPad hai to aap meri free app download karke dekh sakte ho jisme maine aap ka framework implement kya hai. link itunes.apple.com/us/app/ims-control-panel/id491003631?mt=8
@terminator the textfields are not empty but this values are empty:
NSString *username = self.loginController.tf_username.text;
NSString *password = self.loginController.tf_password.text;
@terminator i have a few doubts on loading kext files.would you have any idea
@Lion me kaise dekhu k kya log aa raha hai ??
hai friends
@Reefaq nahi bhai aap flow to dekh sakte ho na.
@Lion ooh ok
i need help on picasa integration
@awoodland hi
Anybody want to suggest a canonical question for these timer dupe questions?
@MedetiNaveenKumar hi
@do you have idea on kernel programming?
@MedetiNaveenKumar Linux?
@Reefaq bhai aapko picasa integration ka idea hai kya?
@awoodland no mac
@brush51 Can you show updated code?
@Terminator hello
@516 nope
@Terminator giv me a few minutes
@MedetiNaveenKumar what u want ?
@Lion credentials kya hai
@awoodland i face few problems to loading the kext files
@Reefaq ok thanks
@vinny i am new in kernel programming
@vinny i have so many doubts for that
@MedetiNaveenKumar yes but what you want
@Reefaq customer name, password and user name are kritnu
@MedetiNaveenKumar doubt ?
@BobjC: Thanks..
@Lion ek bar ye dek .. UIdesign cocoacontrols.com/posts/2011/05/16/…
in the terminal
@anonymous for ....
@BobjC : You have short term memory.. :-P for this : istockplus.com/blog/?p=29
@vinny problem is loading the kext files
i try so many commands
@anonymous ahh ok im veru busy man :) tell me did u like it ?
@MedetiNaveenKumar I've only done linux kernel programming
i will show what am i doing.
@BobjC : Yup. Seems good just started reading.. Internet in my office sucks.. It opened just now.. :-|
@awoodland don't you have idea on mac?
@anonymous i worte it :)
@Reefaq haan dekha.
@Lion wat command get executed here ?? i get alert "command executed"
@MedetiNaveenKumar not really - the last mac I owned was an ibook g4 but I did entirely userspace work on it
@Lion ok i seen your app .. flow is nice (as there is not much to see)
@awoodland ok would you suggest me how wiill i learn kernel in mac os
@awoodland i mean do you have any pdf files please fwd me
@adrian: hi
@vinny ensiss-Mac-mini:~ ensis$ sudo su
@Maulik hello
@vinny sh-3.2# chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/MyDriver.kext
@Maulik have you ever looked over kitchenSink project
@vinny sh-3.2# kextutil -n -t /System/Library/Extensions/MyDriver.kext
No kernel file specified; using running kernel for linking.
Cache file /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Directories/System/Library/Extensions/KextIdentifiers.plist.gz is out of date; not using.
MyDriver.kext is invalid; can't resolve dependencies.
MyDriver.kext is invalid; can't resolve dependencies.
MyDriver.kext is invalid; can't resolve dependencies.
Diagnostics for MyDriver.kext:
Validation Failures:
Info dictionary property value is illegal:
@vinny whenever i try to load those kext files this is the output.please help me
@vinny are you there?
@Maulik are u there?
@DimplePanchal you there??
@awoodland leave it. presently what are you doing?
@MedetiNaveenKumar sorry don't know about this
@vinny ok
@vinny thank for try
@MedetiNaveenKumar working on stuff for HPC
@adrian : yes
@Aadil yup
@Maulik do you use any kind of skype?
I have a few project students working on phone apps
@awooland kernel in linux is same as a mac is it true?
@MedetiNaveenKumar not true, very different architecture
@Maulik cause here is hard to communicate
@adrian: I've used skype
ye Link dekho agr scene smjh men aaye tou btao @DimplePanchal
@DimplePanchal do you know how to make UITabbar transparent ?
@Maulik no more?
@awoodland but the functionality is same or not
@adrian : but skype is not allowed to me
@Reefaq wo device activate hote hai by executing commands provided by client.
@Maulik ok, what is allowed to you
@adrian: you can create your own chat room too
@MedetiNaveenKumar similar at a high level but very different implementation details
@adrian : Only SO ... lol
@Maulik really? how?
@awooland ok
@brush51 Can you help me understand the flow. I can't seem to understand because in app launch you are presenting login controller only if device is iPad. And when app enters foreground, you again present login controller but this time don't check if device is iPad. I think it's probably due to existence of multiple login controllers.
@awooland presently i am learning kernel in mac os x
@Aadil hmmm.. Isme bg change kiya hai
@Maulik i see no option of creating my own room
@DimplePanchal so kese hoga ye
@awooland i try to workout in google but there is no source
@Terminator ahhhh ok, i will try it to correct that. my app is universal, but iPad version is more important then iphone.
@adrian : click on your name at top that displays your profile then there will be an option called "chat"
@DimplePanchal I have already used that but not getting solution
@Maulik i see than and i clicked it
@Aadil photo kaisa hoga idea hai?? I mean person ki image?
@awooland i mainly concentrate on device drivers
@awooland are you there?
@Terminator you there ??
@DimplePanchal photo key diferent options he he can select image from album or take photo from camera
@MedetiNaveenKumar yeah, you've been typing my name wrong :)
so it's not pinging me
I really don't know enough to help though
@awoodland oh sorry
@Aadil to to difficult hai :(
@Terminator i think you are right with the existence of multiple logincontrollers. but check if device is ipad in applicationWillEnterForeground doesnt change anything.
@awoodland ok
@DimplePanchal Hey, Howdy?
@Aadil what you want ?
@DimplePanchal cant we slice image
@Prem Yes.
@Aadil slice can be done.. But how will u know the color and pattern of image used?
@ThinkDifferent hie
@Vinny i want to take a image and set it with a background itunes.apple.com/us/app/drake-photo-booth/id449264000?mt=8
@Terminator I am able to draw single route.
@DimplePanchal i only need to slice the image baqe men manage kar longa
@awoodland if you have linux pdf also i will mange
@brush51 I think if login controller is presented at app launch and user did not dismiss it and closed the app. Now when user again resumes the app, the login screen will be still there. So what is the use of presenting a new login controller again when app enters foreground?
@Terminator but not get success to draw multiple routes...
@Terminator Plz... give some link or help me
@Aadil that is the only thing difficult..
@Aadil try for magic wand algorithm
@Prem If you can draw one route, why can't you draw other route?
@awoodland please send any links (device drivers based on linux)
@Terminator B'coz i dont know the internal process.
@DimplePanchal i hate algorithms :-p
@Terminator then i should do one more method where i call the logincontroller and everytime i need this controller, i call the method. would that solve it maybe?
@awoodland i say sorry if i waste your time.Thank you my friend for share your time for me.bye
@Prem Routes are drawn making use of series of coordinates. Then the map view can link these coordinates one by one and makes a line. This draws the route.
@Aadil why don't you slice the face and take an image from camera and then set that face with celebrity and take a screen shot and save.
@Terminator okay. that i know... but i had download some code....from git hub
@Terminator if you have time then can you please download that and make that to multiple for me... plz....
@ThinkDifferent the main problem is slice the face
@Aadil i can't see this app in my iphone app store
@Aadil give to designer, they are more expert then us.
@Terminator Can I provide you the link ?
@Aadil same pinch..
@brush51 I can't still say because i am not able to understand in what situations the login screen needs to be shown.
@ThinkDifferent heheehhe what a joke
@ThinkDifferent @Aadil main problem is slice the bosy not the face
@Terminator everytime when the app is started
@Aadil Are images fixed or will it be change in future?
@ThinkDifferent all are dynamic
@DimplePanchal ur ryt
hi iOS-Developers
@komal mehta hi
@All Hi
@MedetiNaveenKumar hi
@rohit hi
@rohit what are you doing?
@MedetiNaveenKumar nothing just fixed some issue , n getting boar so i am here
@MedetiNaveenKumar what about you
how going
@rohit still my problem has not cleared
@rohit fine
ohh, very less people knows about kernel dev
@rohit ok i am trying
@MedetiNaveenKumar Ask to your senior , take some help , n keep seraching
@rohit what is your native place?
@rohit ok
@MedetiNaveenKumar : where you live in hydbad
@rohit ameerpet
hey all
you forgot my native place
@rohit seniors are going
has anyone idea about how to develop audio book app
hello @abizern
@rohit present only freshers are here
@MedetiNaveenKumar where in ameerpeth
@ChhayaAhuja hi
Such that all the text in the book is spoken
@brush51 Hello.
@ChhayaAhuja you mean text to speech?
@MedetiNaveenKumar ok. then tell your boss abt this issue
@rohit do you know maitrivanam?
@ChhayaAhuja i have tried sdk of dragondication
yes exactly
@ChhayaAhuja i can recommend that
@rohit that is my next step
do you know how it can be implemented
@MedetiNaveenKumar YES , i knw Maitrivanam
@ChhayaAhuja there is a how to on dragondictatin site.
@Terminator you there Laddu ??
ohh did you get success in that
@MedetiNaveenKumar better to clear such situation to TL/PM/Boss
@rohit it's very near to maitrivanam
@rohit ok
@brush51 is it working?
@rohit and also in my friends circle also don't know about kernel
look at this link:
ok. i know maitrivanam, many of time i did railway reservation from maitrivanam
@MedetiNaveenKumar oh, ur bad luck
@Prem Sorry - I can't do that. Better you do so that you will understand how to work with maps and overlays.
in my room also very near to that place
@ChhayaAhuja i have tried it, works great
@rohit how is your work?
@MedetiNaveenKumar : gr8 going , daily updates ,
@brush51 ok let me check coz i have no idea of it
@rohit oh nice
@ChhayaAhuja you can also use google language tool for text to speech, but i dont know if apple reject that or not. if you use google TTS, you can just TTS 100 characters. to use it efficiently you have to write a splitter and send a request everytime
@all if any one here can spare time to cut this image in photoshop.. Please help me. .
@ChhayaAhuja you can register and try for free, i think it was for 30 or 90 days
@MedetiNaveenKumar Currently i am working on updates of this app
@DimplePanchal tell to ur designer :P :D :P
@Terminator hi
@rohit ok just i have seen that
@KartikArora huh that I know.. I can do that if i have photoshop
@DimplePanchal he he... then download it install it :P :P :D
@KartikArora Hello genious
@abizern i have problems with my logincontroller. i am using self.logincontroller like you said yesterday, app doesnt crash, @terminator helped mee too, but now, i cant get any values of the logincontroller, it seems to be empty/or a new instance of the logincontroller.
@MedetiNaveenKumar will you please tell me ur names meaning . Medeti?
@KartikArora Thanks for ur valueless advice :|
@KartikArora I have a question
Medeti means
@abizern current code: pastebin.com/7uQ35xFC
@rohit it's my surname only
@Sunny Hello
@Terminator okay... dear.
@rohit i too i don't know that meaning.
@MedetiNaveenKumar naveen is oyur name?
@DimplePanchal advice is just like you. :P :P if you think its value less than what can i do??:P :P
@Terminator I will try my best
@rohit yes
@rohit it's new
@RockStar hello Ranbir Kapoor..:P whats your issue??
@MedetiNaveenKumar ya , i knw , naveen = NEw
@rohit when wil you come to hyd?
@MedetiNaveenKumar don't know yaar
@rohit if you will come.you are always welcome to our room.
@rohit what is your name meaning?
@MedetiNaveenKumar i am already forwarded my resume to some companies of hydb. OHH thanks
@MedetiNaveenKumar ROHIT= First ray of SUN
@KartikArora I had add scroll view in my view controller then I add some dynamic views inside scroll view but the problem is that I was not getting event by touchbegins method !!
@rohit oh superb
bt i wake up at 8 AM, haha
@brush51 Offhand I can't tell - but you seem to be duplicating startup code in the willEnterForeground method. Also - it seems like your main application class is the AppDelegate class - which is also suspiciious.
@rohit ohhh
@rohit k is your native place pune/
@all, Plz help me I had add scroll view in my view controller then I add some dynamic views inside scroll view but the problem is that I was not getting event by touchbegins method !!
@rohit i think you are andhra person am i right?
@rohit bye we will meet later. bye
@RockStar hv u connected its delegate
@Terminator r u there
@Bhurudada yes but I did not get touch event in scroll view
hi @Abhishek
@RockStar wt u wann do
@MedetiNaveenKumar no, i am from pune ,bt i like hydb a lot.
@RockStar you can use [scrollview.nextResponder touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
@ChhayaAhuja Hi
@RockStar on touches began event
@RohitWankhede hello
@brush51 Can you try this and comment out all your relevant code.
hi @h
hi @Hadley
ek second.
you've downloaded the ASIHTTPLibrary , right ?
No I havent
give me link where to download >
ok wait a little
download it and drag it to your project
after completion tell me to say further
@Hadley hi
@Terminator hello
@Abizern: Good morning
me kidhu ooli library to download karo
@brush51 Oh. Just one correction. Check the parent view controller against nil.
@Abhishek Hello
@Hadley what happen ??
@anonymous Good morning to you too.
@Terminator if (loginController.parentViewController == nil) {
@Abizern : Saanj padi jawanu ahiya to.. :-))
@brush51 Yes.
tame ASIHTTp vadi library download kari ?
@Terminator: Aaeen.. Protocol implement kar duiya
@Hadley aa abhishek hu nathi
@anonymous That's what happens when you live in a globally connected world.
@anonymous Oho. Understood?
@Abizern : :-))
ok sorry @HardikKothari
@Hadley kis liye bhai kya bol rahe ho i don't know
@Terminator : Ya.. Thoda thoda.. Implememtnt ho raha hai
are you Abhishek Sheth ?
@Hadley yes I am abhishek sheath
@KartikArora thanks I did it !! yepee
@HardikKothari , are you playing game ????
I am busy
carry on
@Hadley I have downloaded the code
now what to drag and drop ?
@anonymous Its quite straight forward actually. It's as good as composition. Just it's tied to a particular protocol.
Q: Using ASIHTTPRequest Iphone Classes

Keeano Martini am trying to connect to w webpage to request Any Kind of data, right now. i have not done much development in Objective c let alone webservice. my code looks like this- [ASIHTTPRequest setShouldThrottleBandwidthForWWAN:YES];//will moniter the bandwidth and keep it at 14400,if using WWAN(Edg...

see the first thrree line of asker's side
and copy and paste them
from where you want to make request
@terminator same issue, i cant reproduce that.
after that you will get response
@brush51 Whats the current issue? Crashes or nil values from Log in screen?
to take response you will have to write another moethods
@Hadley no boos
@Abhishek Sorry
@Terminator nil values from loginscreen. no more crashes since i added self
@Hadley but we have a wcf service
not website
let me find another way
and we also want to pass a perameter
parameter means query string , right ?
?id = , like this
we want to call a function
and it requires two perameters
I don't know that actually
I haven't worked with WCF
Its a WCF service
i thought it would be a webservice xml
just make HTTP request and get response
what about perameters ?
it can also be sent using ASIHttp request POST method
@brush51 That even occurs at very first time when app is launched?
@HardikKothari , seee this stackoverflow.com/questions/982622/…
@Terminator if i build the app and try to login, everything works on first use. it also works if i close the app and start it again - the logincontroller is displayed - login works. but if i start the app, logincontroller gets displayed, i do nothing and close the app, start it again and try to login, then i cant login and getting empty values
posted on March 20, 2012 by hnic

In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to fix the Base SDK Missing error which some iPhone developers are experiencing when switching from the 3.x iOS SDK to the 4.x iOS SDK. Links: Website: supertecnoboff.co.uk Twitter twitter.com Tumblr: supertecnoboff.tumblr.com Facebook facebook.com iOS Apps: [...]

@brush51 whats happen ?
@brush51 hey, there is no way in that sdk to read the predefined text?
@Vinny hi, i am using a logincontroller for my app. i want to display it everytime the app is closed and started again, also on didFinishedLaunching:. problem is, if the user starts the app, logincontroller is displayed and the user does nothing, just close the app and start it again, the login doesnt work, because i am getting empty values of the textfields. it seems like the logincontroller have a new instance or loaded same viewcontroller again
@brush51 you want to store last value in it ?
@HardikKothari , bichara e aakho code copy paste kari didho chhe
joovo to khara
@Vinny no, i want the values in the textfields, but like i said, if the logincontroller loads again, i am getting values of (null) from the textfields
ek var instructinos pan vanchheee jovo samjai jase @HardikKothari
@brush51 but to get value in textfield you should have to store value. am i right ?
@HardikKothari , toy no samjay to question post kari dyo
@brush51 But you are creating a new login controller every time your app enters the foreground.
can anybody tell me ho to run recorded sound
@Abizern what should i do to get the exactly same viewcontroller?
can anybody tell me how to run recorded sound
@ChhayaAhuja you can. what have you done now?
@Pravi there is one demo available in cookbook example.
@brush51 load the same instance again rather than create a new one, obviously. Just as @Terminator showed you with pseudocode.

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