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sorry, I didnt see your answer
well, what I want to ask... can I upload an app developed for iOS 5.0 to the App Store, although 5.0 it's not the last iOS version?
I think that yes, but I'm not sure... someone can answer me?
oh hey
Yeah that's fine
You just can't upload an app built via a beta version of xcode/ios
another doubt
I'm developing my app with Xcode 4.2, on Snow Leopard
is there any way of testing my app on a 5.1 iOS device?
I usually test with an iphone 3GS with iOS 5.0
but today I tried to do it with an iphone 4S with iOS 5.1
and I couldn't do it
It said something like "the app is not developed for this iOS version"
posted on March 20, 2012 by John Muchow

Treat Warnings as Errors is protected by Copyright © iOSDeveloperTips.com 2008-2012 • All Rights Reserved It’s good to keep things clean from the start, whether you are running a simple test, writing a large scale enterprise app or building anything in between. With that in mind, I highly recommend you always configure project settings so the compiler treats warnings as errors – in

2 hours later…
@MadRapperX ha, okay. thanx
I am creating an application in which i want to add record in the database after focus lost event of the text field. Which is the lost focus event of textfield in xcode?? can you please help me out??
@komalmehta DidEndEditting?
@komalmehta - (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField;
@9891541: this function is not getting called..
@komalmehta this is funtion of UItextFieldDelegate. You should set delegate for your textfiled and implement
@9891541: thank you.. it is working now.
@komalmehta YES!
could u help me with my question?
@all Good Morning
@PiyushPatel hi
@Xithias hello
@komalmehta you should use
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField;
- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField;
just suggestion
Is there any way of testing an app developed for iOS 5.0, on a iOS 5.1 device? I use xcode 4.2
@Xithias ya
you can test in device
@DimplePanchal Good Morning
@PiyushPatel hi vgm
@Xithias: Okay..!!
@PiyushPatel but I tried, and it said that the iOS of the device (5.1) and the iOS of the project (5.0) were diferent
@PiyushPatel: OKay thank u
your project in (5.0) and device has 5.1 ?
I have xcode 4.2, and the last iOS on that version is 5.0
I know that I should upgrade to Xcode 4.3, but I wanna know if there's any way of doing it with Xcode 4.2
@all nobody knows?
hi all
I have some doubt regarding building ios code
is anybody here?
Hi Guys, Good Morning!
@jitendrasharma, yes go ahead... ask ur question
@jitendrasharma what is the issue ?
@komalmehta, hi good morning
I have made some customized project from an existing project
now I have changed almost all the project settings
in customized one
@jitendrasharma k
and It is not compiled due to these settings
now I want to restore default settings
@jitendrasharma tell me what you have done step by step
any error i=u found?>
like architecture, sdk, provisioning profile
@jitendrasharma what you set for this field ?
@DimplePanchal hello gm
error now I am getting is, some symbols are not found in arm6 arm7
@dark hie vgm
@DimplePanchal what's going on ?
@jitendrasharma show me error screenshot
what I want to know first, is any way there, I can export settings from one project
@RRB: Gm
and import in other project
@dark a work with concentration :|
@jitendrasharma ok
what I want to know first, is any way there, I can export settings from one project
and import in other project
hey can anybody tell me how to create custom uipickerview.
@DimplePanchal good then i divert you:)
@jitendrasharma do simple just create one new project and move all .h and .m file there
@dark u cant.. Dingo :)
@Pravi what you want exctly
@DimplePanchal i can dingo :P
@Vinny: i want drop down color box or drop down color picker.
I cant create new project, it is a big project, and I am not completely aware of its architecture
@jitendrasharma then tell me what you have selecte in architecture right now and which xcode you are using
@dark :|
hi @DimplePanchal gud mrng
@Pravi wait
@jitendrasharma ok
@jitendrasharma architecture selected ?
@Vinny: ok sir
@Leena hello
@Pravi sir ?????
vgm @Leena
@jitendrasharma architecture = standard armv6 armv7
@Vinny : lol
@Vinny let me do some settings manually and will revert back after then
Hi, @all Good Morning!
@all, Hava a marvellus day!
Hey @all..
@RockStar: yo whatz up
@Invincible: hey
Client has given a settings.bundle file which is not related to the project.. How do I open it n check what are the parameters?
@Pravi doing well! what about you>?
@all: i am creating an application in which i want to create one filmstrip. whenever user clicking on capture button of camera, images should be adjusted in a filmstrip one by one.
@all:Do u have any idea about it??
@RockStar: hot
below round shape is color picker and its rotating right to left and user can select color from there
@komalmehta see Generating Thumbnail Images section capture thrumnil and put it on our strip accoridingly
Q: Auto-detecting type of current array with RTTI and put it in sizeof()

user1131997How can I auto-detecti type of current array with RTTI ( probably, may be another stuff could be used ) and put it in sizeof() operator and another operators? Thanks, Best Regards

@Vinny : so ho can i do this
yes @Pravi
@Pravi but there are lots of code for that
@Pravi ok wait
@vinny can you mail me
@Vinny: just code
@Pravi wait
Hi To All
@sandy: hi sandy
@Pravi hello :-)
@sandy: han v kidan
Woah, quite a few people in the chat tonight. Hello, everyone.
@Vinny: are you there sir
@James here Day not night......
@Vinny: can you please just send me the code (only picker vie code)
@pravi listen you have to create one array in which you have to pass like this object '[UIColor colorWithRed:216.0/255.0 green:29.0/255.0 blue:0.0/255.0 alpha:1]' with different color value
@All: Anybody knows how to change profile picture in dis site?
@PiyushPatel Haha, whoops! :) It's night over here.
@komalmehta by gravavtar
@Pravi and add that array in UICustom picker
i have made account in this
now wht?
@Pravi and use get color method from this link markj.net/iphone-uiimage-pixel-color
@Pravi got it ?
@Vinny: ok sir i will try
@Pravi first don't call sir and let me know if any thing more neede
@komalmehta why you don't go to profile edit and change from there , and cancel account in
en.gravatar.com! :P
@Pravi just call mam not sir.....haaaaa :)
@Vinny: ok
@AbzalKhan hehehe
@Vinny: i am just student so that's why i called you sir
@Terminator सुप्रभात
Wiki Says: Sir is an honorific address used as a courtesy title to address a man without using his given or family name in many English speaking cultures. It is often used in formal correspondence (Dear Sir, Right Reverend Sir).
@Pravi why student ??? how much exp you have ?
@PiyushPatel Morning
@0x8badf00d Hello Little Mouse :P
@Terminator Hello ji. Good Morning
@Prem Morning
@Terminator Doesn't that look like Hellboy or Cute devil ?
@vir28: its not wrkin ..
Red Devil*
@0x8badf00d Hehe It does ^_^
good morning
@0x8badf00d Where is the Room FAQs comment gone?
I was wondering and trying to figure out same, since evening.
@Vinny : one month
None of the stars are cancelled, and message still says pinned.
Let me unpin and pin it again..
@Pravi ohk working or trainee
@0x8badf00d I told you before, this could happen. After 14 days, pinned comments get automatically unpinned.
@komalmehta ! why not...sign in in your en.gravatar.com! account and cancel it..first
@Terminator How are you today ?
@Vinny @Terminator @IphoneDeveloper hello GM
@Abhishek hii
@Prem hi
then open stackoverflow profile and go to edit name ! where you got option to change profile picture
@0x8badf00d We gotta pin them every fortnight.
@IphoneDeveloper hi. good morning
@Abhishek GM
@Abhishek @Prem Hi I am good
@Vinny : trainee
@Terminator Have you tried ?
@Pravi which comp ?
@Terminator hi
When I try to unpin, it doesn't seem to work.
@all ...how many indians are here :P
@IphoneDeveloper Hello
@0x8badf00d My company's machine screen is too short. I could only see first couple of starred comments.
@Vinny: seasia infotech Mohali
@IphoneDeveloper how are you ?
@Prem I am fine and u ?
@vir28 may be 96%
@Pravi bombay ?
@IphoneDeveloper hie..
@Terminator cmd -
@DimplePanchal hi
@Terminator I can't see on my 15" screen as well. Select Show all 589, then find that starred message ( with 8 *'s )
@Vinny @Terminator @IphoneDeveloper @Prem @0x8badf00d @Pravi @PiyushPatel @sandy @Sunny @shubhgo @komalmehta do u know how to integrate twitter and linkedin both with OAuth ??
@PiyushPatel ! aachaa hai :P
@Abhishek yeah
@Vinny: Punjab (chandigarh)
@IphoneDeveloper quite ok
@Pravi ohkk good
@Vinny how can i do that ??
@vir28: den?
@pravi np you can ask me what ever you want any time
@Abhishek I know only about twitter
@Abhishek: ikno
@all hey all
@0x8badf00d Yes i can see it now. It says i have already pinned it.
@Tornado hie
@Vinny: thnx
@Abhishek first you have to download Twitter api
@Terminator oye I have pinned it :p
@Vinny yes then
@IphoneDeveloper Ok Good Job Ji :P
@DimplePanchal hey
Good job folks, our Room FAQ is back on this page. :-)
@Pravi ok how to do that
I have added client's Device UDID to provisioning profile , but he is unable to install that ipa
any body know about this
error was "Could Not Install ipa"
@0x8badf00d Did you see the recent /dev/null/ addition made by @Abizern in the Room FAQs?
@all hello
@Terminator hws u??
@dark what ??
@Terminator I just looked there and I haven't noticed anything ?
@dark it was help?
@DimplePanchal Hi. I am phantashtic and you?
Good job by abizern
@dark hi
@IphoneDeveloper tm nay adhoc build bnaie hai ?
@IphoneDeveloper There can be many reasons...
@DimplePanchal no its hello dingo :)
@dark no
@0x8badf00d for eg. ?
@IphoneDeveloper then how you send it to your client ?
Best way to figure out is: use IPCU ( iphone configuration utility, which you can download for free ) drop your AdHoc provisioning profile and ipa. Try installing it on one of your test phones using that.
@Terminator m also fantastic like u :)
@dark I don't know it is adHoc or what I added all device id and created profile for all them . The IPA is installed on my test device id , my boss device but don't know about client's device
@DimplePanchal :-)
If you can assure that Provisioning Profile looks alright, certificate used to create provisioning profile is valid, you have added right UDID, then... check to see if min deployment version was set to Version that Client iOS device supports.
And I usually send Build to other client in same way and he can install that ipa successfully
@IphoneDeveloper Can you install that IPA through iTunes in your own device?
@0x8badf00d ya I set minimum deployment version to 4.0
and client has 4.3 and 5.1 ios version in 2 devices
@IphoneDeveloper might be it iOS changes issue or wrong deviceID
@IphoneDeveloper Cool.
@Terminator yes
@IphoneDeveloper when you have added your boss UDID on provisioning portal then you need to click on provision profile which you are using edit it and in select devices option select your boos device too then download this provision profile and build it will run on your boss iPhone as well
@dark I already installed it
@Vinny I think he has given wrong device ID
@IphoneDeveloper yes
It might be Itunes issue?
@IphoneDeveloper provision profile ka he issue ho ga other wise asa nai hota hai \
and do you have enterpriser apple acoount
hi could anyone say how to get data frm database and check if there is any null value....
because ipa is automatically deselected
@dark haa par baki 4 device pe ho raha hai. uske 2 device pe nahi
@Vinny yes . I have
@PrasannaYerramsetti Which database? null values for what?
and this is not first time I send Ipa to client
@IphoneDeveloper then use that na
its work without udid
sqlite database
actually i saved the data in database and retrived also
@Vinny means ?
I didn't get u
@IphoneDeveloper I am talking about Apple Enterprise account it $199
do you have that
@IphoneDeveloper Does client has IPCU ( iPhone Configuration Utility ) installed on his computer ? It is available for both mac and pc
@PrasannaYerramsetti Why you want to fetch only null values?
but sometimes having null value making problem to me so i would laike to write a condition like
@Vinny ohh. sorry I misunderstood
I have not that account @Vinny
@IphoneDeveloper I thing you have $99's Developer account
@0x8badf00d I have toask
@Vinny yes
i would not allow to show next view controller
@IphoneDeveloper in Enterprise account we can generate build without UDID and install/sync in any device
@PrasannaYerramsetti Actually you can specify default values in the database. So if you happen to not specify any values for some fields while inserting, the default value will be given to them.
@0x8badf00d for this I have to send provisiong profile also ?
@IphoneDeveloper tell me which account you have
@Vinny ok. I have developer's account
@Vinny It should be carefully used. Not everybody in a company are given access to build IPA's signed using that certificate.
@IphoneDeveloper us provision profile k against wo devices add nai ho gee thats why
@dark are hai
ok wat was the solution i have to do now
@0x8badf00d thats depend on position and comp
@IphoneDeveloper then to issue nai ana chiae :)
@PrasannaYerramsetti What are those column's data type which could be null?
@dark ha wahi samjh nahi aa rha
@IphoneDeveloper Looking at the device console would tell more about it.
@dark know any thing about game center leaderboard
@IphoneDeveloper then check one more time to process of generate provision and add device properly in that and before that check client's UDID
all are char
@0x8badf00d How client can see device console ?

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